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ESSAY: Answer the following questions.

1. Give at least 3 Hardware devices and Explain how it works. (minimum 300 words)

a.) The Random Access Memory (RAM) is simply referred to as "Memory." It is a memory that is
directly accessible by a computer system's Central Processing Unit also known as CPU. Random
Access Memory (RAM) is found in every computer system. It is inserted into a computer system's
motherboard slots. A computer system should have a lot of RAM for greater performance and faster
program execution. RAM capacities of 256MB, 512MB, and 1GB are becoming common. Memory
(RAM) is divided into several types. The differences are due to memory function and memory, as well
as other computer hardware advancements.

b.) The CPU (Central Processing Unit) is installed in a CPU socket that is incorporated into the
motherboard. Because the CPU creates more heat when processing data, it is attached to a heat
sink, which helps in cooling. CPU plays an important role in the computer system's overall
performance and in the operation of all system devices. The CPU manages all instructions received
from the system's hardware and software, processes them, and eventually outputs the result via
output devices such as monitors and printers. As a result, we might consider the CPU (Central
Processing Unit) to be the most crucial component of a computer system.

c.) The Motherboard is the largest board in a host computer system; it is a printed circuit board, and
the basis of a computer. The motherboard is a massive circuit board that links all of the computer's
components, including the hard drive, CPU, and RAM. The motherboard is similar to the nervous
system in our bodies. Motherboard manages power and communicates with the CPU, RAM, and all
the other computer hardware devices.

2. Discuss and differentiate the components of the computer system. (minimum 300 words)

a.) Input devices - are hardware components that allow raw data to enter the computer and be
processed. Processing is the process of transforming raw data into more usable information.Input
devices are classified into two categories. Manual input devices must be operated by a human in
order to input data. Data can be entered automatically via Automatic Input Devices.

b.) Output Devices - When raw data is processed, it becomes usable information. Output devices are
pieces of hardware that transfer usable data from the computer. Some output devices send data out
briefly, while others send data out permanently. Monitors are transitory Output Devices that
continually refresh the outputted picture on the screen. Printers are permanent output devices that
print information onto paper as a tangible copy.

c.) Peripheral Devices - The term "peripheral devices" applies to almost all input and output devices.
Because they connect to the system from the outside, these are referred to as 'non-essential'
hardware components. Non-essential peripherals are those that the system cannot function alone.
Let's say, for example, we can use our computer without speakers, but we won't have high-quality

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