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The Lion and the Mouse

The story is a fantastic one to tell kids so they may learn the lesson at a young
age. They need to understand that one of the positive things they should
perform is assisting others. They should apply the lesson in their daily lives in
addition to learning it. I would act in a similar manner if I were the Lion in the
opening scene. I'll spare the mouse and let her go before returning to my
current task. And if I were the mouse, I would continue to act in the same way
without thinking twice. I'm happy with the narrative since it was well-written
and it taught me some valuable lessons. I discovered that we shouldn't
undervalue people's abilities since we never know when they can come in
handy. Let's just practice kindness and humility.

The moral of the story is that treating others nicely will lead to happy
outcomes. And the Lion expresses this way of looking at life the
best. The lesson in this tale is that showing kindness never goes to
waste. As a result of the mouse's assistance in freeing the Lion from
its trap, the Lion is ultimately spared in the tale. According to the
author, doing good always produces positive outcomes, whereas
doing evil always produces poor outcomes. Like in the fable, the
mouse was spared by the lion, so he has a buddy to assist him when
he is in need. The moral of the story is that by helping people now,
you will also receive aid tomorrow. It also demonstrates the necessity
for us to be kind, both for the benefit of others and for our own

To illustrate the many principles, the story's author uses straightforward
characters. He tells his narrative using straightforward language and
straightforward phrases. Even young children can grasp the narrative because
of how easily comprehensible it is. He also makes use of his extensive
imagination, as seen by the passage in which the Lion spares the mouse. The
circumstances described in the narrative is not relevant in real life. If the lion
is very hungry, he will definitely devour the mouse and won't give him
another opportunity.
The mouse was anxious when the lion captured him, and the lion was anxious
when he was imprisoned. These are two simple emotions that the author also
conveys. It also depicts the joy the two protagonists of the narrative have after
finding safety and making friends with one another. The tale demonstrates that
even when people disagree with you, you may still be close friends.



Kind hearted that you are

Emphatic by nature
Is who you are
That others often emulates
Having poses one of the best traits

Day and night

Always by my side
Ready to assist and guide
You are with abundance of
Love and care
Leaving no one without a care

All my life is full of sadness,

Giving you all the best
Can give you a happiness.
All I thought
Our future is hopeless, and
I am going to be a mess but
Loving you is priceless
Indeed you are worthless.

Genobebe is my last name,

Everlasting love when you came.
No one can stop my love for you
Or can replace you
Be my wife, and
Everything is perfect
Be the mother of my child, and
Everything is endless.

The poem shows that the authors who he is, his life was full of sadness and
he thought that his life is hopeless. His heart was broken and don’t have
direction in life. The author fixed his life and became happy when she found
his ideal girl. The author experienced how miserable life is, when no one is
with you.


What is shown in the poem is resilience to a problem he faces. Being strong and
resilient symbolizes success and satisfaction in your life, because if you do not
experience it you will not be happy in your life.

What I learned here in the poem is that life is not always fun and don’t despair.

You don’t have to ruin your life just because of one mistake and do not despair because
our Lord is always there to guide and protect us.


This boy is kind and lovable person, he might not be a perfect guy, and he always thinking
that life is always happy and there are no problems. At first he didn't think that he would
have a problem, because someone was making him smile. This man is a kind and loving
man.He realized that life is not always happy, but also experiencing loneliness and anxiety.
This man never imagined that he would experience despair and ruin his life just because of a
woman. But he did not lose hope and he fixed his life until his beloved returned. The writer
learned that life is not always on top, the lord gives us problems so that we can be strong
and resilient.

Luther Vandross

a. Reader’s response approach

The song first makes me feel happy and in love since the male is
singing about how much he loves the woman. I said, "This woman is
the luckiest, and I sincerely hope that she is," but in the midst of the
song, something happened that made me sad and angry at the man.
How could he harm his beloved? No one should be taken advantage of.
I remain, however, saddened by the way their love story ended. Before
the man discovers someone else, their love story seemed to be the
picture of perfection. Men who truly love a woman are quite
uncommon, whereas men who cheat on their partners are very typical.
I have discovered and demonstrated in the song that the most important
building blocks of a relationship are trust and respect. I thought that if
you show respect for each other's shortcomings and defects and have
faith in one another, you would both feel that your love is sincere. For
your relationship to be stronger, you just need to be satisfied and
content with your spouse.

In the song, the basic perspective on life is that there will always be regrets. The
father appears to be second-guessing his decision to leave the girl alone in the last
sentence of the first paragraph. And after starting a new relationship, he comes to the
realization that he still needs the girl she left. But at that point, he finds it difficult to
return her to his arms.
We must accept the results of our actions in this world at any costs. The message is also
quite clear in this song. It teaches us that there are no unsuitable people for anybody;
only the wrong things happen when they do. You must make sacrifices and overcome
obstacles as a couple in order to succeed. You must be content with your mate and
embrace yourself, warts and all. This song teaches us to think things through a hundred
times before making a final decision because not all indecisive acts have negative
consequences for both you and others as well. It needs careful planning.
The song demonstrates the inherent human tendency to make errors and harbor regrets.
They gain lessons that will help them avoid repeating their regrets and errors in the


The scenario depicted in the song is one that occurs between couples in real life, and
the majority of us can relate to it. Love conflicts are common in relationships and act as
a test for the partners to recognize and demonstrate their own strengths. The lovers'
miscommunication will reveal the strength of their connection, their strengths and
shortcomings, and as a result, it will provide the foundation for them to work together
to address their deficiencies.

The story's main message to lovers is that once you commit to a relationship, you both
need to be strong, face the difficulties together, and accept all of each other's flaws.
Without honesty and trust, a relationship will not last. If two people are truly in love,
they can have a happy ending.

CSU VISION CSU is a University with global stature in the

arts, culture, agriculture, fisheries, the sciences
as well as technological and professional fields.

CSU MISSION Cagayan State University shall produce globally

competent graduates through excellent
instruction, innovative and creative research,
responsive public service and productive
industry and community engagement.


COMPETENCE • Critical Thinker

• Creative Problem- Solver
• Competitive Performer, Nationally,
Regionally and Globally.
SOCIAL • Sensitive to Ethical Demands
RESPONSIBILITY • Steward of the Environment for Future
• Social Justice and Economic Equity
UNIFYING • Uniting Theory and Practice
PRESENCE • Uniting Strata of Society
• Unifying the Nation, the ASEAN Region
and the world
• Uniting the University and the

I found challenges while I read the CSU CMCV. It acts as a reminder to me that I must
graduate competently and fully prepared. It also serves as a guide for me and an eye opener
by emphasizing that I need to have certain qualities in order to succeed. It makes me feel as
though I must do every effort in order to demonstrate that the CMCV goals established by my
institution are realistic. With this CMCV, I realized that I must become a future CSU pride.
The author's primary goal in writing the CMCV is to inspire students by emphasizing the
need of diligent study habits as well as the necessity to be capable and prepared for the future.
The author's opinion that the CSU must produce graduates who are well-equipped and
competent enough to serve as both the nation's asset and pride as well as their own pride is
represented in the statement, "The youth are the hope of the nation."

A positive outlook on life with clearly defined goals is portrayed in CSU's Vision, Mission,
and Core Values. And those who have previously graduated from the institution are the best
at articulating these Vision and Mission since without them, we cannot conclude that the set
VMCV of CSU is effective. The CMCV advises students to take initiative in their
coursework. The learners are made aware of the need of focusing on their goals via this
CMCV. Additionally, it acts as a reminder to academics that in order to provide the high-
quality instruction that both students and the country want, they must exert all of their effort.


Brad Peyton

I was impressed by the movie as a viewer. I was glad to witness a genuinely film of this
nature. As I continued to watch the film, I had many emotions. I felt bad for the victims of
the catastrophe. However, I was glad as a result of what the primary characters had showed
I took away from the film that even when we know that doing so will put us in risk, we
should still try to help others. I also discovered that overcoming obstacles in life requires
strength. We may continue to fight for a variety of causes and reasons all around us. We
shouldn't allow difficulties to split up our family.

According to the author, evil will attempt to shatter us into smaller pieces until we lose hope.
And the tsunami and earthquake that the people are experiencing in the tale serve to illustrate
that wickedness. His view of the good is that it will always win out in the end. And the main
characters' families are what represent that good in the novel. Demonstrating that God is still
there for you. The narrative demonstrates the inherent nature of individuals, demonstrating
how some people would prioritize protecting their own lives over the lives of others during
difficult or disastrous circumstances. And from the other side, it depicts that even in
situations where everyone's lives are in danger, some individuals are still eager to assist and
save others, even if they are aware that doing so would put their own lives in risk.

Various methods, including flashback, expansion, and skipping, were utilized in the film.
The part where Ray mourned his late daughter Mallory in the film includes flashbacks. The
scene where Emma and Ray are afraid about losing Blake during the earthquake is where the
flashback was first introduced. The flashback served as a wake-up call for Ray and Emma,
who recognized that in order to save their daughter, they would need to work together and
put their differences aside. The movie also makes use of skipping. In the scenario, it was
demonstrated that Emma must jump to the helicopter's rope hang in order for her to be safe.
It was just utilized to provide the audience an opportunity to speculate about possible
outcomes. The film sparks the audience's imagination. The massive amount of smoke from
the collapsing buildings covered the scene rather of displaying it to the spectators in its
entirety. In the last scene of the film, where Ray and Emma decide to patch up their broken

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