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Organizational Climate of Schools 

Organizational Climate of Schools (TITLE)
 It is concerned with large units; it characterized properties of an entire organization or major
 Describes a unit of organization rather than evaluates it or indicate emotional reaction to it.
 It influences members’ behavior and attitudes.


 The set of internal characteristics that distinguish one school from another and influence the
behaviour of members is the organizational climate of the school.

 Personality is to individual and climate is to organization.



Open Climate (TITLE)

This reflects a situation that is fairly open. Since neither management and neither school principal
interfere with employees' ability to do their jobs, the workplace environment is positive. They believe
their principal or leader to be extremely considerate and democratic in behavior, which makes both the
group members and the principal feel like they are "in the same boat."

Autonomous Climate (TITLE)

Compared to an open environment, this is less open. Employees are given almost complete freedom by
the employer to design their own social structure so that they can find ways to full fill their social needs
within the group.


Controlled Climate (TITLE)

In comparison to open and autonomous climate types, this exhibits less openness. The emphasis on
achievement at the expense of meeting social needs characterizes the atmosphere. There is little time for
socializing with others or deviating from established rules and regulations because everyone works so

Familiar Climate (TITLE)

The apparent kindness of both the employer and the employees is the defining characteristic of this work
environment. Although little is done to ensure that group activities are focused on achieving goals, social
needs are extremely well satisfied. Socially, all of the employees will be a part of a great big happy

Paternal Climate (TITLE)

Employers' ineffective efforts to exert control over workers and meet their social needs are what define
this environment. There are some barriers in place, and the employer's actions are uninteresting.


The other end of the climate range is characterized by this climate, which is the most closed and least
authentic. While the employer is ineffective at managing the activities of the teachers, he or she also lacks
the tendency to consider their personal well-being.

Changing the Climate of School

Why is there a need for us to change our school climate?

1. Boost students achievement and close achievement gaps.

2. Improve relationships between students and staff.
 Good Communication
 Safe Learning Environment
 Mutual Respect
 Positive and Patient attitude
 Student equality
 Timely Praise
3.Decrease teacher turnover and increase teacher satisfaction.

4.Improve behavior inside of the classroom

Positive reinforcement to redirect student misbehavior.
 Teaching politeness
 Offering
 Encouraging your students to be more productive
 Restructing the way a teacher teach
5.Increase students sense of connection.
Hello everyone, I will discuss organizational climate of school.So I will give short brief about climate.
What is Climate?so the term CLIMATE is going to refer to the general feeling or tone of persons in
groove towards each other and some of the attitudes they revel in their behavior.So for short it is the
general feeling or tone of a person which he/she reveal and the next one is ORGANIZATION.
So organization differs in many aspects, their goals etnic compositions of their popular .
For example, in one organization member seem relaxed and at ease at each other while in another we
may find a greater attention which is seen on member faces,their speech and how they work so we
organization accomadator

When we say organizational climate, It is the set of internal characteristics that distinguish one school
from another and influence the behavior of members.So in simple words oraganizational climate refers to
the system of beliefs and values that the students working within perceived from the organizational and it
directly affects the performances of the students as editor means how much trust and harmony they have
with each other.

Organizational Climate influence behaviors and attitudes so organization climate greatly influenced
employees behavior and attitudes the results of the study indicate that organizational climate mainly
impact motivation promotes individual learning, affects communication and improve organizational
values groups decision making and solving .

Personality is to Individual and Climate is to Organization
So climate of an organization is somewhat like the personality of a person just every individual has a
personality that makes his or her unique and different from other person and for the climate is to
organization refers to the employees’s shared perception and the meaning they attach to the policies
practices and procedures they experience in their workplace as well as to the behavoirs they observe
being rewarded, supported and expected regarding the human resources of the organization

Organizational Climate encompasses organizational structures and processes interpersonal relationships

employs behavior, performance expectations and opportunities for growth.Additionally, Organizational
Climate has important outcomes as individual, group and organizational.



Open Climate
This illustrates a situation that is comparatively more open. Neither the administration nor the school's
principal interfere with the organizational climate of teachers in their work. They coexist peacefully and
cooperate in their work. They are close and friendly to one another. Teachers are not overworked and
have the drive to overcome challenges and frustration. They are happy with their jobs. They take pride
in their connection to the organization.
Autonomous Climate
Compared to an open environment, this is less open. The headmaster gives the teachers almost total
freedom to create their own framework for interaction so that they can find ways to meet each other's
social needs within the group. Teachers quickly and efficiently accomplish organizational tasks, reach
their goals, and collaborate well. The teachers' morale is high, though not as high as in an open
environment. The principal maintains a distance from the teachers while conducting the school in a
businesslike manner. Teachers can follow the rules and regulations he has established because they
serve as guidelines. He is considerate and works hard himself to set examples. He is flexible and genuine.

Controlled Climate
Compared to both open and autonomous climate types, this exhibits a lower degree of openness. The
atmosphere is characterized by a focus on achievement at the expense of meeting social needs. Everyone
puts in a lot of effort, and there is hardly any time for socializing with others or following orders from
established rules and guidelines. Teachers expect to get their work done and to be personally instructed on
how to do it. Even though social isolation among teachers is common, there are a few genuine, warm
relationships. The accomplishment of tasks, not the satisfaction of social needs, is what leads to job

Familiar Climate
The main features or this climate is the obviously friendly manner of both the principal and the teachers.
Social needs satisfaction is extremely high while little is done for the group activities to he directed
towards goal achievement. Socially, teachers will be all part of a big happy family. Morale or job
satisfaction will be average which will come from social steeds satisfaction. As the principal does not
want to disrupt the 'big, happy family' he is afraid to make changes. He does not make any attempt to
motivate or lead teachers lo put their best efforts. He exerts little control on teachers' activities. The
leadership lacks commitment and is feeble. He lacks the will and competence to emphasize production.
Although no one is 'wrong', no one works to full capacity. Little is done either by direct or indirect means
to evaluate or direct the activities of teachers. Principal is regarded as a "good guy" who is interested in
the welfare of the teachers and who "looks out for them"

Paternal Climate
This climate is characterized by ineffective attempts of the principal to control teachers as well as to
satisfy their social needs. It is a partly closed climate and his behavior is non-motivating. He becomes
intrusive and wants to know everything at once. Ile is everywhere at once, checking, monitoring and
Idling pcoplc: how things should lx: done but still nothing sc:cms to get dorm. The climate shows more
closeness than familiar-type climate. The principal has an inflated ego and his center of interest and
concern are the school and network of activities therein. Teachers do riot work well together; then: are
factions. The principal's inability to control activities of teachers leads to lack of establishment of group
maintenance. A great deal of work is done by the principal, thus teachers have few hindrances. As the
principal takes care of things as best as he can, teachers give up trying. They do not enjoy friendly
relations with each other nor have adequate satisfaction with regard to task accomplishment. As the
principal fails to provide an example or an ideal which teachers can emulate, they are not motivated.
Closed Climate
This is the most closed climate and the least genuine and it characterizes the other extreme of the climate
spectrum. The principal is ineffective in directing the activities of teachers; at the same time he is not
inclined to look out for their personal welfare. The principal will be highly aloof and impersonal in
controlling and directing teachers activities. He sets up rules which are normally arbitrary. He will "go by
the book" rather than get too involved personally with teachers and their problems. His words are hollow
and himself possesses little thirst and he does not motivate the teachers by setting good personal

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