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Matin-aw, Maasin City

School ID: 323106

Name: _______________________________ Grade level:_______

Subject: Philippine Politics and Governance Time: 7:30 am -8:30 am


Module 1: Week 1 Quarter 1
Activity No. 1: Let us Practice
Identify your role model political leader. He/she may be serving at barangay, city, or national
level. Write words or phrases that describes him/her as a politician and his/her governance.

Name of your model political leader:

As a politician:

Description of his/her governance:

Do you wish to become a political leader, why or why not?

Activity No. 2: Let us practice more
On the statements below, draw a if you agree and if you disagree.

No. Statements Agree or disagree

1. A perfect government is achievable.

2. The issue on the Scarborough Shoal is a political issue.

3. Political leaders must be a degree holder.

4. Political Science is necessary to become a good political


5. Political scientists are effective political leaders.

6. The high percentage of teenage pregnancy is a political


7. SARS COV 2 Virus is a political problem.

8. A good leader must have a political will.

9. Government projects should be stopped in order to give

financial aid to the retrenched employees due to COVID-19

10 ABS-CBN Franchise is a political issue.

Activity 3: Let us reflect

Being a politician: Suppose you are a municipal or town Mayor. You

discovered that corruption is rampant among the local officials who are
members of your political party. With the directives of President of the
country to minimize corruption, what will you do? Enumerate your plans.

Name of your town

Activity 4: Weekly assessment

Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write the
chosen letter on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Which of the following is related to politics?

A. deciding the amount of tax to pay
B. choosing ones religion
C. determining the right age to vote
D. establishing foreign relations

2. The following statements describe politicians as opposed

to political scientists, EXCEPT:
A. They love power. C. They seek popularity.
B. They seek accuracy. D. They think practicality.

3. The following are definitions of political will, EXCEPT:

A. It is the ability of one person to get another to do something.
B. It is regulating people to follow through love,
sharing, and understanding.
C. It involves society’s commitment to support or to modify old programs
to develop new programs.
D. It involves coercing people to do something against the law.

4. It is the study of the nature, distribution, and dynamics of power.

A. Natural science C. Political science
B. Physical Science D. Social science

5. The following statements describe political scientists as

opposed to politicians, EXCEPT:
A. They think abstractly.
B. They think concretely.
C. They offer many causes.
D. They reach to tentative conclusions.

6. It is described as both the body that has authority in a given unit.

A. governor C. government
B. governance D. governatorial

7. It is the ability of one person to get another to do something.

A. political will
B. political power
C. political machinery
D. pol itical advancement

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