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Prelim Exam - TTL 2

Name: JENALYN M. DANIEL BEED-GEN.3 Date: MAY 10, 2022 Score:


Test I. Constructed Response Test (CRT). Answer as directed. Five (5) points

1. How did you accomplish task 1?

Based on the instruction given by our teacher, I browse one of my social media account and look for a
picture/comments that I can use in my activity where I can express my thoughts about the said issue.

2. Did you find task 1 helpful for you in accomplishing the next tasks given? Why or why not?
As for me, task 1 is far from the others activities and I can't find it helpful in someways.

3. How important the 21st century skills and literacy to a student like you?
Learning in 21st century is a privilege for me as a student in today's society. This curriculum gave us so
much to learn and to be develop that we can use in our choosen field in the future.

4. How K to 12 Curriculum Framework presented learning competencies that need 21st century skills
and ICT tools?

K-12 curriculum has so much more to offer than the basic curriculum. It opens a lot of opportunities to
students to learn something new that we can use in our field especially with the technology tools that
can help us in different ways.

5. How will you plan your learning activities that will facilitate the development of the 21st century
skills in your lesson?

I will focus more on student-centered learning activities, where my students can learn from real life

6. How did you align your performance to the learning competencies and outcomes based on to 2

Learning outcomes in my lesson are more focusing on students learning and skills.

Test II. Performance: Learning plan assessment


Baganga, Davao Oriental


Department: BEED Quarter: 3 Date:

Subject/Year: English Unit: 3 Lesson No.1

I. Objectives:

A. At the end of the lesson the students will be able to determine and understand different
body movements and gesture.

B. Students will understand the different body movements and gesture. Body movements
includes gesture, posture, head and hand movements or whole body movements.

C. What is body movements and gesture? Differentiate movements and gestures.

II. Content

Focus : Body movements and gesture

III. Learning Resources

A. English Book, Grade One

B. Pictures and Images and Videos

C. Values : Excellence, Cooperation

IV: Procedures :

A. Checking of attendance and Prayer

B. Review: Present a video presentation of different body movements.

APK: What was the video all about?

C. Lesson Development (Interaction)

Presentation of concept.

Objectives :
Student will able to learn :
The different kinds of body movements and gesture.
Student will be able to:
1. Use appropriate body movements/gesture EN5OL-Ib-2.6.2
2. Perform different body movements/gesture.
3. Understand the different movements/gesture.

Motivation: Video Analysis

D.Lesson Proper/Activities (Acquisition of knowledge/skills through different activities/strategies

which are designed with the TG, EU and EQ)

1.Presentation of the lesson-Provide examples of body movements/gestures.

2.Engagement Activity-The students will perform different body movements/gesture.

3.Presentation of the lesson-Discuss the use of appropriate body movements/gesture.

4.Different Group Activities-Students will present the given activity.

5.Noting Activity-The student will noting down important information about the lesson.

E. Activities (Asking of leading exploring and connecting essential question and drawing out of the EU
from the student)

1.What is the use of body movements/gestures?


1.What have you’ve learned in the discussion?


Answer the following question

1. Is clapping is a body movements/gesture?

2. What body parts do we use in winking?

3. QUIZ.

H.Purposive Assignment

Research the important of using proper or appropriate body movement/gesture in different occasion.


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