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In accordance with the information provided, the researcher identified numerous distinct
techniques of collecting, and it has diverse methods on how the authors performed it. The
researcher gathered the data based on their grasp of the information gained. Since a survey was
not utilized to get the data for this study, the researcher used an article to explain how the data
was gathered. This brings us to the conclusion of the researchers' method for conducting this

According to Pedersen & Nysveen (n.d.), they investigated the relationship between product
participation and consumer purchase intention. They gathered information from 874 respondents
to ascertain the customers' purchase intentions, and after conducting many tests and analyses,
they were able to confirm that there is a clear positive relationship between product involvement
and consumers' buy intentions.

According to Zeithaml (2014), all participants were women between the ages of 25 and 49
who had at least one child who was younger than 10 years old. Zeithaml performed an experiment
on the demographic profile of consumers of fruit- and tomato-based beverages. This experiment
demonstrates how participants in the consumer preference product were screened to ensure that
they had recently or currently consumed fruit- and tomato-based beverages. The participating
company's identity was kept a secret, and the discussion regarding pricing, quality, and value
focused more on consumer views and experiences with beverages in general than on the specific
brands of the sponsoring company.

According to Tariq (2013), the university students in Lahore, Pakistan, were given a total of
500 questionnaires. Out of the 366 that were obtained, 362 are completely usable surveys. 163
men (45%) and 199 women (55%), in total, made up the sample. The age category with the
highest percentage of individuals was 18 to 25 years old, which included 339 people (93.6%),
followed by 26 to 40 years old, which included 16 individuals (4.4%), and over 41 years old, which
included 7 individuals (1.9%).

In this experiment, this showed that brand image (321, Purchase Intention), product quality
(214, Purchase Intention), product knowledge (255, Purchase Intention), product involvement(283,
Purchase Intention), product attributes(225, Purchase Intention), and brand loyalty(409, Purchase
Intention) have positive and significant relationship with purchase intentions. This shows that many
people have different perspectives on necessities and that it relies on how each person views

Apparently, M. H. and Jyothi Venkateswarlu (2020), They claimed that although unbranded
goods are typically less expensive than branded goods, they are generally thought to be less safe.
Because of this, there is little market for unbranded goods in India. About 54% of respondents
believe that online prices are less expensive. It's also interesting to notice that more than half of
respondents don't bother to price compare since they think the risk of trying new skin care
products is high. This investigation demonstrates that unbranded skin care is more frequently
purchased than branded skin care, yet unbranded skin care is less expensive and hence less safe
to use.


This study's participants are consumers who will be asked about how much they think basics
should cost. The experiment's target audience is in the 15+ age range, and whether or not
participants understand price is dependent on the respondents.

The participants under investigation are those who volunteered for the study. Each volunteer
has contributed to the research, and the researcher is accountable for them. This duty entails
obligation and regard for their responses and to protect the respondents' privacy if necessary. 

We utilized stratified sampling because it was appropriate for our study and useful when a
community comprises a variety of subgroups and researchers want to be certain that the sample
includes them all. On the other hand, stratifies the population according to shared criteria that we
use in our data survey, such as age and gender. The researcher needed to look for guidelines in
order to have an easy way to conduct the study; doing so would help them do it properly and
minimize difficulty with the task; searching for articles would help the researcher have a great start
in the study and have support details to make it; for the respondents, it also benefited them by
knowing the answer of their perceptions, and it helped their understanding to the researcher to
have perspective to think critically. Both individuals and researchers will benefit from this method,
which supports the study.

The probability sampling strategy was used for this study because it will involve qualitative
research. they'll be acknowledged. The foundation of probability is random selection. drawing
reliable statistical inferences about the full group through sampling. McCombes (2019). In a
probability sample, each member of the population will have a chance of being chosen. The best
option available for approaches for sampling, which are primarily employed in quantitative studies.
This is why we will use a stratified sampling strategy. By ensuring that each subgroup in the
sample is fairly represented, the research team will be able to reach more accurate results.

This tactic is typically implemented by politely conversing with the target group before asking
questions, distributing a structured questionnaire online, typically by filling out a form, or giving the
participants surveys or directly asking the question to the group would be appropriate to have a
better understanding of the respondents. The effectiveness and accuracy of research on a given
topic can be improved using these techniques. Compared to other methods, surveys offer a wider
range of information.

Inclusion Criteria:
*Age 15 above.
*Male and Female.
*Individuals that purchase product.
*Individuals possess their own knowledge of prices.
Exclusion Criteria:
*Individuals who are just workers at the establishment.
*Not a Customer
*Individual who are just buying product but don’t have perception on it.
Withdrawal Criteria:
*Participants don’t want to interview

The study was conducted at Davao City National High School F. Torres Street. Davao City
National High School, also known locally as "City High", is the largest public school in Davao City
and one of the largest in the Davao Region, Philippines. This area is connected to the conduct of
our study which is all about the topic entitled "Customers' perceptions of prices on needs". While
other groups of senior high students are assigned to their different research topics. In this school it
helped us to carry out our research because of finding some related and similar topics through the

The population of the experiment conducted by Tarig, Nawaz, and Butt (2013) consisted of
362 individuals, all of whom were enrolled at universities in the Pakistani city of Lahore. In order to
determine whether brand image, product quality, product knowledge, product involvement, product
attributes, and brand loyalty are appropriate for the purchase intention, the researcher is
concentrating on identifying which are significantly related to purchase intention. To this end, they
are conducting the study and asking the participants to provide their responses. Both male and
female participants in the study provide their input. A total of 163 men and 199 women participate
in the individual category. 339 individuals are between the ages of 18 and 25, followed by 16
people between the ages of 26 and 40, and finally 7 participants who are over the age of 41. In
order to understand different age groups' perspectives on the topic, they conducted an experiment
study that included both genders.

The participants are encouraged to join the demographic profile of consumers of fruit and
tomato-based beverages, according to Zeithaml (2014), who ran an experiment to demonstrate
the value and quality of beverages in the metropolis area in the south east. All of the participants
were females between the ages of 25 and 49, with one child under the age of 10. Participants are
thoroughly screened to confirm that they have recently or currently consumed a fruit- and tomato-
based beverage. Participants' identities are kept private and are guaranteed not to be publicized.
Discussions regarding pricing, quality, and value are focused on customer experiences with and
perceptions of the beverages rather than a particular brand of the sponsoring company. The
moderator's questions to the participants center on the concepts of quality and value, the criteria
used to evaluate them, and the contribution of price to these assessments.


The study will adhere to ethical considerations, specifically must confirm that the rights of the
subjects have been taken into account when collecting data from respondents. The rights of the
participant will be preserved and respected as a result. Despite the fact that moral concerns are
important across the board

The study will adhere to ethical standards at all times, particularly making sure that the subjects'
rights have been taken into account when collecting data from respondents. By doing this, it will be
ensured that the participant's rights are preserved and respected. Despite the importance of
ethical concerns in all research domains, this study will assert that quantitative research,
especially when it brings the issue to a higher level by involving vulnerable groups of participants.
The qualitative researcher must ensure that participants have the freedom to choose whether or
not to participate in the study, protect participant identities throughout the recruitment and
dissemination processes, and promote openness and truthfulness in research reporting that does
not deceive readers.

Especially when interacting with people from vulnerable groups, It is crucial to ensure that participants are
not under any pressure to continue the study even after they decide to stop; therefore, voluntary engagement
in ethical consideration is crucial. Informed consent allows potential research subjects to freely volunteer
their involvement without being threatened or subjected to undue pressure. In order to enable them to decide
whether or not to join, the potential participant is also given the facts they would need to know before
participating. Due to the fact that they protect the privacy of those who voluntarily choose to participate in
research, anonymity and secrecy are two additional ethical issues that are essential participate

In an effort to provide participants with a reasonable selection, the potential

advantages and risks are evaluated against the participant and society. It offers to
protect respondents' privacy from these invasive evaluations of potential study
participants and permits them to freely provide their services to the study without
worrying about punishment or overbearing instruction. It also enables survey
respondents to discontinue participation at any time without compromising their access
to the ongoing program, upcoming services, or their relationships with any of the
collaborating researchers or research institutions. Research ethics are essential
because they respect the rights, welfare, and dignity of study participants.

This research might fill in some research gaps that many researchers were interested in
learning about and act as a manual for aspiring researchers. The economy, business owners, and
entrepreneurs will benefit from this study by being aware of shifting patterns. Due to the fact that
every consumer evaluates a product in a different way, it will also assist the customer in resolving
their unanswered questions and provide vast knowledge. Since many people understand it
through their experience as business owners, this aids entrepreneurs in understanding client
perspective. Due to their awareness of your company's shortcomings and room for progress,
these individuals aid in the expansion of your organization.

For the buyer, the concept of making a choice before buying something is essential since it
will help them develop the instinct that they actually need to think critically about it. This is
appropriate because, before making a purchase, you must carefully analyze a variety of variables,
including if the product will benefit you, whether it will aid you on a daily basis, whether it is safe to
use, and many more. You as a customer have a variety of options, so having those options is very


Naveen (2019) claims that processes utilized to raise product prices are dependent on
consumer purchasing behavior in his most current study on the idea of customer perception. He
created a theory in an effort to predict consumer behavior by examining the factors that influence
people's decisions to purchase or refrain from purchasing particular goods.

Naveen(2019) attempts to demonstrate how people come to grasp the motivations behind
their own action by determining the self perception theory. Self perception is how customers relate
to their values and motivations, and it influences their purchasing behavior. This is an essential
component of the consumer perception theory. A group of researchers at the University of
Massachusetts in Amherst, for instance, looked at how self-perception affected consumers'
purchasing decisions. The study looked at consumer perceptions of how their purchasing choices
actually affected things like the environment. The researchers came to the conclusion that
consumers' perceptions of themselves were a key determinant of whether or not they prioritized
socially conscious consumption and consumption patterns.

We may use this theoretical framework to describe the research because the Naveen (2019)
theory and the researcher's research are so closely tied. There are many ways to examine a
product's price or customer perception, and this theory can assist in getting you started and giving
you the right frame of mind for decision-making. This also provides advice on how to make wise
decisions regarding both price and product, which makes it possible for us to assist those who are
stuck and have no idea what to do.


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