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IRCT 10th International Scientific Symposium - Delivering on the promise of the right to rehabilitation

Mexico City, 5-7 December 2016

Sunday 4 December
17.00-19.30 Official welcome

Monday 5 December
Opening session
Welcome by Mr. Victor Madrigal-Borloz, Secretary General, IRCT, Denmark and Ms. Edith Escareño Granados, General Coordinator of Colectivo Contra la Torture y la Impunidad,
9:00 -10.00
Keynote Speaker Professor Derrick Silove, Psychiatry Research and Teaching Unit and Centre for Population Mental Health Research, Southwest Sydney Area Health
Service and University of New South Wales, Australia - Challenges facing the sector in evidencing survivors' rehabilitation needs
Moderator: Mr. Victor Madrigal-Borloz, IRCT, Denmark
10.00-10.20 Introduction to concurrent working sessions - Ms. Felicitas Treue, Colectivo Contra la Tortura y la Impunidad, Mexico
10.20-10.40 Break
Multidisciplinary Identification and Obstacles to
Supporting approaches to Rehabilitation access to providing Complex
Session 1 refugees across Session 2 refugees in Session 3 services in low Session 4 protection and Session 5 services to Session 6 sequelae of
contexts countries of resource settings services for survivors of torture
asylum asylum seekers Guantanamo Bay

Mrs. Elsbeth
Tortured and
institute for
refugees at Dr. Mitch Dr. S Megan
Group Human Rights
DIGNITY (Danish Robinson United Berthold
psychotherapy Dr. Boris and Medical Integrated trauma-
Institute Against Torture By Other States University of
Ms. Linda model for asylum Drozdek, A medical Assessment informed health care: What
Torture) - Means: CIA Victims Department of Connecticut
Nordin, Danish seekers and Psychotrauma Is reconsolidation Dr. Bhushan examination at the iMMO; Dr Lilla Cambodian torture
Comparison of and the Denial of Defense, USA; School of Social
10.40-11.00 Institute refugees being Centrum Zuid impairment a viable Guragain, CVICT, beginning of an Hardi, Cordelia survivors teach us about
severity of Rehabilitation to Prof. Jess Work,
against Torture, submitted to torture Nederland/Reinie treatment option in LMICs? Nepal asylum procedure: Foundation, multidisciplinary
symptoms and Survivors at Ghannam, University of
Denmark and war: clinical r van Arkel, the HOW? Hungary ; Dr. approaches to torture
treatment Guantanamo Bay University of Connecticut
experiences and Netherlands Pierre Duterte, rehabilitation
outcomes of an California, School of Social
research Parcours d'exil,
interdisciplinary Berkeley, USA Work, USA
France ; Dr
Juliet Cohen,
Freedom from
Torture, UK

Mr. Henrik
Nilsson, The
Swedish Red
Physiotherapy in
Cross Treatment
Centres for Expanding Dr. Uwe
treatment for
Persons Affected Vulnerability Ms. Polly Harlacher,
Acute short term Dr. Mechthild trauma afflicted Efficacy of Treatment Challenges in Torture survivors resettled
by War and Guidelines to Rossdale, Nunca Mas &
treatment Wenk-Ansohn, refugees - Approaches for Victims and Mrs. Eugenia Dr Kirby implementing the in Denmark: evidence for
Torture, The Facilitate Access to Human Rights Medecins Sans
approach for Berlin Center development and Survivors of Organised Mpande, Ms Lynn Huminuik, right to rehabilitation greater multiplicity of
11.00-11.20 Swedish Red Rehabilitation for Consultant Frontieres; Prof.
newly arrived for Torture examination of a Violence and Torture within Walker, Tree of University of for former problems and higher
Cross University Survivors of Torture (former Deputy Peter Polatin
traumatized Victims, group-based Community-based settings Life, Zimbabwe British Columbia Guantanamo symptom load compared
College, Seeking Refugee Director, George
refugees Germany multicomponent in Zimbabwe detainees with other patient groups
Karolinska Protection in Reprieve) Washington
physical activity
Institutet - Canada University, USA
intervention (work in
Department of

The Extreme
Dr. Massimo
Dr. Shakeh Trauma and Torture
Germani, Dr.
Specificities of Momartin, NSW Survivors
Mr. Nodjigoto Lorenzo Mosca, Ms. Alka Dr. Emmanuel
multidisciplinary Capoeira Angola: An Service for the Identification Prevalencia de trastornos
Charbonnel, Efficacy of rehabilitation and Ms. Fiorella Pradhan, Santos,
activities in Alternative Treatment and Ms. Veronica (E.T.S.I.) Interview: mentales postraumáticos
Association treatment approaches: Rathaus, Dr. Obstacles to torture Military Colectivo
providing Intervention Rehabilitation of Laveta, Center for A specific tool for en sobrevivientes de
11.20-11.40 Jeunesse pour Group counseling torture Monica Luci, rehabilitation at Commisions Contra la
assistance to Programme for Torture and Victims of Torture, the early tortura en situación de
la Paix et la treatment model for low- Italian Council Guantanamo Defence Tortura y la
Refugee in the Traumatized Trauma USA identification of reclusión en la Ciudad de
Non Violence resource settings for Refugees - Organisation, Impunidad
Camps, AJPNV Adolescent Refugees Survivors torture victims México.
(AJPNV), Chad Together with USA (CCTI), Mexico
experiences (STARTTS), among asylum
VI.TO. Project,
Australia seekers and

11.40-12.20 Discussion Discussion Discussion Discussion Discussion Discussion

12.20-13.20 Lunch
Plenary: Resourcing to Meet Survivors' Needs
Dr. Florence Baingana, Mental Health Psychosocial Support Team Lead, World Health Organization, Sierra Leone
Ms. Gaby Oré Aguilar, Chairperson of the Board of Trustees of the UN Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture
State Representative (tbc)
Moderator: Mr. Bhava Poudyal, Independent MHPSS Practitioner, Sri Lanka
14.20-14.40 Introduction to concurrent working sessions - Dr. Pradeep Agrawal, SOSRAC, India
15.00 Break
Early assessment Culturally relevant Advocacy
Civil society as perspectives of Efficacy of
Session 7 and language Session 8 approaches in Session 9 Session 10 Session 11 contexts and Session 12
service providers rehabilitation treatment
barriers LMICs approaches
Chronic pain as a
Facilitating Dr. Uwe The impact of
relevant target for Mr. Theoneste
referrals into Dr. Debbie Harlacher,Nunca sociotherapy on the Mrs. Zdenka
the rehabilitation of Rutayisire,
treatment for Hocking, The Mas & Medecins Delivering on the right to everyday life of Service provider Mr. Asger Right to Rehabilitation: Pantic,
torture survivors: Mr Peter Kiama, Community-
asylum-seekers Florey Institute Sans Frontieres, rehabilitation: successes, genocide survivors advocacy on the Kjærum, IRCT, lessons learned and lessons Rehabilitation
implementation of a Independent Based
15.00-15.20 and new refugees of Neuroscience Sweden ; Prof. lessons and challenges: A and perpetrators in right to rehabilitation Denmark and to be learned in post Center for
pain school Medico-Legal Unit, Sociotherapy
with mental & Mental Peter Polatin, Kenya civil society Rwanda: Quality – experiences and an IRCT conflict environment in Stress and
intervention in Kenya Program in
disorders: the Health, George perspective assurance through challenges member centre Croatia Trauma Zagreb,
Cambodia and Rwanda,
STAR-MH Australia Washington participatory action Croatia
outcome in two pilot Rwanda
screening tool University, USA research
Mr. Jorge A Case Study of the
Aroche, NSW Implementation of Efficacy of Rehabilitation Dr. Martin Hill,
Assisted Self
Service for the Efficacy of Can engagement the 2009 and 2013 and Treatment Approaches - Ms. Mary Lynn
Interview Dr. Frances
Treatment and traditional cultural Dr. Abosede with survivors Mr. Kolbassia Universal Periodic Indicators Likely to Everson,
(MultiCASI): An Disruptive Innovation Lovemore, Dr. Uju
Rehabilitation of practices in the Babatunde, release the Haoussou, Review Contribute to Treatment Heartland
15.20-15.40 Innovative against Destructive Power; Counselling Agomoh,
Torture and rehabilitation of University of empowering Freedom from Recommendations to Success Among Survivors Alliance
Approach in the will human rights prevail? Services Unit, PRAWA, Nigeria
Trauma victims of torture in Ilorin, Nigeria potential of torture Torture, UK Nigeria on Torture of Torture: Heartland International -
Assessment of Zimbabwe
Survivors Nigeria’s Niger delta rehabilitation? Prevention and Alliance Marjorie Kovler Marjorie Kovler
(STARTTS), Rehabilitation of Center Center
Refugees residing
Australia Torture Victims
in Australia.
Dr. Amanda
Dr. Mariana The balancing act: Ms. Annah Williams,
Mrs. Florentine
Ms. Celeste Life after torture: Ms. Gugu Lagos, Mrs. Noemi International and Moyo, Ms. University
YIMGUEP Synthesising evidence on
Matross, Centre The use of spiritual Shabalala, Centre Sosa, Equipo Perception of the national legal Dominique Dix- College London,
Does our work Acceso a la rehabilitación. WAKEM efficacy of psychological
for the Study of assets by torture for the Study of Argentino de rehabilitation of frameworks on the Peek, Centre for UK, &
15.40-16.00 get lost in Centros Independientes y NDEUMEN, treatments for survivors of
Violence and survivors in a clinic Violence and Trabajo e victims of torture by right to rehabilitation the Study of International
translation? Estado. Trauma Centre torture: systematic review
Reconciliation, setting in Gauteng, Reconciliation, Investigación themselves with contextual Violence and Centre for
Cameroon, and meta-analysis
South Africa South Africa South Africa Psicosocial -EATIP, realities in South Reconciliation, Health &
Argentina Africa South Africa Human Rights,
Ms. Mercidita de
The all government Joya, Ms.
approach in Anti Edeliza
Torture Law: The Hernandez,
Philippine Medical Action
Experience. Group,
16.00-16.40 Discussion Discussion Discussion Discussion Discussion Discussion

16.40-17.00 Break

Plenary: A comparison of Rehabilitation Responses (final title to be announced)


Moderator: Mr. Victor Madrigal-Borloz, IRCT, Denmark

An Application has been made to the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education® for CME accreditation of this event
IRCT 10th International Scientific Symposium - Delivering on the promise of the right to rehabilitation
Mexico City, 5-7 December 2016

Tuesday 6 December

Plenary: Fostering Resilience – Survivor Participation in Research and Treatment Planning

Ms. Italia Mendez and Ms. Norma Jimenez, Women of Atenco, Mexico
Professor Carlos Beristain, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, Spain
Moderator: Mr. Javier Enriquez Sam, Colectivo Contra la Impunidad y la Tortura, Mexico
10.30-10.50 Introduction to concurrent working sessions - Ms. Bernadette McGrath, Overseas Services to Survivors of Torture and Trauma, Australia
10.50-11.10 Break
Rehabilitation Evidencing our work Dance and Gender based Challenges across
Efficacy and
Session 13 responses for Session 14 Session 15 through data Session 16 movement Session 17 violence and Session 18 contexts and
measurement tools
children collection therapy torture generations

Dr. Debabrata
From Chace to Prof.
“Human to Akshayakumar
Prof. Krzysztof Ms. L MacMillan , Humane”: Kumar
Long term effects Data in the Fight Against Prof. Anne
Rutkowski, The Freedom from IRCT, Denmark; Interactive Mayengbam, Challenges Facing
of untreated Impunity: Evidencing human Kapelembe
Department of Torture Measure of Ms F Treue, CCTI, workshop on Centre for Violence against Rehabilitation Centers for Dr. Ibrahim
childhood trauma Mr. Andy Keefe, rights violations and Muonga
Psychotherapy, Clinical Change & Mexico; Ms. creative dance Organisation women and girls in Torture Survivors in Aqel, Institute
11.10-11.30 in the group of Freedom from rehabilitation rights of University of
Jagiellonian Outcome (MOCCO): Bojana Trivuncic, movement therapy Research & the Great Lakes Jordan, the Institute for for Family
former deportees. Torture, UK survivors of torture through Lubumbashi
University development and IAN, Serbia; Mr J in rehabilitating Education, region in Africa Family Health as an Health, Jordan
Results of MMPI- the IRCT Global Clinical (UNILU), DR
Medical College, usage. Soriano, MAG, female torture India; Ms. Example
2. Database Congo
Poland Philippines survivors in a Manju Verma,
conflict setting, Creative
Manipur, India Movement
Association of
India, India

Mrs. Pearl
Ms. Erica Fernandes, Ms.
Fernandez, Promoting Yvette Aiello,
Ms. Paula MANTRA; Assisting Mrs. Zdenka
Queensland Service Efficacy. An Assertiveness in NSW Service
Let the data tell the story: Peterson, Forum MAN survivors of Pantic,
Program of evaluation of Ms. April African Adult Mr. David Alan for the Working with asylum
Reclaiming the Using clinical evidence to of Australian Torture and Rape Rehabilitation
Assistance to counselling services Pearman, Torture Survivors Harris, Antioch Treatment and seekers in Croatia - new
11.30-11.50 right to Play and secure the right to Services for remember, process Center for
Survivors of for refugee survivors ASeTTS , through University New Rehabilitation of challenge in rehabilitation
Learn rehabilitation - the Survivors of and record their Stress and
Torture and of torture and Australia Dance/Movement England, USA Torture and of torture victims
experience in Australia Torture and unspeakable and Trauma Zagreb,
Trauma trauma. Therapy Trauma
Trauma, Australia painful experiences. Croatia
(QPASTT), Interventions Survivors
Australia (STARTTS),

Dr. S Megan
University of
School of Social Dr. Hyunnie
Evidence and Mrs. Mirjana Work, USA; Dr. Ahn
Innovation: Use of Askovic, Mr. Lin Piwowarczyk, Kim Keun-tae
Building The use of culturally
Electroencephalogra Jorge Aroche, Mr. Boston Center for Memorial
Community and appropriate
m (EEG) in the Mariano Coello, Multi-Center Approach over Refugee Health Healing Center, Dr. Filiz Celik,
Sharing Ms. Dawn expressive art
Process of NSW Service for Eight Years to Provide and Human Ewha Womans Subsequent Generations' Independent
Knowledge from Stary, Ms. Erika therapy for older Mai-mai militia and Mr. Kitwe
Assessment, the Treatment Ongoing Evidence from Rights, USA; Ms. University, Demand for Consultant on
the Mental Health Hess, Survivors political torture sexual violence in Mulunda Guy,
12.10-12.30 Treatment and and Clinical Research to Ensure Crystal Riley, Dr. Republic of Acknowledgement of Their Collective and
Field: Healing of Torture, survivors: A Democratic Republic SAVE CONGO,
Evaluation of the Rehabilitation of and Sustain Effective J. David Kinzie, Korea; Dr. Hwa Historical Trauma for Historical
from Torture in International, qualitative analyses of the Congo DR Congo
Treatment Torture and Rehabilitation Programs for Torture Treatment Lee Healing Traumas in
the Face of USA of the Pansori
Outcomes in Work Trauma Torture Survivors in U.S. Center of Oregon, Kim Keun-tae Turkey
Ongoing activity group in
with Refugee Survivors Oregon Health & Memorial
Obstacles Korea
Survivors of Torture (STARTTS), Science Healing Center,
and Trauma Australia University, USA; Republic of
Dr. Jose Quiroga, Korea
Consortium of
Torture Treatment
Programs, USA

12.30-13.10 Discussion Discussion Discussion Discussion Discussion Discussion

13.10-14.10 Lunch
14.10-15.40 Symposium Poster session
15.40-16.00 Introduction to concurrent working sessions - Dr. S Megan Berthold, University of Connecticut School of Social Work, University of Connecticut School of Social Work, USA
16.00-16.30 Break
Responses for Gender based Gender based
Community based Resiliency and Ethics and
Session 19 migrants in Session 20 Session 21 Session 22 violence and Session 23 violence and Session 24
approaches rehabilitation research
various contexts torture torture

Experiences and Gender-Based

Dr. Inger Agger Dr. Susana
mental health of Violence and the
Nunca Más - Beatriz
internally Community Life Mr. Ramesh Power of Shame: Mental health and Encubrimiento de casos de
Ms. Carina Dr. Nancy Protective and risk factors of International Etchegoyen, Dr.
displaced persons Offers Rehabilitation Adhikari Historical gender based Dr. Nora tortura como falta ética
Heeke, Berlin Bothne, The psychosocial wellbeing Network for Maria Teresa
within the context Opportunities for Transcultural Reflections on the violence. Helping Sveaass, grave en el ejercicio de la
16.30-16.50 Center for Chicago School of related to the reintegration Human Rights Zalazar,
of the armed Survivors of Psychosocial Development of survivors of sexual University of profesión medica por los
Torture Victims, Professional of former child soldiers in and Encuentro de
conflict and the Torture… and Organization Therapeutic violence in conflict. A Oslo, Norway forenses de la Audiencia
Germany Psychology, USA Nepal Psychosocial Profesionales
reparation Challenges (TPO), Nepal Strategies for manual Nacional Española.
Response, contra la
process in Survivors of Sexual
Denmark Tortura, Spain
Colombia Torture

Mr. Theoneste Prof. Nimisha
Central American Dr. Amy sociotherapy in post- Women victims of
Rutayisire, Patel, Dr. Andrea
migrants: Joscelyne, gacaca Rwanda: Its Dr. Mary Fabri, Women and sexual violence in the city of Ms. Dieynaba
Community- International The Randomized Control Northwood,
Expanding the Bellevue/NYU contribution to Resiliency Factors Identified Independent violence as torture: Conakry, Guinea Ndoye,
16.50-17.10 Based Centre for Trial as a Research Tool in Center for
way we think Program for peace-building, by Torture Survivors Mental Health To tell or not to referred to the CAPREC,
Sociotherapy Health & Torture Rehabilitation Victims of
about asylum Survivors of mental health and Consultant, USA tell? center CAPREC in Senegal
Program in Human Rights, Torture, USA
seekers Torture, USA psychosocial Senegal
Rwanda, Rwanda UK

Ms. Erika Sofia Mr. David

Migrantes An Integrated
Valtierra- Curry, Center
sobrevivientes de Ms. Carmen Approach to Child Dr. Md. Mofijul Boys Do Cry:
Gutierrez, Women’s Sexual Towards an Ethical for Governance,
malos tratos en Rodriguez, Sexual Abuse Islam Bulbul Improving the Prof. Sahika
Dr. Firehiwot Comisión Assault and Human Framework to Guide Evidence,
su tránsito por Doctors Without Intervention: Lived Experience of Torture Centre for Identification and Yuksel, Turkish
Alito, Addis Mexicana de Rights from Feminist Research and Evidence- Ethics, Policy,
17.10-17.30 méxico. Borders / Perspectives and among Slum Dwellers in Rehabilitation of Rehabilitation Human Rights
Ababa University, Defensa y Perspective: Building in Torture Practice, Center
Detección, Médicos Sin Experiences of Dhaka city, Bangladesh Torture Survivors Strategies for Male Foundation,
Ethiopia Promoción de Experiences from Rehabilitation: Models from for Governance,
atención y Fronteras Stakeholders in (CRTS), Victims of Sexual Turkey
los Derechos Turkey Humanitarian Response Evidence,
rehabilitación México, Mexico Addis Ababa Bangladesh Torture in Mexico
Humanos, A.C. Ethics, Policy,
brindada por MSF Ethiopia
, Mexico Practice, USA

Ms. Edith
Escareño, Ms.
Felicitas Treue,
Tortura sexual contra
Contra la
hombres y mujeres
Tortura y la
en México

17.30-18.10 Discussion Discussion Discussion Discussion Discussion Discussion

An Application has been made to the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education® for CME accreditation of this event
IRCT 10th International Scientific Symposium - Delivering on the promise of the right to rehabilitation
Mexico City, 5-7 December 2016

Wednesday 7 December
Plenary: Challenges of mass influx and aligning service delivery
Dr. Nora Sveaass, University of Oslo, Norway
Ms. Suzanne Jabbour, IRCT President and Director of Restart Center, Lebanon
Moderator: Dr. Uju Agomoh, PRAWA, Nigeria
10.30-10.50 Introduction concurrent working sessions - Dr. Boris Drozdek, Psychotrauma Centrum Zuid Nederland/Reinier van Arkel, Netherlands
10.50-11.10 Break
Challenges in Psychosocial, Psychosocial Challenges in
Use of evidence Family,
working with community and approaches in post- prisons and
Session 25 Session 26 Session 27 Session 28 and support to Session 29 Session 30 generations and
displaced multi-stakeholder conflict migration
victims in trials rehabilitation
populations rehabilitation environments settings

Dr. Shr-Jie Psychological

Medical Sharlenna Wang, Forensic Evaluations
Documentation of A novel bio-psycho- Prof. Jens using the Istanbul Prof. Raija-
Torture in Hot social approach for Modvig, Danish Protocol to assess Leena
Mrs. Jasna Transgenerational
Conflicts Where rehabilitation of Institute against allegations of Dr. Ruth Vargas- Punamäki,
Ms. Christy Zecevic, Vive transition of trauma of
Systemic Torture, traumatized victims Torture Rehabilitation of torture torture and human Forman, Centro Psychological Care School of Social
Fujio Žene, Centre for Mr. Kizito fathers with torture
Widespread of torture and war in (DIGNITY), victims’ precondition to the rights abuses on de Service Approach for Sciences and
11.10-11.30 Independent Therapy and Wamala, ACTV, history: Family dynamics,
Detention, and the post-conflict Denmark, Ms. Reconciliation in Bosnia and Mapuche Investigacion y Torture Survivors in Humanities/
Human Rights Rehabilitation, Uganda attachment relations and
Mass context: A pilot Ardiana Bytyçi Herzegovina Indigenous People: Defensa CID Prison Settings Psychology,
Lawyer, USA Bosnia and children’s resilience in
Displacement randomized The Kosovo Contribution of SUR Chile, Chile University of
Herzegovina Palestinian families
Decimate controlled trial in Rehabilitation these evaluations in Tampere,
Populations – Kosovo Center For the national and Finland
Case Study: Syria Torture Victims, international judicial
Kosovo court systems.

The Importance of
Mass Trauma
Torture Adecuación de las Evidence in
Reduction in re-
rehabilitation in intervenciones psicosociales Ms. Emma Bolshia International
imprisonment of
IDP camps in en poblaciones indígenas: Bravo Cladera, Accountability Ms. Shanti Dr. Lin
Ms. Nushin torture survivors in
Sudan. Working Dr. Nagib Rehabilitation of Quechua, aymara y guarani Instituto de Mechanisms - A Arulampalam, Piwowarczyk,
Mr. UWIHOREYE Sarkarati, prisons in Sri Lanka
with multiple Hassan, Amel victims of torture en situación de post Terapia e look at how victim Survivors Boston Center
Chaste, Uyisenga Center for through holistic care
11.30-11.50 actors to deliver center and restoring their conflicto Adequacy of Investigación trauma affected the Associated Elders seeking treatment for Refugee
Ni Imanzi, Justice and and development
services in low- organisation, dignity through psychosocial interventions in sobre las Secuelas proceedings and Guarantee Health and
Rwanda Accountability, programmes and
resource and high- Sudan livelihoods indigenous peoples : de la Tortura y judgment against Limited, Sri Human Rights,
USA reintegration into
risk contexts – Quechua , Aymara and Violencia de senior Khmer Rouge Lanka USA
communities on
the example of Guarani in post-conflict Estado, Bolivia Officials before the
Kalma Camp situation Extraordinary
Chambers in the
Courts of Cambodia

Dr. Khader
“There is no
Contribuciones del Treatment &
worse torture Ms. Anette Dr. Mariana
EATIP para alegatos Rehabilitation
than not Mr. Andres Leal, Rehabilitation as Carnemalm,The Lagos, Equipo
en juicios por Traumatic Ms. Bojana Secondary torture victims: Center for
knowing…”: The Torture and part of the Swedish Red Psychosocial interventions Ms. Gina Paola Argentino de
crímenes de lesa experiences of Trivuncic, the impact of detention on Victims of
waiting game of trauma support introduction of Cross Treatment as part of comprehensive Donoso Roman, Trabajo e
11.50-12.10 humanidad EATIP refugees who are in International family members of Torture,
Australia’s border service of refugees, and the Centres for rehabilitation processes for Ghent University, Investigación
contributions to transit through Aid Network, Palestinian political Treatment &
protection policies Christmas networking required Persons Affected survivors of political trauma. Belgium Psicosocial -
pleading trials for Republic of Serbia Serbia prisoners in Israeli prisons Rehabilitation
and the effects on Island, Australia to do it by War and EATIP,
crimes against Center for
trauma and Torture, Sweden Argentina
humanity Victims of

Unique Restart Family

Therapy Model Reduces Dr. Sana
Isolation and Other Hamzeh,
Symptoms in Survivors of Restart Center,
Torture and Other Lebanon
Traumatic Events

12.10-12.50 Discussion Discussion Discussion Discussion Discussion Discussion

12.50-13.50 Lunch
Monitoring and
evaluation of Testimony,
Training community Forensic Side panel on Implementation of the Istanbul
Session 31 torture Sesssion 32 Treatment efficacy Session 33 Session 36 Sesssion 35 impunity and
health workers documentation Protocol in Mexico
rehabilitation rehabilitation
Ms. Valeria
Moscoso, Ms.
Mariana Lucía
Dr. Hakon
Dr. Amanda Stenmark, Mrs.
Prof. Sebnem La Tortura Como Comisión
Development of a Williams, Treatment of Merethe Hellen,
Korur Fincanci, Proceso: los Mexicana de
monitoring and University survivors of severe Mr. Tor Hogstad, Effectiveness of a
HRFT and Impactos de la Defensa y
evaluation College London, torture by an Mr. Shawkat noninvasive Digital
İstanbul Uni. Impunidad, los/as Promoción de
handbook for UK, & integrative approach Nomat, Regional Infrared Thermal
13.50-14.10 İstanbul Medical Familiares como los Derechos
services for International combining medical center on Imaging in the
Fac. Forensic Víctimas y el Humanos, A.C.
torture survivors, Centre for screening, narrative violence, diagnosis of torture:
Medicine Derecho a la , Mexico; Ms.
and guidelines on Health & exposure therapy traumatic stress case report
Department, Rehabilitación Edith Escareño
how to do it Human Rights, and physiotherapy and suicide
Turkey Integral. Colectivo
UK prevention, Mid-
Contra la
Norway, Norway
Tortura y la
Training Community Mental
Narrative Exposure
Health Workers to Deliver Ms. Mary Bunn,
Therapy (NET) for Prof. Sebnem
Evaluation of a Torture Rehabilitative Heartland Alliance
Ms Carina treatment of torture Ms. Ane Kirstine Korur Fincanci,
multimodal Services in Low Resource, International
Heeke, Dr. and war- Viller Hansen, Dr. HRFT and Justice and impunity:
treatment Conflict-Affected Settings Dr. Camelia
Mechthild Wenk- traumatized Issam Smeir, The role of bone İstanbul Uni. Implications for the
program for Doru, ICAR
14.10-14.30 Ansohn, Berlin survivors in the Danish Institute scintigraphy on İstanbul Medical rehabilitation process
refugees in foundation,
Center for Middle East and against Torture torture diagnosis Fac. Forensic of torture survivors
treatment at Romania
Torture Victims, North African (DIGNITY), Medicine in Romania
Berlin Center for
Germany (MENA) region: Denmark Department,
Torture Victims
Experience from an Turkey
educational project

Dr. Gentian
Building Vyshka Mrs. Vera Vital-
Reparación simbólica
Evaluation into Patterns of Dr. Dinali Phantom limb pain Faculty of Brasil
en América Latina
Torture Dr. Jennifer Emergency Fernando, Ms. treatment and Medicine, Clinicas do
como Política de
Rehabilitations Esala, Center Department Use By Ruyan Rahnama, rehabilitation of University of Testemunho da
14.30-14.50 Estado. Symbolic
Centers: Best for Victims of Torture Survivors at Icahn School of landmine survivors Medicine in Comissão de
reparation in Latin
Practices and Torture, USA the Libertas Center Medicine at in northern Albania, Tirana; and Anistia (
America as State
Real-world for Human Rights Mount Sinai, USA 2009-2010 ARCT Medical reparacão),
Approaches Consultant, Brazil
14.50-15.30 Discussion Discussion Discussion Discussion Discussion Discussion

15.30-15.50 Break
Symposium Rapporteur Report
Rapporteur: Mr. David Curry, ge2p2 global foundation, USA
Moderator: Mr. Victor Madrigal-Borloz, IRCT, Denmark
17.15 - 17.30 Closing Ceremony

An Application has been made to the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education® for CME accreditation of this event
IRCT 10th International Scientific Symposium - Delivering on the promise of the right to rehabilitation
Mexico City, 5-7 December 2016

Posters at the IRCT Scientific Symposium

Listed alphabetically. Current as of 4 October. An updated list is available at
Embedding and
Community Based Ms Stephanie
Participatory Olinga-Shannon,
Mr Mariano Seeking Best Ms April
Mrs Pearl Research in Ms Stephanie
Mr Mariano Coello, Implementing Refugee Coello, Ms Practices in Torture Dr Jennifer Pearlman,
“Come as you Fernandes, Ms development of Sacco, Mrs Asli The silencing of
Ms Rosemary Health Screening (RHS-15) Multilingual Lucrecia Survivor Esala, Center for Association of
are;” a journey to Yvette Aiello, biopsychosocial and Yalim, SUNY practitioners in Australian
Signorelli, at a Refugee Resettlement Relaxation CD Cardona, Identification through Victims of Services for
RAHATT. STARTTS, systemic early University at immigration detention
STARTTS, Australia Agency STARTTS, Disclosure Patterns Torture, USA Torture and
Australia childhood Buffalo, USA
Australia over Time Trauma Survivors
interventions for (ASeTTS),
families from Australia
100 years of the Mrs Chakiba
Prof Krzysztof Social constraints: Eljaouhari,
Post-traumatic Rutkowski, Enriching Social Dr Yadira Narvaez, Penetrating
Incidencia en la malla Mr Enesto major therapeutic Association The weight of the
disorders studies Department of Connectedness: Fundación para la Transformative Dr Laurent
curricular de la Facultad de Anasarias, Balay limit to rehabilitation. Unbuntu pour physiological components
at the Faculty of Psychotherapy, Experience from the Mr Shaun Nemorin, Rehabilitación Spaces to Promote Subilia,
Psicología para la formación Rehabilitation Rehabilitation l'aide aux of post-traumatic stress.
Medicine at the Jagiellonian Families in Cultural STARTTS, Australia Integral de Víctimas the Right to Association
de profesionales de la Center, contexts across Victimes de Efficacity of treatment
Jagiellonian University Transition (FICT) de Violencia Rehabilitation in the Pluriels, France
Psicología Philippines survivors identities Violence approaches
University in Medical College, Program 'PRIVA', Ecuador Philipines
and groups. Organisée,
Kraków, Poland Poland

Prof Mariana
Castilla, Prof
Gonzalez, Prof
Roland T.
Martinez, Prof
María De Lourdes
Forgiveness and Dr Edyta
Inclusive rehabilitation Ortiz, Prof Noemi
A Creative Arts- Reconciliation Mr Cristian Pena, Dembinska, Prof
Pineda, Prof Luis Dr Fernando
Londres Practice / services in the post- Mr. Theoneste Perspectiva Krzysztof Tortura y maltrato en los
Based following human Raúl Gallegos, Valadez, Ms Ronit
University College genocide Rwanda: Rutayisire, psicosocial en la Stability of Rutkowski, centros de detención de
Intersubjective Mr Steve Frazier, rights abuses. Is it Dirección de Guttman,
London Hospital / Addressing psychosocial Community-Based documentación de posttraumatic and Department of migrantes (estaciones
Approach to Mount Mary possible? The impact Atención Colectivo Contra
International needs of perpetrators, Sociotherapy impactos a víctimas anxiety symptoms in Psychotherapy, migratorias en México),
Treating Severe University, USA of post-transitional Psicosocial, la Tortura y la
Centre for Health gacaca judges and other Program in Rwanda, y sobrevivientes de Comisión de chronic PTSD Jagiellonian ausencia total de
Trauma and justice in Chile on Impunidad
and Human Rights, kinds of people’s suffering Rwanda tortura. University rehabilitación.
Torture exiled survivors of Derechos (CCTI), Mexico
United Kingdom through sociotherapy Medical College,
political violence. Humanos del
Distrito Federal,
Mexico; Dr
Santos, Colectivo
Contra la Tortura
y la Impunidad,

Prof Rasime
Şebnem Korur
Fincanci, HRFT
and İstanbul Uni.
İstanbul Medicine Dr Emmanuel
Girls’ Improving Mr Mariano
A Perverse State: Is rehabilitation and Fac. Forensic Tortura, género y prisión: Santos, Ms
livelihood and Mr Nicodemus Mr Mariano Coello, Coello, Ms
Ireland’s Ms Aisling preventive care for 0-5 year Recent Torture Medicine Dpt., Dr STARTTS Student’s un caso de uso de la Gladys Morales,
Empowering through Siayi Soko, CSYM Ms Rosemary Lucrecia
disavowal of Hearns, Spirasi, olds from refugee Method: Handcuffed Erenc Dokudan, Placement and tortura como castigo por olectivo Contra la
Education in the HUDMA Tanzania, Signorelli, Cardona,
torture – past Ireland backgrounds a right or an behind HRFT and Haseki Student Clinic incumplimiento del rol Tortura y la
Marginalized Tanzania STARTTS, Australia STARTTS,
and present imperative? Training and materno. Impunidad
Communities Australia
Research (CCTI), Mexico
Hospital, Forensic

An analysis of the
principles and
Successful Referrals
professional Group therapy : a Tratamiento y
of Torture Survivors Mr Fred Muzira,
standards guiding psychosocial path to Dr Nora Sveaass, Ms Edith rehabilitación de Dr Fernando
Rehabilitación en to Public Health Ms Ruth
humanitarian quick recovery for University of Oslo, Esacreño, sobrevivientes de tortura Valadez,
Dr Sonali Gupta, Mr Evans Wafula, Justice and reparation in personas torturadas Providers and Key Bonabaana,
action: Do they victims of torture - Norway; Mrs Juana Colectivo Contra exilados en México. Colectivo Contra
International Centre for Human Peru - voices and privadas de su Challenges to the Scouts for Mental
ensure the sharing knowledge Luisa Lloret, Centro la Tortura y la Fernando Valadez. la Tortura y la
Medical Corps Rights Advocacy perspectives libertad: Acciones Implementation of Health and
protection and with other human de Atencion Impunidad, Colectivo Contra la Tortura Impunidad
de resistencia. the Right to Development (M-
rehabilitation of rights and health Psicosocial, Peru Mexico y la Impunidad. México (CCTI), Mexico
Rehabilitation in SHED), Uganda
survivors of sectors 2016
human rights

Asegurando la
Tackling the Trauma Rehabilitation of
del Derecho a la Prof Krzysztof Rehabilitación: Dr Juan
Challenge of Iraqi and Syrian Refugees Ms MaryAnn de
Rehabilitación Ms Felicitas Help for victims of Rutkowski, reconceptualización. Almendarez,
Justicia Cognitiva: Ruta Mr Raul Marroquin, Inducting New Staff Ms Melanie in Jordan: An Ruiter, Ms
mediante la Treue, Colectivo political persecution Department of Políticas Centre for
Crítica para el Ejercicio del University of and Supporting their Leemon, Interdisciplinary, Group Veronica Levata,
formación de la Contra la Tortura in the country of Psychotherapy, alternativas ¿es Rehabilitation of
Derecho a la Rehabilitación Copenhagen, Ongoing Professional STARTTS, Therapy Approach to Center for
Red Nacional de y la Impunidad, origin - Polish Jagiellonian posible rehabilitar Torture
de las Víctimas de Tortura Denmark Development in a Australia Mental Health, Victims of
Peritos y Expertos Mexico experience University Medical privados de Survivors,
Cost Effective Physiotherapy, and Social Torture, USA
Independientes College, Poland libertad? Honduras
Manner Services Needs
contra la Tortura
en México

Assessing the Rehabilitation

Here to Stay? The Ms Anette
Implementation contexts across
implications for Ms Bernadette Mrs Ashley de Carnemalm, The
of the Right to survivor identities The applicability of Prof Ashraf
Dr Uju Agomoh, torture and trauma Keeping Hope Alive - McGrath, Overseas Regil, ASSAF Aid Swedish Red
Rehabilitation in Mr Lachlan and groups: posttraumatic stress Kagee,
Mr Jasper rehabilitation of Providing Services to Services to Organization for Treating staff to treat Cross Treatment
the Treatment of Murdoch, Resilience Based disorder among Stellenbosch
Ukachukwu, temporary Torture Survivors in Survivors of Torture Refugees and patients Centres for
Torture Victims in STARTTS, Australia Support Groups for South African former University, South
PRAWA, Nigeria protection for Immigration Detention. and Trauma, Asylum Seekers Persons Affected
Prisons and Other Eritrean Refugee political detainees Africa
asylum seekers in Australia in Israel, Israel by War and
Detention Centres Survivors of Torture Torture, Sweden
in Nigeria in Israel

Mr Andreas
Malm, The
Swedish Red
Cross Treatment
Challenges of Centres for
Ms Alison Burke,
Persons Affected
implementing Northern Virginia Rehabilitation of Twofold approach to
How does an Mrs Hilda Nyatete, The development of by War and
mental health Family Service - Prof Ufuk Sezgin, Torture Victims and Mr Ernest combating torture:
effective Lesson from history - the Mrs Carolyn a self-assessment Torture, The Ms Khalida
services to Program for İstanbul Uni. Survivors in Ogbozor, George Addressing root causes
medicolegal aftermath of crushing the Lisnaza, scale for measuring Swedish Red Salimi, SACH,
foreign born Survivors of İstanbul Medicine Northeast Nigeria: Mason University, through advocacy and
documentation help 1982 coup attempt in Kenya Independent Medico post-migration stress Cross University Pakistan
torture survivors Torture and Fac., Turkey Who’s USA service delivery for treating
healing process? Legal Unit, Kenya among refugees College,
living in the Severe Trauma, Responsibility? its manifestations.
United States USA
Institutet -
Department of

How psychosomatic Rehabilitation

Clinical Dr Ajith
symptoms relate to Ms Celeste related to the
Information Medical care, in Athens The doctor’s role in Tennakoon,
alternative Matross, Centre for Problematic of Mr Aristide
Systems: the Ms Carlena Tu, Greece, for migrants and Dr Ioanna Kotsioni, improving the Institute of
expressions of the Study of identification of Rutayisire Kibaki,
gadget that turns STARTTS, refugees, who have suffered Medecins Sans prevention of torture Forensic Medicine
depression within a Violence and children born from University of
data into Australia torture and other forms of ill- Frontieres in Sri Lanka using and Toxicology,
non-western clinical Reconciliation, raped women Kibungo, Rwanda
evidence based treatment. the Istanbul Protocol Colombo, Sri
sample of torture South Africa during genocide of
decisions Lanka
survivors Tutsi in Rwanda

Mulitidisciplinary Approach Mr Seidu

for treatment and Swaray,Liberia
The Integral Role of
Dilemma of ICAR health reports rehabilitation of Trauma Repurposing torture Association of Mr Imad Hamad,
Dr Vinod Kumar Advocacy
sectorial vs Dr Camelia Doru, as evidence in court: Dr Camelia Doru, Victims – Role of Indian rehabilitation Psychosocial American Human
Monga, Indian Organizations in
multidisciplinary ICAR Foundation, impact on European ICAR Foundation, Medical Association-Dr.Vinod programming to services (LAPS), Rights Council
Medical Association, Support of Victims of
rehabilitation Romania Court of Human Romania Kumar Monga, Dean, IMA respond to Ebola Liberia; Dr David (AHRC-USA),
India Torture and
organization Rights College of General crisis in Liberia Gangsei, Center USA
for Victims of Inhumane Treatment
Practitioners Co-author:
Dr.Abhinav Monga Torture, USA

El aislamiento, la
dispersión,el Documentation and Ms Stephanie
Olinga-Shannon, Mrs. Florentine
exilio y la Mrs Mirta Fabre, Analysis of Torture Multi-disciplinary Ms Amber Gray, Ms Securing our sector:
Mr Juma Barusi Association of YIMGUEP WAKEM
distancia como Encuentro de Case Characteristics Approaches to Torture Ann Willhoite, Dr embedding The Rehabilitation of
Abubakar, Centre Services for NDEUMEN,
forma de tortura Profesionales and the 2007–2008 Rehabilitation: Professional Jennifer Esala, outcomes victims of torture in
Against Torture Torture and Trauma centre
y destrucción de contra la Tortura, Period of Post- Supervision and Mentoring Center for Victims evaluation centre an African context
Kenya, Kenya Trauma Survivors Cameroon,
la identidad y la Argentina Election Violence in Across Domains of Torture, USA wide (ASeTTS), Cameroon
resistencia del Kenya. Australia

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