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International Journal of Cosmetic Science, 2014, 36, 494–504 doi: 10.1111/ics.


Factors affecting formulation characteristics and stability of

ascorbic acid in water-in-oil creams

M. A. Sheraz*, M. F. Khan*, S. Ahmed*, S. H. Kazi*, S. Rehman Khattak† and I. Ahmad*

*Baqai Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Baqai Medical University, 51, Deh Tor, Toll Plaza, Super Highway, Gadap Road, Karachi 74600,
Pakistan and †Central Drug Laboratories, Ministry of Health, Karachi 74400, Pakistan

Received 12 March 2014, Accepted 25 June 2014

Keywords: ascorbic acid, citric acid, kinetics, pH, stability, water-in-oil creams

SYNOPSIS l’AA. L’acide citrique (CT) a ete trouve capable de reduire le taux de
OBJECTIVE: The present investigation is based on the formulation degradation des AA dans toutes les preparations a  base de creme.
of water-in-oil (w/o) cream preparations of ascorbic acid (AA) at CONCLUSION: Les melanges de AA et CT n’ont montre aucune
pH 4–6 using different emollients and humectants. interaction entre les deux composes par spectrometrie FTIR ce qui
METHODS: The preparations were stored in the dark at 30°C for indique que la reduction des taux de degradation est due a  l’activite
a period of 3 months and were studied for their chemical and phys- antioxydante de CT qui protegeait AA dans une certaine mesure de
ical stability. l’oxygene de l’air.
RESULTS: The pH of the creams appeared to influence the stability
of AA as the degradation was found to increase with an increase in
pH. The degradation of AA in w/o creams followed an apparent first-
order kinetics. Among all the preparations, the creams containing Ascorbic acid (AA), also known as vitamin C, is one of the most
castor oil as emollient and glycerine as humectant showed highest commonly used antioxidants in both cosmetic and pharmaceutical
viscosity and minimum degradation as compared with the creams preparations. Due to these properties, it has been used as an anti-
containing other excipients. This indicated that higher the viscosity ageing ingredient in cosmetic preparations and as a stabilizer in
of the medium lower will be the degradation of AA. Citric acid (CT) various pharmaceutical dosage forms [1–6]. AA is not produced in
was found to decrease the rates of degradation of AA in all the cream human body and, therefore, it is required from an external source
preparations. on daily basis in order to promote health and to prevent disease
CONCLUSION: The physical mixtures of AA and CT showed no conditions, like scurvy. Biologically AA is known to perform a
interaction between the two compounds by FTIR spectrometry indi- number of significant functions including the growth and mainte-
cating that the reduction in rates of degradation is due to the anti- nance of teeth, gums, bones, ligaments, blood vessels, etc. [7].
oxidant activity of CT which protected AA to some extent from the AA is a highly sensitive compound and is degraded into dehy-
atmospheric oxygen. droascorbic acid (DAA) which on further degradation forms 2,3-dike-
to-L-gulonic acid (DKGA), oxalic acid, etc. in aqueous media [8–10].
DAA possesses biological activity similar to that of AA whereas
Re  sume 
DKGA and other degradation products are biologically inactive [8,
OBJECTIF: La presente etude est basee sur la formulation de prepara- 10–12]. AA is relatively more stable in dry form as compared with
tions de cremes eau dans l’huile (w/o) contenant de l’acide ascorbique its aqueous solution [6, 8–10, 13]. Its degradation is affected by a
(AA)  a pH 4-6 en utilisant differents emollients et des humectants.
number of factors including oxygen, temperature, humidity, pH,
METHODES: Les preparations ont ete conservees a  l’obscurite a

light and formulation ingredients [1–3, 10, 12, 14, 15].
30°C pendant une periode de trois mois, et ont ete etudies pour In the recent past, interest in the topical use of AA has gained
leur stabilite chimique et physique. considerable importance due to its scavenging activity against reac-

RESULTATS: Le pH des cremes semblait influencer la stabilite de AA
tive oxygen species (ROS) produced on exposure to sunlight and
puisqu’il a ete constate que la degradation augmentait avec l’augmen- thus delaying the effect of ageing [16]. Various workers have formu-
tation du pH. La degradation de AA dans les cremes w/o suit une lated different AA topical preparations [1–4, 16–32] but still the sta-
cinetique apparente de premier ordre. Parmi toutes les preparations,
bility of AA remains a major concern. Derivatives of AA like sodium
les cremes a base d’huile de ricin comme emollient et avec l’humec-
ascorbate, ascorbyl palmitate, etc. are also widely used as antioxi-
tant comme la glycerine ont montre une degradation minimale par dants in cosmetics and pharmaceutical preparations [6, 33] but they
rapport aux cremes contenant d’autres excipients. Ceci indique que lack the biological activity similar to that of AA [16, 28]. Various
plus la viscosite est elevee, moins rapide sera de la degradation de
stabilizers like boric acid, citric acid, ferulic acid, sodium metabisul-
fite, sodium oxalate, sodium thiosulfate, tartaric acid, etc. are known
Correspondence: Muhammad Ali Sheraz, Baqai Institute of Pharmaceu- to inhibit or slow down the degradation of AA and have been
tical Sciences, Baqai Medical University, 51, Deh Tor, Toll Plaza, Super employed for its stabilization [3, 26, 34–37]. Citric acid (CT) was
Highway, Gadap Road, Karachi, 74600, Pakistan. Tel.: +92-21- found to be better than other stabilizers such as tartaric and boric
34410293; fax: +92-21-34410317; e-mail: acids in slowing down the degradation of AA in o/w creams [3].

494 © 2014 Society of Cosmetic Scientists and the Societe Francßaise de Cosmetologie
Stability of AA in water-in-oil creams M. A. Sheraz et al.

Previously, we have reported that various formulation factors

Preparation of creams
such as carbon chain length of the emulsifier, nature of stabilizer,
redox potentials, viscosity and pH of the medium play an important The emulsifiers were heated and melted in a glass jar immersed in
role in the degradation/stabilization of AA in oil-in-water (o/w) a water bath at 60–70°C. AA was separately dissolved in a small
cream formulations [1–3]. However, in this study, an attempt has portion of distilled water. Humectants were dissolved in the
been made to formulate different water-in-oil (w/o) creams of AA remaining portion of water and mixed with the oily phase along
as a potential topical or cosmetic preparation. Different factors such with the heated emollients (continuous phase) with constant stir-
as excipients, medium pH and viscosity have been considered in ring until the formation of a homogenous emulsion. The homoge-
the formulation of oily creams which may affect the physical as nous mass was cooled to 40°C and AA solution was added to it
well as chemical stability of AA during storage. Moreover, the with constant stirring. This mass was thoroughly mixed using a
inhibitory effect of CT on the degradation of AA at pH 6 has also mechanical mixer with a glass stirrer at 1000 rpm for 5 min. The
been investigated in w/o creams with respect to the factors like pH of the cream was adjusted to the desired value, and the con-
medium viscosity and formulation characteristics. A synergistic tents again mixed for 10 min at 500 rpm. The contents were pro-
effect between CT and AA is known, but no study to the best of tected from the atmospheric oxygen during mixing by positioning
our knowledge has so far been conducted to explain any interac- the glass stirrer at the bottom of the container and covering it
tion between the two compounds at molecular level. A study of during mixing to avoid air. All the creams were prepared under
such factors may help a great deal in developing topical prepara- uniform conditions to maintain their individual physical character-
tions of AA with optimum stability. istics.

Materials and methods

Materials Table I Composition of cream formulations (w/o) containing ascorbic acid

L-ascorbic acid (99%), cetyl alcohol (>96%), citric acid (99.5%),

glycerine (87%), propylene glycol (99.5%), butylene glycol (99%), Ingredients (%w/w)
acetic acid (99%), acetone (99.5%), acetonitrile (99.9%), benzene
(99.9%), ethanol (96%) and methanol (99.9%) were purchased from Cream
Merck Chemicals (Darmstadt, Germany). The oils (mineral, almond
and castor oil), dehydroascorbic acid (80%) and phenylhydrazine
(>99%) were obtained from Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis, MO, U.S.A.). 2, 1a 4 21 4 32   5   2  36
3-Diketogulonic acid was prepared by the hydrolysis of dehydroasc- 1b 5 21 4 32   5   2  36
orbic acid (DAA) according to the method of Homann and Gaffron 1c 6 21 4 32   5   2  36
1d 6 21 4 32   5   2 0.4 35.6
[38]. All other chemicals used in the study were of analytical grade
2a 4 21 4 32     5 2  36
obtained from Merck and Co. (Whitehouse Station, NJ, U.S.A.). 2b 5 21 4 32     5 2  36
Freshly boiled glass-distilled water was used throughout the study. 2c 6 21 4 32     5 2  36
2d 6 21 4 32     5 2 0.4 35.6
3a 4 21 4  32  5   2  36
Cream formulations 3b 5 21 4  32  5   2  36
3c 6 21 4  32  5   2  36
On the basis of the various cream formulations reported in the lit-
3d 6 21 4  32  5   2 0.4 35.6
erature [1–3, 39–43], the following basic formula was used for the 4a 4 21 4  32   5  2  36
preparation of w/o creams containing AA: 4b 5 21 4  32   5  2  36
4c 6 21 4  32   5  2  36
4d 6 21 4  32   5  2 0.4 35.6
Oil phase Percentage (w/w) 5a 4 21 4  32    5 2  36
5b 5 21 4  32    5 2  36
5c 6 21 4  32    5 2  36
Emulsifiers 5d 6 21 4  32    5 2 0.4 35.6
Lanolin (wool fat) 21 6a 4 21 4   32 5   2  36
Cetyl alcohol 4 6b 5 21 4   32 5   2  36
Emollients 6c 6 21 4   32 5   2  36
Mineral oil/Almond oil/Castor oil 32 6d 6 21 4   32 5   2 0.4 35.6
Aqueous phase 7a 4 21 4   32  5  2  36
Humectants 7b 5 21 4   32  5  2  36
Glycerine/propylene glycol/butylene glycol 5 7c 6 21 4   32  5  2  36
Active ingredient 7d 6 21 4   32  5  2 0.4 35.6
Ascorbic acid 2 8a 4 21 4   32   5 2  36
Vehicle 8b 5 21 4   32   5 2  36
Distilled water 36 8c 6 21 4   32   5 2  36
Stabilizer 8d 6 21 4   32   5 2 0.4 35.6
Citric acida 0.40 (1.90 9 102 M)

WF, lanolin; CA, cetyl alcohol; MO, mineral oil; AO, almond oil; CO, castor oil;
a GL, glycerine; BG, butylene glycol; PG, propylene glycol; AA, ascorbic acid; CT,
The stabilizer concentration used was found to be effective in the inhibition of
degradation of AA in cream formulations [3]. citric acid; DW, distilled water.

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International Journal of Cosmetic Science, 36, 494–504
Stability of AA in water-in-oil creams M. A. Sheraz et al.

In the case of creams containing CT, its required amount was slightly modified and involved the extraction of AA with methanol-
added directly to the AA solution, and the creams were prepared acetone mixture; 1 : 1, v/v (3 9 10 mL), followed by pH adjustment
by the same procedure as described above. The compositions of the to 2.0 with H3PO4. The absorbance measurement of the solution was
various cream formulations used in this study are given in the made at 245 nm using an appropriate blank. The concentration of
Table I. AA was calculated using 560 as the value of specific absorbance [A
(1%, 1 cm)] at the analytical wavelength [1, 13]. DAA has negligible
absorbance at 245 nm [49, 50] and, therefore, does not interfere
pH measurements
with the assay.
The pH measurements of the creams were carried out using a
digital pH meter (model-CP501; sensitivity 0.01 pH units, Elme- Iodimetric method for the assay of AA in creams
tron, Poland). All measurements were made with a combination The assay of AA in creams was also carried out according to the
glass electrode, and the temperature of the creams was recorded procedure of British Pharmacopoeia [44] as follows:
by the help of a probe attached with the pH meter. The instru- The cream (2 g) was transferred to a flask containing 40 mL of
ment was calibrated using the commercially available buffer tab- distilled water and 10 mL of 1 M sulphuric acid. The solution was
lets (Merck) of pH 4.0 and 7.0 dissolved in 100 mL of distilled mixed and titrated with 0.02 M iodine solution, using 1 mL of
water. starch solution as indicator until a persistent violet-blue colour was
The glass electrode was immersed directly into the cream, kept for obtained. Each mL of 0.02 M iodine solution is equivalent to
few seconds to equilibrate, and the pH was adjusted in the range of 3.52 mg of AA. All experiments were performed in triplicate and a
4.0–6.0 with phosphoric acid/sodium hydroxide solution [1–3, 44]. mean value was calculated.

Retention kinetics of AA in w/o creams

Storage of creams in the dark
The retention rate (r) can be defined as the ratio of measured AA
To determine the stability of various cream formulations, samples
concentration (AAfound) to its initial concentration (AAinitial). The r
were stored in a dark cupboard in tightly closed glass containers at
of AA in cream formulations was calculated by using the following
30  1°C for a period of 3 months. The samples were analysed
formula [23, 24]:
periodically for the content of AA and the presence of any degrada-
tion products. AAfound
r¼  100:
Thin-layer chromatography
The following thin-layer chromatography (TLC) systems were used for Viscosity measurements
the separation and identification of AA and its degradation products:
The viscosity of the creams was measured using a digital viscome-
ter (Model NDJ-8SN; China). The instrument was calibrated using
Adsorbent (a) Silica gel GF 254 (250-lm) pre-coated plates (Merck) the manufacturer’s viscosity standard. A 100 g quantity of the
Solvent systems S1: acetic acid-acetone-methanol-benzene cream was placed in a beaker and the spindle (No. 3) was dipped
(5 : 5 : 20 : 70, v/v) [45]
into the cream up to the given mark. The spindle was rotated at a
S2: ethanol-10% acetic acid-water (90 : 10, v/v) [46]
S3: acetonitrile-butylnitrile-water (66 : 33 : 2, v/v) [47]
speed of 3.0 rpm for 1 min, and the viscosity was recorded at
Temperature 25–27°C 30  1°C. The test was repeated three times to account for the
Location of spots AA: UV light, 254 nm (Uvitec lamp, UK) experimental variability and the average viscosity was noted.
DAA and DKGA: Spray with a 3% aqueous
phenylhydrazine hydrochloride solution
Creaming index
The physical stability of the prepared creams was observed visually
for any signs of physical instability such as change in colour, phase
Assay methods separation, etc. The creaming index (CI) was determined by using
the ratio of the height of cream or aqueous layer in the container
UV spectrometric method for the assay of creams containing AA (HC) to the initial or total height of the emulsion in the container
All absorbance measurements and spectral determinations were (HE) at various time intervals [51, 52]:
performed on Shimadzu UV-visible spectrometer (UV-1601) using
matched quartz cells of 10-mm path length. The instrument cali- HC
CIð%Þ ¼  100:
bration for the absorbance scale was checked according to the HE
method described in British Pharmacopoeia [44] by using 0.057–
0.063 g/L of potassium dichromate in 0.005 M sulphuric acid and
Fourier Transform Infrared spectrometry
the wavelength scale was automatically calibrated by the instru-
ment. The baseline was corrected by the built-in baseline memory Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectrometry was employed for
at the initializing period. Auto-zero adjustment was made by a the observation of any possible interactions between AA and CT.
one-touch operation. The AA–CT physical mixtures were prepared in different ratios,
The creams were thoroughly mixed, and a quantity of 2 g was that is, 1 : 1, 1 : 2 and 2 : 1. Each sample was thoroughly ground
accurately weighed. The assay of AA was carried out by the UV and mixed in a mortar and pestle for 5 min before analysis.
method of Zeng et al. [48] and Ahmed et al. [1–3]. The method was All spectra were collected using a diamond crystal (Smart iTR)

496 © 2014 Society of Cosmetic Scientists and the Societe Francßaise de Cosmetologie
International Journal of Cosmetic Science, 36, 494–504
Stability of AA in water-in-oil creams M. A. Sheraz et al.

sampling assembly attached to a Thermo Scientific Nicolet iS10 Table II Validation data for the analysis of ascorbic acid in w/o cream
spectrometer (Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., Waltham, MA, U.S.A.). formulations by the iodimetric methoda
Each spectrum was collected in a range of 4000–700 cm1 by per-
forming 32 scans with a resolution of 4 cm1. The spectral data Linearity
were analysed using the Omnic software (version 8.1, Thermo Range 1.25–40 mg
Fisher Scientific Inc.). Correlation coefficient 0.9999
Slope 5.74 9 101
Intercept 0.0356
Results and discussion SE of slope 0.0889
SE of intercept 0.0506
SD of intercept 0.1131
Formulation of the w/o creams
Recovery range (%)b 97.68–102.08
The details of the composition of w/o creams formulated in this Accuracy (%)c  SD 99.81  1.769
study are given in Table I. All creams were prepared with a 2% Precision (%RSD)d 1.768
concentration of AA. Each ingredient was selected on the basis of Recovery range (%)b 96.67–101.67
its common use as topical excipient in cream formulations as well Accuracy (%)c  SD 99.29  1.945
as its suitability for the compositions. The amount of emulsifying LODe (mg) 0.65
agents, lanolin and cetyl alcohol, are constant in all preparations LOQf (mg) 1.97
whereas different emollients (mineral, almond and castor oils) have
been used with each humectant (glycerine, propylene glycol and a
n = 5.
butylene glycol) of varying viscosity at pH 4–6 (Table I). The b
Recovery (%) = (amount found/amount added) 9 100.
creams with mineral oil and butylene glycol have not been studied c
Accuracy (%) = Mean recovery range.
due to immiscibility of the two components [6] resulting in immedi- d
%Relative standard deviation = (SD/Mean) 9 100.
ate separation of the two phases. e
Limit of Detection = 3.3 9 (SD of intercept/slope).
Limit of Quantification = 10 9 (SD of intercept/slope).

Appearance of the creams the storage of w/o cream formulations (pH 4–6) was carried out by
The w/o creams were off-white to slight yellow in appearance proba- TLC using appropriate solvent systems (Materials and Methods). All
bly due to the yellow colour of lanolin [6, 13, 44]. All creams after the formulations showed the presence of DAA, which was identified
final adjustment of the pH and uniform mixing were consistent in by comparison of the Rf value and spot colour with those of the
their appearance, with no phase separation or any other signs of standard compound. The formation of DAA in cream formulations
instability. No signs of grittiness or gritty particles were observed of AA has also been reported previously in o/w creams [1–3]. The
visually and after spreading them on the front of hands thus indicat- formation of DKGA has not been detected in these formulations,
ing uniform mixing and homogenization of all ingredients. which may be due to the fact that this compound is formed at
neutral and alkaline pH [1, 3, 8].

Assay of AA in w/o creams

Retention of AA in w/o creams
The UV spectrometric method has previously been applied to the
analysis of AA in o/w creams [1–3]. However, in this case, the oily The amount of AA has been found to decrease with time in all the
nature of the excipients caused some problems in the extraction cream formulations probably due to the oxidation of the vitamin.
and filtration of AA from the creams. Moreover, the excipients of The % loss of AA has been found to be different in each formula-
the formulations (e.g. lanolin, almond oil) were also found to inter- tion which indicates the role of pH and various formulation factors
fere with the spectrometric analysis of AA at 245 nm as they on the degradation of AA. All the cream formulations on storage
showed strong absorption in the region of 200–300 nm. Therefore, for 3 months have been found to retain AA in the range of around
the iodimetric method given in the British Pharmacopoeia [44] was 9–44% with the highest values of r (~44%) observed in formula-
employed for the analysis of AA in the creams. tion 6 of pH 4 whereas the maximum loss (~90%) has been
The iodimetric method has previously been applied to the analy- observed in formulation 2 at pH 6 (Fig. 1). These values show bet-
sis of o/w creams of AA by Ahmad et al. [2]. However, in this ter stability than those previously reported for w/o emulsions of
study, the method has been applied to w/o creams and, therefore, AA containing soybean and moringa oil where the r values of 50%
it was validated prior to analysis in the presence of all excipients and 30% were observed after 30 days of storage at 4 and 25°C,
including stabilizer and degradation products. The method has respectively [23].
been found to be precise, accurate and selective for all w/o cream
formulations as the excipients and the degradation products do not Kinetics of degradation of AA
interfere with the assay of AA present in the creams (Table II).
The assay data on the degradation of AA in cream formulations
were subjected to a kinetic treatment, and the reaction was found
Identification of the degradation products to follow first-order kinetics. The apparent first-order rate constants
AA is known to reversibly oxidize to DAA, which is further (kobs) determined from the plots of log concentration vs. time
degraded irreversibly to form DKGA in neutral or alkaline solu- (R2 = 0.990–0.997) are reported in Table III. Various studies have
tions. It is also a sensitive compound and degrades by hydrolysis to earlier reported a similar order of reaction for the degradation of
form other products like threonic acid, oxalic acid, etc. [8, 10–12]. AA in o/w and w/o emulsions, multiple emulsions, etc. [1–4, 23,
The identification of the degradation products of AA formed during 24, 53]. It appears that the pH and formulation characteristics of

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International Journal of Cosmetic Science, 36, 494–504
Stability of AA in water-in-oil creams M. A. Sheraz et al.

Figure 1 Change in retention rate (r) of AA with time in w/o cream formu-
lations 2 (●) and 6 (▲) at pH 4–6.

Table III Apparent first-order rate constants (kobs) for the degradation of
ascorbic acid in w/o cream formulations in dark at pH 4–6

kobs 3 102 (day1)a,b,c  SD

formulation pH 4.0 5.0 6.0d

1 1.27  0.10 1.46  0.08 2.14  0.14 (1.79  0.09)

2 2.08  0.19 2.29  0.16 2.68  0.18 (2.17  0.15)
3 1.15  0.08 1.31  0.09 1.53  0.13 (1.34  0.11)
4 1.21  0.13 1.38  0.11 1.62  0.12 (1.39  0.10)
5 1.30  0.09 1.49  0.12 1.73  0.11 (1.45  0.12)
6 0.94  0.05 1.10  0.07 1.39  0.09 (1.19  0.09)
7 1.11  0.09 1.25  0.09 1.51  0.13 (1.25  0.08)
8 1.24  0.12 1.40  0.09 1.62  0.11 (1.42  0.13)

The rate constants at pH 4.0–6.0 represent the values for formulations a–d of
each cream, respectively.
The values of rate constants are relative and depend on specific experimental
Figure 2 Plots of rate constants (kobs) for the degradation of AA vs. pH in
conditions including storage conditions.
n = 3. cream formulations (1–8). Cream 1 (mineral oil/glycerine), 2 (mineral oil/
The values in parenthesis are for the creams formulated with CT at pH 6. propylene glycol), 3 (almond oil/glycerine), 4 (almond oil/butylene glycol), 5
(almond oil/propylene glycol), 6 (castor oil/glycerine), 7 (castor oil/butylene
glycol), 8 (castor oil/propylene glycol).
creams greatly affect the rate of reaction, and hence these factors
are discussed in the following sections.

Effect of pH place by molecular oxygen [56]. The plots between rate constant
and pH indicate an increasing pattern with an increase in pH from
Degradation of AA is highly influenced by the pH of the medium 4 to 6 in all cases (Fig. 2). However, the difference in the rates
as higher stability is observed in acidic solutions compared with between pH 4 and 5 is less as compared with that of 5 and 6. This
that of the neutral and alkaline solutions [1, 12, 54]. Similarly, an could be due to a decrease in the redox potential of AA with
increase in rate of AA degradation has been observed with an increasing pH, that is +0.166 V at pH 4 [13] to +0.096 at pH 6
increase in pH in all cream formulations, that is, [57]. Similar effects have also been observed in o/w creams of AA
[1] which indicate that the most suitable range for the preparation
pH 6 [ 5 [ 4
of AA cream formulations is pH 4–5.
This could be due to the fact that ionized form of AA (pKa 4.17)
[13] is more susceptible to oxidation as compared with the non-
Effect of formulation characteristics
ionized form of the molecule. The ionized form of AA accounts for
about 50–85% at pH 4–6 that facilitates the oxidative degradation It is of utmost importance to consider formulation characteristics
of AA with increasing pH as compared with that of the non-ionized before the preparation of any dosage form. Different combinations
form [1, 55]. The degradation pattern of AA in w/o creams with of emollients and humectants have been employed in the current
increasing pH is similar to that observed for o/w creams [1] as well study at different pH values to formulate the most compatible w/o
as for aqueous solutions of AA where the chemical oxidation takes creams of AA with highest stability. It has been observed that the

498 © 2014 Society of Cosmetic Scientists and the Societe Francßaise de Cosmetologie
International Journal of Cosmetic Science, 36, 494–504
Stability of AA in water-in-oil creams M. A. Sheraz et al.

replacement of an excipient with another of the same class but Table IV Viscositiesa,b of ascorbic acid cream formulations containing differ-
with different physicochemical properties also affects the stability of ent emollients and humectants at 25  1°C
AA in the cream formulations. The level of impurity in the ingredi-
ents may also play an important role in the stability of the active Humectant
drug as sometimes the impurities (such as heavy metals) present in
minor and/or trace amount may accelerate the degradation. The
changes observed with different emollients and humectants are Glycerine Butylene glycol Propylene
discussed as follows: Emollient (~935)c (~105)c glycol (~41)c

Effect of emollients Mineral oil (~230)c 1130  13.2d – 595  15.0d

Almond oil (~600)c 1389  11.5d 949  12.5d 749  16.1d
Emollients, also known as moisturizers, are an important class of Castor oil (~1000)c 1592  15.1d 1222  16.7d 932  14.5d
excipients that are incorporated in topical preparations due to their
softening and pliable effects [58]. They are often added in the a
n = 3.
cream formulations to modify the characteristics of pharmaceutical b
All values are in mPa s.
vehicles on skin for better penetration of the active drug [58, 59]. c
Values in parentheses is the viscosity of the individual substance.
To observe the effect of emollients on the stability of AA, three dif- d
The  values are the SD.
ferent emollients namely, mineral oil (liquid paraffin), almond oil
and castor oil were selected for this study. These emollients have
been found to affect the stability of AA in w/o cream formulations. Table IV. A linear relationship has been observed between rate con-
This can be ascertained from the values of kobs of different creams stants of degradation vs. the reciprocal of viscosity at pH 4–6 (Fig. 3),
that show a change in the rate constant with a change in the nat- indicating that an increase in viscosity leads to a decrease in the deg-
ure of emollient (Table III). The formulations prepared with min- radation of AA. The humectants have been found to affect the rates
eral oil (creams 1–2) are found to have the highest rate of of degradation of AA in the following order:
degradation (Table III) for AA followed by creams containing
almond oil (Creams 3–5). The preparations with castor oil (Creams PG [ BG [ GL
6–8) showed highest stability for AA. Thus the rates of degradation This relationship indicates that AA is more stable under viscous
of AA with respect to emollients are in the following order: conditions due to lesser penetration of oxygen into the medium.
mineral oil [ almond oil [ castor oil
Physical stability of the cream formulations
The reason for the highest rate of degradation in creams con-
taining mineral oil could be due to the fact that it also undergoes The stabilization of AA in pharmaceutical, cosmetic and food prep-
oxidation which begins with the formation of peroxides during the arations is a great challenge due to its sensitivity to factors like
induction period [6]. Once the traces of peroxides are formed, oxygen, light, pH, temperature, etc. The preparation of any formu-
further oxidation of the mineral oil as well as AA would have lation showing both chemical and physical stability requires the
proceeded auto-catalytically. consideration of a number of factors. The w/o cream formulations
The effect of viscosity should also be considered as it plays an have been studied for any physical changes, such as colour
important role in the degradation of AA in cream formulations. It change, creaming, phase separation (breaking), during the storage
has been reported that the more viscous the medium the lesser will period. The colour changes observed in all the cream formulations
be the degradation of AA [1]. The most viscous oil among the over this period are given in Table V. The appearance of the
three emollients is castor oil (~1000 mPa s) followed by almond creams has already been discussed earlier in the section on Appear-
(~600 mPa s) and mineral oils (~230 mPa s). The rates of degrada- ance of the Creams.
tion of AA are also in the similar order, whereas the minimum No considerable changes in colour have been observed for the
rates have been observed in creams with castor oil and maximum majority of the creams in the first month. The major colour change
with mineral oil (Table III). The effect of cream viscosity is further has been observed after 2 months of storage in most cases (Table V).
discussed in a later section (Effects of Humectants). This study thus The colour change also appeared to be affected by the factors respon-
provides a better understanding of the use of emollients in the sible for chemical degradation such as pH and viscosity, as the major
stabilization of semisolid formulations of AA. changes have been observed in formulations prepared with PG at pH
6 in all the creams (Table V). This is in agreement with the results of
degradation kinetics of AA, where greater degradation was observed
Effect of humectants
with an increase in pH (Table III) and decrease in the viscosity of the
Humectants are water-soluble organic compounds that can imbibe medium (Table IV). Similarly, the creams prepared with castor oil
water and thus prevent the creams from drying out, improve spread- showed minimum colour changes as compared with the other cream
ability and also avoid the formation of a crust when the cream is formulations (Table V), which is in accordance with the results
packaged in a jar [60]. Humectants of varying viscosity are known observed for chemical degradation.
to affect the rate of degradation of AA in o/w creams [1]. In this Creaming is a natural phenomenon that takes place in biphasic
study, three humectants, that is glycerine (GL), butylene glycol (BG) systems and gives an indication of physical instability of the prepa-
and propylene glycol (PG) with varying viscosity of ~935, ~105, ration [51]. It causes inelegancy to the emulsion system but is not
~41 mPa s, respectively, were employed for the preparation of w/o a serious problem due to its reversible nature. A uniform redisper-
creams. The creams thus formulated with different emollients and sion can be obtained by shaking the emulsion. Therefore, such type
humectants showed varying viscosities which are reported in of emulsions should be shaken adequately before use to avoid

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International Journal of Cosmetic Science, 36, 494–504
Stability of AA in water-in-oil creams M. A. Sheraz et al.

Table V Colour changes in the w/o cream formulations of ascorbic acid

stored in dark at 30  1°C for 3 months

Colour change


No. pH 10 20 30 40 50 60 90

1a 4     + + +
1b 5     + + +
1c 6    + + + ++
1d 6     + + ++
2a 4    + + + ++
2b 5    + + ++ ++
2c 6   + + ++ ++ +++
2d 6    + + ++ +++
3a 4     + + ++
3b 5     + + ++
3c 6   + + ++ ++ +++
3d 6     + + ++
4a 4     + + ++
4b 5    + + + ++
4c 6   + + + ++ +++
4d 6     + + ++
5a 4     + + ++
5b 5    + + + ++
5c 6  + + + ++ ++ +++
5d 6    + + ++ +++
6a 4       +
6b 5      + +
6c 6      + ++
6d 6       +
7a 4       +
7b 5      + +
7c 6      + ++
7d 6      + ++
8a 4       +
8b 5      + +
8c 6     + + ++
8d 6      + ++

, no change; +, slight change (off-white to yellow); ++, moderate change (yel-

low to dark yellow); +++, major change (dark yellow to rust).

Figure 3 Plots of kobs vs. reciprocal of viscosity in cream formulations (1–8)

containing glycerine (●), butylene glycol (▲) and propylene glycol (♦) at pH
4–6. results. Comparatively, a better physical stability has been observed
in creams with pH 4 and 5. Similarly, the creams prepared with
castor oil are found to be most stable physically (Table VI). The
incorrect dosage. Creaming separates emulsion into two layers, one highest CI value after 3 months of storage has been observed for
of which is richer in the disperse phase than the other. It often formulation 2c whereas minimum CI value has been observed in
leads to phase separation or breaking of the emulsion [61–63]. The formulations 6a and 7a (Table VI). The appearance of creaming
results for % creaming index (%CI) and phase separation are and phase separation could be ascribed to the differences in the
reported in Table VI. None of the formulations showed any signs of specific gravities of the liquids used for the formulation of w/o
creaming and phase separation for the initial 10 days, but with the creams.
passage of time all formulations have been found to cream and sep-
arate out. The phase separation may separate AA in the aqueous
Effect of CT on the stability of AA in w/o cream formulations
layer from the cream, which could result in increase chemical
breakdown. In majority of the formulations, the phase separation CT is widely used in pharmaceutical formulations and food prod-
has been observed after 2 months of storage (Table VI). No signifi- ucts as an acidifying, buffering and chelating agent, flavour enhan-
cant differences have been observed in the creaming and phase sep- cer, preservative, etc. [6]. It is also used as an antioxidant and is
aration of the w/o formulations after 3 months of storage, but still known to act synergistically with AA [2, 6, 36, 64]. The addition
the effect of pH and medium viscosity can be speculated from the of CT in nutritional supplements is known to inhibit the oxidation

500 © 2014 Society of Cosmetic Scientists and the Societe Francßaise de Cosmetologie
International Journal of Cosmetic Science, 36, 494–504
Stability of AA in water-in-oil creams M. A. Sheraz et al.

Table VI Percent creaming index (%CI) and phase separation (PS) of the w/ the absence of CT with almost similar viscosity. This indicates that
o cream formulations of ascorbic acid stored in dark at 30  1°C for along with appropriate selection of emollient and humectant it is
3 months also important to add a suitable stabilizer like CT to further
enhance the stabilization of AA in topical preparations. The colour
%CI/PS changes appeared to be lesser in creams with CT (Table V) and are
in accordance with the chemical degradation of AA (Table III).
Minimum colour changes have been observed in creams containing
Days castor oil and glycerine (Table V). The creaming index and phase
separation are slightly better in some formulations whereas similar
no. pH 10 20 30 40 50 60 90
results have been observed in the majority of cases (Table VI). This
could be due to the fact that creaming and phase separation are
more related to the compatibility between the ingredients and may
1a 4 / / 1.0/ 2.1/ 4.3/ 6.1/ 12.5/PS also correlate to their specific gravities rather than the degradation
1b 5 / / / 1.8/ 3.0/ 5.4/ 9.5/PS of AA. This indicates that although CT protects AA from chemical
1c 6 / / 1.1/ 2.3/ 3.9/ 6.4/PS 10.2/PS
degradation, it may not have an effect on the physical stability of
1d 6 / / / 1.2/ 2.6/ 5.0/ 7.5/PS
2a 4 / / 1.2/ 2.2/ 3.7/ 7.5/PS 15.7/PS the creams.
2b 5 / / 1.1/ 2.4/ 3.9/ 7.4/PS 14.9/PS
2c 6 / / 1.3/ 2.9/ 6.6/PS 10.1/PS 20.3/PS
2d 6 / / 1.0/ 3.0/ 5.5/ 7.1/PS 11.3/PS
3a 4 / / 1.1/ 3.2/ 5.0/ 6.6/PS 11.0/PS
3b 5 / / 1.5/ 5.2/ 6.0/PS 9.1/PS 16.5/PS
3c 6 / 1.1/ 2.2/ 4.0/ 6.7/PS 10.2/PS 17.7/PS
3d 6 / / 1.4/ 2.7/ 4.4/ 6.0/PS 9.9/PS
4a 4 / / 1.0/ 3.2/ 5.7/ 7.4/PS 12.5/PS
4b 5 / / 1.5/ 5.4/ 7.1/PS 9.1/PS 14.5/PS
4c 6 / 1.3/ 2.1/ 5.9/ 7.9/PS 10.1/PS 15.5/PS
4d 6 / / 1.6/ 4.5/ 7.1/PS 9.0/PS 13.7/PS
5a 4 / / 1.2/ 3.0/ 4.1/ 5.6/ 10.5/PS
5b 5 / / 1.1/ 2.8/ 4.7/ 6.0/ 10.7/PS
5c 6 / 1.0/ 2.1/ 3.6/ 6.5/PS 8.4/PS 12.7/PS
5d 6 / 1.3/ 3.4/ 4.9/ 7.0/PS 8.6/PS 13.5/PS
6a 4 / / / / 1.2/ 3.2/ 7.1/PS
6b 5 / / / / 1.9/ 4.0/ 7.6/PS
6c 6 / / / 1.0/ 3.1/ 6.0/ 10.5/PS
6d 6 / / / 1.1/ 2.9/ 5.7/ 10.4/PS
7a 4 / / / 1.1/ 2.1/ 4.7/ 7.1/PS
7b 5 / / / 1.2/ 2.5/ 5.5/ 8.2/PS
7c 7 / / 1.0/ 2.2/ 4.9/ 7.4/PS 11.1/PS
7d 6 / / 1.5/ 2.9/ 5.5/ 7.9/PS 12.4/PS
8a 4 / / 1.0/ 2.2/ 3.9/ 6.4/PS 12.2/PS
8b 5 / 1.0/ 1.9/ 4.2/ 5.8/PS 7.6/PS 15.4/PS
8c 6 / 1.1/ 2.6/ 4.9/ 6.6/PS 7.0/PS 17.1/PS
8d 6 / / 1.2/ 3.0/ 4.8/ 6.5/PS 15.4/PS

, no change.

of AA [65]. It has also been found to slow down the degradation of

AA in o/w cream formulations [3].
The creams containing CT appeared identical to the formulations
prepared without it (section Appearance of the Creams) and were
stored and analysed in a similar manner as described earlier. Maxi-
mum degradation of AA has been observed at pH 6 in all formula-
tions; therefore, the pH of the creams containing CT has also been
set at the same value for comparison purposes. The r of AA in the
presence of CT (15.5–36.3%) has been found to be better than
those prepared without it (9.8–30.5%). These results indicate that
the synergistic or inhibitory effect of CT is also present in oily
media which slows down the oxidation of AA. The degradation of
AA in the presence of CT also follows an apparent first-order kinet-
ics with the lowest rate found for formulation 6, that is,
1.19 9 102 day1 and the highest for formulation 2, that is, Figure 4 Fourier transform infrared spectra of AA, CT and their physical
2.17 9 102 day1 (Table III). The formulations showed a similar mixtures in 1 : 1, 1 : 2, 2 : 1 ratios along with chemical structures of (a)
order of effectiveness of emollients and humectants as observed in AA (b) CT.

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Stability of AA in water-in-oil creams M. A. Sheraz et al.

shift or broadening of the peak has been noted in any of the sam-
Study of interaction between AA and CT by FTIR spectrometry
ples. This indicates that there is no prominent interaction between
FTIR spectrometry has been employed to observe any possible the two compounds in physical mixtures and the decrease in rates
interaction between AA and CT at the molecular level. This tech- of degradation of AA (Table III) is due to the antioxidant activity of
nique can be used for the detection of any possible interaction or CT that has protected AA from oxidation.
change from one polymorphic form to the other as a result of a
shift or change in the intensity of absorption band height or area
such as broadening of the peak [66, 67].
AA is a six-carbon keto-lactone that contains four OH groups, of Degradation of AA has been found to be influenced by a number of
which two are attached to the lactone ring carbons (enolic OH factors in the w/o cream formulations. The formulation ingredients,
groups) and the remaining two are on the side chain C atoms that is, emollients and humectants, have been shown to play an
(Fig. 4). The ability of AA to donate hydrogen atoms (C3 and C4) important role as they influence the viscosity of the creams and thus
makes it a good reducing agent, and therefore, it acts as an antiox- affect the degradation of the vitamin. Castor oil and glycerine are
idant. A comprehensive structural and vibrational study of AA has found to be the most viscous emollient and humectant, respectively,
been reported by Singh et al. [68]. According to these authors, AA and hence stabilized AA in cream formulations at pH 4. Inclusion of
exhibits four bands in the region 3200–3600 cm1 for the O–H a suitable stabilizer like CT in cream formulations is advantageous
stretching vibrations. The bands in the region 2850–3150 cm1 for AA to protect it from chemical degradation during storage. All
correspond to the C–H/CH2 stretching modes. The other major these factors which affect the chemical stability of AA do not have
peaks of AA are observed at 1753 (C=O), 1652 (C=C), 1313 (C–H), any significant effect on the physical stability of AA as creaming and
1111 (C–O, lactone ring), 1022 (C–O–H, lactone ring), 988 (CH2), phase separation has been observed in all creams at certain time peri-
869–680 (C–C) cm1. CT contains three carboxylic acids in its ods. These findings show that even if a drug is chemically stable it is
structure and an OH group attached to the central carbon atom. It not necessary that the same formulation may also be stable physi-
exhibits absorption bands at 3420 cm1 for the non-ionized OH cally. A careful approach and detailed study of the selection and
and 2630 cm1 for the ionized hydroxyl group (Fig. 4). Similarly, interaction of ingredients of high purity is necessary for the formula-
it gives a stretching band at 1730 cm1 for C=O, 1625 and tion of a safe, effective and stable dosage form.
1400 cm1 for COO vibration and stretching, respectively,
1200 cm1 for C–O stretching or OH deformation and 940 cm1
for out-of-plane OH bending (Fig. 4) [69, 70]. The FTIR spectra of
the physical mixtures of AA and CT in 1 : 1, 1 : 2 and 2 : 1 ratios The study was supported and carried out at the Baqai Institute of
are shown in Fig. 4. In all the three ratios, a combination of both Pharmaceutical Sciences, Baqai Medical University, Karachi.
compounds can be observed whereas no prominent changes like a

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International Journal of Cosmetic Science, 36, 494–504

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