Lesson Plan in P.E and Health

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Republika ng Pilipinas

Lungsod ng Batangas
Colegio ng Lungsod ng Batangas
Contact No. (043) 402-1450
Detailed Lesson Plan in Health Grade 6


At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:

A. Identify the kinds of drugs and their effect in our body.

B. Discuss the different kinds of drugs.

C. Create a Venn Diagram about the advantages and disadvantages of drugs in our


Title: Kinds of drugs thier uses and effect in our body.

Reference: Physical Education and Health Book 6 pp. 59-63

Material: Laptop, Powerpoint, Pictures, Visual Aids and chalk.


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Classroom Routine

Opening Prayer


Checking of attendance

B. Review

Sir, Zoren: ok, class do you still remember

our lesson yesterday?
Everyone: Yes, Sir it’s all bout food
Sir, Zoren: That’s correct. Ok what is food
nutrients, anyone in the class ?

Sir Zoren: Yes, Carmen

Carmen: Nutrients are the substances in

food that our bodies process to enable it to
function. Your nutrient requirements are
influenced by factors including your age,
growth stage and activity. Nutrients are so
small that the naked eye can't see them.

Sir Zoren: Very good Carmen

Sir Zoren: Ok, what are 7 major different

kinds of food nutrients? Yes Ryle Ryle: The seven major different kinds of
food nutrients are Carbohydrates.
Dietary fibre.

Sir Zoren: ok, thakyou so much ryle

C. Motivation

Sir Zoren: ok, class I can show you a

some picture and all you have to do is find
out what picture of this? If you know the
answers just raise your hands. That’s
clear. Everyone: Yes, sir

Sir Zoren: What can you see in the first

Sir Zoren: Yes, Arvin Arvin: Cigarette Sir

Sir Zoren: How about the next picture?

Yes mike.

Mike: Sir this picture is Alcohol Drinks

Sir Zoren: How about the last picture? Yes

Kathrine: Medicine Sir

Sir Zoren: all your answer are correct

Sir Zore: Ok, class what can you see the Dianne:Sir All pictures are kinds of drugs
pictures they are called? Yes Dianne.

Sir Zoren: that’s correct

D. Discussion

Sir Zoren: Ok, class for the understanding

our lesson today I already play a video
about drugs all you are going to do is
listen in this video and you may jotdown
notes the important details regarding the
video that you watch. Understand? Everyone: Yes, Sir

Sir Zoren: class do understand are video Everyone: Yes, Sir
that you watch

Sir Zoren: ok, based on this video tha you

watch what can you see. Yes Rian Rian: Sir this video ai all about kinds of
drugs and we said in this video the types
of drugs.

Sir Zoren: very good rian, ok anyone what Angelo: A drug is any chemical substance
is drugs? Yes, Angelo. that causes a change in an organism's
physiology or psychology when consumed.
Drugs are typically distinguished from food
and substances that provide nutritional

Sir Zoren: What are the two types of

drugs? Yes, Janine. Janine: The two types of drugs are
Stimulants and Depressants

Sir Zoren: What is Stimulants? Yes,

Miguel. Miguel: Stimulants are a class of drugs
that speed up messages travelling
between the brain and body. They can
make a person feel more awake, alert,
confident or energetic. Stimulants include
caffeine, nicotine, amphetamines and

Benedict: A depressant, or central

Sir Zoren: How about Depressants? Yes, depressant, is a drug that lowers
Benedict neurotransmission levels, which is to
depress or reduce arousal or stimulation,
in various areas of the brain. Depressants
are also colloquially referred to as downers
as they lower the level of arousal when

Sir Zoren: Do you think we have a bad Everyone: Yes Sir

effect this drugs in our body?

Sir Zoren: How and what the bad effects

this drugs in our body? Yes, Myla Myla: I think Sir the bad effects of drugs in
our body is Seizures, stroke, mental
confusion and brain damage because of
the over use.

Sir Zoren: That’s correct we have many

bad side effects drugs in our body. Class Everyone: Yes, Sir
always remember don’t use a drugs. Ok

Sir Zoren: Class we have Different kinds of

drugs they are the following:

Inhalants - Inhalants are sniffed or huffed

and give the user immediate results.
Unfortunately, these immediate results can
also result in sudden mental damage.
When inhalants are taken, the body
becomes deprived of oxygen, causing a
rapid heart beat. Other effects include
liver, lung and kidney problems, affected
sense of smell, difficulty walking and
Cannabinoids - These drugs result in
feelings of euphoria, cause confusion and
memory problems, anxiety, a higher heart
rate, as well as staggering and poor
reaction time.

Anabolic Steroids - Steroids are taken to

improve physical performance as well as
to enlarge muscles and increase strength.
Negative effects of steroids include
baldness, cysts, oily hair and skin, acne,
heart attack, stroke and change in voice.
Hostility is also a frequent side effect of
anabolic steroids.

Prescription Drugs - Prescription drugs

can be very helpful drugs when used
properly and when under the guidance of a
qualified physician. These drugs can be
used as aids in surgery, to treat medical
conditions and while controlling various
symptoms. Misuse and abuse of
prescription drugs however can be very

Opioids & Morphine Derivatives -

Opioids and morphine derivatives can
cause drowsiness, confusion, nausea,
feelings of euphoria, respiratory
complications and relieve pain.

Hallucinogens - When taking

hallucinogens, switching emotions is
frequent. These drugs change the mind
and cause the appearance of things that
are not really there. Hallucinogens affect
the body’s self-control, such as speech
and movement, and often bring about
hostility. Other negative side effects of
these drugs include heart failure,
increased heart rate, higher blood
pressure and changes in the body’s

E. Activity

1. Group Activity

Sir Zoren: Ok, class I will you group into

two group. In group 1 you may draw a
poster about the drugs and you may color
it. And for the group number 2 you may
Create a Venn diagram about the
Everyone: Yes, Sir
advantages and disadvantages about
drugs. That’s clear.

( all students will do this group activity and

after to finish this activity one of the
member of the group will go to the front in
( After the Presentation of two groups the class and we will explain the work it
teacher will give a score in each group ) done. )
2. Individual Activity

Sir Zoren: For you individual activity in a 1

whole sheet of paper you may answer of
this paper given by teacher.


For your assignment write a slogan on how to prevent a bad habits of drugs.

In my lesson plan the approach that I can use is the learner centered approach because
in this approach all my students has been participate with me during my discussion and
all my students can share a ides about my lesson. For the teaching method I can use a
Discussion method because in this methods I use a Powerpoint Presentation in my
class and I said to my students in please listen to me and I said that you may Jotdown
notes the important details in my video presentation because in this discussion method
is to engage students and express students thoughts on a particular subject. And for
my teaching style I can use Command/Authocratic Style because in this style they are
the students and teacher interaction because if the teacher ask a question the students
will answer it.

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