18M-502C 6595 Answer Key

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18M-502C 6595
Answer Key

Exam Date: 16-04-2022 Session: AN

Duration: 1 Hour [01:30 PM To 02:30 PM] [Total Marks: 20]


Instructions: 1. Answer the following questions. 4X1=4

2. Each question carries ONE mark.

1. In a muff coupling,muff is made of which material?

Cast iron

2. Which industry widely used splines shafts?

Automobile industry

3. Define the velocity ratio?

Velocity ratio is the ratio of speed of the driven pulley to that of the driving

4. Write any one advantage of V-belts?

Advantages of V-belts are -

1. Absence of vibrations and noise

2.Several belts may be used in drive

3.The drive is more positive than flat belt drive.


Instructions: 1. Answer the following questions. 2X3=6

2. Each question carries THREE marks.

5(a). Write the standard proportions of Rectangular Key and Square Key?
Proportions of the rectangular sunk key:

Width of key w = d/4

Thickness of key t = d/6

Where d = diameter of shaft in mm

Proportions of the square key:

Width of key (w) = thickness of the key (t) = d/4

Where d = diameter of shaft in mm

----- OR ----
5(b). Draw the muff coupling ?

6(a). Two pulleys 60 cm and 40 cm diameters are connected by a belt. Central

distance between the pulleys is 6m . Find the length of belt required , for (a)
Open belt drive (b) Crossed belt drive.

Given: Diameter of the first pulley , = 60 cm

Diameter of second pulley , = 40 cm

Central distance , = 600 cm

(a) Length of Open belt drive:

b) Length of Crossed belt :

----- OR ----
6(b). Write about the materials used for manufacturing of gears ?
Gears are manufactured from ferrous ( Steel & Cast Iron ) , non ferrous
(bronze) and non-metals (plastic)

For high strength and toughness gears are made from steel. Gears
for medium load and low speed are made from cast iron. They posses good
wear resistance ,but not withstand shock loads.

Gears made of bronze resist corrosion, and are widely used for worm
gears. Plastic gears are less noisy, but they are not reliable and load
carrying capacity is low

Instructions: 1. Answer the following questions. 2 X 5 = 10

2. Each question carries FIVE marks.

7(a). List out the types of keys?

Keys are generally classified into two types:

1. Sunk Keys
2. Saddle Keys

Types of Sunk Keys

1. Square and Rectangular keys

2. Gib head key
3. Feather Key
4. Woodruff key
5. Round key
6. Tangent Key

Types of Saddle Keys

1. Hollow saddle key

2. Flat saddle key

----- OR ----
7(b). A motor shaft of 50 mm diameter transmits a torque of 150 Nm. It has an
extension of 75 mm. The permissible shear and crushing stress for M.S key
are 55 N/mm2 and 110 N/mm2. Determine the sizes of key way in motor shaft
extension & check the shear strength of key against the normal strength of
the shaft.
Diameter of shaft d = 50 mm

Torque T = 150 Nm = 150 × 1000 Nmm

Extension of shaft, = 75 mm

Permissible shear stress = 55 N/mm2​​

Permissible crushing stress = 110 N/mm2​​

Considering the shear strength of key :


The width is too small,w= d/4 = 50/4 = 12.5 = 13 mm

Also , therefore square key may be used.

Width w = 13 mm,thickness t = 13 mm

Length l = 75 mm

Normal strength of shaft T = πd​3/16 .

Shear strength of key/Normal strenght of key = 8.w.l/πd​2

= 8×13×75/π×502

= 0.99

8(a). A set of spur gears has to transmit 40 kW , When the pinion rotates at
400rpm. The gear ratio is 1 : 4 . The permissible stress for pinion and driver
gear material are 120 N/mm2 and 100 N/mm2 respectively. Determine the (a)
Module (b) Face width if the pinion has 20 teeth and face width is 15 times
the module.

Given :
----- OR ----
8(b). Explain the effect of centrifugal tension in belts .
Because of centrifugal force tension on both side wil be increased but at
the same time normal reaction force in between belt and pulley surface will
goes down so frictional tension wil be decrease and ultimately power
transmission efficiency will decrease.

The belt continously runs over both teh pulleys. In tight side and slack side
of belt tension is increased because of presence of centrifugal tension in
belt. At lower speeds centrifugal tension can be ignored but at the higher
speed its effect is considered.

The tension caused in the running belt by the centrifugal force is known as
centrifugal tendion. Whenever particle of mass 'm' is rotated in circuilar
path of radius 'r' at uniform velocity 'v', a centrifugal forceis actiong

outward radialy and its magnitude is equal to .

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