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Nama :

- Gusti Ayu Putu Laksmi Nityananda (02)

- Ni Kadek Soniadnyani (24)
Kelas : XII MIPA 2

1.Meaning of caption
Caption text is a short piece of text that follows an image, a graph, or other visual media and gives
additional description and explanation.

2. Function of a caption
a. Provide Information to Complete The Picture
b. Establish Credibility
c. To describe a picture
d. To explain what the people in the picture are doing or saying.
e. To explain what is shown in a picture or illustration.
f To draw attention to something in the image that is noot obvious.
g. To help the reader understand infornation that may or may not be in the text.

3. There are types of caption:

a. Identification/ Identification bar caption
>> This type of caption text is usually used to describe or identify everyone in the photo, but does
not explain a story. The focus on this type of identification text caption is on clarity.
a. Identification

Caption: a student takes a photo in front of the motion 9 stage that will soon be erecte
B)Group Caption

Caption: Sonia, Gek Nanda, Awi, Dhea, and Cesa took a group photo after giving a biology
presentation in class. Look at the happy face after finishing the presentation

C) Summary

Caption: To take part in the inter-class cleaning competition, Ratih was cleaning the floor around
class XII MIPA 2 SMA Negeri 2 Amlapura.
D) Cutline

Caption: Group 2 mathematics took a photo after completing the assigned tas

E) Qoute

Caption: MBSW? SUCCES!

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