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Family Health Task

 Health task differ in degrees from family to family

 TASK- is a function, but with work or labor overtures assigned or
demanded of the person
 Duvall & Niller identified 8 task essential for a family to function as a
Eight Family Tasks (Duvall & Niller)
1. Physical maintenance- provides food shelter, clothing, and health care
to its members being certain that a family has ample resources to
2. Socialization of Family– involves preparation of children to live in the
community and interact with people outside the family.
3. Allocation of Resources- determines which family needs will be met
and their order of priority.
4. Maintenance of Order– task includes opening an effective means of
communication between family members, integrating family values
and enforcing common regulations for all family members.
5. Division of Labor – who will fulfill certain roles e.g., family provider,
home manager, children’s caregiver
6. Reproduction, Recruitment, and Release of family member
7. Placement of members into larger society –consists of selecting
community activities such as church, school, politics that correlate
with the family beliefs and values
8. Maintenance of motivation and morale– created when members serve
as support people to each other

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