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Ngoài mục đích sử dụng Tiếng Anh để giao tiếp thông thường, do yêu cầu thực
tiễn từ xã hội, nhu cầu học tiếng Anh chuyên ngành (ESP) ngày càng cần thiết và gia tăng
trong tất cả các ngành khoa học nói chung, và ngành Công nghệ thông tin (CNTT) nói
Đối với sinh viên Khoa Công nghệ Thông tin Trường Đại học Giao thông vận tải,
sau khi hoàn thành chương trình Tiếng Anh cơ bản (GE) A1, A2, và B1 các em sẽ học
Giáo trình “English for Information Technology 2”. Đây là cuốn giáo trình do nhà xuất
bản Pearson (Anh) ấn hành năm 2012. Cuốn giáo trình này được lựa chọn làm tài liệu
giảng dạy chính thức trên lớp cho sinh viên chuyên ngành Công nghệ Thông tin sau khi
đã được các giáo viên khoa Công nghệ Thông tin và các giáo viên Bộ môn Anh văn
nghiên cứu đánh giá tốt, phù hợp về nội dung giảng dạy chuyên ngành cũng như phù hợp
về trình độ Tiếng Anh của sinh viên sau khi hoàn thành xong các học phần bắt buộc.
Tuy nhiên, cùng với thời gian học trên lớp, thời gian tự học (60 giờ) hết sức cần
thiết nhằm giúp cho sinh viên ôn tập, củng cố những kiến thức đã học trên lớp, chuẩn bị
tốt cho các bài học trên lớp và tự kiểm tra đánh giá kiến thức cá nhân. Nhằm đáp ứng nhu
cầu đó, tập tài liệu “Sách bài tập Tiếng Anh Công nghệ Thông tin” (Workbook of
English for Information Technology) do Ths. Phạm Thị Thu Thủy và Ths. Nguyễn Thị
Mơ, Bộ môn Anh văn, thuộc trường đại học Giao thông Vận tải biên soạn đã ra đời. Tập
tài liệu nhằm mục đích phục vụ hoạt động tự học (60 giờ) của sinh viên ngành Công nghệ
thông tin ở học phần ANHCN06.3, được xây dựng dựa theo các chủ đề của cuốn giáo
trình giảng dạy trên lớp “English for Information Technology 2”
Tập tài liệu gồm 8 bài luyện tập. Mỗi bài luyện tập bao gồm những bài tập thực
hành bám sát nội dung được giảng dạy trên lớp, giúp cho sinh viên ôn tập kiến thức đã
học trên lớp và thực hành sâu hơn về chủ đề đó. Nó còn giúp sinh viên ghi nhớ ngôn ngữ
và sử dụng linh hoạt trong các tình huống đặc trưng của ngành công nghệ thông tin. Mỗi
bài luyện tập gồm có 2 phần chính:


- Phần 1: Pre-stage, bao gồm những từ vựng sinh viên sẽ gặp trong các bài học trên lớp.
Phần này được sắp xếp theo đề mục một cách logic với định nghĩa bằng tiếng Anh rất rõ
ràng và dễ hiểu, giúp cho sinh viên hiểu được nghĩa và cách sử dụng từ mới, từ đó giúp
các em hiểu nội dung bài học dễ dàng hơn. Sinh viên cần tra nghĩa tiếng Việt của các từ
này dựa theo định nghĩa được cho sẵn trước khi lên lớp.
- Phần 2: Practice exercises, bao gồm các câu hỏi kiểm tra từ vựng và nội dung ngữ
pháp đã học ở trong bài, giúp sinh viên thực hành được các nội dung đã học và nâng cao
khả năng sử dụng ngôn ngữ. Bên cạnh đó còn có thêm phần thực hành kỹ năng đọc hiểu
và nghe hiểu về một chủ đề nhất định giúp sinh viên luyện tập chuyên sâu.

Sau khi hoàn thành chương trình học, sinh viên được cung cấp 1 bài thi mẫu. Bài
thi này có cấu trúc đề thi giống như bài thi cuối kỳ, giúp cho sinh viên làm quen với hình
thức thi, dạng bài thi, thời gian thi và cách đánh giá.
Tài liệu Workbook of English for Information Technology được biên soạn bởi
Ths. Phạm Thị Thu Thủy (chủ biên) và Ths. Nguyễn Thị Mơ, và được đọc duyệt bởi Ths.
Ngô Thị Kim Thanh.
Ths. Phạm Thị Thu Thủy phụ trách phần: Bài tập thực hành (Practice Exercise)
Ths. Nguyễn Thị Mơ phụ trách phần: Từ vựng và Nghe hiểu (Word list, Listening)
Ths. Ngô Thị Kim Thanh phụ trách phần: Đọc duyệt
Chúng tôi xin chân thành cảm ơn sự cộng tác tích cực của các giáo viên khoa
CNTT cũng như sự trợ giúp nhiệt tình của phòng Đào Tạo và các phòng, ban liên quan để
ấn phẩm này có chất lượng và sớm đến được tay người học.
Chúng tôi rất hoan nghênh những ý kiến đóng góp xây dựng cho tài liệu này, hy
vọng cuốn sách này sẽ là tập tài liệu hữu ích dành cho sinh viên CNTT và những ai quan
Nhóm biên soạn
Hà Nội, 2016


In addition to regular communication purposes, due to the practical requirements
of society, the need of English for specific purposes is increasing for all sciences in
general, and the Information Technology sector (IT) in particular.
For students majoring in Information Technology (IT) in the University of
Transport and Communications, after completing the basic English programs (GE) A1,
A2, and B1, they will continue to study with the textbook "English for Information
Technology 2". This is the original textbook published by Pearson publisher (UK) in
2012. This book was selected as an official teaching material in class for students
majoring in Information Technology after having been studied and well assessed by the
lecturers of the faculty of IT and the English section to be appropriate for the content of
teaching as well as to match the students’ English proficiency after completing the
compulsory sessions.
However, together with the studying time in class, the self-study (60 hours) is
necessary for the students to review, consolidate, well prepare for in-class lessons and
self-evaluate their personal knowledge. To meet that need, the material book "Workbook
of English for Information Technology" compiled by MA. Pham Thi Thu Thuy and
MA. Nguyen Thi Mo from the University of Transport and Communications is
developed. It is designed based on the demand of self-study (60 hours) for the students
majored in Information Technology, subject ANHCN06.3 (English for Special Purposes).
It is based on the topics of the teaching curriculum “English for Information
Technology 2”.
The material consists of 8 practice units. The 8 practice units include multiple
exercises developed from targeted vocabulary and skills learnt in class which can help
students review and consolidate their knowledge while at the same time provide them
with intensive skills in the same topics; students then can memorize and use the language
in typical technical contexts. Each practice unit involves 2 main parts:


- Part 1: Pre-stage, including major vocabulary of a specific topic as in class. This
vocabulary is arranged logically according to different categories with clear definitions in
English. Students need to translate the words into Vietnamese before each lesson.
- Part 2: Practice exercises, including questions about the targeted vocabulary and
grammar to help students review and improve their competence of using language. It also
includes exercises of reading comprehension and listening comprehension in order to
improve students’ skills in learning ESP.
After completing the curriculum, students will be provided with a sample test. This
one has the same structure with the end-of-term test, which helps students to get used to
the test procedures, forms, timing and assessment.
The material “Workbook of English for Information Technology” is chiefly edited by
MA. Pham Thi Thu Thuy, with the cooperation of MA. Nguyen Thi Mo and MA. Ngo
Thi Kim Thanh.
MA. Pham Thi Thu Thuy is in charge of Developing Practice Exercises
MA. Nguyen Thi Mo is in charge of Vocabulary list and Listening comprehension
MA. Ngo Thi Kim Thanh is in charge of Proof-reading the material
We sincerely thank the active cooperation of the teachers of the IT department as well as
the enthusiastic assistance of the Training Department and other relating departments for
helping improve this book’s quality and bring it to the learners soon.
We would also welcome all comments and amendments to develop the quality of this
publication; hopefully this book will be useful to students and those interested in IT.
Editor group,
Hanoi, 2016




Unit 1 Working in IT 6

Unit 2 IT systems 15

Unit 3 Data communication 26

Unit 4 Administration 37

Unit 5 Choice 47

Unit 6 Interactions 56

Unit 7 Development 67

Unit 8 IT solution 76



Unit 1: Working in IT
Write the translation for each lesson before class.

Lesson 1A: IT jobs and duties

database sb whose job is to look after a computer
administrator (n) database that has many users
helpdesk sb who supervises the department of a
supervisor (n) company that people call for help,
especially with computer problems
project manager sb whose job is to manage a carefully
(n) planned piece of work
developer (n) a person or organisation that works on a
new piece of software to make it
support sb whose job is to provide help or
technician information that you need to improve a
(n) computer system, make it continue
working, or use it correctly
systems analyst sb whose job is to study a company’s
(n) computer needs and provide them with
suitable software and equipment
supervise (v) to be in charge of (an activity or person)
and make sure that things are done in the
correct way
be responsible to have a duty to be in charge of or to look
(v phr) after sb or sth
install (v) to put (a piece of equipment) somewhere
and connect it so that it is ready to be
used, or to add (new software) to a
computer so that it is ready to be used
diagnose (v) to find out what the cause of (a fault) is,
after doing tests, examinations, etc.
design (v) to make a drawing or plan of (sth that will
be made or built)
maintain (v) to keep (a machine, building, etc.) in good
condition by checking and repairing it
check email (phr) to look to see whether you have received
messages that are sent from one person to
another using computers
attend meetings to go to events at which people meet to
(phr) discuss and decide things

Lesson 1B: IT organizations

carry out (phr v) to do (sth that needs to be organised and
provider (n) a company or person that provides a
supplier (n) a company or person that provides a
particular product
manufacturer (n) a company that makes large quantities of
production a place or building used for making or
facility growing things to be sold, especially in
(n) large quantities

product (n) sth that is grown or made in a factory in

large quantities, usually in order to be sold
service centre (n) a building from which a particular type of
help or work is provided by a business to
customers, but not one that involves
producing goods supply cloud
computing (phr) to provide computing facilities and storage
capacity as a service to a group of similar
word processing the activity of using computer software or
(n) a small computer for writing letters and
other documents


spreadsheet (n) a document produced by a computer
program that can show and calculate
financial information
presentation (n) a document produced by a computer
program that can show a new product or
idea or display information
database (n) a large amount of data stored in a
computer system so that you can find and
use it easily, or a file that stores this data
client (n) sb who gets services or advice from a
professional person, company or
organisation; a customer
operating system a system in a computer that helps all the
(n phr) programs in it to work together
launch (v) to make (a new product, book, etc.)
available for sale for the first time
version (n) a copy of sth that has been changed so that
it is slightly different

Lesson 1C: IT workplace rules

security (n) things that are done to keep a person,
building or country safe from danger or
data (n) information in a form that can be stored
and used, especially on a computer
password (n) a secret group of letters or numbers that
you must type into a computer before you
can use a system or program
network (n) a set of computers that are connected to
each other so that they can share
alphanumeric using letters and numbers
character (n) a letter, mark or sign used in writing,
printing or on a computer
colleague (n) sb you work with, used especially by
professional people
connect (v) to join (two or more things) together
personal (adj) belonging or relating to one particular
person, rather than to other people, to
people in general or to the company you
work for
download (v) to move (information or programs) from a
computer network to an individual
stream (v) if you stream sound or video, you play it
on your computer while it is being
downloaded from the Internet, rather than
saving it as a file and then playing it

Lesson 1D: Meetings

chairperson (n) sb who is in charge of a meeting or
directs the work of a committee or
agenda (n) a list of the subjects to be discussed at a
minutes (n pl) an official written record of what is said
and decided at a meeting
teleconference a discussion in which people in different
(n) places talk to each other using telephones
or video equipment
videoconference a discussion in which people in different
(n) places talk to each other using video


1.1 Complete these sentences with the words in the boxes. You do not need all
the words.
carry out check connect database diagnose provide send support
1 If you have a problem with your computer hardware, call the ________
2 I ________ my emails twice a day to see if anyone has sent me a message.
3 First, ________ the problem. Then solve it.
4 In our company we ________ support to users of all kinds of operating systems.

agenda characters clients data minutes normally occasionally suppliers

5 Make sure you read the ________ before the meeting so that you know what we’ll
talk about.
6 I travel a lot in my role as salesperson because my company has many ________
in different countries.
7 Passwords must be eight or more ________ long, including both letters and
8 I’m usually at my desk but I ________ go out to visit a supplier.

1.2 Correct the mistakes in these sentences. Underline one incorrect word and
write the correct word on the line.
9 I use a computer very day. ________
10 Do your company supply software? ________
11 I stand up new computers and maintain old ones. ________
12 How for buying some new computers? ________
13 We produce hardware for office workers, such as word processors and
spreadsheets. ________
14 What are the rules about mobile phones in your office? Need you use mobile
phones? ________
15 ‘Have we buy some new computers?’ ‘Yes, great idea! We need some new ones.’


1.3 Complete these sentences with job titles from Unit 1.
16 A(n) ________ looks after databases.
17 A(n)________ writes specifications for software.
18 A(n)________ manages projects.
19 A(n)________ manages a team of helpdesk workers.
20 A(n)________ maintains computers.
21 A(n)________ writes software.

1.4 Put these words in the correct order to make sentences and questions.
22 at / centre / does / he / service / the / work / ? /
23 computers / repair / I /
24 answer / calls / don’t / in / office / personal / phone / the /
25 change / every / month / must / password / you / your /
26 computers / up / I / new / set /
27 company / my / sells / software /
28 company / facilities / has / my / production / two /
29 buy / computers / new / shall / we / ? /
30 about / how / software / the / upgrading / ? /


1.5 Read the text and do the tasks below.
Computers are electronic machines which can accept data in a certain form, they
process the data and give the results of the processing in a specified format as

Three basic steps are involved in the process. First, data is fed into the computer’s
memory. Then, when the program is run, the computer performs a set of instructions and
processes the data. Finally, we can see the results on the screen or in printed form.
Information in the form of data and programs is known as software, and the electronic and
mechanical parts that make up a computer system are called hardware. A standard
computer system consists of three main sections: the central processing unit (CPU), the
main memory and the peripherals.

Perhaps the most influential component is the central processing unit. Its function
is to execute program instructions and coordinate the activities of all the other units. In a
way, it is the ‘brain’ of the computer. The main memory holds the instructions and data
which are currently being processed by the CPU. The peripherals are the physical units
attached to the computer. They include storage devices and inputs/outputs devices.
Storage devices (floppy, hard or optical disks) provide a permanent storage of both data
and programs. Disk drives enable data to go into the computer’s memory. The most
common input devices are mouse and the keyboard. Output devices enable us to extract
the finished product from the system. For example, the computer shows the output on the
monitor or prints the results onto paper by means of a printer. On the rare panel of the
computer there are several ports onto which we can plug a wide range of peripherals-
modems, fax machines, optical drives and scanners.

To perform any task on the computer, the user provides input to the computer with
the help of input devices and then the input devices forwards the request of the user to the
CPU which then processes data using its three main components i.e. the Memory Unit,
Control Unit and Arithmetic and Logical Unit and then after processing the data, the


Control Unit (which controls all other devices) forwards the processed data i.e. the
information to the output devices and is displayed to the user.

Answer the following questions.

31 What can computers do?

32 How many parts are there in a standard computer system? What are they?
33 What section is the ‘brain’ of the computer? What is its aim?
34 Are mouse, key board, and printer peripherals?
35 How many steps should be done to perform a task on the computer?
Write T for True, F for False, or NI for No Information.
36 ….. Information is a result of the data processing given by computers.
37 ….. Step 1 is the most important one involved in the process.
38 ….. The function of a computer is to execute program instructions.
39 ….. Storage devices and input/output devices are peripherals
40 ….. Five steps should be done to perform task on the computer.

1.6 Translate the following sentences into Vietnamese.

41 Computers are electronic machines which can accept data in a certain form, they
process the data and give the results of the processing in a specified format as
42 A standard computer system consists of three main sections: the central
processing unit (CPU), the main memory and the peripherals.

1.7 Translate the following sentences into English.

43 Tất cả các hoạt động của hệ thống máy tính được phối hợp bởi bộ xử lý trung tâm.

44 Sản phẩm của IB Group bao gồm những ứng dụng văn phòng trực tuyến mà mọi
người có thể sử dụng trên Internet bất kỳ ở dâu và vào bất kỳ thời gian nào.

45 Nhà phân tích hệ thống là người gặp khách hàng và tìm hiểu xem chính xác họ cần
gì, rồi sau đó viết những đặc tính cho phần mềm. Các lập trình viên phần mềm sau
đó viết phần mềm tương hợp với những đặc tính đó.

1.8 ► 04 Listen and decide these statements are True or False.

46 The company develops apps for Apple and Android _____________
47 Their customers are only companies wanting an app to _____________
show their products.
48 They don’t work for educational organisations. _____________
49 They produce hardware. _____________
50 They have a product launch tomorrow night. _____________


Unit 2: IT systems
Write the translation for each lesson before class.

Lesson 2A: System specifications

external (adj) not contained within the case of a
computer, but attached by a cable or
headphones (n pl) a piece of equipment that you wear over
your ears to listen to the radio, music, etc.
without other people hearing it
solid state drive a computer disk that contains electronic
(n phr) parts, such as silicon chips, rather than
moving mechanical parts
printer (n) a machine that is connected to a computer
and can make a printed record of
computer information
motherboard (n) a board where all the circuits of a
computer are placed
trainee (n) sb who is being trained for a job
audio (n) the part of a recording that contains
sounds and music but not pictures
socket (n) the place on a piece of electrical
equipment that you put a plug into
CPU (n) (= Central Processing Unit) the part of a
computer that controls what it does
DIMM slot (n) the place on a computer where you can
insert a DIMM (= Dual Inline Memory
Module) to increase its random-access
memory Ethernet
connector (n) a type of cable used when a computer is
connected to other computer networks


Lesson 2B: GUI operations


resize (v) to change the size of sth
scroll bar (n phr) a part on the side of a computer screen
that you move using a mouse in order to
move up or down
menu (n) a list of things on a computer screen that
you can ask the computer to do
minimise button a small area on a computer screen that you
(n phr) click on in order to make a document or
program window very small when you are
not using it but still want to keep it open
maximise button a small area on a computer screen that you
(n phr) click on in order to make a document or
program window as large as possible
title bar (n) the coloured bar at the top of a computer
window that shows the name of the
program and whether it is being used at
that time
icon (n) a small sign or picture on a computer
screen that is used to start a particular
folder (n) a place where you store a group of related
documents together on a computer, or the
icon for this
filename (n) the name you give to a particular
computer file
pane (n) one of the separate areas of a computer
window where part of a program or set of
files is displayed
tab (n) one of several areas in a computer window
that allows multiple documents to be
shown at the same time
tick box (n) a box for a mark written next to an
answer, sth on a list, etc., to show that it is
correct, has been dealt with or is required
double click (v) to press (a button on a computer mouse)
twice in order to send an instruction to the
click (v) to press (a button on a computer mouse) to
choose sth from the screen that you want
the computer to do
right-click (v) to press the right-hand button on a
computer mouse to make the computer do
slide (v) to move smoothly over a surface while
continuing to touch it, or to make sth
move in this way
drag (v) to move (words, pictures, etc.) on a
computer screen by pulling them along
with the mouse
select (v) to choose (sth or sb)
plus (n) the sign (+), showing that you should add
two or more numbers together, or that a
number is more than zero

Lesson 2C: Multimedia hardware

graphics (n pl) pictures or images that are designed to
represent objects or facts, especially in a
computer program
image (n) a picture on the screen of a television,
cinema or computer
video (n) a copy of a film or television programme,
or a series of events, recorded as an
electronic file
microphone (n) a piece of equipment that you speak into
to record your voice or make it louder
when you are speaking or performing in
projector (n) a piece of equipment that makes a film or
picture appear on a screen or flat surface


speaker (n) the part of a radio, sound system,
computer, etc. where the sound comes out
video camera (n) a special camera that can be used to film
events and convert them into electronic
files virtual reality
goggles (n pl) a pair of special glasses that allow you to
see an environment produced by a
computer that looks and seems real
webcam (n) a video camera that broadcasts what it is
filming on a website or on another
person’s computer
cable (n) a plastic or rubber tube containing
wires that carry telephone messages,
electronic signals, television pictures, etc.
press (v) to push (a button, switch, etc.) to make a
machine start or do sth, a bell ring, etc.
switch off (phr v) to turn off (a machine, light, radio, etc.)
using a switch
unplug (v) to disconnect (a piece of electrical
equipment) by pulling its plug out of a

Lesson 2D: Operating systems

restart (v) to start sth (a machine, process, etc.) again
after it has stopped
partition (v) to divide (the storage area of a hard disk)
into two or more parts
BIOS (n) (= Basic Input Output System) a system
on PCs that provides a small library of
basic input/output functions used to
operate and control the keyboard, text
display, etc.
boot drive (n) the disk in a computer that is used to start
the program that makes the computer
ready to be used


product key (n) a unique sequence of numbers and letters
that is typed into a computer to prove that
the user
has a licence to load and use a program
user account (n) a system that records your username and
password and gives you access to a
computer, your email, etc.
reboot (v) if you reboot a computer, or if it reboots,
you start it up again
process (n) a series of actions that are done in order to
achieve a particular result
back up (phr v) to make a copy of (information stored on a
licence terms the conditions, set by the software
(n pl) developer, under which a user can use a
computer program
open source (adj) open source software is provided free, and
includes the language the program is
written in, so that the people who use it
can make changes to the software
proprietary (adj) a proprietary product is one that is sold
under a trade name


2.1 Match 1–8 to a–h to make sentences.
1 An external drive a needs a product key.
2 A hard drive b is an audio device.
3 This window c turns off the computer.
4 A pair of headphones d boots from the optical drive.
5 A projector e has three tabs.
6 This computer f connects to the motherboard and stores data.
7 This switch g is for showing images and video.
8 To install this software, he h often connects to the computer using a USB port

2.2 Correct the mistakes in these sentences. Underline one incorrect word and
write the correct word on the line.
9 Insert the cable from the socket. ________
10 Turn into the computer when you’ve finished. ________
11 To see the bottom of the window, drag the scroll button down. ________
12 Slide the ‘save’ button to save the file. ________
13 The power supply icon provides power to the internal components. ________
14 Disconnect the headphones on the computer after you’ve finished with them,
please. ________
15 Click the ‘minimise’ button by make the window smaller. ________
16 Make sure your software has a ‘help’ menu to some people will need it. ________

2.3 Complete these instructions with the words in the box.

connect disconnect internal motherboard partition plug push


It isn’t difficult to add a new (17) ________ drive to a desktop computer. First, make sure
the computer is off and (18) ________ it from the electricity socket. Then (19) ________
the drive into a spare space as far as it will go. Next, find the SATA cable that came with
the drive and (20) ________ one end of it into the SATA socket on the (21) ________
and the other end into the drive. You’ll also need to (22) ________ a power cable. Then,
when you switch on the computer, you just need to format the drive. You can also (23)
________ it if you want to use different parts of it for different purposes.

2.4 Complete these sentences with to, for, so and because.

24 I back up my data ________ security.
25 I use open source software ________ it’s free.
26 You can double click on the title bar ________ maximise the window.
27 I use a video camera ________ that I can show video to people.
28 You can use an external hard drive ________ back up your data.
29 Drag the folder icon ________ move it to a new drive.
30 I bought a webcam ________ that I can make video calls.

2.5 Read the text and do the tasks below

An operating system is a master control program which controls the functions of
the computer system as a whole and the running of application programs. All computers
do not use the same operating systems. It is therefore important to assess the operating
system used on a particular model before initial commitment because some software is
only designed to run under the control of specific operating systems. Some operating
systems are adopted as ‘industry standards’ and these are the ones which should be
evaluated because they normally have a good software base. The reason for this is that
software houses are willing to expand resources on the development of application
packages for machines functioning under the control of an operating system which is


widely used. The cost of software is likely to be lower in such circumstances as the
development costs are spread over a greater number of users, both actual and potential.
Mainframe computers usually process several application programs concurrently,
switching from one to the other, for the purpose of increasing processing productivity.
This is known as multiprogramming (multi-tasking in the context of microcomputers),
which requires a powerful operating system incorporating work scheduling facilities to
control the switching between programs. This entails reading in data for one program
while the processor is performing computations on another and printing out results on yet
In multi-user environment an operating system is required to control terminal
operations on a shared access basis as only one user can access the system at any moment
of time. The operating system allocates control to each terminal in turn. Such systems also
require a system for record locking and unlocking, to prevent one user attempting to read
a record while another user is updating it, for instance. The first user is allocated control
to write to a record (or file in some instances) and other users are denied access until the
record is updated and unlocked.
An operating system is stored on disk and has to be booted into the internal
memory (RAM) where it must reside throughout processing so that commands are
instantly available. The operating system commands may exceed the internal memory
capacity of the computer in which case only that portion of the OS which is frequently
used is retained internally, other modules being read in from disk as required. Many
microcomputers function under the control of a disk operating system known as DOS.

Answer the following questions.

31 What is an operating system?
32 Is it important to assess the operating system on a computer before using it? Why?


33 Why are several application programs usually processed concurrently?
34 Why do some OSs require a system for record locking and unlocking?
35 What happens when the OS commands exceed the internal memory capacity of
the computer?

Choose the best answers by circling A, B, or C.

36 An operating system is a master control program ……………..
A. controlling the functions of the computer system and running application
B. which controls the functions of the computer system as a whole and running of
application programs.
C. controlling the functions of the computer systemas a whole and runs application
37 Why do mainframe computers usually process several application programs
A. For switching from one program to the other program.
B. For the purpose of increasing processing productivity.
C. Both A and B are all correct.


38 What does multi-tasking in the context of microcomputers need?
A. Multiprogramming.
B. A powerful operating system to control the switching between application
C. A strong operating system to control the switching between programs.
39 In multi-user environment an operating system is required to control terminal
operations ……………….
A. on a shared access basis if only one user can access the system at any moment of
B. on a public access when only one user can access the system at any moment of
C. on a shared access basis because only one user can access the system at any
moment of time.
40 Where does an operating system stay throughout processing?
A. On disk.
B. Into the internal memory.
C. On diskand into the internal memory.

2.6 Translate the following sentences into Vietnamese.

41 The part of the processor which controls data transfers between the various input
and output devices is called the control unit.
42 In graphical interface, the user uses a mouse to click on icons which represent the
function to be performed.

2.7 Translate the following sentences in to English.

43 Đôi khi một lỗi hệ thống làm máy tính dừng hẳn hoạt động và bạn sẽ phải khởi


động lại máy tính.
44 Nếu bạn vô tình xóa một tệp tin, bạn có thể tìm thấy nó trong Recycle Bin.
45 Đa số các phần mềm thương mại không chạy trên những hệ điều hành nguồn mở.

2.8 ► 07 Listen to a technician describing the motherboard to a new trainee. Fill

in the blanks with the missing words.
OK, see the large thing with silver-coloured edges, near the middle – well, just above the
middle? That’s the 46 , where the CPU, the central processor unit,
goes. Now, can you see the long orange and white slots to the right of the CPU? There’s a
white one, an orange one, then another white one and another orange one. They’re for the
47 for the DIMM memory modules. Now look at the bottom of the
board. See the green and orange slots of different lengths? These are where
the 48 and things like that go. Now, looking at the lelf-hand side:
this is where the connectors are. The lower ones, nearer the bottom, are
the 49 , for the sound. And above them is the Ethernet connector,
where you plug the network cable in. And higher up are some USB ports, for connecting
your peripherals – you know, things like your keyboard and printer. And the hard drives
and Blu-ray drive? They plug into the 50 – they’re the orange
things in the bottom right-hand corner. See the five of them?


Unit 3: Data communications
Write the translation for each lesson before class.

Lesson 3A: Internet browsing

browser (n) a computer program that finds information
on the Internet and shows it on your
computer screen
access (v) to find (information), especially on a
bookmark (n) a way of saving the address of a page on
the Internet so that you can find it again
back button a small area on a web browser or a
(n phr) computer program that you click on in
order to go back to the previous page
link (n) a special word or picture in an Internet
document or on a web page, that you click
on to move quickly to another part of the
same document/web page or to another
document/web page
refresh (v) if you refresh your computer screen while
you are connected to the Internet, you
make the screen show any new
information that has arrived since you first
began looking at it

follow (v) to click on (a link) and go to the part of a

document or web page that it takes you to
take part in (phr to be involved in (an activity, sport, event,
v) etc.) with other people
post (v) to put (a message or computer document)
on the Internet so that other people can see


Lesson 3B: Networks
wired (adj) connected together using pieces of thin metal in
the form of threads
wireless (adj) connected together by using radio signals rather
than wires
LAN (n) (= Local Area Network) a system that connects
computers to each other within a building or
organisation so that people
can use and work on the same information
WAN (n) (= Wide Area Network) a system that connects
computers to each other over a large area,
sometimes between countries, so that people can
use and work on the same information
server (n) the main computer on a network, that controls all
the others, or one of the computers on a network
that provides a special service
bus (n) a circuit that connects the main parts of a
computer so that signals can be sent from one part
of the computer to another, or that links computers
on a network to one another
mesh (n) a circuit that connects each computer on a network
to several others
dongle (n) a small device that plugs into an electrical
connector on a computer and functions as an
electronic ‘key’ to unlock access to a piece of
VPN (n) (= Virtual Private Network) a secure network that
uses the Internet to allow remote offices or
travelling users to access a company’s central
encrypt (v) to protect (information) by putting it into a special
code that only some people can read, especially
information that is on a computer
wi-fi (n) (= wireless fidelity) a way of connecting
computers or other electronic machines to a
network by using radio signals rather than wires


Lesson 3C: Mobile computing
feature (n) a part of sth that you notice because it
seems important, interesting or typical
flowchart (n) a drawing that uses shapes and lines to
show how the different stages in a process
are connected to each other
invoice (n) a list of goods that have been supplied or
work that has been done, showing how
much you owe for them
sign (v) to write your signature on (sth) to show
that you wrote it, agree with it or were
GPS (n) (= Global Positioning System) a system
that uses radio signals from satellites to
show your exact position on the Earth on a
special piece of equipment
electronic version a copy of sth presented in a form that can
(n phr) be read on a computer remotely (adv)
from far away
function (n) one of the basic operations performed by a
battery life (n) the period of time during which an object
that provides a supply of electricity for sth
such as a radio, car or toy is still good
enough to use
recharger (n) a machine that puts a new supply of
electricity into a battery
customise (v) to change (sth) to make it more suitable
for you, or to make it look special or
different from things of a similar type
tag (v) to attach a computer code to (a word,
phrase, image, etc.) in order to arrange the
data in a particular way
OCR (n) (= Optical Character Recognition)
computer software that recognizes
numbers and letters of the alphabet that
are written on paper, so that information
from paper documents can be scanned into
a computer
report (v) to give people information about (recent
location (n) the position of sth or sb
exactly (adv) used to emphasise that a number, amount
or piece of information is or should be
completely correct in every detail
record (n) information about sth that is written down
or stored on computer, film, etc. so that it
can be looked at in the future
accelerometer (n) a device that measures the rate at which
the speed of an object increases

Lesson 3D: Email

subject line (n) the place in an email where you put the
name of thing you are talking about or
recipient (n) sb who receives sth
signature (n) your name written in the way you usually
write it, for example at the end of an
email, a letter, or on a cheque to show that
you have written it
attachment (n) a document or file that is sent with an
email message
spell checker (n) a computer program that tells you when
you have spelled a word wrongly
copy (n) a duplicate of an email message you are
sending to sb else
delete (v) to remove (sth that has been written down
or stored in a computer)
guideline (n) a rule or instruction about the best way to
do sth


3. 1 Complete these word partnerships with the words in the box.
address (x2) button life link network password websites

1 a wireless ________
2 a web ________
3 enter a(n) ________
4 follow a(n) ________
5 browse ________
6 the recipient’s ________
7 short battery ________
8 the refresh ________

3.2 Correct the mistakes in these sentences. Underline one or two incorrect
word(s) and write the correct word(s) on the line.
9 The internet is a network where covers the world. ________
10 I’m knowing how to develop websites. ________
11 If we buy some tablets soon, we save money. ________
12 A GPS is a device that show your location. ________
13 Where’s a document with the network information? I saved it in this folder.
14 He’s the person which looks after the servers. ________
15 If you follow a link, you’ll went to another web page. ________
16 With a tablets and the right software, you can access your data anywhere.
17 I install some software at the moment but I’ll finish in a few minutes. ________


3.3 Match 18–24 to a–g to make sentences.
18 If you don’t want to make mistakes a give me a call.
while typing,
19 If you get an error message, b it knows when you move it.
20 If you use a VPN, c security is important.
21 If you want to look at web pages, d use a spell checker.
22 If you want to stream videos, e you’ll need a fast internet
23 If your device has an accelerometer, f a browser is useful.
24 When you browse the internet, g your messages will be more secure.

3.4 Underline the odd one out in each group.

25 ‘back’ button bookmarks bar browse tab
26 check forward send stream
27 browser local area virtual private wireless
28 accelerometer GPS printer screen
29 battery recharger calculator calendar e-book reader
30 dot number slash underscore

3.5 Read the text and do the tasks below

An online service is a business that provides its subscribers with a wide variety of
data transmitted over telecommunications lines. Online services provide an infrastructure
in which subscribers can communicate with one another, either by exchanging e-mail
messages or by participating in online conferences (forums). In addition, the service can
connect users with an almost unlimited number of third-party information providers.
Subscribers can get up-to-date stock quotes, news stories hot off the wire, articles from
many magazines and journals, in fact, almost any information that has been put in
electronic form. Of course, accessing all this data carries a price.


The difference between an online service and a bulletin board service is one of
scale and profits. Online services provide a variety of information and services, whereas
BBS's normally concentrate on a single theme. In addition, BBS's are often operated on a
non-profit basis whereas online services are always for profit.

One online service that defies classification is the Internet. In terms of users, it is
the largest service, but it is not centrally controlled by any one organization, nor is it
operated for profit.

Top 10 online services and applications

Google services

Google has a wealth of free online services and applications that everyone should use.
Below is a listing of some of our favorites.

 Google Docs - Fantastic collection of free services including a word processor,

spreadsheet, presentation service, online forms, drawings, and more. Each of these
services can also be viewed and edited between multiple users.
 Google Calendar - One of the best if not the best online calendars available to create
appointments and even share events between other users.
 Google Translate - Another fantastic free service by Google that allows you to translate
any text, website, or document into another language with support of over 50 different
 Gmail - By far one of the best online free e-mail services with an almost endless list of
features and probably the best e-mail spam filter.
 Google maps - Excellent maps service that offers updated maps, directions, satellite
views, and even street views of much of the world.
 YouTube - The premier location to share and view online videos.


RescueTime is an excellent service that can help keep you focused while on the computer
and track how much time you spend on each task. This service keeps you focused while
on the computer by only allowing you to perform productive tasks and can prevent you
from accessing unproductive programs and websites. In addition, the site offers a wealth


of graphs and data to see where you spend your time and can even keep track of how
much time you spend on each web page you visit.


An excellent add-on that can be added to any major Internet browser including Internet
Explorer, Firefox, and Chrome that alerts you to any Internet page you are visiting that is
not safe. This service works by allowing any user to create a comment and rating on any
web site, which WOT uses to alert a user if the site is not safe. WOT protects you from
any web page with malware, reported scam sites, sites that invade privacy, or conducts
other fraudulent activities.


Another great tool that allows you to share and sync any file between your PC, Mac,
Linux, and Mobile device. Not only is this a great tool for sharing your files but it is also
a great tool for backing up your data online.


Fantastic service that checks for misspellings, commonly confused words, plagiarism,
grammar errors, punctuation, and will even suggest alternative synonyms. A Microsoft
Office add-in can also be installed to check any document you're working on within
Office. Finally, with each suggested correction an explanation about the problem,
examples, and the ability to ask the community is made available.


The most recognized and used services for exploring, sharing, and storing photos online.
Thousands of pictures are uploaded to this website every minute, making it a fantastic
place for inspiration for any photographer and a great place to store, show, and print your
own images.


Another great online service and tool that allows anyone to make phone calls and video
calls between other Skype users over the Internet.



A fantastic online suite of tools including an image editor, effects editor, screen capture,
vector image editor, image markup, color editor, and even an audio and music creator.
Each of these programs is online and can be used through your browser.


Wikipedia is an online encyclopedia that has been generated using millions of different
contributors around the world. Today the site now contains over 3.5 million different
English articles on almost every topic imaginable and millions of other topics in dozens of
other languages.


The number one used service for taking and sending payments without using a credit

Answer the following questions.

31 What is an online service?
32 Is it free to access all the data of an online service?
33 What is the difference between an online service and a bulletin board service?
34 Is Dropbox a tool for sharing?
35 What is the application of YouTube?
Fill in the gaps with the words taken from the text.
36 …………………… make an online service different from a bulletin board service.
37 The service which is operated on a non-profit basic is …………………………….


38 The largest service which is not controlled by any one organization and is not
operated for profit is ………………………………….
39 The Google service which takes the 1st place to share and view online videos is
40 You can take and send payments without using a credit card via a service

3.6 Translate the following sentences into Vietnamese.

41 An online service provider can be a company such as Google that provides its
own online services in addition to the connection to the internet.
42 With online services, subscribers can communicate with each other, either by
exchanging e-mails or participating in forums.
3.7 Translate the following sentences into English.
43 Các dịch vụ trực tuyến cung cấp cho người sử dụng mọi thứ họ cần.
44 Skype là một dịch vụ trực tuyến cho phép thực hiện các cuộc gọi điện thoại hình
ảnh giữa những người dùng Skype qua Internet.
45 Đội bán hàng chỉ cần cắm khóa điện tử vào máy tính xách tay của họ và họ có thể


gửi dữ liệu qua hệ thống điện thoại di động.

3.8 ► 011 Listen to a spokeperson for a major operating system company giving
a speech. Fill in the blanks with the missing words.
We’ve come across a few organisations recently who have been
using 46 . We think this is a big mistake. Why? Well, there are
several reasons.
First, there’s the issue of cost. Many people think that open source software is
cheaper than 47 . However, this is not true. Yes, it costs less to buy
to begin with but that’s not the only cost. There’s also the cost of training and
the cost of 48 . A lot of proprietary software is very common, so
there are many people who already know how to use it.
But open source is often 49 , so additional training is
required. Also, open source operating sytem providers often make their money by
charging for support; but if you buy proprietary software, support
is 50 .


Unit 4: Administration
Write the translation for each lesson before class.

Lesson 4 A: Spreadsheets and formulae

bracket (n) one of the pair of signs put around words
to show extra information
divide (v) to calculate how many times (one number)
contains a smaller number
subtract (v) to take (a number or an amount) from a
larger number or amount
minus (prep) used to show that one number or quantity
is being subtracted from another
multiply (v) to do a calculation in which you add (a
number) to itself a particular number of
times (prep) multiplied by
sum (n) the total produced when you add two or
more numbers or amounts together
plus (prep) used to show that one number or quantity
is being added to another
column (n) a line of numbers or words written under
each other that goes down a page
row (n) a line of numbers or words written next to
each other that goes across a page
worksheet (n) a single page or tab within a spreadsheet

Lesson 4 B: Databases
form (n) an official document with spaces where
you write information, especially about
table (n) a list of numbers, facts or information
arranged in rows across and down a page
walk (somebody) to explain (sth) to (sb)
(phr v)
field (n) in a computer document, an amount of
space made available for a particular type
of information
object (n) a combination of written information on a
computer and instructions that act on the
information, for example in the form of a
document or a picture
primary key in a table, sth that uniquely identifies each
(n phr) record
query the to ask a question about the data stored in a
database computer system, in order to retrieve some
(phr) information
retrieve a record to get back a piece of information that has
(phr) been stored in the memory of a computer
unique (adj) being the only one of its kind

Lesson 4 C: Systems administration

deploy (v) to organise or move (soldiers, equipment,
etc.) so that they are in the right place and
ready to be used
crash (n) an occasion when a computer or computer
system suddenly stops working
up and running working correctly again after a period of
again (phr) not working
read-only access if data has read-only access, you are only
(n phr) allowed to read it, not to change it
lock (someone) if sb is locked out of a computer, system,
out of etc. they cannot access it
(phr v)
check (sth) to make sure that (sth) is actually true,
out correct or acceptable; to investigate
(phr v)
Caps Lock (phr) the button that you press on a computer
when you want to use only capital letters
permission (n) when sb is officially allowed to do sth
log (n) an official record of events
reset (v) to change (a clock, password, machine,
etc.) so that it shows a different time,
number, etc. or is ready to be used again

Lesson 4 D: Peripherals
NAS (n) (= Network Attached Storage) a system
that allows files to be stored and retrieved
across a computer network
attached (adj) fastened or connected (to sth else)
touch pad (n phr) an area on a computer that you touch in
order to tell the computer what to do or to
get information
stylus (n) a thing shaped like a pen, used for writing
on a special computer screen
graphics tablet a device that allows you to draw on its
(n) surface, using a stylus rather than a
mouse, with the results appearing on your
computer screen
graphic design the art of combining pictures, words an d
(n phr) decoration in the production of books,
magazines, etc.
touch screen (n a type of computer screen that you touch
phr) in order to tell the computer what to do or
to get information
headset (n) a set of headphones, often with a
microphone attached
multifunction a multifunction printer is designed to have
printer (n phr) several different uses, e.g. printing, faxing,
scanning, etc.
input device a device that puts information into a
(n phr) computer, e.g. a keyboard jam (n) a
situation in which a machine does not
work because something is stopping a part
from moving


4.1 Complete these word partnerships with the words in the box.
by database in key permissions record smoothly tablet

1 type ________ a formula

2 retrieve a(n) ________
3 multiply ________
4 primary ________
5 query a(n) ________
6 set ________
7 run ________
8 graphics ________
4.2 Use the words in brackets to complete these sentences. You may need to
change or add some words.
9 We can print a list of customers from the database by __________________.
(run / report)
10 Back everything up ______________________. (before / reinstall the OS)
11 I was working on some new software when ______________________.
(my computer / crash)
12 I checked the memory but I ______________________. (not check / hard drive)
13 Could you give me a call after ______________________? (repair / the computer)
14 Please check the logs while ______________________. (you / in / server room)
15 Don’t forget to unplug the peripherals after ______________________.
(use / computer)


4.3 Write the words that match these definitions.
16 something you put on your head to listen and speak to other people over the
internet ________
17 a problem that happens when paper gets stuck in a printer ________
18 a word for the ‘–’ symbol in formulae ________
19 a database object that makes it easy to enter data ________
20 a line of cells from top to bottom of a worksheet in a spreadsheet ________
21 remotely install new software on a group of computers ________
22 a word for the ‘/’ symbol in formulae ________
23 a device that prints, scans and copies ________

4.4 Correct the mistakes in these sentences. Underline one or two incorrect
word(s) and write the correct word(s) on the line.
24 He founded a problem with his computer. ________
25 Yesterday afternoon he visit a client. ________
26 You checked the spreadsheet carefully? ________
27 After starting a new OS install, you should back up your computer. ________
28 A stylus is an output device. ________
29 If you divide eight by four, you get thirty-two. ________
30 There is a problem with the formula in query B2 of the spreadsheet. ________

4.5 Read the text and do the tasks below

The history of the Internet began with the development of electronic computers in
the 1950s. The public was first introduced to the concepts that would lead to the Internet
when a message was sent over the ARPANet from computer science Professor Leonard
Kleinrock's laboratory at University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), after the second
piece of network equipment was installed at Stanford Research Institute (SRI). Packet
switched networks such as ARPANET, Mark I at NPL in the UK, CYCLADES, Merit
Network, Tymnet, and Telenet, were developed in the late 1960s and early 1970s using a
variety of protocols. The ARPANET in particular led to the development of protocols for
internetworking, in which multiple separate networks could be joined together into a
network of networks.

In 1982, the Internet protocol suite (TCP/IP) was standardized, and consequently,
the concept of a world-wide network of interconnected TCP/IP networks, called the
Internet, was introduced. Access to the ARPANET was expanded in 1981 when the
National Science Foundation (NSF) developed the Computer Science Network (CSNET)
and again in 1986 when NSFNET provided access to supercomputer sites in the United
States from research and education organizations. Commercial Internet service providers
(ISPs) began to emerge in the late 1980s and early 1990s. The ARPANET was
decommissioned in 1990. The Internet was commercialized in 1995 when NSFNET was
decommissioned, removing the last restrictions on the use of the Internet to carry
commercial traffic.

Since the mid-1990s, the Internet has had a revolutionary impact on culture and
commerce, including the rise of near-instant communication by electronic mail, instant
messaging, Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) "phone calls", two-way interactive video
calls, and the World Wide Web with its discussion forums, blogs, social networking, and
online shopping sites. The research and education community continues to develop and
use advanced networks such as NSF's very high speed Backbone Network Service
(vBNS), Internet2, and National LambdaRail. Increasing amounts of data are transmitted
at higher and higher speeds over fiber optic networks operating at 1-Gbit/s, 10-Gbit/s, or
more. The Internet's takeover over the global communication landscape was almost
instant in historical terms: it only communicated 1% of the information flowing through
two-way telecommunications networks in the year 1993, already 51% by 2000, and more
than 97% of the telecommunicated information by 2007. Today the Internet continues to
grow, driven by ever greater amounts of online information, commerce, entertainment,
and social networking.


Write the time of these events
31 The history of the Internet began. ………….
32 The concept of the Internet appeared. …………
33 Commercial Internet service providers began to emerge. ………….
34 The APPANET was decommissioned. ………………
35 Computer Science Network was developed for the first time. ……………
Answer the questions below
36 Who sent the public the message that would lead to the Internet?
37 When were packet switched networks developed?
38 When did the Internet come out?
39 Did the ARPANET stop working after the emergence of ISPs?
40 How many applications have been available on the Internet since the mid-1990s?

4.6 Translate the following sentences into Vietnamese.

41 The Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that use the
standard Internet protocol suite (TCP/IP) to serve billions of users worldwide.
42 PCs linked to the Internet have high probability of virus attacks and as a result of
this your hard disk can crash, giving you a lot of trouble.



4.7 Translate the following sentences into English.

43 Lợi ích lớn nhất của Internet mang lại cho chúng ta là những thông tin hữu ích về
mọi lĩnh vực của đời sống xã hội.
44 Nero Burning ROM là giải pháp chuyên nghiêp cho việc ghi các đĩa âm thanh, dữ
liệu và hình ảnh.
45 Tôi gõ ngày vào ô này nhưng nó lại hiện số.

4.8 ► 019 Listen to a database administrator describing the structure of a

company database to a trainee. Fill in the blanks with the missing words.
I was going to walk you through our client database. It looks like a spreadsheet,
doesn’t it? Each record in the 46 is like a row on a spreadsheet. It
has several fields – like cells in a spreadsheet. This one has the customer ID and
information about the person who we contact at the company; given name, family name,
job title, 47 , you know, things like that. We give each customer a
customer ID so that each record is unique – everyone has a different customer ID.
Because it’s unique, we can use it as the 48 .
There’s another table here, the table for orders. We give each order a unique order
number – that becomes the primary key for that table. And we have fields for item,
number of items ordered, cost and so on.


Next, we have the forms, which make it easy to put 49 into a
table. This one’s for adding a new customer or updating customers’ details.
And we have a few reports already prepared for printing. Here’s one of them, the
yearly report for total sales. We can also retrieve a record, of course, if we just want to
look at one record. And if we want to combine information from more than one table, we
can query the 50 . Is that making sense? Any questions so far?


Unit 5: Choice
Write the translation for each lesson before class.

Lesson 5A: Web hosting

shared hosting a system where many websites are held on one
(n phr) web server connected to the Internet
dedicated a system where each individual website is held on
hosting its own web server connected to the Internet
(n phr)
data centre (n) a building used to house computer systems and
associated components, such as storage systems
plan (n) a document that shows exactly what price will be
charged for each variety or level of sth
guarantee (n) a formal written promise to repair or replace a
product if it breaks within a specific period of time
uptime (n) the period of time when a computer is working
normally and is able to be used
control panel a display that allows computer users to view and
(n) change basic system settings and controls
unlimited (adj) without any limit in number
monthly the amount of information that you are allowed to
bandwidth access through a telephone wire, computer
(n phr) connection, etc. in any one month

IP address (n) (= Internet Protocol address) a special number

that is used to identify a computer, and which the
computer needs in order to be able to connect to
the Internet
fee (n) an amount of money that you pay to do sth or that
you pay to a professional person for their work

Lesson 5B: IT costs



accessory (n) sth such as a piece of equipment or a
decoration that is not necessary, but that
makes a machine, car, room, etc. more
useful or more attractive
service (n) a particular type of help or work that is
provided by a business to customers, but
not one that involves producing goods
reader (n) a device that can take the information that
is on a disk, memory card, etc. and put it
into its memory
charger (n) a piece of equipment used to put
electricity into a battery
card (n) a piece of electronic equipment for storing
data, used in computers, digital cameras,
mobile phones, etc.
extended a written agreement in which a company
warranty selling sth promises to repair it if it breaks
(n phr) within a particular period of time that is
longer than the basic guarantee
analyse (v) to examine or think about (sth) carefully,
in order to understand it

Lesson 5C: Product research

traditional pricing a way of charging for sth that follows
(n phr) ideas and methods that have existed for a
long time, rather than doing anything new
or different
major (adj) very large or important, when compared to
other things or people of a similar kind
minor (adj) small and not very important or serious,
especially when compared with other
holder (n) sb who owns or controls sth
come out (phr v) if a book, record, computer program, etc.
comes out, it becomes publicly available
try out (phr v) to test (sth) such as a method or a piece of
equipment to see whether it is effective or
works properly
trial period a short period during which you use or do
(n phr) sth or employ sb to find out whether they
are satisfactory for a particular purpose or
tiered pricing a way of charging for sth that means that
(n phr) you pay more for a more complicated
version of it, or less for a simpler version
tier (n) one of several levels in an organisation or
set (n) a group of similar things that belong
together or are related in some way

Lesson 5D: Making recommendations

2-D (adj) flat; having only length and depth, not
3-D (adj) having, or seeming to have, length, depth
and height
capability (n) the natural ability, skill or power that
makes a machine, person or organisation
able to do sth, especially sth difficult
compatibility (n) the ability of one piece of computer
equipment, document, etc. to be used with
another one, especially when they are
made by different companies
user guide (n) a book or piece of writing that provides
information on a particular subject or
explains how to do sth
forum (n) a group of computer users who are
interested in a particular subject and
discuss it using email or the Internet
introduction (n) a written or spoken explanation at the
beginning of a book, speech, etc.
body (n) the main, central or most important part of
conclusion (n) the end or final part of sth
5.1 Complete these word partnerships with the words in the box.
fee compatibility guide hosting address pricing reader warranty

1 shared ________
2 monthly ________
3 extended ________
4 traditional ________
5 user ________
6 IP ________
7 card ________
8 file ________
5.2 Complete these sentences. Use one word in each gap.
9 The freemium plan is ________ expensive than the premium plan.
10 I think it’s best ________ buy more computers. Repairing old ones won’t help.
11 You bought some batteries? How much ________ they in total?
12 Do you know ________ the cost is?
13 I recommend ________ we choose the premium plan.
14 It’s ________ fast as the other company’s plan.
15 Which hosting plan has ________ largest bandwidth?
16 How much did it come ________ in total?
17 Can you tell me ________ it’s switched on?
5.3 Match 18–24 to a–g to make sentences and questions. Add a full stop or
question mark at the end.
18 Open source software usually costs a choosing the premium plan
19 I spent $25 b go home now
20 Do you know what the c largest monitor
21 This is the d less than software with traditional
22 Can you tell me e on a set of cables
23 I recommend f specifications are
24 I think it’s best to g whether this is correct or not


5.4 Underline the odd one out in each group.
25 big cheap expensive large
26 training trial period initial purchase cost warranty
27 cost pay spend train
28 dedicated subscription tiered traditional
29 charger spare life licence
30 body conclusion introduction capability

5.5 Read the text and do the tasks below

Computer networks link computers by communication lines and software
protocols, allowing data to be exchanged rapidly and reliably. Traditionally, networks
have been split between wide area networks (WANs) and local area networks (LANs). A
WAN is a network connected over long-distance telephone lines, and a LAN is a localized
network usually in one building or a group of buildings close together. The distinction,
however, is becoming blurred. It is now possible to connect up LANs remotely over
telephone links so that they look as though they are a single LAN.
Originally, networks were used to provide terminal access to another computer and
to transfer files between computers. Today, networks carry e-mail, provide access to
public databases and bulletin boards, and are beginning to be used for distributed systems.
Networks also allow users in one locality to share expensive resources, such as printers
and disk-systems.
Distributed computer systems are built using networked computers that cooperate
to perform tasks. In this environment each part of the networked system does what it is
best at. The high quality bitmapped graphics screen of a personal computer or workstation
provides a good user interface. The mainframe, on the other hand, can handle large
numbers of queries and return the result to the users. In a distributed environment, a user
might use his PC to make a query against a central database. The PC passes the query,
written in a special language (e.g. Structured Query Language – SQL), to the mainframe,
which then parses the query, returning to the user only the data requested. The user might
then use his PC to draw graphs based on the data. By passing back to the user’s PC only
the specific information requested, network traffic is reduced. If the whole file were
transmitted, the PC would then have to perform the query itself, reducing the efficiency of
both network and PC.
In the 1980s, at least 100,000 LANs were set up in laboratories and offices around
the world. During the early part of this decade, synchronous orbit satellites lowered the
price of long-distance telephone calls, enabling computer data and television signals to be
distributed more cheaply around the world. Since then, fibre-optic cable has been installed
on a large scale, enabling vast amounts of data to be transmitted at a very high speed
using light signals.
The impact of fiber optics will considerably reduce the price of network access.
Global communication and computer networks will become more and more a part of
professional and personal lives as the price of microcomputers and network access drops.
At the same time, distributed computer networks should improve our work environments
and technical abilities.

Match each summary below with the corresponding paragraph above. No.1 has been
done for you.

31 _____ Network uses, past and present

32 _____ How distributed systems work
33 _____ Networks and the future
34 _ 1_ What networks are and how they operate
35 _____ The growth of networks, past and present
Choose the best answers by cycling A, B, C or D.

36 How do computer networks link computers?

A. by communication lines
B. by allowing data to be exchanged data rapidly and reliably


C. by networks split between WANs and LANs
D. by connecting up LANs remotely over telephone links
37 What is the use of network today?
A. to provide terminal access to another computer and to transfer files between
B. to carry e-mail , provide access to public database
C. to be used for distributed systems and share expensive resources
D. Both B and C are correct
38 What data is returned to the user after the mainframe parses the query?
A. data written in a special language C. data based on drawing graphs
B. data requested D. data transmitted
39 What helps large amounts of data to be transmitted very fast?
A. setting up LANs around the world
B. lowering the price of long distance phone call
C. distributing television signals around the world
D. installingfiber-optic cable on a large scale.
40 When will global communication and computer networks become a part of
professional and personal lives?
A. When the price of network access reduces.
B. When the price of computers and network access reduces.
C. When computer networks are distributed.
D. Both A and B are correct

5.6 Translate the following sentences into Vietnamese.

41 Data is transferred from the internal memory to the arithmetic-logical unit along
channels known as buses.


42 The part of the processor which control data transfers between the various input
and output devices is called the control unit.
5.7 Translate the following sentences into English.
43 Vào năm 1984, Micrrosoft là một trong những công ty phần mềm đã phát triển
phần mềm ứng dụng cho Macintosh.
44 Do những tiến bộ trong công nghệ máy tính, việc thiết kế máy tính phải đối mặt
với một công việc thách thức hơn
45 Tôi là nhà thiết kế đồ họa ở một công ty nhỏ. Tôi thiết kế tài liệu bán hàng và thị
trường cho các công ty khác.

5.8 ► 029 Listen to an IT consultant giving a presentation. Fill in the blanks

with the missing words.
Good morning, everyone. As you know, I’m going to talk about my company’s
recommendations for our new website. In this talk, first, I’ll give our web server
recommendations. Then I’ll give our recommendations for a 46 .
Let’s look at web server requirements first. Your website isn’t very big, so you
don’t need to spend lots of money on a powerful server. Also, I don’t think
you need a 47 ; it can be quite expensive. I recommend the shared
hosting option for these reasons. It provides 200 gigabytes of disk space and 500
gigabytes of 48 . This should be fine for your needs. You’ll need a
database of people who register on your site but this should be OK on a shared server.
As for the web content management system, the CMS, my company looked at two
options: an open source option and a proprietary, subscription-based system. I know that
you need a low-cost solution. The open source option is cheaper than the subscription
plan but unfortunately, I don’t think it will meet your needs. For one thing, it doesn’t
automatically support 49 , with their small screens. However, the
subscription-based site will change pages to mobile phone size automatically. This will be
useful for the future.
In conclusion, I recommend the 50 , I also recommend
purchasing the subscription-based CMS to look after your website.


Unit 6: Interactions
Write the translation for each lesson before class.

Lesson 6A: Enterprise social media

microblogging a system for blogging in which the content
system (n phr) is typically smaller in both actual and
overall file sizes than in a normal blog
file sharing a service distributing or providing access
service to digitally stored information
(n phr)

social networking an online service, platform or site that

(n phr) connects people who share interests,
activities, backgrounds or real-life
privacy (n) the state of being free from public
trend (n) a general tendency in the way a situation
is changing or developing
graph (n) a drawing that uses a line or lines to show
how two or more sets of measurements are
related to each other
blogger (n) sb who writes a web page that is made up
of information about a particular subject,
in which the newest information is always
at the top of the page
document a computer system (or set of computer
management programs) used to track and store
system (n phr) electronic documents and/or images of
paper documents
speech-to-text relating to the translation of spoken words
(adj) into text
overseas a group of people who work together in a
department (n particular part of a large organisation in a
phr) foreign country that is across the sea
voice recognition the ability of a computer to recognise
(n) speech, especially the speech of one
particular person

Lesson 6B: Video conferencing

method (n) a planned way of doing sth, especially one
that a lot of people know about and use
prefer (v) to like (sb or sth) more than sb or sth else,
so that you would choose them or it if you
face-to-face (adj) a face-to-face meeting, conversation, etc.
is one where you are with another person
and talking to them
set-up (n) several pieces of equipment that work
together in a system
high-definition a high-definition television or computer
(adj) shows images very
local participant sb who is taking part in an activity or
(n phr) event that happens where they are located
remote (adj) far from where an activity or event is
data compression the process of making a computer file
(n) smaller by using a special computer
program, that makes the file easier to store
or send
MCU (n) (= Multipoint Control Unit) a device used
to connect multiple videoconferencing
premises (n pl) the buildings and land that a shop,
restaurant, company, etc. uses
facility (n) rooms, equipment or services that are
provided for a particular purpose


Lesson 6C: E-commerce
integrate (v) if two or more things integrate, or if you
integrate them, they combine or work
together in a way that makes sth more
component (n) one of several parts that together make up
a whole machine, system, etc.
cookie (n) a piece of information that a website
leaves in your computer so that the
website will recognize you when you use
it again
code (n) a set of instructions that tell a computer
what to do
processing (n) dealing with information using a computer
delivery (n) the act of bringing goods, letters, etc. to a
particular person or place, or the things
that are brought
order (n) goods that you have ordered from a
accounting (n) the profession or work of keeping or
checking financial accounts, calculating
taxes, etc.
bricks and clicks a business model in which a company has
(n phr) both offline (bricks) and online (clicks)
DRM (n) (= Digital Rights Management) a method
that is used by hardware manufacturers,
publishers, copyright holders and
individuals to limit the use of digital
content and devices after they have been
NFC (n) (= Near Field Communication) a set of
standards for smart-phones and similar
devices that allows them to communicate
with each other by touching them together
or bringing them close to each other,
usually no more than a few centimetres

Lesson 6D: Training users

instant messaging a type of service available on the Internet
(n phr) that allows you to quickly exchange
written messages with people that you
policy (n) a way of doing sth that has been officially
agreed and chosen by a political party,
business or other organisation
procedure (n) a way of doing sth, especially the correct
or usual way
announcement an important or official statement
threaded view a view of messages that are grouped by
(n phr) topic for easy reading
archiving (n) the process of saving a computer file in a
way that uses less space than usual,
[`a:kiving] because you do not use that file often but
may need it in the future
tagging (n) attaching a computer code to a computer
program or document in order to arrange
the data in a particular way
B2B (adj) (= Business to Business) used to refer to
business activities between companies,
especially using the Internet
B2C (adj) (= Business to Consumer) used to refer to
business activities between companies and
end-users, especially using the Internet
bricks and mortar a business that has a physical presence and
shop (n phr) offers a face-to-face customer experience,
as opposed to existing only on the Internet


6.1 Complete these sentences with a word from the box.
compression document encryption field integrate mortar remote text

1 As well as our online stores, we also still have a few bricks and ________ shops.
2 For security, I think we need ________ of all our messages so that no one else can
read them.
3 I think we need a(n) ________ management system to handle all our scanned
paperwork and word processed files.
4 In our video conference, the ________ participants will be speaking with us from
two overseas countries.
5 Our system needs speech-to-________ capability so that we can write emails and
messages by speaking into a microphone.
6 We can save bandwidth by using ________. That way, the data we send is smaller
and we don’t lose any information.
7 When we design an e-commerce system, we have to ________ several different
components so that they work together well.
8 You can pay using our near ________ communication (NFC) system.

6.2 Correct the mistakes in these sentences. Underline one incorrect word and
write the correct word on the line.
9 Could someone say me how to use the videophone? ________
10 If we were a big company, we will buy some expensive equipment. ________
11 It would be great to knowing how to use smartphone syncing. ________
12 Our software is being cheaper and cheaper. ________
13 Our website is getting more and more popular: the number of visitors is
decreasing. ________


14 The instinct messaging system in my office isn’t working at the moment.
15 We need a shared room for the video conferencing equipment. ________
16 We use a system call DRM, Digital Rights Management, to protect our software.

6.3 Use the words in brackets to complete these sentences. You may need to
change or add some words.
17 If we had a video conferencing system, our travel costs
______________________. (reduce)
18 We______________________ problems. (have / more / more)
19 Could we ______________________ e-commerce? (find out)
20 The number of sales ______________________. (decrease)
21 Our website uses a system to code messages, ______________________
encryption. (call)
22 ______________________ how to archive old messages? (could / tell / me)
23 The number of site visitors ______________________. (go up)

6.4 Write the words that match these definitions.

24 a small bit of data that websites put on your computer ________
25 the people in the same place as you in a video conferencing set-up ________
26 a system for sending only very short messages from computers ________
27 adding labels to files such as photos so that they are easy to find in a search
28 a standard way of doing something ________
29 the building that a company uses ________
30 a small part of a bigger system ________

6.5 Read the text and do the tasks below

Software technology is getting more complicated. Developers have to cut through
a jungle of computer languages, operating environments, and shifting standards to choose
how they’ll create their software. It’s not an easy job. Software purchasers will have to
live with the results for years to come. Which advances in software technology will
prevail? Which ones will be just a flash in the pan?
Four well-known software developers were chosen to talk about current and future
trends in software technology. Their comments reveal some common and diverse themes.
They began by answering the question if they thought that software purchasers are
getting what they need? What should developers be doing differently to give purchasers a
better product?
Mary Evans ‘In general, I think people are getting what they want – there are a lot
of creative things being done with paint software, word processing, DTP (desktop
publishing) systems, and the like. Do users want more? Of course!

Users will always want more. The computer is an

incredibly powerful tool, and any software that makes it
easier, faster, more creative, or more cost-effective will
inevitably be in demand. But I’m generally optimistic
about the way things are going at the moment. I think most
of the major software manufacturers are able to read the
market quite well.’

Gerry Harper ‘I’m afraid I completely disagree with

Mary. I just don’t think that software purchasers are
getting the technical support they need. While the products
are getting more and more complex, and more and more
expensive, it seems that support is starting to be thought of
as an additional business opportunity. More general, I’ve


thought for some time that applications are getting too big, and that they’re also
often overwhelming. I think what we need are simple little programs that are easy to
understand and use, and that work together to accomplish more complex tasks.’

Matt Andrews ‘I really can’t agree with that. To imagine

we can just go back to “simple little programs” just ignores
the complex needs of many of today’s software users. No,
I’m sure that you can’t stop progress. Suppliers know what
their customers want – they just can’t supply it quickly
enough. I’ve studied the market very closely, and I’ve
found that purchasers’ needs seem always to exceed the
capability of the available software by a constant time-frame of about six to twelve

Bob Bolton ‘I think users are getting what they want,

provided that their needs fit the off-the-shelf application.
Specialized software is usually so specific that it should be
written in-house for businesses. Developers should add
features that the customer needs, not what they think
customers want. Some effort should be made to get
feedback from the users before making an upgrade so that
the proper features are added.’

Each of the following comments from the text is followed by the two paraphrases.
Decide which paraphrase (a or b) is closer in meaning to the original comment.
Remember to look at the comments in their original context.

31 ‘Developers have to cut through a jungle of computer languages, operating

environments, and shifting standards…’
a. A. The huge number of languages, environments, and standards makes life


difficult for software developers.
b. B. Software developers have to act to reduce the number of languages,
environments, and standards which currently exist.
32 ‘Their comments reveal some common and diverse themes.’
a. A. They talk about ordinary and wide-ranging topics.
b. B. They agree about some issues, but disagree about others.
33 ‘I think most of the major software manufacturers are able to read the market
quite well.’
a. A. Most software manufacturers understand what customers want.
b. B. Most software manufacturers know how to influence users to buy more of
their products.
34 ‘…it seems that support is starting to be thought of as an additional business
a. A. Increased technical support is a means of making software more attractive to
b. B. Software manufacturers are using the fact their products are complex to start
selling technical support to their customers.
35 ‘…purchasers’ needs seem always to exceed the capability of the available
software by a constant time-frame of about six to twelve months.’
a. A. It takes about six to twelve months for purchasers to understand fully the
software they buy.
b. B. The software customers want now what will only become available in about
six to twelve months.
A number of software developers express their opinions on the future of
software technology in the magazine article above. Tick (√) the boxes to show
which opinions are expressed by the speakers.


6.6 Translate the following sentences into Vietnamese.
41 System software is responsible for running the computer system, whereas
application software is used to accomplish specific tasks
42 In business, advertisers use virtual reality in multimedia applications to advertise
their products in three dimensions (3-D).

6.7 Translate the following sentences into English.

43 ESET NOD32 Antivirus 6 là giải pháp mạnh mẽ để giúp bạn loại bỏ tất cả những
nguy hại từ Internet thông qua công nghệ NOD32 tiên tiến.
44 AVG Internet Security 2013 là phần mềm giúp bạn bảo vệ máy tính từ các đối
tượng nguy hiểm và các mối đe dọa mạng.


45 Hệ thống hội nghị trực tuyến giúp tiết kiệm chi phí đi lại, tuy nhiên, an ninh lại là
một vấn đề.

6.8 ► 30 Listen and decide these statements are True or False

46 More bandwith is needed because of more visits to the _____________
47 Laptops are too expensive to buy. _____________
48 There are more and more companies using a social _____________
networking system.
49 People don’t visit the website at all. _____________
50 The staff want to work from home via mobile phones. _____________


Unit 7: Development
Write the translation for each lesson before class.

Lesson 7A: Requirements analysis

approve (v) to officially accept (a plan, proposal, etc.)
programmer (n) sb whose job is to write computer
debug (v) to remove the bugs (mistakes) from (a
computer program)
interview (v) to ask (sb) questions during a formal
meeting in order to find out whether they
are suitable for a job, course of study, etc.
detail (n) all the separate features and pieces of
information about sth
specification (n) a detailed instruction about how a car,
building, piece of equipment, etc. should
be made or what it should do
pop-up menu a list of things that you can ask a computer
(n phr) to do, that can appear suddenly on the
computer screen while you are using it
calculate (v) to find out (how much sth will cost, how
long sth will take, etc.) by using numbers

Lesson 7B: Website design and architecture

home page (n) the first page of a website, which often
contains links to other pages on that
contact (v) to write to or telephone (sb)
FAQs (n pl) (= Frequently Asked Questions)
especially on a website
purchase (v) to buy (sth)
private (adj) private feelings, information or opinions
are personal or secret and not for other
people to know about
dynamic (adj) full of energy and new ideas
public (adj) available for anyone to use
content (n) the information contained in a website,
considered separately from the software
that makes the website work
premium content website information that is of very high
(n phr) quality and that you often need to pay to
combination (n) two or more different things that exist
together or are used or put together
versatile (adj) having many different uses
challenge (n) sth that tests strength, skill or ability,
especially in a way that is interesting
viewable (adj) able to be seen
SEO (n) (= Search Engine Optimisation) the
process of improving the visibility of a
website or a web page in the results
produced by a search engine (a computer
program that helps you find information
on the Internet)
search ranking a position in the results produced by a
(n phr) search engine (a computer program that
helps you find information on the Internet)
PHP (n) (= PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor) a
computer language originally designed to
produce web pages that are generated at
the time of access by a user or that change
as a result of what the user does
navigation chart information showing you which way you
(n) need to go when you are moving from one
place to another, arranged in the form of a
simple picture, set of figures, graph, etc.,
or a piece of paper with this information
on it


Lesson 7C: Software development
line of code (n a row of letters or numbers that make up
phr) part of a set of instructions that tell a
computer what to do
instruction (n) a statement telling sb what they must do or
telling a computer or other machine what
to do
variable (n) a mathematical quantity that can represent
several different amounts
robot (n) a machine that can move and do some of
the work of a person, and is usually
controlled by a computer
value (n) a mathematical quantity shown by a letter
of the alphabet or sign

Lesson 7D: Project management

Gantt chart (n) a type of bar chart that illustrates when
things are going to happen in a project
alpha testing the process of testing software to see
(n phr) whether it works properly, done by the
company that is writing the software
beta testing a process of testing software in which it is
(n phr) given to customers to use, so that any
problems will be found
feedback (n) advice, criticism, etc. about how
successful or useful sth is
release candidate a beta version of a piece of software that
(n phr) could become the final product, and is
ready to release unless significant
problems are found
schedule (n) a plan of what sb is going to do or sth that
is going to happen, and when


7.1 Complete these word partnerships with the words in the box.
analysis candidate chart code content menu ranking testing

1 requirements ________
2 pop-up ________
3 line of ________
4 beta ________
5 premium ________
6 search ________
7 release ________
8 Gantt ________

7.2 Complete these sentences. Use one word in each gap.

9 The website should be easy ________ use.
10 Many pages are ________ to the home page.
11 This switch ________ the computer to restart.
12 We’re due ________ finish the project at the end of the month.
13 The project manager ________ us to finish the project next week.
14 You can watch videos on this website – they ________ be viewed by clicking here.
15 Can you ________ the printer use less ink?
16 We ________ scheduled to start developing the website next week.
17 They plan ________ start the alpha testing at the end of the month.

7.3 Match 18–25 to a–h to make sentences.

18 The website needs a be tested thoroughly.
19 The software should b the software to crash.


20 The new website is c start the next software development
meeting at 3.30.
21 Pressing the F1 key makes d the help menu appear.
22 We’re due to e starting next week.
23 Website development is f be found in the ‘Project management’
folder on the server.
24 Setting the variable ‘a’ to 2 causes g to be fast.
25 The Gantt chart can h visited frequently.

7.4 Underline the odd one out in each group.

26 alpha testing content milestone release candidate
27 debugging flow chart requirements analysis user support
28 development instruction line of code variable
29 FAQs home contact us ranking
30 bug variable constant value

7.5 Read the text and do the tasks below

Computers can deal with different kinds of problems if they are given the right
instructions for what to do. Instructions are first written in one of the high-level
languages, e.g. FORTRAN, COBOL, ALGOL, PL/I, PASCAL, BASIC, or C, depending
on the type of problem to be solved. A program written in one of these languages is often
called a source program, and it cannot be directly processed by the computer until it has
been compiled, which means interpreted into machine code. Usually a single instruction
written in a high level language, when transformed into machine code, results in several

When a program written in one of these high-level languages is designed to do a

specific type of work such as calculate a company’s payroll, it is called an application


program. Institutions either purchase these programs as packages or ask their own
programmers to write them to meet the specifications of the users.

The program produced after the source program has been converted into machine
code is referred to as an object program or object module. This is done by a computer
program called the compiler, which is unique for the various high-level languages if it is
expected to accept programs written in those languages. For example, in order that an
IBM RS/6000 may process a program in FORTRAN, it needs to have a compiler that
would understand that particular model and the FORTRAN language as well.

The compiler is a systems program which may be written in any language, but the
computer’s operating system is a true systems program which controls the central
processing unit (CPU), the input, the output, and the secondary memory devices. Another
systems program is the linkage editor, which fetches required system routines and links
them to the object module (the source program in machine code.) The resulting program
is then called the load module, which is the program directly executable by the computer.
Although systems programs are part of the software, they are usually provided by the
manufacturer of the machine.
Fill in the gaps with the words taken from the text.

31 A __________ ____________ is a program written in one of the high-level

32 A program written in a high-level language must be interpreted into __________
__________ before the computer will read and process it.
33 A program designed to perform a specific task is called an __________
34 The __________ __________ or __________ __________ is the program
produced when the original program has been converted into machine code.
35 A __________ is a program that converts a high-level language into machine code.


36 The systems program which fetches required systems routines and links them to
the object module is known as the __________ __________.

Match columns A, B, and C and then write the definition for these terms.


37. application program a computer program to write computer software

38. machine code a person to transform the source language

into the target language

39. compiler a computer program to be executed directly by a

computer’s CPU

40. programmer a system of instructions to be designed to perform a

specific task

→ 37 …………………………………………………………………………………….........

7.6 Translate the following sentences into Vietnamese.


41 Every operation that your computer performs has instructions that someone had to
write in a programming language.

42 A program is written as a series of human understandable computer instructions

that can be read by a compiler or linker, and translated into machine code so that a
computer can understand and run it.

7.7 Translate the following sentences into English.

43 Người ta thường sử dụng bộ xử lý từ để viết tất cả các loại tài liệu như thư từ hay
báo cáo.
44 Tìm kiếm thông tin trên World Wide Web cần có một công cụ tìm kiếm Internet
như Google hoặc Excite.
45 Ta có thể xem video ở trang web này bằng cách nhấp chuột vào đây.

7.8 ► 40 Listen to a conversation. Choose the best answer for each question.


46 When is the team scheduled to start coding?
A. A. In Week 2 B. In Week 3 C. In Week 4
47 How many weeks do they have to do the coding?
A. A. 3 B. 4 C. 5
48 What kinds of testing do they do?
A. A. Beta testing B. Alpha testing C. Beta and alpha testing
49 How many weeks do they have to do the debugging?
A. A. One week B. Two weeks C. Three weeks
50 When should they be able to finish the project?
A. A. In week 18 B. Before week 18 C. After week 18


Unit 8: Solutions
Write the translation for each lesson before class.

Lesson 8A: Investigations

connection error a mistake or fault in the electrical system
(n phr) joining two parts of a machine, computer
network, etc.
crash (v) if a computer crashes, or if you crash the
computer, it suddenly stops working
failure (n) an occasion when a machine or part of
your body stops working properly
fault (n) sth that is wrong with a machine, system,
design, etc. that prevents it from working
hang (v) if a computer hangs, it stops responding to
error code (n) a set of numbers, letters or symbols that
shows what fault has occurred on a
computer or gives information about it
solution (n) a way of solving a problem or dealing
with a difficult situation
manual (n) a book that gives instructions about how
to do sth, especially how to use a machine

Lesson 8B: Diagnosis

call centre (n) an office where people answer customers’
questions, make sales, etc. by using the
telephone rather than by meeting people
issue tracking a computer software package that
system (n phr) manages and maintains lists of problems
reported by users of a website
tier 1 (n phr) the first, most important or simplest of
several levels in an organization or system


ticket (n) a file in an issue tracking system that
records a reported problem and the steps
taken to resolve it
escalate (v) to increase the seriousness, intensity, etc.
of (sth)
speculate (v) to guess about the possible causes or
effects of sth, without knowing all the
facts or details
virus (n) a set of instructions secretly put onto a
computer or computer program, which can
destroy information. When a computer
that has a virus makes a connection with
another computer, for example by email,
the virus can make copies of itself and
move to the other computer
troubleshooting a piece of computer software, or a printed
guide (n phr) manual, that asks you a series of questions
to try to find the cause of a computer
problem, and suggests possible solutions

Lesson 8C: Solutions

bloatware (n) parts of a computer program that include
unnecessary features that are not used by
end users, or that generally use more
computing power than necessary, while
offering little or no benefit to its users
bill (n) a written list showing how much you have
to pay for services you have received,
work that has been done, etc.
usage (n) the way in which sth is used, or the
amount of it that is used
backache (n) a pain in your back
electric shock a sudden shock to your body, caused by
(n phr) electricity
RSI (n) (= Repetitive Strain Injury) pains in your
hands, arms, etc. caused by doing the
same movements many times, especially
by using a computer keyboard or mouse
trips and falls acts of falling as a result of hitting sth with
(n phr) your foot, or from any other cause
short circuit (n a failure of an electrical system, caused by
phr) bad wires or a fault in a connection in the
burn (v) if sth is burning, it is producing flames
and being damaged or destroyed by fire
bend (v) to move (part of your body) so that it is
not straight or so that you are not upright
wrist (n) the part of your body where your hand
joins your arm
spill (v) if you spill a liquid, or if it spills, it
accidentally flows over the edge of a
cool down (phr v) to make (sth) slightly colder, or to become
slightly colder

Lesson 8D: Your future in IT

CV (n) (= Curriculum Vitae) a short written
document that lists your education and
previous jobs, that you send to employers
when you are looking for a job
education (n) the process of teaching and learning,
usually at school, college or university, or
a list of where this happened in your case
responsibility (n) sth that you must do as part of your job or
organisational an ability to plan and arrange sth so that it
skill is successful or effective
(n phr)
personal facts or details that tell you sth about a
information (n person
personal skill an ability belonging or relating to one
(n phr) particular person, rather than to other
people or to people in general
position held a job that you used to do
subject (n) an area of knowledge that you study at a
school or university
occupational relating to, or caused by, your job
qualification (n) if you have a qualification, you have
passed an examination or course to show
that you have a particular level of skill or
knowledge in a subject
award (v) to officially give (sb) (sth such as a
prize or money) to reward them for
sth they have done
work experience the experience you have had of working in
(n) a particular type of job
further if you have a further qualification, you
qualification have passed an examination or course to
(n phr) show you have a higher than usual level of
skill or knowledge in a subject
personnel (n) the people who work in a company,
organisation or military force
customised (adj) if sth is customised, it has been changed to
make it more suitable for you, or to make
it look special or different from things of a
similar type
government (n) the group of people who govern a country
or state


8.1 Complete these sentences with the words in the box.
call code crashed escalate experience guide organisational shock

1 Oh no! That’s the sixth time today my computer has ________!

2 I work in a(n) ________ centre.
3 Don’t touch that! You’ll get an electric ________.
4 Please tell me about your work ________.
5 Did the software give an error ________ when it crashed?
6 I have great ________ skills.
7 Please check the troubleshooting ________.
8 If I can’t solve your problem, I’ll ________ it to the next support level.

8.2 Correct the mistakes in these sentences. Underline one incorrect word and
write the correct word on the line.
9 We’ve have a few problems with the network this week. ________
10 The problem can’t get a fault in the hard drive – I tested it yesterday! ________
11 Let’s try restart the computer. ________
12 I hope at work as a software developer. ________
13 The computer is hang. The screen goes kind of grey and I can’t type anything in!
14 Let the printer cooled down. ________
15 Have you finished repairing the server already? You were due to finish two hours
ago. ________
16 If we replace the memory, the computer should work faster. ________


8.3 Use the words in brackets to complete these sentences. You may need to
change or add some words.
17 What have you ______________________ this morning? (do)
18 The problem ______________________. (might / virus)
19 If you don’t sit straight, you ______________________. (might / backache)
20 I ______________________ for three years. (expect / work / here)
21 The server ______________________. (might / not / work)
22 He plans ______________________. (work / until 7 p.m. today)
23 The NAS ______________________. (might / not / plug in)

8.4 Write the words that match these definitions.

24 a word that has the same meaning as ‘level’ in a technical support centre ________
25 the problem that happens when you spill water over a computer and it causes
electricity to go the wrong way ________
26 a problem with a piece of software when it stops working and you can’t type
anything into it but it doesn’t close ________
27 a book or document that tells you how to use something ________
28 software that can spread by itself between computers and that causes problems
29 If you have this, you have passed an exam or a course to show that you have
particular knowledge and/or skills. ________
30 a document showing how much you have to pay for something ________

8.5 Read the text and do the tasks below

Computer viruses are small software programs that are designed to spread from
one computer to another and to interfere with computer operation.
A computer virus has two parts: the infector and the detonator. They have two
different jobs. One of the features of a computer virus that separates it from other kinds of
computer program is that it replicates itself, so that it can spread to other computers. After
the infector has copied the virus elsewhere, the detonator performs the virus’s main work.
Generally, that work is either damaging data on your disks, altering what you see on your
computer display, or doing something else that interferes with the normal use of your
computer. A virus might corrupt or delete data on your computer, use your e-mail
program to spread itself to other computers, or even erase everything on your hard disk.
Traditional computer viruses emerged in the 1980s, driven by the spread of
personal computers and the resultant increase in BBS, modem use, and software sharing.
Viruses can increase their chances of spreading to other computers by infecting files on a
network file system or a file system that is accessed by another computer.
Viruses are most easily spread by attachments in e-mail messages or instant
messaging messages. That is why it is essential that you never open e-mail attachments
unless you know who it's from and you are expecting it.Viruses can be disguised as
attachments of funny images, greeting cards, or audio and video files.Viruses also spread
through downloads on the Internet. They can be hidden in illicit software or other files or
programs you might download.
To help avoid viruses, it's essential that you keep your computer current with the
latest updates and antivirus tools, stay informed about recent threats, and that you follow a
few basic rules when you surf the Internet, download files, and open attachments.
Once a virus is on your computer, its type or the method it used to get there is not
as important as removing it and preventing further infection
There are actually two kinds of anti-virus program: virus shields, which detect
viruses as they are infecting your PC, and virus scanners, which detect viruses once
they’ve infected you. Viruses are something to worry about, but not a lot. A little common
sense and the occasional virus scan will keep you virus-free.

Answer the following questions.

31 What is the feature of a computer virus that makes it different from other kind of
computer program?


32 What might a computer virus do with the infected computer?
33 What were the sources of virus spreading when they appeared in 1980s?
34 How can viruses increase their chances of spreading to other computers?
35 When is it safe to open e-mail attachments? What should we do to avoid viruses?
Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) based on the
information given in the text.
36 ______ 2 parts of a computer virus do different work at the same time.
37 ______ The infector can damage and alter data, and interfere with the normal use
of the computer.
38 ______Most viruses are spread by attachments in e-mail messages or instant
messaging messages.
39 ______ It is safe to open the open e-mail attachments if you know who it's from.
40 _____ Virus shields are more effective than virus scanners when viruses have
infected the computer.

8.6 Translate the following sentences into Vietnamese.

41 Depend on the nature of a virus, it may cause damage of your hard disk contents,
and/or interfere normal operation of your computer.
42 Today, most personal computers have enough memory to be used for word
processing and business applications.

8.7 Translate the following sentences into English.

43 Việc sử dụng đĩa lậu là một trong những nguyên nhân tạo điều kiện cho virút
thâm nhập vào máy tính cá nhân của bạn.
44 Nhiều vi rút lây lan qua các trò chơi sao chép lậu hoặc phá mã.
45 Máy tính của tôi cứ liên tục tự tắt nguồn mà tôi không thể nào tìm ra nguyên nhân
gây ra hiện tượng này.
8.8 ► 45 Listen to a conversation between a telephone helpdesk technician and a
customer. Write the answers of NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS to these
46 What is the customer’s name?

47 What is the version of Account Office?

48 What did the error message say?

49 How many times did the customer try to

download and install it?
50 Who will callback and solve the problem?


1. 225 Bài tập Tiếng Anh chuyên ngành Công nghệ thông tin. Nhà xuất bản Đá nẵng. 2000.

2. Betty,S.A. Understanding and Using English Gramar. Prentice Hall. 1992.

3. Boecker, K & Brown, P.C. Oxford for Computing. OUP. 2001

4. Bộ môn Anh văn. Tuyển tập Thuật ngữ tiếng Anh chuyên ngành Điện-Điện tử. Đề tài nghiên
cứu khoa học số 29/CB-2000. 2000.

5. Dave, W. Collins Cobuild Student’s Grammar. Harper Collins Publisher. 1995.

6. Đặng Thanh Ngân. Tin học kiến thức phổ thông. NXB TP HCM. 1997.

7. Digby, B & Colin, G. The Heinemann English Grammar. The Bath Press, Avon. 1992.

8. David Hill. English for Information Technology – Book 1. Pearson Education Limited. 2012.

9. David Hill. English for Information Technology – Book 2. Pearson Education Limited. 2012.

10. John & Liz, S. Headway Pre-Intermediate. OUP. 1998.

11. O’Hara, al. Using PC’s. Que Coporation. USA. 1997.

12. Phạm Thanh Minh. Giáo trình tin học văn phòng . ĐH Tổng hợp TP HCM. 1995.

13. Robert, J.D. Graded Execises in English. Pretice Hall. 1994.

13. Santiago Remacha Esteras. Infortech. English for IT & Computer Learners. CUP. 2001.



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