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Name Stephen Jordan Torillos. Subject: P.

E 3 Swimming

Program: BEED 2 A

Professor name: Rowel Salvador

Activity Sheet

Module 2. Water Safety

Pre – Test

ACTIVITY 1: ESSAY (Answer comprehensively)

Why do we need to study the water safety measures before the actual
application of swimming?

Answer: You could lose your life if you don’t know how to be safe in water.
Studying how to be safe in water is not just for your benefit but also for the
benefit of others. Avoiding accidents and knowing how to handle one if you see
one is very important. Therefore learning the safety measures before swimming
is crucialsKnowing how to stay safe in a pool is important since you need to avoid accidents
and accidental deaths in water. Learning how to swim and stay safe in water is essential. You
could slip and fall into water at some point in your life. It is a possible scenario. People could
drown and lose breath. There are accidents that are even worse. An open drain could
disembowel you. As brutal as it sounds, it is a very bad case. Here’s a video that explains how
to prevent injuries while swimming.


Directions: List all violations that you’ve observed in this picture in relation to water safety
measures. You may also include dos and don’ts here. *

Put your answers below:

1. Make sure children swim in supervised or designated areas.

2. Follow the manufacturer’s directions for the safe installation and use of the pool cover.
3. Don’t let kids dive or jump into water that is less than 9-feet deep.
4. Explosions and burn injuries can occur if the chemicals are stored improperly or handled by
5. Have each child aged four and older complete a swimming program
6. Never leave a child alone in or near the water.
7. Always ensure that there is adult supervision when children are swimming
8.Never let a child swim during a storm or when there is lightening
9. Never use water wings and pool toys as life jackets. (See Life Jacket Safety Chart.
10. Never let children swim alone. Teach them to use the buddy system.
Activity 1

Why is it important to know the different safety measures, emergency action plan and
nutritional guidelines in swimming and how will it affect our performance as an athlete?

Ans: Nutritional guidelines are important mostly for those training for competitive swimming,
and those engaging in the sport for health reasons. To get the most from any physical
training, one needs to eat right, although one can enjoy and benefit from swimming
irrespective of one's diet.The safety measures and emergency procedures are needed
because, particularly in open water, danger can develop in seconds, and turn into death in
minutes. Drowning is an inability to breathe, and you definitely don't want to improvise your
response when someone can't breathe.

Activity 2

Create your own safety measures plan before, during and after the swimming activity. (Do it
in a bullet form.)


Educate: Educate your child on water and swimming pool rules

Emphasize Dangers: Let them know the dangers of different forms of waters such as a
lake or swimming pool

Spread the Word: Tell your neighbors if you child tends to wander Start Early: Start
educating young

Swim Gear: Get your child their own life jacket or floaties Swim Lessons: Teach your child
how to swim at a young age

Take Precautions: Be sure to lock your pool gate and have door alarms

Use Visual Cards: This helps your child prepare for what you are asking them to do

Post – Test
What are the nutritional guidelines before and after swimming?
1.Stay hydrated
2.Fuel up before training
3.Boost your immune system.
4.Limit fats
5. Eat to recover

Give the 7 guidelines for proper skin care.

7.Overnight skin mask

8.Use of lemons
9.Choose a moisturizer that works for you
10.Know what can soothe eczema and sensitive skin
11.Choose proper make-up if necessary
12.Shower before entering and after leaving the pool

13. Learn to swim well from a competent instructor.

14. Observe regulations involving limitations in swimming areas.
15. Foods that are high in antioxidants are good to help boost your immune
system n preparation for swimming.
16. Overestimate your ability.
17. Always scan swimming area before you jump or dive into a pool.
18. Diving board can accommodate multiple divers.
19. Showering before and after swimming isn’t necessary. It helps to save water

20. Lemons can ease dryness and dark patches of your skin, especially your dark


Planning is fun, right? From the previous module, your assignment was about planning a
simple skin care plan. This time, you need to create a Physical Conditioning Plan which is a
must, prior to swimming and even after swimming.

This will test your memory capacity since physical conditioning was part of your PE1
(Wellness and Fitness) topic. At the same time, make sure to answer this assignment without
checking the next

module as this will test your honesty too!

Utilize the table given below


do's. don'ts
Get a waterproof bag
for your swimming
Don't let the pool get
dirty or have
Wear water-resistant unbalanced
Before swimming sunscreen of SPF 30 chemicals. .

*you may include the or greater for

do’s and don’ts outdoor practices
and meets. .Don't dive headfirst
into a water source.
Check that the pool is
deep enough before
diving Don't forget to stay
hydrated. ...

Shower before you

dive in.
Don't forget to stay
Wear sunscreen hydrated
before a swim.
During swimming
Shower immediately Walk, don't run on
*you may include the after you get out of the pool deck.
do’s and don’t the pool/sea.

immediately after Don't forget the
your post-swim sunscreen

Showering will get rid

of the chlorine and
Play around in the
any foreign agents
After swimming you may have picked
up from the pool.
you may include the
do’s and don’ts Make sure to rinse Dive headfirst
your hair and wash
your swimsuit after
you swim. Swim alone
Showering after you
swim will keep your
skin from becoming

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