Research Proposal

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The Dyeing Performance of Malabar Spinach (Basella alba) Fruit

A Research Proposal Presented to Science Department Research Council,

Libertad National High School,
Libertad, Butuan City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

Research IV for Grade 10


Grade 10-Faraday
January 2023
Republic of the Philippines
Caraga Administrative Region
Butuan City Division
Libertad, Butuan City

Approval Sheet

The Faculty of Libertad National High School accepts the Research Paper Proposal

“The Growth of Mung Beans (Vigna radiata) in Relation to Sunlight”

Submitted by Nicole S. Arcaya, Shandrea Ellen C. Carillo, Alyka Kassandra M.

Culaba, Keziah P. Llagas, and Chiara P. Villarina in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for Research IV.

Research IV
Chair, Final Defense Panel

Consultant /Defense Panel

OIC-Head, Science Dept.

Date of Defense:
Republic of the Philippines
Caraga Administrative Region
Butuan City Division
Libertad, Butuan City

Declaration of Authorship

We hereby declare that this Research Paper titled:

“The Growth of Mung Beans (Vigna radiata) in Relation to Sunlight”

is our own work. To the best of our knowledge, it contains no material previously
published or written by other authors or entities, nor the material which has been
submitted or accepted as a requirement for Research IV in Libertad National High
school or other educational institutions. All statements taken literally from other
writings or referred to by analogy are marked and the sources are always given. This
paper has not yet been submitted to another examination office, either in the same or
similar form.

We agree that the present work may be verified with an anti-plagiarism software.

Nicole S. Arcaya
Shandrea Ellen C. Carillo
Alyka Kassandra M. Culaba
Keziah P. Llagas
Chiara P. Villarina
Date :
Program : Science, Technology and Engineering Program
Department: Junior High School, Science Department



The researchers would like to thank and acknowledge the people who

suggested recommendations all throughout the study.

This Research Study will not be completed without the help and effort of our

researchers and adviser Ma’am Nanette L. Samson

To the researchers’ adviser Mrs. Nanette L. Samson, helping and encouraging

the researchers on continuing their research study was very efficient to the efforts

created or made to propose the research study, all we could say is Thank You!

To the researchers’ parents and siblings for the love and support given

lovingly and financially, Thank You!

And, to our Heavenly Father, for giving us strength throughout the conduct of

this research study.


Statement of the Problem 3
Hypothesis 3
Significance of the Study 4
Scope and Limitation of the Study 4
Definition of Terms 6


2 Review of Literature 7
Review of Related Studies 7
Theoretical/Conceptual Framework 8
Research Design 9
Research Locale 9
The Subjects/Sampling 9
Research Instrument 9
Ethical Considerations 9
Data Gathering Procedure 10
Timeline of Activities 12
Budget 12


Chapter 1



Sunlight is a basic requirement for any organism's growth together with water. Plants

need water and sunlight for the growth development of the plants and before they could

produce food. Plants do need basic requirements for the growth progression of a healthy

state. Mung beans are high in nutrients and antioxidants, which may provide health benefits.

In fact, they may protect against heat stroke, aid digestive health, promote weight

loss, and lower “bad” LDL cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar levels. In this

experiment, we will differentiate the growth of the Mung Bean (Vigna Radiata) plants in a

change of sunlight exposure. It is a plant that has been domesticated in Mongolia, which is

why it is also known as "monggo," and it is small, ovoid, and green in color. It will be found

in both savory and sweet dishes.

An experiment will conduct to see if the presence of sunlight will have any effect on

the growth of monggo seeds. According to common knowledge, the presence of sunlight

requires for plant growth. The researchers want to see if this was true by using monggo


To conduct this experimentation, we will need to collate the Mung Bean (Vigna

Radiata) plants wherein the Mung Bean (Vigna Radiata) plant will place in an area where it

will expose in the sunlight, and the other one will be fully secure and cover in the closet far

away from sunlight exposure, while experimenting, we will make sure the safety of the C

plants. Two Mung Bean (Vigna Radiata) plants will successfully be planted, and their daily

growth will be monitored and recorded. We will indicate that mung bean (Vigna Radiata)

plants stored in the closet will rise more rapidly than mung bean (Vigna Radiata) plants kept

in the morning sunlight. mung bean seeds are particularly rich in protein, containing about

20.97–31.32% protein content.

The goals of this study are to 1) determine whether the presence of sunlight truly

affects the growth of monggo seeds, and 2) determine whether darkness influences the

growth of monggo seeds. 3) to assist plant growers in understanding the factors that will aid

plant growth, such as sunlight, and 4) to inform people that, while it is common sense to

expose plants to sunlight, it is also an important consideration to be given importance to, and

5) to determine whether which set-up will produce more leaves. Mung Bean (Vigna

Radiata) seeds are particularly rich in protein, containing about 20.97–31.32% protein

content Mung Bean (Vigna Radiata), sometimes known as the mung bean plant, is a native

of the Indian subcontinent. They are widely consumed as food legumes in Southeast Asian

nations as well as China, Korea, and Japan (Huang, Cai, and Xu 2013).

The mung bean is a significant source of vitamins A, C, and K, among other critical

nutrients. Numerous studies have shown that mung beans help prevent heart disease, manage

diabetes, and trigger the production of anti-cancer cytokines (Gamonski 2014). Mung beans

are now purchased by suburbanites as a combatant for obesity (Gamonski 2014). Mung

beans are grown by farmers all over the world in moist soil, and they vigorously sprout in

temperatures associated with tropical sunlight (Oplinger, Hardman, Kaminski, Combs, and

Doll 1990).

Sunlight, on the other hand, will not actually require or responsible for seed

germination, but it is essential to plant growth in general. Germination, on the other hand,

necessitates moisture and warmth. Although plants will grow under artificial lights, it will

discover for centuries that they will thrive and grow best when they will expose to natural

light or sunlight.

Statement of the Problem

The purpose of this research is to evaluate the ability of mung beans (Vigna radiata)

to grow in terms of sunlight. In this regard, the researcher is determined to find solutions to

the following issues:  

1. Is there a significant effect of sunlight on the growth of mung beans? 

2. Will mung bean production be faster if they are exposed to sunlight or not? 

3. Is the production of mung bean needed the presence of sunlight or not? 

4. What role does sunlight play in the germination of mung bean (Vigna radiata) seeds? 


All plants require sunlight for photosynthesis, the process within a plant that converts

light, oxygen and water into carbohydrates (energy). Plants require this energy to grow,

bloom and produce seed. Without adequate light, carbohydrates cannot be manufactured, the

energy reserves are depleted, and plants die. Hence, it was hypothesized that sunlight is

needed for the growth of mung beans. 

Significance of the Study

The significance of studying the growth of mung beans in relation to sunlight


Agricultural productivity: The study can provide insights into the effects of sunlight on

mung bean growth, which can help farmers optimize their planting strategies and improve

agricultural productivity.

Environmental impact: The study can help identify the environmental impact of different

light intensities on mung bean growth, providing information that can be used to design

sustainable agriculture practices.

Nutritional benefits: Mung beans are a nutritious food source, and understanding the impact

of sunlight on their growth can help identify optimal conditions for maximizing their

nutritional value.

Scientific research: The study can contribute to the body of scientific knowledge on plant

growth and development, specifically the relationship between light and plant growth.

Educational purposes: Studying the growth of mung beans in relation to sunlight can also

serve as an educational tool to teach students about plant growth and photosynthesis. 

Scope and Limitation of the Study

The scope of the study on the growth of mung beans in relation to sunlight may include

determining the effect of varying levels of light intensity, duration of exposure, and

frequency of light exposure on the growth and development of the plant. In addition, it also

tackles the number of leaves, their height, and the color of the leaves during the five days of
observation. The study may also explore the physiological mechanisms by which the plant

responds to

changes in light conditions. It may also add the idea that it shows data if the sunlight really

does play a role in the growth of mung beans.

Data may be collected through experiments in a controlled environment or through

observations of the plant's growth in natural conditions. Additionally, data were also

collected through quantitative and descriptive techniques. The limitations of this study may

include the narrow focus on the relationship between sunlight and mung bean growth, which

may not fully capture the complexity of the plant's growth and development. Other factors,

such as soil quality, water availability, and nutrient availability, may also play a significant

role in the plant's growth.

Additionally, the results of the study may not be directly applicable to other plant species, as

different plants may have varying responses to light conditions. With this information, some

plants can live without the need for sunlight in the production of their growth; hence, the use

of sunlight for other kinds of plants is limited. Lastly, the study may be limited by the

availability of resources, such as equipment and funding, which may impact the

experimental design and the scope of the data collection.


Definition of Terms

Black soil. Is a dark-colored soil that contains a high percentage of humus as well as

phosphorus and ammonia compounds. It is also a very fertile soil with a high moisture

storage capacity that can produce high agricultural yields. 

Descriptive technique. Is a research method that describes the characteristics of the

population or phenomenon under investigation. This descriptive methodology focuses on the

"what" rather than the "why" of the research subject. 

Germination. It is the development of a plant from a seed or spore after a period of


Mung bean. Is an erect, bushy annual bean grown in warm climates for its edible, usually

green or yellow seeds, forage, and as the primary source of bean sprouts. 

Ovoid. Having the same or a similar shape to an egg. 

Photosynthesis. Is the process by which green plants and some other organisms use sunlight

to synthesize foods from carbon dioxide and water.  

Quantitative technique. Techniques that provide a systematic and powerful means of

analysis based on quantitative data may be defined as decision-making techniques. It is a

scientific method used by management to solve problems and make decisions. 

Significant. Having or likely to have influence or effect.    

Sunlight. Is the electromagnetic radiation emitted by the sun that reaches the earth,

specifically infrared, visible, and ultraviolet light. 


Chapter 2


Classification for Kingdom Plantae Down to Species Vigna radiata (L.) R. Wilczek 

Rank  Scientific Name and Common Name 

Kingdom  Plantae - Plants 

Subkingdom  Tracheobionta - Vascular plants 

Superdivision  Spermatophyta - Seed plants 

Division  Magnoliophyta - Flowering plants 

Class  Magnoliopsida - Dicotyledons 

Subclass  Rosidae 

Order  Fabales 

Family  Fabaceae Lindl. - Pea family 

Genus  Vigna Savi - cowpea 

Species  Vigna radiata (L.) R. Wilczek - mung bean 

The mung bean (Vigna radiata), also known as the green gram, maash, mūng,

monggo, or munggo, is a legume plant species. The mung bean is primarily grown in East,

Southeast, and South Asia. It can be found in both savory and sweet recipes. 

Mung bean (Vigna radiata L.) is a popular pulse consumed worldwide, particularly in Asian

countries, and has a long history of use in traditional medicine.

It has long been recognized as an excellent source of protein, dietary fiber, minerals,

vitamins, and significant amounts of bioactive compounds such as polyphenols,

polysaccharides, and peptides, making it a popular functional food for promoting good

health. The mung bean has been shown to improve hyperglycemia, hyperlipemia, and

hypertension, as well as to prevent cancer and melanogenesis and to have hepatoprotective

and immunomodulatory properties. These health benefits are primarily due to the

concentration and properties of active compounds found in mung beans.

The major polyphenols identified are vitexin and isovitexin, and peptides containing

hydrophobic amino acid residues with a low molecular weight have higher bioactivity in the

mung bean. Given the recent surge in interest in the use of grain legumes, we hope that this

review will serve as a blueprint for better utilizing the mung bean in food products to

improve human nutrition and encourage further progress in this field.

Theoretical/Conceptual Framework

1. Theoretical Framework

1.1 Based on research, mung beans develop effortlessly when wet. If the soil is

exposed to sunlight, it will dry easily.

1.2 If the soil is not exposed to sunlight, it is wet because it takes a long time to

dry. So therefore, the mung bean not exposed to sunlight will grow more


1.3 Prove recommends that light truly influences the development of monggo

1.4 Light also impacts the development of mung beans.

1.5 The sunlight's temperature makes the seeds develop a way better and

healthier green plant.

1.6 Beans don't require daylight to sprout, but they do require warmth.

1.7 The sun's energy helps warm the soil to form the ideal environment for that


2. Conceptual Framework

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

 Light exposure  Number of leaves

 Amount of water  Sprouts’ height
 Leaves’ color

Chapter 3


Research Design

The study aimed to determine the difference between sunlight and darkness on the

growing plant(s) by observing the growth of monggo seeds and sprouts. To attain this, we

separate our group into two: group A is responsible for observing the plant exposed to

sunlight, while group B is responsible for observing the plant in darkness.

Research Location, Time, and Sample of the Study

This study was conducted for five days in the home of one student in grade 9

Avogadro (STE) at Libertad National High School in February 2023 (approximately 120

hours). The samples were mung beans (Vigna radiata L.), with the first placed on a medium

with direct sunlight and the second placed on a medium without direct sunlight (in the dark).

Research Instruments

Documentation and monitoring the measurement were used to collect the data.

Equipment used is analytical balance.

Ethical Considerations
The owners of the property where the munggo seeds were planted and stored for five

days were addressed in a letter of consent that the researchers created. The researchers also

requested permission to conduct the research study. Any type of misleading information, as

well as the representation of primary data findings in a biased way, must be avoided.

Additionally, the researchers have plans to safely and ethically discard the items that will be

utilized in the experimentation once the study is complete.

Data Gathering Procedure

Materials needed for the experiment are 10 plastic cups, soil (any type of soil is fine,

but black soil was used in this experiment), 20 monggo seeds, and water.

First, mung bean seeds were chosen and collected from the local market. After that,

the mung bean seeds were then, soaked in water for an hour and then picked the determined

healthy ones by choosing the seeds that floated in the water. We prepared 20 identical plastic

cups. Those seeds were then placed over 20 plastic cups, two in each, and each of the five

plastic cups of mung bean seeds was placed over one that could be exposed to sunlight, the

window, and the other in the cabinet which could not be exposed to sunlight. Then, each set-

up was watered with the same amount of water every day for five days. Every day, the

observation was carried out by measuring the length of the plant and recording the number

of leaves in each set up.

Table 1. Number of Leaves 

Number of Leaves




With Sunlight Without Sunlight

Series 1 Series 2 Series 3 Series 4 Series 5


Table 2. Number of Sprouts

Number of Sprouts


With Sunlight Without Sunlight

Series 1 Series 2 Series 3 Series 4 Series 5

Stem Height Exposed to Sunlight


Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

Series 1 Series 2 Series 3 Series 4 Series 5

Series 6 Series 7 Series 8 Series 9 Series 10

ble 3. Stem Height exposed to sunlight



Table 1. Timetable of Activities

Activities Duration ( Weeks)

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th

1 Experiment Planning

2 Plotting Experimental design

3 Procurement of supplies, materials,

and preparation

4 Conducting of the experiment

5 Growing of Monggo Plants

6 Gathering and recording of data

7 Writing the results and conclusions


Materials Prices

Set of Monggo seeds Php 45.00

Black Soil Php 20.00



13 Tindell, J., “Kids Guide to Science
Projects,” [Online] Retrieved Sept. 29, 2007.

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