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1. I agree, because choose what you really want. Then show up and make
the right choice. Pick a direction and start moving toward it.We have our
own free will, the ability to voluntarily decide to perform one of the several
possible acts or to avoid action entirely. Among these choices lie future
consequences, good or bad. There are times we choose to think first
before we act and end up happy with the outcome. We usually want the
best for our lives and do all we can to succeed. We could never possess a
thing we really desire unless we planned and worked hard for it, or unless
we won by chance. So making the right choice makes us feel happy. Some
people may feel content in their lives because that is what they choose to
be. It is the right attitude towards facing each challenge and endeavor in
life that could make us succeed and gain internal fulfillment.

2. They do bad things even though they know it's wrong because of poverty
they need to make a strategy to survive in the world they are in, and other
reasons is they are tempted by people so even if they don't like it they still
do it as long as they know it will help this bad work for them. There are
people who even know that what they are doing is wrong, they still
continue. The only reason for this is a problem for example, lack of money
and no food so they are able to steal from others just to have food. Another
example is addiction to drugs, even though they know it's wrong, they still
do it because they may be stressed that day because of their problem and
they give up.

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