The Internet Info Worksheet

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1. The internet was created in .

2. The internet is a global of .
3. The world wide web is not the same as the internet but only
the internet.
4. A hyperlink is a word, phrase, or picture that can or you to
another .
5. Things like FTP and are all part of the internet but not the
world wide web.
6. A website is a connected group of .
7. A website could be considered a small book on a certain subject and the web
pages are the within that book.
8. HTML stands for .
9. HTML is the language people use to create web pages.
10. URL is short for .
11. A URL is the of a certain file or directory on the world wide
12. HTTP stands for .
13. HTTP is the set of rules used to data over the web.
14. A allows computers to connect to each other and
transfer data over lines.
15. In order to view pages on the World Wide Web, you will need a software
program called a .
16. A browser allows you to from location to location on the web and
to view information in a format.
17. Examples of browsers are or .
18. Before connecting to the internet, you will need an ISP or
19. An ISP is a company that provides service to you for a
20. An is a numerical label assigned to any device
participating in a network.
21. This number is like an for a particular computer on the internet
or a network.
22. The computer translates URLs and domain names into the associated
23. Common domain name extensions include (fill in the blanks):

.com .org
Education Military
.gov .k12


24. Homepage – The page that opens every time the browser
is opened.
25. Opening an additional screen.
26. Favorites/Bookmarks – Storing the of favorite or frequently
visited websites.
27. An add-on for a program.
28. Browser History – Viewing a list of that have been
recently visited.
29. Downloads – Opening or saving a file or program down from the internet to
your .
30. - loading a file from your computer up to the
31. Cookies – Stores things like passwords, credit cards #s, and .


32. Search are computer programs that search documents on
the world wide web for provided by the user.
33. Examples of search engines are and .
34. operators are words that help narrow down a search.
a. All the terms must appear in the pages when using this Boolean
b. At least one of the terms must appear in the pages when using this
Boolean operator:
35. When gathering information from the internet, you might need to evaluate
several different sites to find one that has the most reliable information. Keith
Stanger suggests the A2BCD approach which stands for:

Review Questions:
1. Are the internet and the world wide web the same thing? Explain.

2. What is the programming language people use to create websites and web

3. What is an URL? Give one example of an URL.

4. What application program do you need in order to access and view pages on
the web?

5. What equipment must my computer have in order to connect to the internet?

6. Who can put information on the world wide web?

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