Spot Report

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Republic of the Philippines

National Police Commission

Philippine National Police
Narvacan Municipal Police Station
Narvacan, Ilocos Sur


For: Chief of Police

From: Officer in Charge
Subject: Spot report re: rubbing with stabbing incident
Date: January 2, 2022

1. Please be informed that on or about 5:30 pm of January 1 2022 a stabbing incident with an intent
of robbery transpired at barangay nanguneg, narvacan, ilocos sur where in the victim John Malik
Cabreros, 35 years old, married and a resident of barangay nanguneg, Narvacan, Ilocos Sur and a
farmer, was killed by Mark Anthony Soria, 37 years old, married, farmer, and a resident of the said
barangay. A witness, the daughter of the biktim Angelita Cabreros, 12 years old, single, a resident of
barangay Nanguneg, Narvacan, Ilocos Sur.

2. Initial investigation disclosed that suspect while the influence of intoxicating liquor, arrived at John
Malik House to rob. Angelita Cabreros and John malik Cabreros are sleeping when they noticed
someone trying to open their door, Angelita Cabreros and John malik got up to see who had entered
their house. they saw that the suspect was stealing. the victim and suspect quarreled, the suspect
stabbed John Malik Cabreros.

3. The investigator goes to the crime scene to investigate. The said victim was brought to Ilocos Sur
District Hospital Narvacan ilocos Sur and declared dead by the attending physician Dr. Piwpiw
Balikwakwak while Mark Anthony Soria was arrested and subsequently detained at Narvacan Police
Station detention cell pending filing of appropriate charges in court

4. Progress report will follow

5. For information and request acknowledge receipt.

Police Major

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