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Equality for all is the principle that all people need to achieve, and gender equality is one of

them. Feminism is to speak up for women who have been unfairly treated and work for gender
equality. I think this is the goal that the whole world and mankind should work together to
achieve. Today's two works,Mango Street and The Story of an Hour all Speak for Women,
describe the unfair treatment of women, and express that women also want to be free and live
for themselves.

At the beginning, Esperanza noticed that boys and girls do not interact with each other in the
community. So she realized that boys and girls are not equal and different in this society.
Esperanza has changed from a traditional girl who takes care of her family to an independent
woman who does not rely on men. What made her slowly change was that she observed the lives
of her family, neighbors and others and found that relying on men was unstable and would be
bullied. For example: “Except he won't let her talk on the telephone. And he doesn't let her look
out the window. And he doesn't like her friends, so nobody gets to visit her unless he is
working.”This is Sally after marriage

There are many such women in Mango Street. Marrying a man to live has become the goal and
dependence of women in this society. Some husbands beat their wives, or fathers beat their
daughters. Women dare not resist because they think they can only rely on men to live. And men
who do excessive things will not be punished. So Esperanza realized that men and women are not
equal in this society, so she needs to make changes, starting from herself. She should become
independent, no longer rely on men, and no longer do what women can do. Cultivate yourself as
an independent woman and achieve equality for women through writing.

In "The Story of an Hour", Mrs. Malad lived with her husband at the beginning. She did not have
freedom, but she yearned for freedom in her heart and had the power like a man. For example:
“She was young, with a fair, calm face, whose lines bespoke repression and even a certain
But after her husband's death, she became stronger after her grief and believed that she had
regained her life and regained her freedom. For example: “she said it over and over under her
breath: "free, free, free!"

Her husband's death made her understand. She changed from a wife who depended on her
husband and lost her freedom to a woman who could live alone and regain her freedom.Only
after her husband dies can she become an independent woman.
In this story, the main character plays the role of those women in society who have lost their
freedom because of marriage but yearn for freedom. They can only live for themselves after their
husband dies or leaves. This expresses the inequality between men and women in society.
Marriage makes women lose their freedom and men will not be affected. This is unfair.

In general, gender equality, racial equality and equality for all are indispensable and important
components of our society, and are also the basic principles that all people need to achieve. Now,
people are also working hard to achieve this. And we should live for ourselves and not be
affected by other people or things, such as Mrs Malad after her husband died, like the
independent female Esperanza.
Finally, I want to send you a word, You got to live for yourself, yourself and nobody else.

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