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The business will run under name BAKHITA FAST FOOD OUTLET and it located in meru
town near Makutano street .And will operate as sole proprietorship form of ownership. The
address will be P.O BOX 105 CHUKA and the business owner telephone number will be
0759250003 and this number will be used for communication. It will commence on 3rd Dec 2024,
the main activity of the business will be offering smokies, sausages,chips,deep fried chicken and
boiled eggs and selling to young, youth and older people who are around meru area. The
starting capital will be 250,000 where owner will have 125,000 and borrow 125,000 from
cooperative. The business is going to face two competitors namely Faith and Chris. The number
of staff will be 6.The business will be managed by various personnel in various section. The
business owner will be manager who incase be absent the cashier will be in charge of billing the
guest from waiters food, checks, receiving payment and issuing the receipt. All accounts will be
under cashier. The business will need large equipment like fridge and small equipment like
spoon,plates,chopping boards, spoons ,forks and knives among others. It will require stock from
Meru town where they will offer discounts when one buys.

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