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Andromeda Le Doux was the shining example of decadent nobility mantaining an air of sophisticated

stoicism, being born the middle child they developed a great resentment for their sister whom was to be
the head of the house some day while it was decided for them that they'd be the one to represent and
protect their house by becoming a knight.

Andromeda was a gifted student of the sword but would always rather be engaging in their favorite
activities, pubbing, drug use modelling for all their favorite clothiers, and bowling, had they aplied
themself to swordsmanship more who knows what they could be capable of.

One day after one of the greatest summer celebrations of their entire life, they had found themself in a
tryst with a creature of the night, a vampire, Andromeda upon realizing this reached for their greatsword
which they realized, they didn't take with them, the insuing struggle was just that, a struggle, it was a
matter of seconds before Andromeda was overwhelmed and after a sweeping slash from the beast's
claw and a single bite to the neck Andromeda fell, some of the party goers decided to head to the room
they were in and to their shock they found the dead body of Andromeda, their family was notified, the
beast never caught, this was not the end of Andromeda's tale however.

Three days later, they arose from their sarcophagus in their family's ancient catacombs their situation
became clear to them quite quickly, they had become a bloodsucking monster, their family would not
accept them back, if they apeared before them they would be staked and burned, but Andromeda Le
Doux would not resign themselves to be a gutter crawling fiend preying on passers-by in the night, they
would rise up greatsword in hand and make a life for their own,

So they snuck into their room took their clothing including gloves a domino mask and tricorn they used
to wear alongside their great friend Maddeus Whitelock, in that moment they realized the one person
whom might still accept them during their plight, they rushed off to find their half elven friend, whom
had a recent falling out with his family, Andromeda and Maddeus both exiles from their home had
resolved to answer the call from lady aldori in hopes wherever they were heading they could make
something of their lives, to regain their honor and perhaps one day return home in glory despite their
checkered past.

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