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Entrepreneurship risk

- When opening a business, you will face many risks and trials for your product so you should
not become an entrepreneur if you are not willing to take risks. Risk-taking is inherently related
to entrepreneurship. Many small business owners took risk to get their companies to where they
are now. However, taking a risk does not entail entering a business blindly and then expecting
fantastic outcomes. Entrepreneurial risk-taking requires thorough planning and dedication.
Entering the world of an entrepreneur comes with facing obstacles.

Possible Risk

1. Bankruptcy

-When a person or company is unable to make payments on their debts or other commitments.

Explanation: Poor decision-making at the start often leads to bankruptcy, which means the
business lacks resources, lacks customers, particularly cash, to operate a business on a daily

2. Competitive risk

-Competitive risk is the risk brought on by the fact that there are frequently rival businesses
operating in a given market. There's a possibility that an organization's rivals would thwart its
expansion and success.

Explanation: Numerous businesses compete for both distributors and target clients, the opening
of comparable firms in your neighborhood or nearby areas is one source of competitive risk. Due
to the expansion of e-commerce, retailers now face competition from all over the world. Building
up a loyal customer base, treating them well, and hoping they stick with you for the long run are
the keys to controlling that kind of competitive risk.

3. Reputational risk

-Reputational risk is the danger that a bad event would harm your brand's reputation and image
in the marketplace.

Reputation and brand equity are intangible assets that have real value for a product. They
contribute to the marketability of the product and deserve protection to ensure its long-term
safety. When businesses fail to act ethicallt, carry out their responsibilities, and please their
customers, reputational risk arises. Client loss, and, in some cases, financial ruin or bankruptcy
are all possible outcomes of reputational damage to a product.

4. Climate risk

Entrepreneurs around the world are starting to feel the effects of climate change, and those
effects will only grow in the future. The main factor driving increased business risk in climate
change is the extreme weather. Insurance costs will increase for many businesses as a result of
this increased risk.


-The possibility of supply chain disruption from extreme events during this period makes it
difficult for entrepreneurs to obtain the resources and supplies they need. Shortages of crops used
to produce food, clothing, and other items can result from severe droughts and changes in
weather patterns. Rising transportation and electricity costs can significantly increase the price of
moving goods. Costs may also increase as a result of regulatory limits on climate change-related

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