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of Printed Pages: 7 Sem-V-UG-Math-DSE-II

Answer all parts as per instructions.

Figures in the right hand margin indicate marks.

The symbols used have their usual meaning.

1. Answer all questions and frillin the blanks are required.
11 x 12
What is the probability of getting 3 heads in 3 random
tosses of a balanced coin ?

(b) If P(B) #0, then what is the value of P(B/B)?

If F(x) be the continuous

distribution function of a ran-
dom variable at x thenits density function fx)=

(d) Suppose b is a constant. What is the value of Eb)?

(e) The 2nd moment of a random variable about mean


(0LetX and Yare independent discrete random variables.

Then o
function of the random variable X is
(9 X IS a Poisson distribution with parameter m, then its (d) The distribution
0 for x<-1
(h) Let X is a binomial distribution with parameter n and 6
Fx)= Xt
for -1sx<
and Y. Find E(Y). 2
| 1 for x21.

)Write the density function of a standard normal distribu-

tion of a random variabie. Find PX«andP2x< 3)
0) State central limit theorem.
random variableXwhose
e) Find the expected value of the
What is a population ? ,0<x<1
(k) X

() What is the range of coefficient of correiation ? probability densityis fx)=2-x,
0 . elsewhere.

PART-II If the random variable X has

the probability

2 Answer anyeight of the following questions. 2 x8 1(3

for x= 0,1,2,3, thenfind themoment gener-
Let A and B are two events of a sample space. Prove
(a) ating function of X.
thatP(An B)2 P(A) + P(B)-1.
- x ; n, 1 -60).
9Verify that b{x; n, 0)= b(n
(b) If Aand Bare independent events, then provethat Aand distribution.
(h)Find the variance of exponential
B'areindependent. and variance of a continuous
uniform ran-
Find the mean
dom variable.
(c) Show that f{x)= for x= 1,2,3, 4, 5 is a probability
function of a Chi-square distri
0) Find moment generating
PART-I (d) If the random variables x, Y,Zhave mean Hx =2, Hy=-3,
3. Answer any eight of the following questions. 13x8 Hz 4, the variances o=1, o=5 and o=2 andthe
covariances cov(X, Y) =-2, cov(X, Z) =-1 and cov(Y, Z).
(a) A die is loaded in such a way that each odd number is 2Z.
1, then find mean and variance of W 3X - Y +
twice as likely fo occur as each
even number. Find P{G),
where Gis the event that a then prove that
number greater thann3 (e) lfrandom variable X hasthe variance o',
occurs on a single roll of the die. var(ax +b) afo2.
(b) The joint probability density function of two random vari- where joint
( Find the covariance of the random variable
ables X and Y is
probability density is
fx.y)=5Xy +X) for 0<x<1, 0<y<2
forx>0, y>0,
fx,y) 2 elsewhere.
0 elsewhere.
Find P(0 X 1 s2) (g) Show that the normal distribution has a relative maxi
mum at X = .
() The joint probability distribution of X and Y is given by
(h) IfXand Yhave the bivariate normal distribution with
2. 45, ,=3, o=6 and p= find H
-1 1
-1 (i) Let the probability density ofX is
6x(1-x)for 0<x<1
f)=o elsewhere.
Find the probablity density of Y = X.
Find marginai
distribution of X andY
APVN-RU-Sem-V-23-Math(DSE-I)Y750 PTO.
sample from an Let the joint probability of X and Yis
0) fX,. X X constitute a random
fnfinite population with the mean u and the variance o
for 0<x<1, 0<y<1
then show that E(X)=H and var(X)= n ftx,v)=aX +29)
Find conditional mean and conditional variance ofX, given
Answer all questions.
. State and prove Bayes' theorem.
6. Define Beta distribution. Find its mean and variance. [7
f the jointly probability density of X and is
Define Gamma distribution. Find its mean and
variables X and Y is
fx.y)-42x+y) for 0x1, 0y2 7. The joint density function of random
elsewhere 6x, for 0<X < y <1
0, elsewhere.
find marginal density ofXand conditional density ofY, givenX
Find y and Ha
random variables, Y has a Chi-
If Y and Z are independent
5. and o are the mean and the standard deviation of a ran- with V degrees of freedom
and Z has the
dom variable, then prove that for any positive constant k, square distribution
then find the distribution of
standard normal distribution,
PIX-I<ko)210#0 [7
APVN-RU-Sem-V23-Math(DSE-1y750 APVN-RU-Sem-V-23-Math(DSE-1I)/750

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