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Philippine Copyright 2022

by the Author
and the
College of Education
Polytechnic University of the Philippines

All rights reserved. Portions of this manuscript may be reproduced with proper
referencing and due acknowledgement of the author




An Undergraduate Thesis
Presented to College of Education
Polytechnic University of the Philippines
Sta. Mesa, Manila

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree,

Bachelor of Secondary Education, Major in Social Studies

Joshua Andrei C. Advincula

Mary Joy B. Manalastas
Renbran A. Parrilla
Jamaica Nica C. Puntliar
Neil Jacob A. Trinidad
Rory L. Ycong

November 2022




The researchers would like to acknowledge and extend our heartfelt and deepest
gratitude to the following people who contributed more on furnishing and completion of

this study.

To our thesis adviser, Mr. John Amiel A. Rivera, who guides and understands

us in perfecting our study. Once again, Sir Amiel, thank you very much for assisting and

believing in us, because you know that we can do more;

To the compassionate and hardworking group of panels, Dr. Rosalie A. Corpus,

Asst. Prof. Mavel B. Lagarde, and to Dr. Manolito S. San Jose, who helped us to

improve, revise, and furnish our papers;

To our ever- loving and exemplary adviser in the Social Studies program, Asst.

Prof. Danilova A. Lorenzo, who provides us tips and insights on how to improve more

on our study;

To the Social Studies teachers, who participated and contributed on answering

our survey-questionnaires;

To our families and friends, for their holistic support and encouragement all

throughout the course. Family is our own sources of strength during these times. And

lastly, to our ALMIGHTY CREATOR who gives hope and purpose during the darkness

of our lives, guides us from the day we started studying, and making our lives more

meaningful. We put the success of this study beneath your guidance.




This is to certify that the research work presented in this thesis, TEACHERS`


ASSESSMENT TOOL for the degree (Bachelor`s Degree) at the Polytechnic University

of the Philippines, embodies the result of original and scholarly work carried out by the

undersigned. This thesis does not contain words or ideas taken from published sources

or written works that have been accepted as basis for the award of a degree from any

other higher education institution, except where proper referencing and

acknowledgement were made.






March 2022



Title: Teachers` Readiness in using Document-based Questions Essay as an

assessment tool

Researchers: Joshua Andrei C. Advincula, Mary Joy B. Manalastas, Renbran A. Parrilla,

Jamaica Nica C. Puntilar, Neil Jacob A. Trinidad, and Rory

L. Ycong

Degree: Bachelor`s Degree

Institution: Polytechnic University of the Philippines

Year: 2022

Adviser: John Amiel A. Rivera, MAELT

Assessments gives clear conceptualization of the students` learning outcomes.

Teachers tend to visualize, create, and to assess classroom activities that would help the

students to achieve quality learning. Using various assessment tools based on the

students` preferences is one of the ideas conceived in this study. Document-based

Questions Essay is an assessment tool being used in the United States in 1970`s to

determine how history is created rather than learning it. Through using Document-based

Questions Essay, students would be able to enhance and improve various skills and

abilities aligned in the 21st century learning.

This study determines on the readiness of the teachers in using Document-based

Questions Essay as an assessment tool. Through quota sampling, 30 Social Studies

teacher-respondents participated in answering the survey that focused on using


Document-based Questions Essay as an assessment tool. The findings revealed that

teachers are ready enough to use Document-based Questions Essay in assisting

teachers in honing skills and abilities, supporting learning environment, and promoting
independent learning.

A significant interaction is also detected between the teachers` profile such as

their age and their years of educational experience and the level of teacher-readiness,

implying that the teachers` profile affects teachers` decision to become ready in using

assessment tools. The findings of the study intended to promote the usage of this

assessment tool to alleviate educational problems such as misinformation, and to

reinforce critical thinking and problem-solving skills to the students.

Keywords: Assessment Tool, Critical Thinking, Document-based Question Essay, Social

Studies, Teacher Readiness




Title Page i Certification and Approval Sheet ii Acknowledgements iii

Certification of Originality iv Abstract v Table of Contents vii List of Tables ix
List of Figures xi

1. The Problem and its Setting

Introduction 1 Theoretical Framework 3 Conceptual Framework 5 Statement
of the Problem 6 Hypothesis 7 Scopes and Limitations of the Study 7
Significance of the Study 8 Definition of Terms 9

2. Review of Literature and Studies

Teacher Readiness in Implementing Assessments 11 Assessment Tools used
in Social Studies 15 Essays as an Assessment Tool 17 The Document-based
Question Essays 18 Synthesis of the Review of Literature and Studies 27

3. Methodology
Research Method 30 Population, Sample Size, and Sampling Techniques 31
Description of the Respondents 31 Research Instrument 32 Data-Gathering
Procedure 33 Statistical Treatment of Data 34

4. Results and Discussions

The Profile of the Social Studies teacher-respondents 39 The Level of
Teacher-Readiness in using Document-based 41 Question Essays as an
assessment tool
Comparison in the Level of Teacher-Readiness in using Document- 67



based Question Essays as an assessment tool when grouped

according to the Demographic Profile

5. Summary of Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendations Summary of

Findings 85 Findings 86 Conclusions 87 Recommendations 89

References 93

Appendix 1: Research Instrument 100 Appendix 2: Letter of Permission to
Adapt 103 the Research Instrument
Appendix 3: Sample Copy of Document-based Question Essays 104
Appendix 4: Reliability Testing of the Instrument 111 Appendix 5: Certification
of Statistical Treatment 113 Appendix 6: Certification of Editing 114

Biographical Statements



Number Title Page

1 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of 39 Teacher-Respondents in

terms of Age

2 Frequency and Percentage Distribution 41 of Teacher-Respondents in

terms of Gender

3 Frequency and Percentage Distribution 42 of Teacher-Respondents`

Educational Attainment

4 Frequency and Percentage Distribution 44 of Teacher-Respondents` Years

Educational Experiences

5 The Level of Teacher-Readiness in using 46 Document-based Question

Essays as an
Assessment Tool according to their

6 The Level of Teacher-Readiness in using 50 Document-based Question

Essays as an
Assessment Tool according to Students`
Learning Environment

7 The Level of Teacher-Readiness in using 54 Document-based Question

Essays as an
Assessment Tool according to Students`

8 The Level of Teacher-Readiness in using 59 Document-based Question

Essays as an
Assessment Tool according to Students`

9 Significant Differences in the Level of 67 Teacher-Readiness in using

based Question Essays as an assessment
tool when grouped according to Age

10 Significant Differences in the Level of 71



Teacher-Readiness in using Document

based Question Essays as an assessment
tool when grouped according to Sex

11 Significant Differences in the Level of 75 Teacher-Readiness in using

based Question Essays as an assessment
tool when grouped according to Highest
Educational Attainment

12 Significant Differences in the Level of 79 Teacher-Readiness in using

based Question Essays as an assessment
tool when grouped according to Years of
Educational Experiences



Number Title Page

1 Paradigm of the Study 5



Chapter 1



There is only a fundamental purpose of assessment in education: to establish and

understand the place of the learners in the aspect of learning (Master, 2014).

Assessments serve as a tool of the students in achieving holistic and quality learning. It is

truly indeed that an assessment is important in determining and shaping the students`

progress over time.

Assessments refer to a systematic process, in which teachers assess student’s

performance through different tests (Khan, 2019). Moreover, assessments help in

collecting data that is related to skills, knowledge, attitude, and helps improving

performance. Assessments aimed to assess the knowledge of the students regarding the

content discussed by an instructor, the systematic basis for making inferences about the

learning they have achieved. There are different types of assessment widely used in

teaching: the traditional and authentic assessments.

Traditional assessment refers to the “pen and paper” type of assessments, like

the true or false, matching types, and the multiple choices; while on the other hand,

authentic assessments, refers to the assessments where involves the application of the

students to the real-life experiences: like performance-based assessments, essay types,

debates, and experiments.

Lynch (2018) states that the purposes of assessment are to determine the students`
performance or progress about their learning process. To ensure that the students would

achieve learning progress, accuracy and reliability of the assessment must be measured.

Reliable outcomes of assessment help the students to grasp their level of development in

learning (Yale University, 2021). In the United States, there is a type of assessment that

helps the students to become accurate, reliable, and realistic in answering, known as

Document-based Questions Essay.

Document-based Questions Essay is a type of essay where the user requires the

use of historical documents in analyzing a trend or an issue, based on the given topic.

Documents that are being used in the DBQ Essay are usually primary or secondary

sources. It is usually done by assessing the context behind the documents, including the

perspective of the author and its targeted audience; finding connections between various

documents; writing a solid statement using analysis to support the documents; and

applying the knowledge of the historical issues in developing a more concrete case

(Carsten-Peters, 2021). Document-based Questions Essay promotes the development

and improvement of writing, articulating different perspectives, identifying and analyzing

sources and data, and enhancing the value of curiosity and critical thinking: which is the

salient features of the 21st century learning. The researchers emphasize Document-

based Questions Essay as a source of the students in becoming critical in answering

and analyzing questions with reliability, accuracy, and truthfulness. This study deemed

determine how ready the teachers are, through using Document-based Questions Essay

as an assessment tool.

Theoretical Framework

Document-based Questions Essay aimed to improve the quality of the students in

writing through promoting proper sourcing and usage of data, improving critical-thinking,

and to know the importance of accuracy and reliability in answering through Document

based Questions Essay in the different subjects of Social Studies in Junior High School.

With this implication, this study is anchored to this theory:

The Inquiry-based Learning Model is proposed by Joseph Schwab in 1960, that

relies upon the concept of learning through investigation and solving problems through

social experiences. Pappas (2014) mentioned that the emerging model aimed to provide

a new outlook on how students perceived knowledge, rather than memorizing information

in the book or other learning materials. It satisfies and provides fulfillment to the curiosity

of learners by letting them discover the answers to their inquiries.

In addition, Pappas (2014) mentioned that “Inquiry-Based learning is not a

technique or practice per se, but a process that can increase the level of understanding

and its application in real-life matters”. The fundamental approach to inquiry learning is

rooted in the constructivist learning theory that emphasizes learning through inquiry and

solving problems through critical and creative thinking. Pappas (2014) also states that

student inquirers are encouraged to tap for more learnings and understanding through

personal discoveries: which allows them to feed their inquiries and curiosity with facts.

Inquiry-based learning supported the idea of the teacher as the facilitator of learning, and

students should have the primary contribution to the process.

Furthermore, Coffey (2010) added that discovery learning is an inquiry-based

instruction that believed learners are best educated when they discover facts by

themselves. It is also increased the retention of the students If they were active in the

process. This implies that the Document-Based Questions Essay is one of the products

produced by inquiry-based learning; wherein students formulate their knowledge through the

given inquiries. The questions used in DBQ Essay are typically open-ended: which allows

students to formulate and develop a solid thesis statement and use analysis of the document

to statement to support their stand. With the use of DBQ Essay, the students can be

engaged in the process of inquiry and investigation with the use of analytical and reasoning

skills as their repertoire.


Conceptual Framework

The researchers anchored on the conceptual framework that provides necessary

structure of the study. The research paradigm of the study shows the relationship of the

study presented through an input-process-output (IPO) model.

Figure 1: The paradigm of the study

The following items presented in the diagram shows higher relevance to the study. The

first diagram shows the input of the study, which is the profile of the teacher respondents

such as age, sex, highest, educational attainment, and years of educational

experiences; and the level of teacher-readiness in using Document-based Question

Essays as an assessment tool such as their Readiness, Students` Learning

Environment, Students` Self-Learning, and Students` Characteristics, adapted to the

study and research

instrument by Saintika, Astiti, Kusuma, and Muhammad (2021) in assessing the readiness of

the teachers in using an assessment tool.

While of the second diagram, it shows the process conducted in the study to
determine the readiness of the teacher-respondents in using Document-based Question

Essays as an assessment tool. The process includes the data collection of teachers`

demographic profile, administering survey-questionnaires to the respondents, and the

statistical treatment of data.

While for the last diagram, it shows the conceived output of the study. After

administering the data-gathering procedures, the researchers would identify the level of

teacher-readiness in using Document-based Question Essays as an assessment tool.

Statement of the Problem

The aim of the study deems to determine the level of teachers` readiness in using

Document-based Questions Essay as an assessment tool.

Specifically, the study seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the teacher-respondents in terms of;

1.1. age;

1.2. sex;

1.3. highest educational attainment; and

1.4. years of educational experience?

P O L Y T E C H N I C U N I V E R S I T Y O F T H E P H I L I P P I N E S 7 2.
What is the level of teacher readiness in the use of Document-based Questions

Essay as an assessment tool, in terms of;

2.1. teachers` readiness;

2.2. students’ learning environment;

2.3. students’ self-learning; and

2.4. students’ characteristics?

3. Is there a significant difference in the level of teacher readiness in using

Document-based Questions Essay as an assessment tool when they are grouped

according to the demographic profile?


There is no significant difference between the level of teacher respondents`

readiness in using Document-based Questions Essay when they are grouped according

to their profile.

Scopes and Limitations

This study only covers on determining the level of teacher-readiness in using

Document-based Question Essays as an assessment tool. This study focuses on

selecting thirty (30) Social Studies teachers from Grades 7-10 in different public

secondary schools around Quezon City, Caloocan City, and in Manila City who are

available to participate in the data gathering procedure.


The Social Studies teacher-respondents would be the subject of the study in identifying their

readiness in using Document-based Question Essays as an assessment tool, as they would

contribute more on giving their perceptions in using an assessment tool conducive for an

effective assessment inside the classroom setting. The demographic profile of the teacher-

respondents is limited only on their age, sex, highest, educational attainment, and years of

educational experiences. While on the level of teacher-readiness, it is only limited on their

readiness, students` learning environment, students` self-learning, and students`


Significance of the Study

This study deemed to contribute additional and further understanding in selecting

an effective assessment in teaching Social Studies by using Document-based Questions

Essay. This study can help the Social Studies teachers to explore the use of Document

based Questions Essay as an assessment tool.

This study also contributes to the development of the following:

To the students. This study may give the students an opportunity to demonstrate

their learning by using Document-based Questions Essay, which is a different form of

assessments compared than those who are used in the Junior High School. This study

may give students the opportunity to develop and formulate responses to the questions

using the documents and the information they have learned in a particular topic. It may

also help students to prove authenticity and liability in answering Document-based

Questions Essay.

P O L Y T E C H N I C U N I V E R S I T Y O F T H E P H I L I P P I N E S 9 To
the teachers. This study may help them to explore and consider the use of the Document-

based Questions Essay as an assessment tool in measuring the learning of their students.

Using Document-based Questions Essay in the classroom setting may improve and

enhance students` characteristics and help them to try a different type of assessment

compared to the other assessments commonly used.

To future researchers. This study may help future researchers in improving their

knowledge, ideas, and perceptions in using of Document-based Questions Essay as an

assessment tool. Contributing a study about the usage and implementation of the

Document-based Questions Essay in the local setting would be essential in knowing its

impact to the current situation of assessments in the Philippine education.

Definition of Terms

Assessment – Assessment refers to the wide variety of methods or tools that

educators use in evaluating students` needs. Assessment is referred as a systematic

process, in which teachers assess student’s performance through different tests (Khan,


Assessment Tool – Assessment tools are tools used by educators in assessing

and evaluating students` progress that supports and facilitates active learning (Center for

Teaching Innovation, 2022).

Document-based Questions Essay – Document-based Questions Essay is a

type of essay where the user requires the use of historical documents in analyzing a

trend or an issue, based on the given topic. In using Document-based Questions Essay,

P O L Y T E C H N I C U N I V E R S I T Y O F T H E P H I L I P P I N E S 10
students are required to analyze primary and secondary sources of data to substantiate their

point-of-views (Berrong, 2011).

Readiness – Readiness is defined as a “willingness or a state of being prepared

for something (Cambridge Dictionary, 2022).


Chapter 2


This chapter presents the review of literature and studies after a thorough and

comprehensive research done by the researchers. This will also present the synthesis of

the review of literature and studies to understand the research for better comprehension

of the study.
Teachers` Readiness in Implementing Assessments

Teachers implement assessments to help the students achieve holistic and

quality learning. Teachers do always prepare most of the time in choosing and

implementing assessments, to know if the students would be able to attain quality

learning during teaching. The role of teacher readiness takes place when the teachers

implement their assessments without any encountered problems and thus, they can

evaluate if the students absorb or understand the essence of their learning. But how is

the term “readiness” defined?

Cambridge Dictionary (2021) defined readiness as a “willingness or a state of

being prepared for something. This implies that that readiness is a word for eagerness or

pushing one`s ability to be able to do something. The definition of readiness connects to

the idea of how teachers use or implement assessments. The teachers are eager to use

a particular assessment because they have confidence. Teachers always make sure that

the assessment being used in the classrooms are fitted to the preferences of the


P O L Y T E C H N I C U N I V E R S I T Y O F T H E P H I L I P P I N E S 12
After aligning the assessments to its students` quality, they are now ready to use the


The readiness of the teachers in implementing assessments are somehow

influenced based on their background such as their age, gender, educational attainment,

and their teaching experiences. Teachers` age, somehow does not affect their readiness

in choosing assessments, which supports the study of Sivasakthi and Muthumanikam, as

cited by Rabida, Rozita, and Zakar (2018), that whether a teacher is young, middle-aged,

or old, they do not differ in establishing students' effective learning. Teachers, despite of

their age, are all similar in making decisions that would help their students in attaining

quality learning.

For the teachers` gender, it shows that somehow, it doesn`t affect their readiness

in implementing assessments. Teachers` gender have different preferences in

implementing assessments, as Abbate (2021) described gender or sex has a substantial

impact on how people interact with and experience society.

As for the teachers` educational attainment, Collier (2013) as cited by Horn and

Sung (2017) stated that teachers` educational attainment has an impact on the students`

achievement. Teachers are affected in their readiness in implementing assessments

through educational attainment. Some teachers achieve higher degree of learning to

improve classroom management, proving the study of Ladd and Sorensen (2015) about

the higher degree of the teachers led to students` effective learning. It is stated that the

essence of attaining higher degrees is the way of investing knowledge to provide

manyopportunities during teaching. This implies that somehow, the educational

attainment of the teachers` are highly important in implanting and improving


P O L Y T E C H N I C U N I V E R S I T Y O F T H E P H I L I P P I N E S 13

While for the teachers` educational experiences, their readiness in implementing

assessments is somehow needed. The study of Bradenburg, McDonough, Burke, and White

(2016) as cited by Graham, White, Cologon, and Pianta (2020) explains the linear

relationship between the teachers` years of educational experiences and the teachers`

quality, implying their effectiveness in making decisions to achieve quality learning. In

addition, the study of Kini and Podolsky (2016) shows how teachers` years of educational

experiences affects students` outcomes, where teachers` effectiveness is steep in the early

years but becomes significant after two or more decades in teaching. Through their teaching

years, teachers tend to improve as they assess their decision-making. This implies that the

teachers are ready enough to improve their teaching style based on their experiences.

A teacher has the task to encourage, guide, and provide learning facilities for the

students to achieve learning goals (Tumanduk, Kawet, Mannopo, and Maki, 2020).

Teachers must ensure that the students can acquire quality learning using assessments.

The goal of the assessments is to provide a clear conceptualization of the intended

student learning outcomes, how outcomes are assessed and measured, how results are
described, and how these results are aligned to the student learning (Missouri State

University, 2020). Implementing assessment is needed to be consulted to establish clear

roles and responsibilities, and to ensure that it is accessible to all students.

Chong and Cheah (2010) mentioned in their study that trainings and workshops could

enhance the skills of the teachers to become ready to adopt new strategies not only for

teaching but also for assessments. While for the study conducted by Nor’ain and Nur

Fazliana, as cited by Dali, Daud, and Fauzee (2017) states that teachers must be critical

and well-versed in executing their lessons, have content knowledge of their subject


P O L Y T E C H N I C U N I V E R S I T Y O F T H E P H I L I P P I N E S 14
and creative in showing the lesson properly to make the learning environment conducive.

Through trainings and workshops, teachers could be able to think and analyze on how to

improve classroom effectiveness, which includes implementing assessments.

Adopting an assessment tool requires the readiness of the teachers and the

students to be used and implemented. Teachers tend to participate on the development

of using assessments. As Mehta (2021) stated, adopting assessments must be

strategized to determine if the students would be able to cope up with it. Teachers

evaluate the assessment through identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the

students, recognizing the unique learning needs of the students, and tracking the

students` progress. After evaluating the students` ability while using the assessment,

teachers can be ready enough in implementing the assessment.

Document-based Questions Essay are assessed and being implemented by the

educators in the United States. DBQ Essays is implemented as a solution for improving

the quality of history and social studies education. The implementation of Document

Based Questions Essay in the local setting should become a priority because of its

impact to the students. Teachers must be able to consider using an assessment tool,

that despite of its composition, would help in alleviating the cases of misinformation in

education, as well as in promoting critical thinking and analyzing.

McMillan (2013), stated in his study that teachers must have necessary

knowledge and understanding to conduct assessments on student learning. He

discovered that teachers who were well-versed in assessments were able to effectively

integrate them into their classrooms. They can employ successful methods, tactics, and

strategies to help

their students enhance their skills. Clearly, Document-based Questions Essay is a great

fit for an ideal type of assessment tool, in terms of improving skills and abilities. Teachers

P O L Y T E C H N I C U N I V E R S I T Y O F T H E P H I L I P P I N E S 15
need only to consider using Document-based Questions Essay through becoming ready in

implementing it.

This implies that the readiness of the teachers in using assessment tools might be

affected of such factors; but if the assessment tool would assist students in determining

their strengths and weaknesses, recognizing their learning needs, and to know their

progress, teachers might be able to become ready in using an assessment tool like the

Document-based Questions Essay.

Assessment Tools used in Social Studies

Myers (2004) as cited by Tupper (2010) that teachers are responsible in choosing

the appropriate assessment tool in teaching Social Studies. Their assessment tools

varies whether if it is traditional or in newer forms if it helps students to acquire quality

learning. He also added that the decision of the Social Studies teachers in choosing the

most appropriate assessment tool has its own strengths and weaknesses. Assessing the

progress of the students in the field of Social Studies is a complex endeavor, meaning

that the Social Studies teachers will choose or develop ranges of tools in accomplishing

their tasks. Every assessment tool being used in Social Studies affects everything.

It discussed the different assessment tools that are effective in teaching Social Studies.

Mehta (2021) elaborates the different types of widely used assessments. First, are the
traditional forms of assessments: such as the usage of selected response tests or known

as the objective paper and pen type of examinations, and the extended-response tests.

Selected response tests are very accurate in the sense that it makes the assessment

more manageable. Selected response tests have also the ability to be administered

easily and to record. Next type of assessment tools being used in

P O L Y T E C H N I C U N I V E R S I T Y O F T H E P H I L I P P I N E S 16
Social Studies is the extended-response tests or simply essay writing. Essays are items that

require series of answers to an open-ended question, wherein all responses are valid and


The next type of assessment is the new assessments such as authentic

assessments and performance-based assessments. Performance-based assessment

focuses on giving judgment about the created performances of the students. Some

examples of performance-based assessments being used in the Social Studies course is

the individual or group presentations; dramatic performances such as plays, recitals;

dance performances such as interpretative dances; debates; exhibitions and such.

Performance-based assessment engages students to perform in meaningful and

engaging activities in order to acquire knowledge and skills (Kelly, 2019). In terms of the

Social Studies, performance-based assessment unleashes the student`s ability to

interpret their skills and abilities through such engaging activities.

The emergence of Document-based Questions Essay in the United States

Education helps them to promote the study of history and the social studies. These

subjects are deteriorating during those times, so the educators found a solution on how

to alleviate educational concerns. DBQ Essays is an example of a new assessment that

instills creativity and authenticity in nature.

In conclusion, the use of assessment tools in Social Studies rely on the teacher`s

preferences, if it would help students in achieving quality learning. All assessment tools

have its own strengths and weaknesses, so it needs to undergo proper assessment and

evaluation to know its effect when used in the classroom set-up. This agrees to the
statement of Myers (2004) that teachers fulfill its role in creating decisions that would

help students to acquire holistic learning in Social Studies.

P O L Y T E C H N I C U N I V E R S I T Y O F T H E P H I L I P P I N E S 17
Essays as an Assessment Tool

Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning (2014) defined essays as

an assessment question that requires answers in a sentence, paragraph, and short

compositions. Essays are classified as subjective assessments, as they are administered

in different varieties of responses. Essays are widely used assessments in the

curriculum, as it helps students to express their own thoughts and perceptions based on

the topic being discussed. This answers to the advantages of the essays, which can

assess all the learning objectives in the discussed topic. Essays also encourage the

students to boost their original and creative thinking skills, one of the skills that students

might attain in the 21st century learning. While on the other hand, essays have

disadvantages such as grading the papers` content, time-consuming, and its


Despite of the disadvantages of essays, still it plays an integral part in the

enhancement of the students` knowledge while learning. Rhodes (2019) stated that

writing essays develop the core skills of the students such as reading and writing,

thinking, and organizing ideas, and communication. Essays also help the students on

structuring methods of writing such as building vocabularies and improving writing styles.

That is, perhaps, the reason why most of the teachers in the different subjects

always administer essay writings as their assessment tool. Essays help students to

acquire different skills and abilities aligned in their capabilities. Some of the skills being

enhanced through essay writing are the critical thinking, where it helps students to


and analyze different perspective and views; and the value of learning, where it helps

students to become a successful individual through following the basic skills such as
usage of proper grammar, spellings, writing skills, and communication.

P O L Y T E C H N I C U N I V E R S I T Y O F T H E P H I L I P P I N E S 18

Yotovska and Asenova (2013) described in their study that essays are an art of reasoning.

Essays create subjective opinions, derived on their own belief, to prove or to argue a

particular topic. Essay writing helps the students to master their reasoning skills, arguments,

and their ability to justify opinions. Nowadays, schools allow students to express their ideas

through giving their opinions about a certain position. As proposed in the Section 13 of the

House Bill No. 4509, or the students` Rights and Welfare Act, students can express their

views and opinions. This allows students to express their opinions on a variety of modes

such as writing. In conclusion, essay writing really helps in opening the possibility of student

motivation, as it accepts different arguments and opinions regarding their stand in a particular

topic. An essay as an assessment tool supports the idea that will help teachers to imply to

their students that essay shows the understanding of the students in a particular topic, and

they are not bounded through retrieving and repeating facts stored in their “memory bank”

(Gabinete, 2013).

Document-based Questions Essay

Berrong (2011) defines Document-based Questions Essay as a type of essay

questions in which students are required to analyze primary and secondary sources of

data to substantiate their point-of-views. It implies that both primary and secondary

sources are important in proving the focus of topics they are discussing. According to

Noonan (2011), Document-based Questions Essay is a written task in which a student

analyzes significant evidence—documents and other gathered information then presents

that information in a persuasive, logical, and accurate essay. The questions are typically

open-ended, students the opportunity to develop and formulate responses to the

questions using the documents and the information they have learned in the topic.
P O L Y T E C H N I C U N I V E R S I T Y O F T H E P H I L I P P I N E S 19

The documents are generally primary sources or eyewitness on accounts given by

individuals who were actually “making history” or witnessing the events being evaluated.

These primary sources include diaries, speeches, newspaper accounts and reports. Other

documents considered primary sources are maps, photographs, graphs, and charts. In

addition, secondary accounts or later interpretations of the events are included to provide

different perspectives. While secondary accounts are written by people who have analyzed

the primary sources and accomplished conclusions based on the evidence. At times, these

conclusions are challenged by others who present contradictory interpretations, making for

interesting analysis. Just as two eyewitnesses can disagree about what happened, historians

also disagree and offer different interpretations about what happened and why it happened.

Both primary sources and secondary accounts provide raw material for historians which may

use in social studies.

As cited by Berrong (2011), Document-based Questions Essay are first

implemented in the High School Advanced Placement (APs) in response of changing the

way of how history is taught, like in the college level. Document-based Questions Essay

focuses on analyzing primary sources, meaning the students must put themselves into

the shoes of the historians, rather than simply learning facts. Primary sources are

defined as the evidence of history, original documents or manuscripts created by the

participants of an event occurred in history (ALA American Library Association, 2021).

These sources

are used as the legitimate basis of historians in analyzing and verifying historical events,

and to prove authenticity. Schwartz (2012) as cited by Johnson (2016), states that DBQ

Essay was introduced into the Social Studies assessment program in New York: where

the students will learn to review original documents about a certain topic and then answer

with both short and extended constructed responses to demonstrate their understanding.
P O L Y T E C H N I C U N I V E R S I T Y O F T H E P H I L I P P I N E S 20
The background of the Document-based Questions Essay is mostly aligned to the Document

Theory. Buckland (2020) defines Document Theory as an assessment of the concept of a

document and how it can serve with other concepts to understand the essence of

communicating, documenting, gathering information and attaining knowledge. This theory

manifests the objectives of Document-based Questions Essay in student`s learning. Students

must be equipped with authenticity skills, meaning they master the ability of managing and

sorting out information, knows on deciding what is original and fake between the sources

being used.

Another theory that is anchored in the Document-based Question Essays is the

Complementary Theory of Documents. Lund (2013) emphasized in his theory that

documents have three simultaneous, inseparable, and complementary aspects, primarily

to the technological aspect of the documents, the social role of the documents, and the

relationship between the individual and the document. This defines that the document

being used by individuals are managed and used correctly.

The components of the Document-based Questions Essay consist of standard

five-paragraphs long (depending on the instructors` preference). The number of

documents needed in answering DBQ Essay usually depends on the extent of the topic

being discussed. Examples of the required documents in the DBQ Essays are primary

sources such as excerpts from the newspaper articles, speeches, diaries, political

cartoons, maps, photographs, and paintings; secondary sources such as charts and

graphs. The construction of the DBQ Essays consists of an introduction and background

to the topic, several body-paragraphs, and a conclusion. The essay must also create a

well-written thesis statement that contains the gist of the topic being discussed.

Writing skills are crucial. Students need a process in place for addressing

Document-based Questions Essay. It needs direct instruction using primary sources and

P O L Y T E C H N I C U N I V E R S I T Y O F T H E P H I L I P P I N E S 21
conflicting interpretations of historical events, as well as repeated opportunities to practice
these skills in class and in independent practice or homework. The students should be

engaged in analyzing documents and writing in conjunction with documents almost daily. It

can be used for research projects or in extended writing tasks, as well as for formal

assessment. These questions could also be used in the essay portion of a unit or final exam.

If used as part of an assessment, it is important that students understand the expectations for

this type of writing.

Consequently, students must be familiar with the rubric that defines the criteria or

characteristics of the content and skills required for each level of performance. Students

and teachers need to examine exemplary or “anchor” papers, and to reflect on their own

development of writing skills. For that reason, student responses to several questions

have been included in this book and can be used for instructional purposes. All students

need to be effective thinkers and writers. Consequently, instructional strategies that

develop these skills are important parts of every teacher’s repertoire.

Thus, when educators at the center or secondary school level draw in students

with these sorts of sources, they need to remind understudies that they have had a lot of

involvement in “doing history” with records. The reports in this book might be perplexing

or long, however understudies can do this sort of reasoning and composing. Because of

certain understudies’ absence of involvement, educators might need to additionally alter

a portion of the reports or breaking point the quantity of records they decide to utilize.

Every one of the DBQ Essays remembers platform for the type of inquiries that guide the

understudy in deciphering the record and in tending to the fundamental inquiry or brief.

To assist understudies with building up these abilities, educators can utilize the records

as a component of guidance on a specific point.

P O L Y T E C H N I C U N I V E R S I T Y O F T H E P H I L I P P I N E S 22 In

conclusion, the idea of Document-based Questions Essay as an assessment tool is

appropriate for use with secondary school students and can be utilized in an assortment of

ways. Students ordinarily have experience working with archives all through their instructive

vocations. Students in essential and transitional evaluations work with age-fitting ancient
rarities, journals, guides, and reports, all things considered. This agrees on Buckland`s

Document Theory and Lund`s Complementary Theory of Documents that documents play an

integral part in one`s learning. Documents must be used in accordance with its purpose:

proving authenticity, credibility, and critical thinking. As Berrong (2011) stated, Document-

based Questions Essay creates strong argument and claims based on primary and

secondary sources. Students who use this type of assessment tool helps in improving their

quality of learning; most likely through problem solving and critical thinking, which is needed

in the 21st century learning. As further elaborated in this study, Document-based Questions

Essay focuses on the historical side of the assessment. It was implemented in the U.S.A

during the 1970s when it was included in their high school placement examinations, to know

on how history was created, rather than learning it (Berrong, 2011). By administering this

type of assessment tool in our current educational setting, DBQ Essays would help in

improving the quality of validity, accuracy, critical thinking, constructing arguments,

identifying, and solving the problem of the students through expounding and proving their

answers based on evidence and sources.

De la Paz, Ferretti, Wissinger, Yee, and MacArthur (2012) demonstrated that

students' written argumentation techniques are related to the historical theme as well as

variances in students' background factors, such as writing skills and grade level, which

implies that writing arguments are first identified using historical themes. Historical


P O L Y T E C H N I C U N I V E R S I T Y O F T H E P H I L I P P I N E S 23
are used as subject for debatable topics, which would help students to increase their

argumentative skills.

DBQ Essay promotes improvement in proving arguments, as Nokes (2014)

proved that history instruction provides opportunities and practices for students to

engage in non traditional texts and for the higher order history skill of the students. This is

where historical thinking skills must be enhanced. History thinking skills is the idea of

engaging oneself in an "into, through, and beyond" approach, which refers to envisioning
oneself in the context of history. As found out in their study, development of higher order

thinking skills (HOTS) and reasoning skills is what Document-based Question Essays

are raising.

Beroong (2011) pointed out that using DBQ Essay would be a beneficial in

learning how to analyze and read material that are important to a citizenry, question

action and motives, developing arguments, and understand complex situations. This

connects to the study of McCammon (2016), as pointed out by Mozingo (2018) that in

using DBQ Essay, students would be asked to analyze some historical issue or trend

with the aid of the sources or documents as the basis.

Adeyemi (2012), defined that developing student` critical thinking skills involve the

learning the art of suspending judgment: one should adopt a perspective rather than

giving judgmental orientation. This proves the study of Mozingo (2018) that DBQ Essays

are an essential part of students' critical judgment and interpretation of the text including

the context, author, and the date it was published. In addition, Doyle (2020) supports the

development of students` critical thinking skills through the different styles and

approaches being used by the teachers. Ruggiero, as cited by Murawski (2012) added

that critical thinking helps enhances the students` open-mindedness to become

interested in different

P O L Y T E C H N I C U N I V E R S I T Y O F T H E P H I L I P P I N E S 24
views, to see problems as an avenue for exciting challenges, and to engage in active


Noonan (2007) mentioned that Document-based Questions Essay require

students to think analytically and logically when using the documents and come up with a

written response that integrate information from a variety of sources. Some of the skills

involved in background analysis includes evaluating the reliability, validity, and accuracy

of background sources; identifying both the point of view of sources and data biases;

considering alternative positions and solutions; categorizing information as political,

social, or economic, or as positive or negative; comparing different interpretations of

events; and constructing support for a position by choosing accurate, relevant evidence

Document-based Questions Essay proves the reliability, validity and accuracy of

the sources being used in such topics. User (2019) elaborated both reliability and validity

as a component in learning while EdCaN Australia (2020) stated that reliability and

validity are considered as the most important characteristics of a well-designed

assessment procedure.

Validity is defined as the degree of what it claims or intends to assess. There are

different types of validity: first is according to the content, where assessment methods

must be able to match the learning content; next is according to the criteria, wherein the

assessment methods are explicit enough in correlating with behaviors; and last is

according to the construction, where assessment measures the intended learning

content. While reliability, on the other hand, refers to the extent in which the assessment

method measures consistently the performance of the students.

The sole purpose of assessments is to align its results and outcomes to the level

of students` attainment of skill and knowledge. Now, assessing student`s validity and

P O L Y T E C H N I C U N I V E R S I T Y O F T H E P H I L I P P I N E S 25
reliability in answering opens the possibility of improving their higher-order thinking skills

(HOTS) and their critical thinking. At the height of the 21st century, students must be able to

equip such skills to help the society in alleviating problems and concerns. Document based

Questions plays its part in honing student`s validity and reliability, as it practices proper

usage of proving authenticity.

Another effect of Document-based Questions Essay is to determine the point-of view of

the given topic, identify the problems connected to the topic, and providing possible

solutions to alleviate the problem regarding the topic. The point-of-view that Document

based Questions Essay provides is based on the sole evidence connected to the topic

they are answering. By understanding the point-of-view, it helps students to improve their

critical thinking and to increase their ability to recognize their potential (Bales, 2018).
Next, Document-based Questions Essay helps in identifying and solving

problems regarding the topic being discussed. Problem-solving skills is one of the most

important skills needed to be equipped to the students, as it allows them to determine

the root cause of a situation. After determining the problem, students tend to solve

problems based on their observation and knowledge to the problem.

Berrong (2011) pointed out that Document-based Questions Essay requires the

transfer of both knowledge and skills inside the classroom to the real-world problem.

DBQs require students to become flexible and figure out what type of skills the situation

demands. Most of the questions from the Document-based Questions Essay focus on

topics that require identifying the problem and giving solutions. With this, DBQs assist

students in improving and enhancing their problem-solving skills, preparing them to the

real-world opportunities.

P O L Y T E C H N I C U N I V E R S I T Y O F T H E P H I L I P P I N E S 26
Another effect of the Document-based Questions Essay is that it helps in comparing

interpretations; and helps in constructing strong arguments regarding the extent of the topic.

Silver (2010) found out that student identifying similarities and differences through

comparative analysis led to the eye-opening gains in student achievement. Compare and

contrasting help students in strengthening students` memories, develop higher-order thinking

skills (HOTS), increase student`s comprehension, and develop student`s habit of mind

(Silver, 2010). Document-based Questions Essay imparts the ability to compare sources to

achieve analysis in creating strong arguments.

Based on Thoughtful Learning (2014), constructing strong arguments consists of

seven (7) C`s: considering situations, clarifying thinking, constructing claims, collecting

evidence, consider objections, crafting arguments, and confirming the main point.

Document-based Questions Essay requires the students to use both primary and

secondary sources as their basis on proving their stand regarding the topic. Document

based Questions Essay requires the collection of evidence to support claims. Once the

foundation of the argument is being constructed, students can conclude their perspective
towards the problem situated in the DBQ Essay.

In conclusion, the effects of the Document-based Questions Essay as an

assessment tool helps in improving students` skills and abilities. Students` skills and

abilities that DBQs implant to the students consist of determining its validity and

reliability; creating point-of-views; identifying and solving problems, comparing, and

contrasting sources, and lastly are creating strong arguments and claims. The following


mentioned answers the objective of the Document-based Questions Essay, as stated by

P O L Y T E C H N I C U N I V E R S I T Y O F T H E P H I L I P P I N E S 27
Berrong (2011); which is to measure discipline-specific skills and develop critical-thinking


Synthesis of the Related Literature and Studies

The usage of a particular assessment in education is important to assess the

learners` knowledge, skills, and abilities during learning. That is why teachers prepare

most of the time in selecting and implementing an assessment that is suitable for the

learners` preferences.

Teachers might affect their readiness in using an assessment tool in terms of their

age, their gender, their educational attainment, and their teaching experiences; in relation

to the study conducted by Raha (2017); Sivasakthi and Muthumanikam (2012) as cited

by Rabida, Rozita, and Zakar (2018); Collier (2013) as cited by Horn and Sung (2017);

Bradenburg, McDonough, Burke, and White (2016) as cited by Graham, White, Cologon,

and Pianta (2020); and Kini and Podolsky (2016).

Tumanduk Kawet, Manoppo, and Maki (2020) defined that teacher possess

different tasks such as guidance, encouragement, and the provider of learning resources

needed in holistic and quality learning. One of the roles that teachers possess is the
selection and implementation of assessments as mentioned by Gabinete (2013) and

Missouri State University (2021).

Assessments are important in the field of education, as it help learners on expressing

their knowledge, understanding, and mastery in the discussion. The teachers ensure

that the assessments being implemented in the classroom set-up, aligns to their own

preferences, proving the study of McMillan (2013) and the conceived perception of

P O L Y T E C H N I C U N I V E R S I T Y O F T H E P H I L I P P I N E S 28
Chong and Cheah (2010) on teachers` assessment strategies. The use of assessment tools

in Social Studies rely on the teacher`s preferences if it would help students in achieving

quality learning, proving the study of Myers (2004), as cited by Tupper (2010). In addition,

Mehta (2021) stated that all assessment tools have its own strengths and weaknesses, so it

needs to undergo proper assessment and evaluation to know its effect when used in the

classroom set-up.

Essays play an integral part in the curriculum. It is one of the widely used

assessments, due to its structure and purpose. As stated by the Centre for the

Enhancement of Teaching and Learning (2014), essays are an assessment questions

that are subjective in type, requires answers in a sentence, paragraph, and short

compositions. Rhodes (2013) described that essay help the students to enhance and

master their core skills such as writing, reading, organizing ideas, and communication.

Essays, as mentioned by Yotovska and Asenova (2013), serve as the motivator

for the students to express their ideas, perceptions, and opinion regarding the topic being

discussed. Berrong (2011) stated that Document-based Question Essays originated in

the High School Advance Placements (APs) during the mid-1970s to enforce the

teaching of History. Document-based Questions Essay is a type of essay questions in

which students are required to analyze primary and secondary sources of data to

substantiate their point

of-views. It implies that both primary and secondary sources are important in proving the
focus of topics they are discussing.

Norran (2011) states the various advantages of Document-based Questions Essay in

the classroom setting such as evaluation of the documents being used, identifying point

of-views, identifying, and finding the solutions to a problem, comparing, and contrasting,

and constructing support for a position based on the evidence. This supports the


P O L Y T E C H N I C U N I V E R S I T Y O F T H E P H I L I P P I N E S 29 of
DBQ Essay, as mentioned by Berrong (2011) that DBQ Essay measures discipline specific

skills and develop critical-thinking skills. Document-based Questions Essay provides different

skills and abilities in improving students` skills and abilities, which relates to the study

conducted by De la Paz, Ferretti, Wissinger, Yee, and MacArthur (2012); Nokes (2010);

Adeyemi (2012); Mozingo (2018); Doyle (2020); and Ruggiero, as cited by Murawski (2014)..

Buckland`s Document Theory (2015) and Lund`s Complementary Theory of

Documents (2013) states that documents play an integral part in one`s learning.

Documents must be used in accordance with its purpose: proving authenticity, credibility,

and critical thinking. This supports Berrong (2011) that Document-based Questions

Essay creates strong argument and claims based on primary and secondary sources;

wherein students who use this type of assessment tool helps in improving their quality of

learning, most likely through problem-solving and critical thinking, which is needed in the


century learning.

The related literature and studies being discussed in this chapter states that the

readiness of the teachers in implementing assessments is always based on the

preference of the students, while essays as a widely used assessment tool stands out as

a motivator for the students to express their knowledge. This comes up with the idea of

another essay type, which justifies the usage of documents as their centerpiece for


Chapter 3


This chapter presents the methods that will be used to collect data from the

respondents. It contains the method of research, population, sample size and sampling

technique, the description of the respondents, the research instrument, the data

gathering procedures, and the statistical treatment of data.

Research Method

The researchers used quantitative type of research as research design. Babbie

(2010) stated that the quantitative type of research emphasizes on the measurement and

analysis of the gathered data through the collection of response in questionnaires, polls,

and survey. He furthermore added that the quantitative type of research aligns in

gathering numerical data across several people to describe and understand the extent of

the phenomenon.

In addition, the researchers used descriptive type of research as a research

method. Fluet (2021) discussed that descriptive type of research used on testing the

hypothesis and defining the distinct characteristics of the research. Descriptive type of

research defines the phenomenon being studied. Fluet (2021) states that the descriptive

P O L Y T E C H N I C U N I V E R S I T Y O F T H E P H I L I P P I N E S 31
type of research focused on defining the problem rather than how it exists. It aims to explain

accurately the phenomenon of the research being conducted.

Population, Sample Size, and Sampling Technique

The population of this study consisted of the Grade 7, Grade 8, Grade 9, and

Grade 10 Social Studies teachers in different public secondary schools around Quezon

City, Caloocan City, and in Manila City who are available to participate in the data

gathering procedure.

The researchers determined the sample size through quota sampling technique.

Simkus (2022) defined stratified random sampling as a form of non-probability sampling

where researchers formed a sample of the respondents who are representative of a

bigger population. In this study, the researchers obtained the sample population from a

total of thirty (30) Social Studies Teachers from the public secondary schools around

Quezon City, Caloocan City, and Manila City; that are based on a demographic profile

such as their age, sex, highest educational attainment, and years of educational


Description of the Respondents

The study only focused of the Grade 7, Grade 8, Grade 9 and Grade 10 Social

Studies teachers from different public secondary schools around Quezon City, Caloocan

City, and in Manila City. A total of thirty (30) Social Studies teachers would be the

respondents in both schools to retrieve their responses in determining their level of

readiness in using Document-based Questions Essay as an assessment tool. The

selected teacher-respondents are grouped based on a demographic profile such as the

Age, Sex, Highest Educational Attainment, and Years of Educational Experiences.

P O L Y T E C H N I C U N I V E R S I T Y O F T H E P H I L I P P I N E S 32
Berrong (2011) defined Document-based Questions Essay as a type of essay questions in
which students are required to analyze primary and secondary sources of data to

substantiate their point-of-views. Since Social Studies teachers often use both of documents

and essay in their assessments, the researchers have chosen the Social Studies teachers as


Social Studies teachers have prior experience in implementing assessments and

could help in determining their insight about their readiness in using assessment tools

such as the Document-based Question Essays.

Research Instrument

This study used survey questionnaires as a method in collecting data. Hellevik

(2019) stated that survey questionnaires are research instruments consist of sets of

questions that aims to gather information or data to their respective respondents. This

study used survey questionnaires to gather the teacher-respondents` response about

their readiness in using Document-based Questions Essay as an assessment tool.

Survey questionnaire would help the researchers to know if the teacher-respondents are

ready enough to use Document-based Questions Essay as an assessment tool.

The questionnaire comprises of the following indicators that supports to the

readiness of the teacher-respondents in using Document-based Questions Essay as an

assessment tool, such as the Teacher Readiness, Learning Environment, Learners` Self

Learning and Learners` Characteristics. The result of the questionnaire determines if the

teacher-respondents are ready or not ready in using Document-based Questions Essays

as an assessment tool. The researchers adapted a survey questionnaire based on the

P O L Y T E C H N I C U N I V E R S I T Y O F T H E P H I L I P P I N E S 33
research study entitled “Analysis of E-learning Readiness Level of Public and Private

Universities in Central Java, Indonesia” by Y. Saintika, S. Astiti, D.J.A Kusuma and A.W.

Muhammad (2021).
A four-point Likert Scale is constructed to measure the level of teacher readiness

in using Document-based Questions Essay as an assessment tool. As McLeod (2019)

elaborated, Likert scales allow the respondents to express on agreeing or disagreeing

within a particular statement.

Likert Scale for the Respondents` Level of Readiness in using Document-based

Question Essays as an assessment tool


4 (3.26 – 4.00) Strongly Agree

3 (2.51 – 3.25) Agree

2 (1.26 – 2.50) Disagree

1 (1.00 – 1.75) Strongly Disagree

Data-Gathering Procedure

In gathering the data of this study, the researcher sought suggestion from the

research adviser to check the content and grammar of the survey questionnaire being

used in gathering data.

After that, the researchers sought to the validators to face-validate the survey

questionnaire. Once the questionnaire is validated and approved by the validators, the

P O L Y T E C H N I C U N I V E R S I T Y O F T H E P H I L I P P I N E S 34
researchers sought suggestions from the statistician before conducting data gathering

procedures. The statistician suggested to conduct a reliability testing to know if the survey

questionnaire is stable and consistent.

After conducting the reliability testing of the survey-questionnaire, the statistician

gave a go-signal in obtaining responses from the Social Studies teachers through open

surveying. The researchers gave the sample DBQ Essay and the survey-questionnaire to
the available Social Studies teachers around Quezon City, Caloocan City, and Manila


After gathering the response from the Social Studies teacher-respondents, the

researchers tabulated and referred the results through the statistical treatment led by the


Statistical Treatment of Data

The following statistical tools is used to interpret the gathered data:

1. Frequency and Percentage

Percentage is used in determining the breakdown of the total number of

populations who responded to the questionnaire. Percentages are derived by dividing

one quantity to another, with the latter rebased to 100.

Since the researchers need to determine the level of teacher readiness in using

Document-based Question Essays as an assessment tool, it is necessary to use

percentage in order to determine the number of responses in accordance to the

demographic profile such as the Age, Gender/Sex, Highest Educational Attainment, and

Years of Educational Experience

P O L Y T E C H N I C U N I V E R S I T Y O F T H E P H I L I P P I N E S 35 •

Frequency - pertains to the number of respondents who answered the same in a

specific question.

• Percentage- used to determine the ratio of the respondents.


�� = ��× 100

% - the percentage

F – is the total number who has the same answer/ category; and

N – is the total number of respondents

2. Mean

Mean is used to measure the responses in the survey questionnaires, whether

the teacher-respondents are ready or not ready to use Document-based Question

Essays as an assessment tool. Weighted mean calculates the average by multiplying

the weights with its respective mean and taking its sum (Keni, 2021).


∑ ����
∑ ��


P O L Y T E C H N I C U N I V E R S I T Y O F T H E P H I L I P P I N E S 36 ∑ -
is the summation;

W – weight; and

X – is the value

3. Significant Testing (t-test)

The researchers used independent sample t-test for this study to compare the two

independent groups and to determine whether if the statistical difference in the

population means is significantly different (Kent State University, 2021). Independent

sample t-test answers on how the demographic profile of the teacher-respondents such
as the Age, Sex, Highest Educational Attainment, and Years of Educational Experience

affects the level of teacher-readiness in using Document-based Question Essays as an

assessment tool.

The formula in getting the significant difference between the demographic profile

and the level of teacher-readiness is:

�� =��̅̅1̅ − ��̅̅2̅


���� = √(��1−1)��12 +(��2−1)��22

��1 +��2 −2


P O L Y T E C H N I C U N I V E R S I T Y O F T H E P H I L I P P I N E S 37

��̅̅1̅ = Mean of first sample

��̅̅2̅ = Mean of second sample

��1= Sample size (i.e., number of observations) of first sample

��2= Sample size (i.e., number of observations) of second sample

��1= Standard deviation of first sample

��2 = Standard deviation of second sample

���� = Pooled standard deviation

4. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)

Kenton (2021) defined Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) as a statistical tool that

splits an observed variability into two parts: the systematic and random factors, which

are found inside the given data set. ANOVA test is used to determine the influence of

the independent variable on the dependent variable within the study

ANOVA is a strong statistical technique that shows the difference between two or

more means through significant testing.

In this study, the researchers used One-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) to determine

if there are any statistically significant differences between the means of three or more

independent groups. The formula for the one-way ANOVA is listed below:

P O L Y T E C H N I C U N I V E R S I T Y O F T H E P H I L I P P I N E S 38
Source Sum of Squares Degrees of Mean F

of Freedom Squares

Variatio (MS)

Within ��
�� ����� ��
2 = �� − 1
− ��̅��) � =���
������ = ���
∑∑(�� ���
��=1 =
��=1 �

Between ��
���� = �����
= �� −
∑(��̅�� − ��̅)2 �� �

Total ��
���� = = �� − 1
∑(��̅�� − ��̅)2


F = ANOVA Coefficient

MSB = Mean sum of squares between the groups

MSW = Mean sum of squares within the groups

MSE = Mean sum of squares due to error

SST = total Sum of squares

p = Total number of populations

n = The total number of samples in a population

SSW = Sum of squares within the groups

SSB = Sum of squares between the groups

SSE = Sum of squares due to error

s = Standard deviation of the samples

N = Total number of observations


Chapter 4


This chapter presents the results and discussion of the data analysis and the

results of the study about the teachers` readiness in using Document-based Questions

Essay as an assessment tool.

1. The Profile of Teacher-respondents

Table 1

Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Teacher-Respondents in terms of Age

Age Frequency Percentage (%)

21-30 years old 16 53.3%

31-40 years old 7 23.3%

41-50 years old 6 20.0%

51-60 years old 1 3.3%

Total 30 100%

Table 1 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of teacher-respondents

in terms of age. The data analysis revealed that teacher-respondents in the age range of

21-30 years old had the highest frequency (53.3%), followed by teacher-respondents in

age range of 31-

P O L Y T E C H N I C U N I V E R S I T Y O F T H E P H I L I P P I N E S 40 40
years old (23.3%), 41-50 years old (20%), and 51-60 years old (3.3%). The data implies that

most of the teacher-respondents who answered the questionnaires are younger teachers

who are 21-30 years old and followed by the middle-aged teachers who are 31- 40, and 41-50

years old. While the veteran teachers, who aged 51-60 years old, have the least percentage

who participated in the survey.

This implies that the age of teachers affects on choosing assessments all

throughout their career, which supports the statement of Raha (2017), that the older the

teacher, the higher experiences their students would attain. More experienced teachers

might be able to guide beginning teachers in handling classroom management, as well

as choosing assessment tools. This implies that whether a teacher is young, middle-

aged, or old, they do not differ in establishing students' effective learning (Sivasakthi and
Muthumanikam, as cited by Rabida, Rozita, and Zakar, 2018).

Age is the most important demographic question in surveys as these also help

researchers in discovering and categorizing distinct age groups. So, Fontanella (2019)

mentioned that demographic questions should be included in every survey since

researchers want to know if people are qualified to respond. It is also critical to employ a

variety of methods for determining the respondent's age in order to make them feel at

ease when answering the survey.

Age is significant in surveys because it is used to establish the target group

viewers. This supports the statement of Sandberg (2017), that this would be useful in

studying other domains where age and level of participation are required and combined.

Furthermore, there may be a positive correlation between age and the level of interaction

when completing the survey. Furthermore, Cleave (2020) mentioned how suitable

surveys can provide a lot of useful information in terms of analyzing their input and


P O L Y T E C H N I C U N I V E R S I T Y O F T H E P H I L I P P I N E S 41
different significant correlations between age and certain viewpoints and behavioral


Table 2

Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Teacher-Respondents in terms

of Gender
Sex Frequency Percentage (%)

Female 16 53.3%

Male 14 46.7%

Total 30 100%

Table 2 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of teacher-respondents

in terms of gender. The data analysis revealed that more than half of the teacher

respondents (53.3%) are female, while 14 teacher-respondents are male (46.7%). This

implies that the gender of the teacher-respondents has no disparities. The male and

female teachers-respondents show almost similar numbers, which implies that both

genders of the teachers show their readiness in using Document-based Question Essays

as an assessment tool.

It is important to know the genders of the respondents, to know their impact within

the study being conducted. This supports the statement of Abbate (2021) that gender has

a substantial impact on how people interact with and experience society. Furthermore,

gender identification might influence participants' perspectives on the topic; the presence

of both female and male participants informs researchers as to whether gender plays a

factor in the issues they are examining.

It is necessary to know the gender of the respondent to comprehend the origins if

inequities are revealed, most likely in defining which gender posits the usage of

P O L Y T E C H N I C U N I V E R S I T Y O F T H E P H I L I P P I N E S 42
Document-based Questions Essay as an assessment tool. Knowing the gender of

therespondent will boost average performance, most likely in teaching and giving


Table 3
Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Teacher-Respondents in terms
of Highest Educational Attainment
Highest Educational Attainment Frequency Percentage (%)

Bachelor’s Degree Holder 24 80.0%

Master`s Degree Holder 3 10.0%

Master`s Degree Holder with Doctoral Units 2 6.7%

Bachelor’s Degree Holder with Master’s Units 1 3.3%

Total 30 100%

Table 3 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of teacher-respondents in terms

of highest educational attainment. The data analysis revealed that most of the Social

Studies teacher-respondents are Bachelor's Degree Holder, which comprises 24

responses: covering 80% of the total percentage of teacher-respondents. It is followed by

Master`s Degree Holder with 3 responses: covering 10% of the total number of teacher

respondents. Then, followed by Master`s Degree Holder with Doctorate Units, covering

6.7%; and lastly is the Bachelor`s Degree Holder with Master`s Units, covering 3.3% of

the total percentage of the teacher-respondents. This implies that most of the responses

came from the Bachelor`s Degree holders, in gathering their perceptions on their

readiness in using Document-based Questions Essay as an assessment tool.

As stated by Collier (2013), teachers` educational attainment has an impact on

the students` achievement. Teachers` educational attainment would influence the

students to

P O L Y T E C H N I C U N I V E R S I T Y O F T H E P H I L I P P I N E S 43

become more focused in learning. Teachers` educational attainment might affect the ability of

the teachers in improving their situation in classrooms to attain student achievement. Ladd

and Sorensen (2015) explain the essence of attaining higher degrees, where it is a way of

investing knowledge to provide many opportunities during teaching. Teachers who achieve

such degrees might be able to improve the selection of assessment tools as an example of

attaining better achievement for the students.

Teachers who attain higher educational degrees are a manifestation of becoming

more knowledgeable and critical in the field of education. Higher educational degree

often helps teachers to explore the extent of education. Higher educational degree

shows different opportunities in the different challenges of the educational system.

The statistics of the teachers in the country as reported by the Department of

Education (DepEd) states that 10% of the teachers have Doctorate Units, 41% have

Master’s Degree, and 49% are Bachelor Degree Holder. Therefore, the teachers who

took Bachelor’s Degrees have a higher percentage than the teachers who just took

Master's and Doctorate Units. Ehrenberg and Brewer, as cited by Zyngier (2014) found

out that most of a teacher's educational attainment had a positive relationship with

student gain in high school students, which implies that educational attainment affects

student learning in the classroom. This implies that the educational attainment of the

teacher-respondents signifies their readiness in using Document-based Questions

Essay as an assessment tool.

P O L Y T E C H N I C U N I V E R S I T Y O F T H E P H I L I P P I N E S 44
Table 4
Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Teacher-respondents in terms of Years
of Educational Experiences
Years of Educational Experiences Frequency Percentage (%)

8 years below 18 60.0%

9-16 years 10 33.3%

17-24 years 2 6.7%

Total 30 100%

Table 4 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of teacher-respondents

in terms of years of educational experiences. The data shows that most of the teachers`

years of educational experiences is 8 years below, which comprises 18 teacher

respondents and covers 60% of the total percentage of the respondents, the highest

among the other preferences. It is followed by 9-16 years of educational experience,

which is answered by 10 teacher-respondents and covers 33.3% of the total percentage

of the respondents; and lastly is 17-24 years of educational experience, the lowest
among the educational years who covers 6.7% of the total percentage of the

respondents. This implies that most of the Social Studies teacher-respondents who

participated in the questionnaire are younger teachers.

Bradenburg, McDonough, Burke, and White (2016), as cited by Graham, White,

Cologon, and Pianta (2020) stated that there is a linear relationship between teachers`

years of educational experiences and the teachers` quality, which implies their

effectiveness in making decisions in order to achieve quality learning. Teachers are

characterized in different age ranges, as mentioned in the study of Graham, White,

Cologon, and Pianta (2020). Teachers who teach 0-3 years of experience are called

“rookie teachers” while the teachers who teach more than 3 years refers to the

P O L Y T E C H N I C U N I V E R S I T Y O F T H E P H I L I P P I N E S 45
experienced teachers. While the teachers who have been teaching for more than five +years

are called “expert teachers. In connection to the data analysis, most of the Social Studies`

teacher-respondents have at least 8 years of teaching experience, where they are

considered as expert teachers.

New or younger teachers have different skills and abilities. This supports the

statement of Johnson (2018), that new teachers have different advantages such as

having newer ideas in alleviating classroom problems and bringing newer perspectives

in teaching while veteran teachers are known for their experiences, which helps

beginning teachers in sharing ideas and perceptions in creating a suitable classroom

organization and planning for improving teachers` ability in choosing assessment tools.

In addition, Kini and Podolsky (2016) stated how teachers` years of educational

experiences affects students` outcomes. Teachers` effectiveness is steep in the early

years, but it becomes significant after two or more decades in teaching.

This implies that teachers, through the years, improve their qualities and

effectiveness in giving quality learning. They tend to learn from their experiences as part

of their strategy to become effective in teaching, which includes choosing proper

assessment tools. This concludes that the Social Studies teachers` years of educational
experience signifies their readiness in using Document-based Questions Essay as an

assessment tool.

P O L Y T E C H N I C U N I V E R S I T Y O F T H E P H I L I P P I N E S 46
2. The Level of Teacher Readiness in using Document-based Questions Essay
as an assessment tool

Table 5
Level of Teacher Readiness in using Document-based Questions Essay as an
assessment tool according to Teachers` Readiness
Teachers` Readiness Weighted Verbal
Mean Interpretation

I am ready enough to use Document-based 3.50 Strongly Agree

Questions Essay, because it is aligned to
support the objectives of Social Studies.

I am ready to help my students to use 3.40 Strongly Agree

Document-based Questions Essay to
improve students` reasoning and higher-
order thinking skills (HOTS).

I am ready enough to accept Document 3.40 Strongly Agree

based Questions Essay as an assessment
tool for self directed and student-centered

I am ready enough to use Document-based 3.37 Strongly Agree

Questions Essay because it is
understandable and easy to follow.

I am ready enough to use Document-based 3.33 Strongly Agree

Questions Essay as an assessment tool.

Table 5 shows the weighted mean, total grand mean, and the verbal interpretation of the

first level of teacher-readiness in using Document-based Question Essays as an

assessment tool, which is teachers` readiness. The teacher-readiness in using Document

based Questions Essay according to the Social Studies teachers` readiness comprises
five (5) statements, that deals about the preparedness of the teachers in using Document

based Question Essays as an assessment tool. This answers to the question, if teachers

P O L Y T E C H N I C U N I V E R S I T Y O F T H E P H I L I P P I N E S 47
are ready enough to let their students hone their abilities through using Document-based

Questions Essay.

The statement, I am ready enough to use Document- based Question Essays, because

it is aligned to support the objectives of Social Studies, achieved the highest weighted

mean of 3.50 among the statements; verbally interpreted as Strongly Agree, implying

that the Social Studies teacher-respondents are ready enough to use Document based

Questions Essay as an assessment tool based on the statements. The data shows that

half of the Social Studies teacher-respondents are ready to use Document-based

Questions Essay because it is aligned to support the objectives of Social Studies. DBQ

Essay has skills-based objectives which are assessing both skills and content.

The general objective of Social Studies is to students be able to think in a critical

and logical way and provide knowledge and skills that will help them to become

responsible and competent citizens and to develop higher order thinking skills, which will

be tackled on the assessment of DBQ Essay. Both are stated that their primary goal is to

teach students how to analyze, reasoned out and dig deeper into sources related to the

study of social studies. To prepare students for DBQ Essay, teachers must be

responsible in teaching their students a specific skill set rather than forcing them to focus

on a collection of historical facts, which answers to the Inquiry-based Learning Model

Theory where students are aimed on the students` ability of increasing their level of

understanding and application on the real-world theories (Pappas, 2014).

The statement, I am ready enough to use Document- based Questions Essay

because it is understandable and easy to follow, achieved a weighted mean of 3.37;

verbally interpreted as Strongly Agree, implying that the teacher-respondents are ready

enough to use Document-based Questions Essay as an assessment tool based on the

statements. Berrong (2011) shows that developing the capacity to express a historical
P O L Y T E C H N I C U N I V E R S I T Y O F T H E P H I L I P P I N E S 48
argument in writing teaches students that they have the power to make their own

interpretation and to do so based on evidence rather than uncritical acceptance of other

people’s claims.

The statements, I am ready to help my students to use Document-based

Questions Essay to improve students` reasoning and higher-order thinking skills (HOTS)

along with I am ready enough to accept Document based Question Essay as an

assessment tool for self-directed and student-centered instruction both achieved a

weighted mean of 3.40; which is verbally interpreted as Strongly Agree, implying that the

teacher-respondents are ready enough to use Document-based Questions Essay as an

assessment tool based on the statements

This implies that, like the other statements, the teacher- respondents are ready

enough to help their students in using Document-based Question Essays for the

improvement of their students’ reasoning and higher-order thinking skills (HOTS) like

completing essays that require analysis. Nokes (2010) proved that history instruction

provides opportunities and practices for students to engage in non-traditional texts and

for the higher order history skill of the students. Historical thinking skills are developed

through the process of “doing history”. History thinking skills is the idea of engaging

oneself in an "into, through, and beyond" approach, which refers to envisioning oneself

in the context of history. Historical questions, analyzing primary and secondary sources,

finding sources, and crafting written arguments supported by evidence are somehow the

DBQ Essays is trying to raise for the development of higher order thinking skills and

students’ reasoning.

The data also revealed that the teacher-respondents are ready to use Document

based Question Essays in terms of self-directed and for student-centered instruction.

Document-based Question Essays allow students to have their own specific answer

P O L Y T E C H N I C U N I V E R S I T Y O F T H E P H I L I P P I N E S 49 is
based on evidence and analyze primary source and secondary sources and deliberate the

validity of the argument or the sources. Findings revealed by Berrong (2011) that Document-

based Questions Essay would be a beneficial not only through learning critical thinking and

disciplinary skills but also in learning how to analyze and read material that are important to a

citizenry, question action and motives, developing arguments, and understand complex

situations. Therefore, it is argued, the DBQ Essay, along with the study of history, is a

worthwhile activity.

The statement, I am ready enough to use Document- based Questions Essay as

an assessment tool, achieved the lowest weighted mean among the statements: which is

3.33; but still verbally interpreted as Strongly Agree, implying that the teacher-

respondents are somehow ready enough to use Document-based Questions Essay as

an assessment tool based on the statements. The nature of the DBQ Essay is to create

a strong thesis statement based on the primary and secondary sources available,

depending on the topic. DBQ Essay are used in the U.S as a part of innovative teaching

of history in the secondary level: where students tend to become historians by holistically

analyzing sources to achieve a strong thesis statement (Berrong, 2011). DBQ Essay

turn students into an impressive critical thinker, which is needed in the 21 st century


The data shows that the statement I am ready enough to use Document- based

Questions Essay as an assessment tool, achieved the lowest weighted mean among the

statements of teacher readiness, which implies that most of the Social Studies teacher

respondents think that DBQ Essay is too critical for the students to use or apply it in their

learning. In addition, there are no local studies, as of the writing, have been conducted

that talks about the DBQ Essay, which implies that teachers might have a little idea on

how this type of assessment would help students to enhance their skills and abilities.

With this, the teacher-respondents might have researched on the components of the

P O L Y T E C H N I C U N I V E R S I T Y O F T H E P H I L I P P I N E S 50
Essay, and how it would help students to enhance their skills and abilities, which proves the

study of McMillan (2013) that in conducting assessments on students` learning, teachers

must have necessary knowledge and understanding on what type of assessment they would


In conclusion, all statements of teacher readiness achieved a verbal interpretation

of Strongly Agree, meaning that the teacher-respondents are ready enough in adapting

to Document-based Questions Essay as an assessment tool.

Table 6
Level of Teacher Readiness in using Document-based Questions Essay as an
assessment tool according to Students` Learning Environment
Students` Learning Environment Weighted Verbal Interpretation

Document-based Questions Essay 3.50 Strongly Agree

helps you in infusing the culture of the
learning environment.

I am ready to give opportunities to my 3.37 Strongly Agree

students to write Document-based
Questions Essay for a variety of their

Document-based Questions Essay 3.37 Strongly Agree

allows you to assist your students in
different ways of learning.

I am ready to involve my students in 3.33 Strongly Agree

the different learning contexts,
through the use of Document-based
Questions Essay.

I am ready to assist students in 3.30 Strongly Agree

diverse learning, through the use of
Document based Questions Essay.
P O L Y T E C H N I C U N I V E R S I T Y O F T H E P H I L I P P I N E S 51
Table 6 shows the weighted mean, total grand mean, and the verbal interpretation of the

second level of teacher-readiness in using Document-based Question Essays as an

assessment tool, which is students` learning environment. The teacher-readiness in using

Document-based Question Essays according to the students` learning environment

comprises five (5) statements, that deals about the effect of the students` learning

environment in using Document-based Question Essays as an assessment tool. This

answers the question, if teachers are ready enough to improve students` learning

environment through using Document-based Question Essays.

The statement Document-based Questions Essay helps you in infusing the

culture of the learning environment, generating a weighted mean of 3.50, which is the

highest among the statements. According to Kennedy (2019), one behavior that is very

common for all generations that once they have committed during high school is the

word "cheating”. Most examinations given by instructors encourage this practice.

Assessments are an essential tool to measure the overall understanding and learning of

students in a particular quarter or even in a year, it is also the basis of his/her efficiency

as a teacher.

On the other hand, Omninox (2016), DBQ Essays infuse a learning environment

that prevents cheating because it requires their analysis, understanding, and comparison

to the documents provided before they logically arranged their analysis on the given

documents. It is not easy to cheat in this format of an assessment. In addition, Desai

(2021) described DBQ Essays as a test of recollecting history and analyze related

documents that once learned in Social Studies. These materials can either be primary or

secondary sources. Connecting the context of documents to concepts outside of the text

and to make connections between all sources would help demonstrate one`s knowledge

as a writer.
P O L Y T E C H N I C U N I V E R S I T Y O F T H E P H I L I P P I N E S 52 In
connection, DBQ Essay require students to become flexible and figure out what type of skills

the situation demands. Most of the questions from the Document-based Questions Essay

focus on topics that require identifying the problem and giving solutions. With this, DBQ

Essay assist students in improving and enhancing their problem-solving skills, which prepares

them for real-world opportunities.

Another, DBQ Essay tends to improve the teachers` engagement to the students

on the different varieties of opportunities would help them to strengthen the culture within

the classroom. The teachers` role is to share their experiences from teaching, on how to

build a strong bond between the students, which proves the study of Tumanduk

(2020) that the teachers` task is to encourage, guide, and provide learning facilities for

the students in achieving learning goals.

While on the other hand, the statements Document-based Questions Essay allow

you to assist your students in different ways of learning and I am ready to give

opportunities to my students to write Document-based Questions Essay for a variety of

purposes, generating the same weighted mean of 3.37. DBQ Essay give students

different opportunities in learning such as improving critical thinking, creating

perspectives and point-of-views, proving claims and arguments, and analyzing sources.

Students should be able to create their own perspective, because of evaluating

one's thinking, which proves the statement of Adeyemi (2012), where developing student`

critical thinking skills involve the learning the art of suspending judgment: one should

adopt a perspective rather than giving judgmental orientation. Through using DBQ

Essay, students would become practical in critical thinking and perspective; one of the

skills and abilities of the 21st century curriculum. Another, Document-based Questions

Essay provides the creation of point-of-view, where it is based on the sole evidence

connected to the topic they are answering. By understanding the point of-view, this

proves the
P O L Y T E C H N I C U N I V E R S I T Y O F T H E P H I L I P P I N E S 53
statement of Bales (2018), that creating point-of-views helps students to improve their critical

thinking and to increase their ability to recognize their potential.

This also proves the seven (7) C`s of creating arguments of Thoughtful Learning

(2014) which comprises: considering situations, clarifying thinking, constructing claims,

collecting evidence, consider objections, crafting arguments, and confirming the main

point. Writing DBQ Essay must posit the creation of strong claims and arguments. Once

the foundation of the argument is being constructed, students can conclude their

perspective towards the problem situated in the DBQ Essay. Document-based Questions

Essay require the students to use and analyze primary and secondary sources as their

basis on proving their stand regarding the topic.

The statement, I am ready to involve my students in the different learning

contexts, using Document-based Questions Essay achieved the weighted mean of 3.33;

and the statement I am ready to assist students in diverse learning using Document-

based Questions Essay, generated a mean of 3.30; which is the lowest among the


Learning context, as defined by Jackling (2020) refers to students’ perceptions,

ideas, roles, and situations on how they will engage in learning. Teacher-respondents

agree that DBQ Essay promote the involvement of the students in learning context. DBQ

Essay tend to discover different ideas, show the background of the situation, and to know

their own roles. This supports Coffey (2010) that discovery learning is an inquiry-based

instruction that believes learners are best educated when they discover facts by

themselves. This implies why teacher-respondents agree that Document-based

Questions Essay promote the involvement of the students in the different learning


While on the other hand, the statement I am ready to assist students in diverse

learning using Document-based Questions Essay, achieved the lowest weighted mean
P O L Y T E C H N I C U N I V E R S I T Y O F T H E P H I L I P P I N E S 54
among the statements. Teacher-respondents might think that DBQ Essay focused only on a

specific concentration, rather than being diverse. Diverse learning must be introduced to a

broader sense of knowledge, perspectives, strategies, and applications. Despite this rating,

the statement achieved a verbal interpretation of Strongly Agree, implying that Document-

based Questions Essay can be aligned in promoting diverse learning, through conducting

substantial studies.

The accumulated total weighted mean of all the statements is 3.37; thus,

receiving a verbal interpretation of Strongly Agree; which concludes that the teacher-

respondents are clearly ready enough to use Document-based Questions Essay as an

assessment tool when it comes to improving students` learning environment.

P O L Y T E C H N I C U N I V E R S I T Y O F T H E P H I L I P P I N E S 55
Table 7
Level of Teacher Readiness in using Document-based Questions Essay as an
assessment tool according to Students` Self-Learning
Students` Self-Learning Weighted Verbal Interpretation

I am ready to enhance my students` 3.50 Strongly Agree

ability to solve problems on their own,
using Document-based Questions

I am ready to strengthen my students` 3.47 Strongly Agree

argument before writing Document
based Questions Essay.

I am ready to solidify my students` 3.43 Strongly Agree

learning, using Document-based
Questions Essay.
I am ready to assist my students in 3.40 Strongly Agree
providing answers based on their own
perspective, using Document-based
Questions Essay.

I am ready enough to let my students 3.40 Strongly Agree

assess their own answers.

Table 7 shows the weighted mean, total grand mean, and the verbal interpretation

of the third level of teacher readiness, which is students` self-learning. The teacher

readiness in using Document-based Questions Essay according to the students` self

learning comprises five (5) statements, that deals about the relevance of the students`

self-learning in using Document-based Questions Essay as an assessment tool. This

answers the question, if teachers are ready enough to let their students adapt in

independent learning, through using Document-based Questions Essay as an

assessment tool.

P O L Y T E C H N I C U N I V E R S I T Y O F T H E P H I L I P P I N E S 56
The table presents the level of readiness of teacher respondents towards students' self-

learning. The statement, I am ready to enhance my students` ability to solve problems on

their own using Document-based Questions Essay, or the capacity of the teachers to use

Document-based Questions Essay in enhancing students' ability to solve problems garnered

a total rating of 3.50, which is the highest weighted mean score and verbally interpreted as

Strongly Agree.

Johnson (2016) stated the nature of students who used Document-based

Questions Essay are acting like historians and "doing" history” or engaging in historical

thinking and understanding. DBQ Essay is an authentic assessment that prepares the

student to become equipped with the skills appropriate to "real world" tasks. The

practicality and its effectiveness to assess the student's understanding of a particular

document would increase. Whereas Berrong (2011) mentioned that Document-based

Questions Essay requires the transfer of both knowledge and skills inside the classroom
to the real-world problem. DBQ Essays help students to become flexible and figure out

what type of skills the situation demands. Most of the questions from the Document-

based Questions Essay focus on topics that necessitate problems and give solutions,

which supports the Inquiry-based Learning Model Theory or the ability of the students to

answer real-world problems on their own, with their teacher as the main facilitator for

their learning. With this, DBQ Essay assist students in improving and enhancing their

problem-solving skills; preparing them for real-world opportunities.

Next, the statement I am ready to strengthen my students` argument before

writing Document-based Questions Essay, or the ability of the students to fortify their

arguments before writing Document Based Questions Essay accumulated a weighted

mean score of 3.47; verbally interpreted as Strongly Agree.

P O L Y T E C H N I C U N I V E R S I T Y O F T H E P H I L I P P I N E S 57

Furthermore, Johnson (2016) stated that the use of document-based inquiries is one way to

develop discourse-specific writing skills across the curriculum while also focusing on both the

process and product approaches to writing DBQ Essays. Schwartz (2012) mentioned that

DBQ Essay was introduced into New York's social studies assessment program in 2000, that

requires students to review original documents about a topic and then answer with both short

and extended constructed responses to demonstrate their understanding. In addition, the

study of De la Paz, Ferretti, Wissinger, Yee and MacArthur (2012) demonstrated that

students' written argumentation techniques are related to the historical theme as well as

variances in students' background factors, such as writing skills and grade level. The

researchers concluded that older and stronger writers employed various documents to build

general interpretations of their arguments and verified their claims in their essays with text


Next, the statement I am ready to solidify my students` learning, using Document

based Questions Essay is rated 3.43; verbally interpreted as Strongly Agree. According

to Mozingo (2018), DBQ Essay are an essential part of students' critical judgment and

interpretation of the text including the context, author, and the date it was published. It
solidifies the logical thinking and the comprehension of students to examine the content

of the document.

McCammon (2016), as cited by Mozingo (2018) stated that in using DBQ Essay,

students will be asked to analyze some historical issue or trend with the aid of the

sources or documents as the basis. The thesis and argument development asked

students to provide a historically defensible claim that would be a consistent answer in

all aspects. It is different from usual assessments of just presenting phrases or

references. Moreover, Mozingo (2018) ensures that students can comprehend the

importance of a thesis

P O L Y T E C H N I C U N I V E R S I T Y O F T H E P H I L I P P I N E S 58
statement to answer a sample DBQ Essay and make a comparative analysis through

connections across two or more texts.

Among the statements of students self-learning, I am ready to assist my students

in providing answers based on their own perspective using Document-based Questions

Essay and I am ready enough to let my students assess their own answers both obtained

the lowest weighted mean of 3.40, which is still verbally interpreted as Strongly Agree.

This could be possible since Document Based Questions Essay are highly discouraging

opinionative statements given that it is research-based.

According to Berrong (2011), DBQ Essay tasks students to base on the primary

and secondary sources to support their argument. In addition, McCammon (2016) as

cited by Mozingo (2018) states that students will be asked to analyze some historical

issue or trend with the aid of the sources or documents as the basis. The thesis and

argument development asked students to provide a historically defensible claim that

would be a consistent answer in all aspects. In the process of letting the students assess

their papers, there might be an occurring repudiated idea for obtaining the lowest

weighted mean score because teachers should also look upon the whole process and

serve as the facilitator to give feedback to students.

In fact, according to Tout (2016), students need to be guided to learn the

necessary skills to achieve the desired outcome and to offer support and necessary

scaffolding to make them aware of their errors. This concludes that all of the statements

of Students` Self-Learning agrees that teachers are ready enough to let their students in

independent learning, through using Document-based Questions Essay as an

assessment tool.

P O L Y T E C H N I C U N I V E R S I T Y O F T H E P H I L I P P I N E S 59
Table 8
Level of Teacher Readiness in using Document-based Questions Essay as an
assessment tool according to Students` Characteristics
Students` Characteristics Weighted Verbal Interpretation

I am ready enough to promote 3.57 Strongly Agree

truthfulness and honesty of your
students in answering.

I am ready enough to prepare my 3.50 Strongly Agree

students in knowing their own skills and
abilities in proving authenticity.

I am ready enough to assist my 3.43 Strongly Agree

students in boosting their
competitiveness in proving and
defending claims.

I am ready enough in the development 3.40 Strongly Agree

of my students` critical thinking skills.

I am ready enough to showcase my 3.23 Agree

students` curiosity and confidence in

Table 8 shows the weighted mean, total grand mean, and the verbal interpretation

of the fourth level of teacher-readiness, which is students` characteristics. The teacher

readiness in using Document-based Questions Essay according to the students`

characteristics comprises five (5) statements, that deals about the various capabilities

that the students might achieve in using Document-based Questions Essay as an

assessment tool. This answers to the question, if teachers are ready enough to let their

students hone their abilities through using Document-based Questions Essay.

The statements I am ready enough to prepare my students in knowing their own

skills and abilities in proving authenticity, and I am ready enough to promote truthfulness

P O L Y T E C H N I C U N I V E R S I T Y O F T H E P H I L I P P I N E S 60 and

honesty of the students in answering shows higher weighted means of all the statements of

students` characteristics. While the statement, I am ready enough to prepare my students in

knowing their own skills and abilities in proving authenticity accumulated a total weighted

mean of 3.50, second to the highest weighted mean. This implies that most of the teacher-

respondents are in favor of Document-based Questions Essay doing a larger impact to the

students in honing their authentic skills and abilities.

Teachers consider choosing an appropriate assessment, based on its skills and

abilities. Teachers use different types of assessment to assist their learning. Essays is a

common example of an assessment widely used in schools worldwide. Essays is a type

of authentic assessment that improves the reasoning skills of the students, as it tends to

involve students into the topic through giving insights, criticisms, and interpretation.

Essays are written by the students based on their own belief and with honesty as it

promotes fact-checking to the information being elaborated, rejecting the possibility of

spreading misinformation. Teachers used essays to know their students` insights,

reactions, opinions, and criticisms on a particular topic. This is somehow connected to

the study of Yotovska and Asenova (2013), that essays as an art of reasoning, wherein

students conceived subjective opinions, derived on their own belief and interpretation, to

prove a particular topic.

Document-based Questions Essay is a type of essay that enhances the students`

critical thinking skills, proving authenticity, and promoting truthfulness and honesty in
answering. Teachers saw something beyond the Document-based Questions Essay that

would help their students to enhance their skills and abilities, most likely in proving

authenticity. This proves the statement of Berrong (2011) and the study of Noonan

(2007), that Document-based Questions Essay is a written task in which students


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authentic and significant evidence, such as primary and secondary sources; and presents

that information in a persuasive, logical, and accurate essay. It also helps students to know

what questions to ask, to know how to analyze and verify sources, and to know how to

understand the perspective of others.

Students, who use DBQ Essay, would learn on how to use primary and

secondary documents or sources properly as steps on enhancing authenticity. Students

who uses properly documents (such as newspaper articles, maps, photographs, and

other sources) is a best practice for the students in enhancing their skills and abilities in

proving authenticity This implies why teacher-respondents agree that DBQ Essay

promote authenticity, as students learn on how to use documents as a proof of

authenticity; thus, supporting Buckland`s Document Theory (2020), where it defines

documents as a concept of understanding the communication, documentation, gathering

information, and attaining knowledge.

Document-based Questions Essay do not only focus on history, like how it was

supposed to be. Document-based Questions Essay can also be used in other

concentrations of Social Studies. Document-based Question Essays tend to enhance

students to act like a social scientist that views, predicts, and informs on how society acts

nowadays. This would generally help the students to easily learn its distinct categories,

from how such disciplines started and how students understand, react, and apply it to the

real-world situations. This supports the study of Tupper (2010) through the statement of

Myers (2004) that teachers are responsible in selecting an appropriate assessment for

the students in teaching Social Studies.

Document-based Questions Essay removes the threat of misinformation in

learning, as it posits the skills of the students in giving analysis and critical thinking about

the topic being discussed. Document-based Questions Essay use both primary and

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secondary sources as their main evidence in creating a firm stand and argument, which is an

indicator that the students reject the possibility of being misguided or misinformed in using

such information.

Truthfulness and honesty in answering questions, using Document-based

Question Essays answers the statement of Noonan (2007) about the skills of the

students achieved in using Document-based Questions Essay. Document-based

Question Essays promote validity and reliability, where User (2018) and EdCan Australia

(2020) stated that both validity and reliability is the most important component in

learning, as it serves as an example of a well-designed assessment procedure. Validity

determines the accuracy of an extent, while reliability on the other hand, determines

consistency. Both are shown in Document-based Questions Essay, as it enhances the

students to focus only on giving factual and liable answers, perceived through the

documents being used. It shows the same thing through truthfulness and honesty in

answering. That must be the interpretation of teacher-respondents relying on agreeing

that they are ready enough to promote truthfulness and honesty in answering questions,

based on the features of Document based Questions Essay.

Proving authenticity, truthfulness, and honesty in students` skills and abilities is

one of the components in creating a better learning outcome. The emergence of

authentic assessments in the current curriculum proves that correctness is not only the

criterion, but the ability of the students to justify and to be truthful on their answers (NJIT,


The weighted mean of the statements I am ready enough in the development of

my students` critical thinking skills, and I am ready enough to assist my students in

boosting their abilities in proving and defending claims, rated 3.43 and 3.40; both verbally
interpreted as Strongly Agree. This implies that the Social Studies teacher-respondents

are ready in using Document-based Questions Essay as an assessment tool as it

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improves students` characteristics, and leaves a larger impact to the students in enhancing

their abilities in critical thinking and proving arguments.

One of the most vital virtues that a student must acquire during learning is the

development of their critical thinking skills. Doyle (2020) supports the development of

students` critical thinking skills through the different styles and approaches being used by

the teachers. This involves choosing the appropriate assessment tool that would

generally help students to adapt in critical thinking.

Murawksi (2014) added that critical thinking helps students to become open

minded, to become interested in different views, to see problems as an avenue for

exciting challenges, and to engage in active listening. It defines critical thinking skills as

an effective skill set for the students` development. This implies that a student who

achieved critical thinking skills often practices it into their later life, which helps them to

expand their perspectives in the real world and to choose their decisions in a convenient

and wise way.

In addition, Adeyemi (2012) supports that developing student` critical thinking

skills involve the learning the art of suspending judgment: one should adopt a

perspective rather than giving judgmental orientation. Students should be able to create

their own perspective, because of evaluating one's thinking. Document-based Questions

Essay promotes the creation of strong thesis arguments, one of the main features of

critical thinking. In this assessment tool, students would be able to create their own

perspective through the documents they have gathered, based on their designated


The spread of misinformation among the students is imminent during these times,

so the curriculum takes serious actions on it. Brazel (2020) explained that to alleviate the

problems related to lack of critical thinking skills, educational institutions must shift toward
instruction that empowers the students` ability to analyze, criticize their works, and


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credible sources for their work. Document-based Questions Essay are a best example in

avoiding misinformation in terms of academic work; plus, it also raises the standards of

critical thinking skills.

Document-based Questions Essay posit different learning outcomes for the

students, like proving and defending claims (Berrong, 2011). This supports the idea from

Thoughtful Learning (2014) on creating strong and effective arguments through the

seven (7) C`s: Considering situations, clarifying thinking, constructing claims, collecting

evidence, considering objections, crafting arguments; and confirming the main point.

Document-based Questions Essay are mostly associated with background or fact

checking of information. It analyzes the condition of a specific topic: from how it begins

and how they affect others. This agrees with the statement of Noonan (2007), where he

mentioned that Document-based Questions Essay help in constructing support for a

position through choosing accurate and relevant evidence. Every evidence is aligned to a

specific situation through analyzing and background checking of the condition.

Document-based Questions Essay also help in clarifying thinking. This answers

the problem of most students: being confused and being misinformed. As Brazel (2020)

stated, educational institutions must consider another type of instruction that would help

students to empower, analyze, and criticize information, like supporting fact-checking,

and avoid being misinformed.

Collecting evidence is important in proving claims and arguments. This serves as

a proof that something exists, or something is proven. Using Document-based Questions

Essay would require analyzing different sources, from primary and secondary. After that,

one must be able to answer the given questions based on their analysis of the sources,

and there they will be able to create an effective thesis argument that supports their

claim. This proves the aspects of Lund`s Complementary Theory (2013) in collecting

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and sources, such as the social role of the documents in proving arguments. Creating

arguments based on the collected evidence takes part after collecting ideas.

Arguments must have tight and specific focus, must base on an authentic source,

and must be organized. This is where they consider objections. Students must prove an

idea using documents and must object to a proposition. Document-based Questions

Essay is an effective avenue for identifying and rejecting a certain position, which is a

best example of improving higher-order thinking skills (HOTS).

Lastly, creating and proving arguments and claims can also easily pinpoint a

specific main point. This supports the idea of Bales (2018) that understanding the main

point boosts and improves students` critical thinking and increases their ability to

recognize their potential. Pinpointing the main point of an argument enhances the

capabilities of the students to prove their claim. Teacher-respondents agree that

Document-based Questions Essay can prove students` ability in constructing their own

arguments and claims, with a proper usage and handling of the evidence.

On the other hand, the statement I am ready enough to showcase my students`

curiosity and confidence in answering, achieved the lowest weighted mean among the

statements; with a rating of 3.23, and verbally interpreted as Strongly Agree. This implies

Social Studies teacher-respondents somehow see Document-based Questions Essay as

a factor for boosting students` curiosity and confidence in answering. Still, most of the

teacher-respondents agree that they are ready to showcase their students` curiosity and

confidence in answering, through Document-based Questions Essay. Most of the teacher

respondents are satisfied in using Document-based Questions Essay in showcasing

students` curiosity and confidence.

P O L Y T E C H N I C U N I V E R S I T Y O F T H E P H I L I P P I N E S 66
Essays are a best example on how students would be able to unleash their curiosity about a

specific topic. The nature of the essays is to jot down insights, analysis, cite opinions, and

conclusions about a particular topic. This type of assessment helps the students to express

their thoughts, and how it impacts them. This supports the rights and welfare of the students,

as mandated by the House Bill No. 4509, where students must be able to express their

thoughts and opinion through a series of assessments. This would help the students to boost

their curiosity and confidence, enforced by a specific and proper assessment tool.

Social Studies Teachers choose a specific assessment that can ensure quality

learning, that would help the students to engage learning, and to become curious.

Curiosity occurs to students when they are fascinated and interested in the specific topic.

This supports the statement of Sidhu (2013) that curiosity occurs when you learn more

than on what you know. Teachers can know if students are interested in the topic when

they impart questions. Students asking questions is an example of enhancing curiosity.

They tend to know the answers to their questions through asking. This supports the

statement of Sidhu (2013) that confidence grows when one continues to understand what

they want to know. The virtue of curiosity and confidence are observed in a cycle.

Curiosity boosts confidence, and confidence would allow one to become curious.

Both curiosity and confidence are enhanced in learning using assessments.

Teachers make sure that the assessments they have used are composed of different

skills and abilities that would help students to reinforce their learning abilities. Teachers,

who know their chosen assessment and its abilities, are effective in the classroom setup.

Document-based Questions Essay require the usage of primary and secondary

sources in answering the questions, then they will use the sources to build a strong

thesis argument, to prove their stand. This proves the statement of Silver (2010) that


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learning through comparative analysis led to eye-opening achievements. Teachers would

likely to pave way on using a specific assessment that would achieve satisfaction from the
students, so that it reflects on the data shown: that most teachers are ready enough to use

Document-based Question Essays because they want to have a classroom set-up where

students are engaged enough in learning, and where they are curious and confident enough

in participating in learning.

3. Comparison in the Level of Teacher Readiness in using Document-based

Question Essays as an assessment tool when grouped according to the
Demographic Profile

Table 9
Differences in the Level of Teacher Readiness in using Document-based
Questions Essay as an assessment tool when grouped according to Age
Indicators P - value Decision Remarks

Teachers` Readiness < 0.001 Reject Ho Significant

Students` Learning Environment 0.002 Reject Ho Significant

Students` Self-Learning 0.001 Reject Ho Significant

Students` Characteristics < 0.001 Reject Ho Significant

P O L Y T E C H N I C U N I V E R S I T Y O F T H E P H I L I P P I N E S 68

Table 9 shows the significant difference between the levels of teacher-readiness and the age

of the teacher-respondents. In determining the significant differences in the level of teacher-

readiness in using Document-based Question Essays as an assessment tool according to

age, the researchers used One-Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), to determine the
influence of the independent variable on the dependent variable within the study. One-Way

ANOVA is a strong statistical technique that is used to show differences between two or more

means of significant testing. The levels of teacher-readiness comprised four (4) namely:

Teacher Readiness, Students` Learning Environment, Students` Self Learning, and Students`

Characteristics. These levels are analyzed in accordance with the age of the teacher-

respondents to know if this affects the level of teacher-readiness in using Document-based

Questions Essay as an assessment tool. It is stated that if the adjusted p-value is less than or

equal than the level of significance (0.05), reject the null hypothesis then the result would be

“Reject Ho”, meaning that two groups have significant differences. While if the adjusted p-

value is greater than the level of significance (0.05), the result would be “Failed to Reject Ho”,

meaning that the two groups have no significant differences.

The first indicator of teacher readiness defines on the preparedness and

readiness of the teacher-respondents in using Document-based Questions Essay as an

assessment tool. The data shows that the p-value of “Teacher Readiness” and the age

of the teacher respondents is greater than 0.001 (p < 0.001). The level of significance in

the data analysis is 0.05, while the p-value between the “Teacher Readiness” and the

age of the teacher respondents is greater than (<) 0.001; meaning that a significant

difference exists between the first indicator of teacher readiness and the age of teacher-


For the second indicator of teacher readiness which is “Students` Learning

Environment”, it defines the readiness of the teachers in using Document-based

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