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Voice change

Prepared by Sourav Mahapatra

(According to the tenses)
Structure of Active Voice- subject+present form of
verb +s/es(if the subject is third person singular

I play football.
He plays football.
I do not play football.
Do I play football?
Structure of Passive Voice- object of active+
am/is/are+past participle form of verb+by+subject
of active.

Football is played by me
Football is played by him.
Football is not played by me.
Is football played by me?
Structure of Active Voice- subject+past form of verb

I played football.
He played football.
I did not play football.
Did I play football?
Structure of Passive Voice- object of active+
was/were+past participle form of verb+by+subject
of active.

Football was played by me
Football was played by him.
Football was not played by me.
Was football played by me?

Structure of Active Voice-

subject+shall/will+present form of verb+object.

I shall play football.
He will play football.
I shall not play football.
Shall I play football?
Structure of Passive Voice- object of
active+shall/will+be+past participle form of
verb++by+subject of active.

Football will be played by me
Football will be played by him.
Football will not be played by me.
Will football be played by me?

Structure of Active Voice-
subject+am/is/are+present form of verb

I am playing football.
He is playing football.
I am not playing football.
Am I playing football?
Structure of Passive Voice- object of active+
am/is/are+being+past participle form of verb+by
+subject of active.

Football is being played by me
Football is being played by him.
Football is not being played by me.
Is football being played by me?
Structure of Active Voice-
subject+was/were+present form of verb

I was playing football.
He was playing football.
I was not playing football.
Was I playing football?
Structure of Passive Voice- object of active+
was/were+being+past participle form of
Football was being played by me
Football was being played by him.
Football was not being played by me.
Was football being played by me?

Structure of Active Voice- subject+have/has+past
participle form of verb+object.

I have played football.
He has played football.
I have not played football.
Have I played football?
Structure of Passive Voice- object of active+
have/has+been+past participle form of
verb+by+subject of active.

Football has been played by me
Football has been played by him.
Football has not been played by me.
Has football been played by me?
Structure of Active Voice- subject+had+past
participle form of verb+object.

I had played football.
He had played football.
I had not played football.
Had I played football?
Structure of Passive Voice- object of active+
had+been+past participle form of verb+by+subject
of active.

Football had been played by me
Football had been played by him.
Football had not been played by me.
Had football been played by me?
Structure of Active Voice-
subject+shall/will+have+past participle form of

I shall have played football.
He will have played football.
I shall not have played football.
Shall I have played football?
Structure of Passive Voice- object of active+
shall/will+have+been+past participle form of
verb+by+subject of active.

Football will have been played by me
Football will have been played by him.
Football will not have been played by me.
Will football have been played by me?
Voice with Modals
subject+modals+present form of verb+object.
He can play football.
He can not play football.
Can he play football?
Structure of Passive Voice- object of active+
modals+be+past participle form of verb+by+subject
of active.

Football can be played by him.

Football can not be played by him.
Can football be played by him?
Voice of Imperative sentences
Structure of Active voice
Present form of verb+ object+ others
Open the door.
Shut your mouth.

Structure of Passive voice

Let+ object of active+ be+ past participle form of
verb+ others

Let the door be opened.

Let your mouth be shut.

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