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1. The prisoner escaped --------------------- means of a rope.
2. India is always ready to talk ---------------- Pakistan on any issue.
3. I have not met my parents --------------------- last Diwali.
4. His father gave him a brand new bicycle ---------------- his birthday.
5. The swami stood --------------- the holy river, meditating and praying.
6. The striking workers asked ----------- a raise in their wages.
7. I am going ---------- the market to buy some fruits.
8. He is the culprit I am looking ---------------
9. It has been raining --------------- 9 A.M
10. He will come back ------------ a week
11. She takes a lot of trouble --------------- her work.
12. Our English friends have taken ---------- Indian food quite quickly.
13. He got an A+ ----------- the Mathematics test.
14. He jumped ----------------- the river to save his friend from drowing.
15. Always be prepared ------------ a surprise test.
16. She hid inside the cupboard and gave everyone a fright.
17. She is fond ------ pets.
18. The brothers quarrelled ------------- themselves for their father’s property.
19. A beautiful woman is compared ------------- a rose by the poets.
20. He was hit ------------ his head --------------- a stick.
21. The terrorist was killed ----------- the police ------------- an encounter.
22. I lived --------------- the most congested part --------- the city.
23. It is the duty ----------------------- every citizen to raise his voice against injustice.
24. This road --------------- your right leads ------- Puna.
25. You should not meddle --------- politics.
26. Have you heard ---------- his dismissal?
27. I jumped ------------ the offer and accepted the job.
28. The manager insisted -------------- his assistant leaving the room at once.
29. Sania Mirza has made a name --------- the game of tennis.
30. Her performance -------------- the exam is worthy ------------ praise.
31. The two friends fought ----------- a trivial issue.
32. The reason ---------- his annoyance was quite obvious.
32. Who are you staring ------------?
33. They soon became used ------------------ the severe winter ----------------- Canada.
34. My brother introduced me ------------ his friend.
35. The rebels were fighting --------------- the independence --------- their country.
36. The dog flew -------------- the beggar and bit him hard.
37. Please, keep -------------- the point. I do not want extra details.
38. Who are you ----- question my proposals?
39. He danced ----------- glee when he heard that his enemy had run away.
40. Not everyone in the world is aware ----------- the dangers arising ------ global warming.
41. A man is known ------------ the company he keeps.
42. The director went ----------- the script and rejected it.
43. The young aspirant was able to put ------------- his ideas brilliantly and was selected.
44. My father goes out ------------ his way to help the needy.
45. The plane landed --------- the airport one hour late.
46. The rude children did not allow the new bay to join ------------------ their game.
47. The government has set up a committee to look ----------------- the matter.
48. He was touched ----------------- pity when he heard the tale.
49. There is always a demand ------------------- good tailors.
50. The mother prevented her child -------- going out in the rain.
51. The baby crawled ---------------- the table and hid here.
52. Once upon a time the great king ruled --------------- all these villages and towns.
53. She is the smarter ------------------------ the two.
54. Sheela insists ---------------- wearing that dress, although her mother thinks it is too short for her.
55. The teacher complained --------------------- him when she met his mother in the market.
56. The party will begin --------- 8 pm ------------- Saturday.
57. The great leader passed away ------------ 2008.
58. They are bent ------------- quarrelling ----------- every neighbour.
59. I prefer walking ---------------- going to the gym.
60. The board consists --------- five members.
62. I have a liking ------- spicy foods.
63. The examinations will take place ------------ Tuesday.
64. I shall come ------------ an hour.
65. Your conduct admits ----------- no excuse.
66. He is lacking ------------------ experience.
67. Her parents live ------- New Delhi.
68. Joe’s parents are sick -------------------- his behaviour.
69. Colonel Gurmeet congratulated the soldiers ------ their victory.
70. The planet was seen ---------- the telescope.
71. The news of his promotion came ------- the next day.
72. He is not afraid ------------ the consequences.
73. The school is famous -------- its sports achievements.
74. She sat --------------- the bed and sipped her drink.
75. The eagle pounced ----------- the mouse and devoured it.
76. She has promised to return the book ---- a day.
77. He reaches school ---- time every day.
78. Mother looked up to see that my brother was standing -------- her.
79. There was a lull --------- the storm.
80. She has put her bad experiences ---------------- from her.
81. The mosquito was killed ------------------- the strong repellent.
82. He did the chores -------------- his will.
83. He walked ----------- the riverside whistling merrily.
84. He keeps in touch with his family -------- the miles.
85. The doctor practices in the Nursing home ---------- the road.
86. It is hard to row --------------- the water current.
87. I was ---------------- myself when I heard the delightful news.
88. Let us partake --------- the birthday cake.
89. A woollen blanket protects you --------------- cold.
90. Please remember me -------------------- your parents.
91. The soldier was rewarded ---------- a Vir Chakra for his bravery.
92. They were shocked -------------------- the news.
93. She is well-versed ----- Sanskrit.
94. May we remind you ------------------- your promise.
95. The students protested ----------------- the lathi charge.
96. The king grew weary ------- his courtiers.
97. He withdrew ----------- the contest while there was still time.
98. You must speak the truth ------------------------ avoid punishment.
99. He asked for exemption --------------- taking the examination due to prolonged illness.
100. He was -------------------- the idea from the beginning.

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