Ass.1 TMSotto

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Assignment 1

Name: Sotto, Rodelyn T. Course/Section: BSTM 3A

1. What is transportation?
 Transportation, the movement of people and products between locations and
the many methods used to carry out such movement. The ability and necessity to
move increasing numbers of people or things across great distances at fast
speeds in safety and comfort has grown, and this is a sign of civilization in
general and of technical advancement in particular.
 Transferring anything that leaves one area to the other site

2. What are the importance of transportation in Tourism?

 All forms of transportation are crucial to the tourism industry because they make
it easier for visitors to get from their starting point to their final destination. The
tourists might be transported to places where other (tourism) services are offered
thanks to transportation. Travel influences tourists' need for and motivation to
travel, as well as their mobility. The connection and accessibility of the current
transportation network are critical for the effective development of new tourist

3. Describe the relationship between tourism and transportation.

 Since it enables mobility and the movement of tourists from their place of origin
(i.e., their home area) to their destination and back, transportation is a vital driver
of the tourism sector. It is symbiotic with tourism in this way; the two are
interdependent and one cannot exist without the other. Although the tourism-
environment link, which is also covered in this volume, shares many similarities
with this, it hasn't spurred the same amount of study interest that the
environment-sustainability argument has, despite the fact that transportation is a
crucial topic in that debate. The primary means of getting tourists to the actual
location where tourism services are provided is through transportation. The
expansion of this industry's tourism is accelerated by advances in infrastructure,
transportation, and cars. All forms of transportation are crucial to the tourism
industry because they make it easier for travelers to get from one location to
another. The tourists might be transported to places where other (tourism)
services are offered thanks to transportation.

4. List the factors when choosing the most suitable mode of transport for goods.
 Cost of Transport
 Reliability and Regularity of Service
 Safety
 Characteristics of goods
 Budget
 Timescale
 Flexibility

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