Camille Paglia

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On the other hand, you've mentioned in previous interviews that you think women,

when dressed in certain ways, they "send a message"

which results in certain responses, and that goes against
the current feminist argument that women should dress however they please and
shouldn't be
bothered because of it. Aren't you, in a certain way, blaming women
simply for being victims of violence just for the way they're dressed?

-Yes this is probably the most controversial area that i've written about, from the
start when I became known in the early 1990s this has been my views on the subject
have been highly inflammatory and i'm coming to the subject from the point of view
of the 1960s women, who as a student when I arrived and as a freshman my first year
in 1964 to college I rebelled against the strict surveillance by the college
administration of the lives of the women students
this was the period that was called "in loco parentis" that is "in place of the
parents", the college administration's felt they had the obligation to
supervise, to monitor and protect the women students as they did not
the male students hence we had all girl dormitories all male dormitories
the men could come and go at any hour of the day or night
we women had to sign in eleven o'clock at night so that the
authorities of the college knew where we were
and we said "generation reveal" and said what we
call for an end into this practice and they said "the world is
we have an obligation to protect you against rape
and what we said is "give us the freedom to risk
rape" that is true freedom that is what the sexual revolution gave to women
now �what will women do with the freedom? and feminism
should have taken my view and so that now
you are the equal of a man
and you must protect yourself as a man would you must see the world as
dangerous as a man would
you must be as defensive and hyper aware of your surroundings
as a man would because men to our attack for all kinds of things
men too are the victims of crime and so on instead we've had this
of women calling for protections and a new paternalism
from the government and now from the college administrations again they
want to draw the parent figures back into their sex lives
this to me is a major major fault of contemporary feminism
there are great responsibilities that come with freedom
and one of them is that you must take responsibility for your own defense
now secondly i am saying that communication in sexual communication
is far more than words
sexual communication is by the body
there is a whole series of non-verbal modes by which we
communicate our interest in sex or our readiness for sex and one of them is
dress so it seems to me that the contemporary woman it has not fully
thought through the nature of her dressing of her dress
it the way she dresses and how much flesh exposes it contains a sexual
I'm saying to women expose your body you do as much as you want but be ready
to defend watch out for the dangers of the world
not just of the man who was of your own social class
a man who you recognise and you know it you're going to date with and
whose language you
you speak in some way but also the world out there of the primitive beasts
there are so circling and the human nature has all kinds of primitive
energies in it
which are constrained in train through the civilizing power but
many people are psychotics
there are many psychotics you could have 999
rational men and there will be the one psychotic
a woman must be prepared to defend herself against the psychotic because
that one psychotic can kill her and not just rape her but kill her
so I want and what I am arguing for is that is that feminism it seems to me
has become stupid
in denying okay that the sexual dress conveys a sexual message
so I encourage sexual i love flamboyant body exposing sexual
dress ok but this is why i called my feminism drag queen feminism because the
drag queens the old drag queens where they were women of the
I call my feminism street smart feminism as well
and they would dresses women out very subject to attack to assault
and they had to defend themselves on the street and they will defend themselves
with their fists
they would with off their high heel hit people over the head with a high heel
and so on
they could be killed so this kind of pugilistic Amazonian attitude toward
reality is what I'm trying to project what I don't like about contemporary
feminism is all the energy devoted to protect the bourgeois girl
the white upper-middle class bourgeois girl who wants the world to be
like her living room
and she's beeing protected by your parents she's protected by your
university and she wants to go into the world dress exactly as she wants she
she doesn't even imagine the danger of
the world she has not taught the dangers of the world she expects the
entire world to be reduced to these boot the bourgeois protections she
doesn't realize her privileged entitlement she is
arrogant and she has communicated her arrogance to feminism

Camille Paglia
Roda Viva Internacional | Camille Paglia | 22/10/2015
30:00 - 34:03 34:37-36:07

@DalasReview Cuando una persona es maltratada lo normal es huir del mal tratador no
seguirlo acosando o burlarse de esa persona que "tanto" le hizo da�o, por otro lado
unas de las secuelas de alguien que ha sido maltratado f�sica o psicol�gicamente
son traumas totalmente -->

visibles, es decir, es una persona insegura, tiene una alta falta de autoestima,
normalmente una persona que ha pasado por una situaci�n como la describe @s0ymia se
a�sla un poco y es desconfiada. Es curioso no encaja con su foto con un ba�ador, ni
con todas sus redes sociales.
Es curioso, de cualquier modo ah� hay una mentira, si estas traumada no tendr�as
ese comportamiento ni esa seguridad, por otro lado si no estas traumada, entonces
el discurso de que "sigue lastimada, sigue con traumas"... es falso.

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