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Alll Correspondence should be addressed To Earth-HeavyDutyHire &Skill Training Centre Limited G al Manager ‘We are the Best of best in Kitwe, qualified training officers! EHDT! Creative life. HEAD QUARTERS ARE IN KITWE TOWN CENTRE- POST OFFICE ROOM 205 ZAMBIA 13" December, 2022 The Director General TEVETA Private Bag Rw 16x, Ridgeway Lusaka Dear Sir, RE: REQUEST FOR INSPECTION The subject matter refers. We are hereby requesting for your inspection at our institution, This is due to the preparation that is still undertaking. We therefore wish to inform you in the last week of this month December, 2022. We appreciate for your understanding. Waiting in anticipation. Yours faithfully. Mien, Michael Mundia Director Mobile No: 0965-372823 ee,

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