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Toldd plets a astmbud o lat plaTs gioly tonnued

foqthun aton4 thuin edgu in uch a wo that th
Sihucual ysemx Capulelu otaying loady wthout thu
nud ken addilional suppoxting blomy olonq muhutl
h phinuplu tom.ponutts in a olds.d plad
AkuLhuL Consis o
únclined platus tha
2 kdgo ps tohuth must e ued To sfn
wid plaTuo.
to try thi oadk to thi bppots and
. lnor
to hold the pl&tw in lint
4 Columnk to fuppoat the shucun n hu au


Stuctunal londition ooldingShuuss:
Load Duhthutisn PAoces
At tust, to utunal foncus cL Ranuduuud to fhe
hontu, o o n folding elumint
edou .

Hrun thu mation 04 dn anta Gonu divioud

butuweun tre cyaunt elumuntt

7hun tht tonuy hansjud o thu btasings.

Rhuctwws boitd on the

lassetiatim o oLds4
maluiol thu OuuL madu :
1oLded 3uthu mod uLotonud Con utt
mital toldud Huctunts
toldud &Huthuw) wood

odedSHuthmes qlas
dsd shuunu oplastic matials
tolded tonsHuctions madt in omhunationof disnt
eucturas ondiien ling hukre

Rppd olded Plat built wib faPet d elemen e

Tolded plat 8huchmes may bl
Ound eny one dt a t any po&iubl
&hoLon e e
dha huight o thu 8helly at thu unthe Bee dpan & tu
Onitical dimunion ton btrdn 5tungth tndot the
Hucht net y icunt and not utfabll kon
ong Spant becaLuse a ths m w huig ht scquid
bothe Looo tnds
holdd plat may be uko fo wally s a thio
SHuthwa lment tastonu tach plat a t on t
loo and9ding joint all o toncuti a wall
thtyhee Can be adlu nuh hinnr than a
lat toa
Fotoled Ptate Russ
olded plat Tkeus untended odicat
h e tuA
Attuctuucal actim o t h i SHuctut
hoaizontal ti acses thu oid }h onuy at tha
Thu auL

Endx o louuldig
Iuangulaa eticd auchuo ane
3kL Huus hlong t
Cauied erath.oise to th nds
ncluned fus hoamu d by hu
Thu tep chond of t
Sidge membet
Thu botto chotds Oue th tus olt t baye ath
std gablux and te oliaqona nuonmad by the
at the ttescction o the q able ond
Kloping vallays
tht txionqula plates
u Most ubtl that tA
he athichikuhual appenan te
wsual &huchle
Fotdad Plat. Riqid Tsues
An asth wth 5Haio ht tqrunty u boruhmik lalled a
Ragid Fhan
IE not a hnt ay hu cusved ach becauue h
ending momenu L uat.
ALquuied at thu knu and
Tu auost thu platis
at tht owri un OA du, to distubutu thu tonu
t the endlr och eqmnt.

Potded Platis
Edg uppoAtud annd
le tliminatd
h wual upHunus ldge plate can

Ahuttun lah made to appu ey

th Aook
thin buu dge piatt u nuplaud ksy 1a uis
(ouumh a
hehuun wlunns mut be dercgnud a
he lab nemknd Hhe
Man 0nd t may
e ton veninut
as alantiluve loanopy-
main Aook lob wall t tha a o w n
u the
toluwmn tnd
he i t e d
h u e take th seactiong o1 th
ob thu gabu, t k t
and t horizont al tUs may be imatid
platus achion
takin bq Alqcdd m i
oind Loods a
the Colun and dtfenus
hu Stamant jolded Plat
dht nd stienuu an ig id ams Aathe han du

dhe toncas lom u a tim o thu Jtoping platts
Bhue igid a LOl Atguuse Lag and at an

Outiole tolumn by tocl not be balanud by thaust

om the adjauunt platus.
L iu o 0muk may e edutud by uwng a

dul tut bttweun hu tops o h olumnk oich can b

Loou alud n du notatim.

OA Lamplt 045tume len the aboue ghuukune hat u

and bu bay
Jpan 60 hut and tht span ú 6p t
uidh i o4 hut the depth o tha shell Ahould be
oubout 6 leet Ond tht hokitontal widh of each pla
wcth a HhAu amnt plod 8hould be about & tut.
The Blope otht patu à 6/s uwhich u about 37
and u datigatony hu thicknus a thu platis Could
e abut 3/2 nchu

ey Liaht oam o lonshuckonfo 8pan 3om Ahull
thccknls AUguUnLd u Gomm only
Th e oConcute as a huulding matual uduuo
both mabnialy tost and a conSuctign tot.
longa pan can le protdd
Qsthubically it looks g0o ouer othu onms o
Shu-tteaing u diut
Aeata acuuay in fonmtaonk à Acgutd
ood abous Qnd uptavnm nuuAS QMy
U oAoo may be a diadvantagt

JypLs o&hull &kucwMu

Basul YouulK
t t h molt unul of -th hall sHuctuu becau4t thu
Cun dpan upt 5D min omateial.hy
wth a
CUL Y iunt 4uttun Cauue bu e nch
OA to RLdu the 3HUsr and thitknuu th
tAasvese oluuction
lvolypeu Bal yollts

Long Span bd laullt thoge to whith the

pan Lougto tian the width JHungth t h
huthne bes at th Aiaht ngus t ht wvatu
to that pan ulongihtolina to th cuvatum
Usual span thonguudina tml Yaut u
om 12-30 m wih b wolth beina about
2 the span and Aue u 5 oicth,
dhont poan buuuel Vulb a tho vauls in tokich
pan 8hontu han t oiolh, ee fonhe
toudh h 04th ubs Jetwtun toheth u bauel
votult p an
edge Basne
bedaun VOult


Long dpan Bassel vau wtolth

dHfening Beums anol-Atdes dhont apan bamel vaut

Uncdu local loaolk thi thin hull o thi kannul vault
wid tund to olitdnt and lose &hape and ven
thu Aeultant 8heser wnl moll
To shungthen the 8hull
agaunst Thio po&iibilhy, jenng
blamt 0L 0nthhy L ast nkgsclly toth hi
he Common
pAactis d to
pRoridt a
Jt jhening mumbe
bewun thL Coluumn &uppoatung hi shull
,Downsand tikning RlC mam m
ot dupth, but tis intnsupti fh lint yiunt hcawse
vaull on this upstund #ofut in
stehfunin g Leam Ued
he oluadyandag
p8an d beam that t bALaks
up the lin Aoo nd nud
weahn piokchione aqaust

Upstand auch Douonstund Downrtan Upttand

aruh ib
yhuung hohtuning
blam bam
dthning beams ohd nthy o Aunfonud conuuk, bantd

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