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“Gearing Up for a New Change”

In the past, the emphasis of education primarily focused on memorization, literacy was on the

3Rs, text book driven and it was teacher-centered where in the teacher was the sole judge of the

teaching learning process. I can still recall on how was education during that time and how we

were being taught by our teachers. Most form of assessment before was pencil and paper only

and it was a type of learning that the teacher is the only dispenser of knowledge.

This year has been a tough year. Never one of us imagine that a terrible pandemic will hit us.

Many lives have been affected by this unseen disaster. I could still recall what happen during the

first days of lockdown. Many people contradict to the decision of the president. But they can’t do

anything because it was an order already. And it needs to be followed.

As we enter to a new normal. Everyone must adapt into a new challenge especially in the world

of education. I know that it is not easy to adapt things directly but for the sake of our future we

will be open for a new beginning.

When I heard about the news that my school will be temporarily closed due to this unseen

disaster. I come to think on how are we going to finished our semester since we just have started.

Later months, the school announced that we will adapt the modular learning in order to finished

the semester.

I and my closest friends in my department accept this change. We tend to create an fb group page

to support this new change and this is what they called the new normal. Months after, another

semester have just opened.

The best is yet to come. I and my classmate are gearing up for a new change in Education since

this pandemic is currently happening. Everyone is adapting for a new change on how education

will be deliver in this time of unseen disaster. Every school is trying to make a better way to

adapt new knowledge and skills in order to cater the needs of the students and let young

generations to be globally competitive despite the changes of the mode of learning.

As we enter into a new normal in this education. My college buddies were encouraging one of us

that we will not surrender even though we will face some circumstances along the way. We

created a group chat on messenger which is the new form of connecting each other to reach out

directly. In this we have a group called the Goal seeker.

We are 9 members here in our group, each one of us is responsible for any updates especially in


One day, we opened up for a new topic and this topic is all about digital literacy. Everybody was

participating. And shared their opinion on how it will be helpful for us if we adapt change in

education. Since everything will be in a new normal. We need to accept the fact that education

now will be a little different from the past.

The other day, we planned to meet each other to discuss things and also to catch up then. We

haven’t see each other for a long time so everyone misses each other a lot. As we are about to eat

our lunch we now discussed on how important it is to be a globally competitive individual and

how to adapt a new change in education.

We have decided that we will be promoting the new face of education which is more on digital.

We then took a picture of our group with caption “Gearing Up for a New Change”.
Although it will be very difficult for us, but we are open for a new challenge. And this challenges

will help us to become a better person and also to become a globally competitive individual since

21st century is more on innovation.

My other buddy, shared her thoughts about the digital learning. Since we are already in a world

of digital so digital teaching and learning must take place also. Furthermore, in the situations

right now that we are diversified everyone must accept each other and support each other.

I know that an individual’s career of learning takes place in an environment well populated by

other human beings. From the start there is a large dependence on human ministrations. But now

it is totally different. And we are now gearing up for a new change which will also prepare us for

our future.

As we are about to finished our meeting, everyone was so happy for the get together and also we

attained our goal during that time which was a discussion a new thing in education. I and my

other college buddies is now unlocking this new normal in education, we will be open up for a

new beginning to become fluent and literate not only in the form of reading and writing but also

in a new world of learning which is in digital way.

Suddenly, we took again another picture of our group and good thing that one of my buddies

brought her laptop. So we were able to edit our picture showing that we promote and accept the

new change. Everyone must cooperate to fill in the gaps and be able to attain the goal. We are

now gearing up for a new normal.

Time have passed, everyone decided to went home since it was a bit late already. Everyone

showed smile on their faces before leaving each other. I was hoping that we will see each other

again one day when time permits and everyone will not be busy since modules are coming.
By that, we called it a day!

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