Sustainable Development Kwatfa-IsG2011

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Karim Watfa Sustainable Development - ISG 2011

I think we are too hamstrung by the language of sustainable development. We tend to be thoughtful people who like nothing better than a philosophical debate beginning with the words it depends on how you define sustainable development. This is a total turn-off for people who just like to get on and do things Rebecca Willis, independent researcher and adviser on environment and sustainability (2011)

KARIM WATFA _ ISG2011 Sustainable development.

Karim Watfa Sustainable Development - ISG 2011 The gulf, a tiny part of the world where a few countries share the power of energy being oil and gas, have a lot to do when it comes to their sustainable development attitude and philosophy. The countries where mainly desert like wildlife where only a few tribes used to be in place using minimal natural resources, and even actually sustaining the little life they have around and understood the need that comes from having scarce resources. They lived in peace with nature until a few years ago where the discovery of massive oil and gas treasures where find within the area which allowed the countries involved to take advantage of the situation and by so become the richest countries in the world by selling these resources to other developed countries. This new found richness has changed the attitude of the tribal minds into a fully consumable like attitude. The latest new generations present the issue in all its problems, Kids and young adults involved in taking advantage of the environment as much as they can with an approach that dictates money can buy anything. For centuries mankind understood that the earth offered him resources by which he can survive with on this earth, but what he has failed to comprehend is that these resources are NOT endless but rather very scarce and even fragile. Wikipedia defines the notion or theory of sustainable development as Sustainable development (SD) is a pattern of resource use, that aims to meet human needs while preserving the environment so that these needs can be met not only in the present, but also for generations to come (sometimes taught as ELF-Environment, Local people, Future). The term was used by the Brundtland Commission which coined what has become the most often-quoted definition of sustainable development as development that "meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs." Sustainable development ties together concern for the carrying capacity of natural systems with the social challenges facing humanity. As early as the 1970s "sustainability" was employed to describe an economy "in equilibrium with basic ecological support systems." Ecologists have pointed to The Limits to Growth and presented the alternative of a "steady state economy"in order to address environmental concerns.

When highlighting the gulf area in general, it is much better to focus on a specific country to be able to be more objective, and so Qatar a brand new

Karim Watfa Sustainable Development - ISG 2011 super economic power will be evaluated. The country dates back to only a 5070 year timeline and today swims in gold. Qatar portrays that image of noncaring like behavior from its younger and even to some degree older generation in the best way. They were truly tiny tribes that migrated from Iran, Emirates and Saudi to come and reflect peacefully in this tiny land, using fishing as their main source of survival. Old style non polluting boats and regular fishnets were the means by which they gathered their food and so where very efficient in terms of sustaining their surrounding environment. They lived all close together and SHARED most of their findings, cared about guests and their importance to the highest degree. These tribes being discussed where the most sustainable in terms of nuisance for nature or disturbing anything that involves long term life availability for their offsprings. They were OBLIGED to share, understand and manipulate carefully everything they had access to, AS THEY HAD LITTLE OF IT AVAILABLE. At the time, another way was the raising of sheeps in order to insure their reproduction and so the availability of food, the way they managed this sustainability is by allowing the BEST CONDITIONS available to their animals which THEY UNDERSTOOD to be key in terms of the quality of nutrients that they will end up having but also the understanding that reflects the necessity of consuming carefully was fully established. Qatars mindset and youth status today does not mirror the previously mentioned image at all, the attitude has been blown away by their new richness and the buying power of each individual has been the one and only point of reference. Todays Qatari population is focused on buying the biggest SUVs, importing the most expensive (usually not green) products and most importantly the manipulation and exportation of their oil and gas to other countries. In Saudi, gas is actually cheaper then water, and the case is similar in Qatar, and so due to these kind of regulations, young people spend their days driving around ALL DAY long without any care in the world, especially not a care towards a sustainable world. Activity number two consists of their infamous shopping spree where a simple explanation of a green product versus a non green product could result in the lack of sale of the green one as it presents a negative cheap like connotation. Other than driving around and shopping, eating badly from all the unhealthy American fast food chains is a national sport that is put in action WELL, ending up supporting such an impossible lifestyle. The government although by theory pushes for a green like approach, has projects that mainly involve more and more road works, with a more optimal filtration of their oil richness in order

Karim Watfa Sustainable Development - ISG 2011 to consume it better and longer. With no real governmental or parental voice of reason, the country is driving itself into what our notion of a good city and country was 40-50 years ago. Its capital Doha only seems to be expanding, becoming larger and larger, with bigger houses and VIP towers being built left and right. The country and its population see exclusivity as the main goal and theme driving them, which is evident when looking at their ONLY public transportation, the BUS system. The bus in that part of the world is seen as the most demeaning way to transport yourself, even walking is looked up upon in comparison to taking the bus. In conclusion the situation is too deep, the new generation is way to up itself and has no understanding of a sustainable world, with a graver mentality of who consumes bigger (in all its form), is the better one. The attitude of the people and their convictions is the main problem that has to be tackled carefully and surgically, as any authority like approach will not be effective or convincing in any way. We have to start (like anything) from the bottom and work our way up. The second main trend that is taking place in the region is the creative writing and publishing of enormous amounts of literature of all kinds (especially after the Arab uprising). These writers that have been silenced for years and forced to keep their thoughts and ideologies secret and even banned to speak about them fearing detrimental consequences, have now been finally capable of sharing their thoughts no matter what the subject discusses or critics. Following this trend, the consumers of such writings have also exploded, their interest and desire to feed off these newly allowed thoughts and absorb as much as they can while they can attitude has been clearly evident around the region. While the typical media ways (tv, radio) remain in lose control, their effectiveness has dropped even lower than the weak state it had in the past and so leaving room for reading materials. Finally, another issue revolving around the publishing aspect of the region, the kids books (mainly between the ages of 4-8/10) has been stagnant for a very long time. The only new incoming books are the ones brought in translated and do not serve any real fundamental purpose but entertainment. The reason behind this stagnant like behavior is the failure of publishing houses to deliver a LOCAL product that appeals to parents that desire more complex thoughts and FOREIGN style education and mindset for their children (at least the ones buying the books that is). Schools equally are buying from OUTSIDE only because there is competitive pricing with no regulations or push by the respected

Karim Watfa Sustainable Development - ISG 2011 governments. Taking these trends with the problem the region and more specifically Qatar, is facing, we have found ourselves a niche.

As stated above the only real way to get through to the population is by taking a look and focalizing around their youth, the fresh ones that are not yet influenced and bought out by the greed and blinded by overwhelming thoughts of status or other. The best way to introduce the subject of sustainable development without raising a lack of concern or interest is by presenting it early enough in the stages where the brain acts like a sponge wanting anything and everything it can have access to, and that stage is childhood. By introducing such childrens books at early stages of their growth, the least that can happen in terms of long term effect is the engraving of the idea or concept in the minds of the new incoming generation, and that by itself would be a major accomplishment in comparison with the situation to date. In contrast, the best possible outcome is the one where we see a drive and push from the people and public to save more and want less and live better with others then by themselves. A drive that could end up making a REAL fundamental change in the way society conducts itself. The book is going to have three main characters; the main boy called Adam is a normal little 8 year old boy who goes about thinking the best most sustainable way of life with his friend the camel Habib. The bad role is played by Ali is that of a boy who likes to show off his belongings and take advantage of everything around him and doesnt care about others but himself. The two parties are in conflict most of the time with two different views of life where at the end Ali understands whats best for everyone and starts finally sharing Adams views and beliefs. The Childrens book entitled AL HAYA which is Arabic for life, needs to remain simple and clear, as a normal childrens book would present itself as, Fun and interesting with an educational touch to it. The book must focus on what I believe to be some of the most important philosophies or way of being that could start making sustainable like changes that could lead to a longer world. The main point or way is to introduce all theories as fun enjoyable ones rather than sacrifices that have to be done. The book remains a tool that delivers the intended message of sustainability through these KEY theories:

Karim Watfa Sustainable Development - ISG 2011 Sharing Unimportance of owning Scarcity of natural products The true happy HAPPY

These key points will be the ones mainly portrayed and shown to solidify the content and determine a clear path to cover. The sharing issue will be introduced, as all concepts, by Adam who really thinks that sharing is the way to live. The point could be portrayed by having Ali his nemesis be showing his vehicle that he rides on with his personal driver and does not want to either drop anyone or assist in any way. On the other side we Adam who would come up taking all that his car can take with the driving assistance of his father. The two parties would engage in short conversation; one suggests a sharing attitude towards going on a car ride or even the sharing of their food when theyre at school. What follows after the sharing concept is the Unimportance of owning; this theory follows the same concepts and ideas that sharing really introduces but continues through when we see one child owning many toys and showing them off if you will to others that dont have so much. Ali again being the one trying to impose the pleasures of owning so much is contradicted by Adam who believes that owning something is a waste of time as it cannot be used all of the time and so the waste factor comes in when its usefulness is seen as so minimal. As most little stories in the book, the two opposing thoughts are seen but once again we find Ali not so happy after all when owning all these different things and seeing how others can with the sharing of one thing be much more content and satisfied. The third message is a delicate one that revolves around the scarcity of resources. The point here or the message that should be communicated is the simple wasting of water as an example, instead of being a not so bad thing, shape it into a graver issue illustrating our need for it and the rather lack of understanding from the human perspective. The scarcity of resources can be one of the most important points of the book; the desired message needs to be

Karim Watfa Sustainable Development - ISG 2011 clear and strong, covering not only the water aspect but all equally relevant ones, air, paper/wood.etc The last but definitely not least issue being represented in the book is the real happiness. This last point is quite the theoretical one that shows a different way of doing things more enjoyably. Examples of the previously mentioned theory will be played by the two opposing characters in a way where we can identify that playing and socializing with other kids is much more FUN and/or important that locking yourself with a toy in a room showing the joy that we can get with others and doing other things (sand playing, outdoor adventures of some sort..) that we simply take for granted. When publishing this kind of books I feel that choices baffle the mind; as a private selling would not be the effective mean of delivery. The best way and by so the way that this book must be delivered to its public is by introducing it in schools as one of the reading materials. Its simplicity but yet useful concepts are key for the success of such works. Usually no books are proposed to the education dept of the state of Qatar, so already by suggesting one an advantage has been formed whereas usually, they would imitate neighboring countries and whatever THEY are offering. The way that this usually done is by getting the book certified as an educational tool by a jury of teachers and so must presented by one in order to defend it. Again this should not be a problem since so few of these deliberations are done on a yearly basis which adds to our chances. The book might just at the end have high chances of being accepted into the educational program. Finally as the book will be sold or introduced by governmental institutions, then its price can be moderately high, as the government can allow themselves to spend some of their financial resources even if public schools are the subjects. The book will also be available to be sold privately and marketed as such but on a long term basis. Having understood what sustainable development entails, taken a look at the area in question and its detrimental need for such crucial theories with the opportunities that present themselves today again within the region in question; we must believe that such basic learning tools such as a childrens book could have a greatly beneficial impact that we could have still underestimated. The book will get children thinking and the notion will stay in their minds allowing the

Karim Watfa Sustainable Development - ISG 2011 simple POSSIBILITY of another way of doing things, something that today; seems impossible to do.

Positive deviance means doing the right thing for sustainability, despite being surrounded by the wrong institutional structures, the wrong processes and stubbornly uncooperative people. That is what sustainability-literate leadership means today. Surrounded by evidence of rampant unsustainability it is not possible to say 'I did not know' - Sarah Parkin, Forum for the Future (2010)

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