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Indonesia is a rich country, stretching from Sabang and Merauke. With a diverse community of
tribes, languages and lifestyles. Indonesia is a dynamic country, that moves to grow actively, full
of enthusiasm, to realize a human society that is humane, prosperous, and independent.
Aprosperous society is a healty and developing community, in oerder to stay healthy, a healthy
lifestyle is needed. To support the community to stay healthy, the role of doctors and dentist is
one of the main components, of health care providers to the community, in order to realize
optimal health degrees have a certain quality and sterling, in order for a series of activities
carried out by doctors to patients to maintain quality, it is regulated for the implementation of
medical practice.
Law no 29 of 2004 mandates to the medical council to conduct medical practice arrangements
The Indonesian Medical Council is an autonomous, independent, and non- structural and
independent body, which in the name of the state guarantees that the implementation of medical
practice is carried out by professional and competent doctors and dentist. The arrangement of the
practice of doctors and dentist is carried out by KKI to provide legal protection and certainly to
the community as well as the doctors and dentist themselves. KKI has a function in accordance
with written in article 6 of the law on medical practice number 29 of 2004, namely : the function
of regulating, ratifying, stipulating and fostering doctors and dentist who practice medicine in
order to improde the quality of medical services.
KKI consist of the Medical Council and the Dental Council which each council consist of 3
divisions, namely : registration division, professional education standards division, and coaching
divion . to guarantee professional medical practice and maintain quality, KKI has a duty in
accordance with article 7 of the law on medical practice number29 0f 2004 namely :
1. Registering doctors and dentist
2. Validate the professional education standards of doctors and dentist, and
3. Fostering the implementation of medical practices carried out with relevant
intitusions in accordance with their respective functions
KKI have a mission to improve and maintain the application of the highest standars of medical
and dental education, maintain and enhance the professionalism of doctors and dentist in
carrying out medical practice through efforts to maintain registration, guidance, and enforcement
of professional discipline in order to protect the public. Improve management capacity and
capability and support the implementation of KKI promrams.
If the community knows its importance is harmed by the actions of doctors and dentist in
carrying out medical practices , it can be reported to the Indonesian medical disciplinary board or
MKDKI is an autonomous body from KKI to enforce the discipline of doctors and dentists in the
implementation of medical practice . in carrying out its duties KDKI receives complaints, checks
and decides cases, as well as making guidelines for handling cases of medical disciplines.
As a regulator of the profession of doctors and dentists. KKI has made a regulation on a medical
council of Perkonsil to regulate the implementation of medical practice. KKI authorize education
and competency standards, doctors and dentists. The taksk and function of KKI to guard the
medical profession and protect the community are carried out by working together and
coordinating with all stakeholders,
KKI is a member of IAMRA, the international Association Of Medical Regulatory Authorities.
KKI maintains the integrity and professionalism of doctors and dentists inIndonesia, to protect
the public from actions taken by imcompetent doctors and dentist
KKI protecting to peoples and maintain the work professionalism of doctors and dentists.

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