Ingv Act2 LDG

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Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación

Ingles V

Actividad 2

Alumno: LADG

Matrícula: 16xxx

Facilitador: xxxx

Rewrite the sentences correctly.

1. I’m not going to keep bottles these empty plastic.

I’m not going to keep these empty plastic bottles

2. Birds yellow pretty decorated walls the ancient.

Pretty yellow birds decorated the ancient walls

3. A simple explanation simple will prevent punishment a terrible.

A simple explanation will prevent a terrible punishment

4. I them told that pizza frozen would make fine a dessert.

I told them that frozen pizza would make a fine dessert.

5. The accountant young pays the dutifully all bills month by month.

The young accountant dutifully pays all the bills month by month.

Write a paragraph describing the last book you read.

The name of the book is: Caballo de Troya by JJ Benitez.

This is a fiction book that is narrated as if it is a true report of how the author was
approached by an unnamed retired US Air Force pilot, referred to as "The Major"
throughout the book which is also called Jason in later books, who in an elaborated
way tells the author how to find classified documents telling the story of the
Operation Trojan Horse, in which The Major took part as a time traveler sent to
witness the last weeks of Jesus's life through a time-travelling device sent back in
time by the US military in an Israel base in 1973.

The book describes the time machine in a detailed way and Jason had a walking
stick with a camera and microphones inside of it. Jason is a witness of the life of
Jesus. It is a mixture of Science fiction and some details that we can also find in
the catholic bible that we all know, for example the last supper of Jesus Christ and
the Sanhedrins who caused Jesus to be whipped and crucified. I really enjoyed this
Aspectos Criterio Ponderación
Formato y extensión Se identifica el documento con el
formato correcto requerido para 10
el nombre del archivo.
El trabajo contiene portada con
nombre del alumno y fecha.
La actividad está redactada en
forma clara y concisa, se apega a
la solicitud de extensión del
Evaluación del contenido Se calculan los datos que se piden 60
en las tablas.
Se contesta correctamente a las
preguntas planteadas.
Ortografía y redacción La ortografía y la redacción es la 20

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