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Scand J Work Environ Health 1987;13(4):279-283

Issue date: Aug 1987


Sensorineural stages of the hand-arm vibration syndrome.

by Brammer AJ, Taylor W, Lundborg G

Affiliation: Division of Physics, National Research Council of Canada,

Ottawa, Ontario.

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Print ISSN: 0355-3140 Electronic ISSN: 1795-990X

Scand J Work Environ Health 13 (1987) 279-283

Sensorineural stages of the hand-arm vibration syndrome

by Anthony J Brammer, PhD,' William Taylor, DSc, MD,2 Goran Lundborg, MD3

BRAMMER AJ, TAYLOR W, LUNDBORG G. Sensorineural stagesof the hand-arm vibration syndrome.
Scand J Work Environ Health I3 (1987) 279-283. Recent work has shown that the vascular signs and
neurological symptoms commonly associated with exposure of the hand to vibration may develop inde-
pendently. A classification for the neurologicalcomponent of the hand-arm vibration syndrome has been
developed for those symptoms dominated by sensory afferent involvement, based on the results of objec-
tive tests on 634 hands. The first symptomatic stage (lSN) consistsessentiallyof episodic finger numbness
with or without tingling, the second involves, in addition, reduced sensory perception (2SN), while the
most severestage (3SN)focuses on reduced tactile discrimination and/or manipulative dexterity. Consis-
tent implementation of this classificationby means of objectivetests requires one, or more, precise,quan-
titative measure of peripheral somatosensory dysfunction, in addition to the traditional neurological tests
(fine touch, pain, and temperature). Measurements of tactile function by means of esthesiometry or vi-
brotactile perception appear suited to this purpose. A procedure for staging individual hands may then
be based on combining numerical scores assigned to the results of the traditional neurological tests and,
additionally, esthesiometer and/or vibrotactile perception thresholds.
Key terms: esthesiometer, manipulative dexterity, numbness, objective tests, tactile discrimination, vib-
rotactile perception.

A pattern of peripheral vascular, neurological, and haps, musculoskeletal disturbances may be required,
musculoskeletal signs and symptoms has become as- ultimately supported by appropriate objective tests to
sociated with repeated exposure of the hand to vibra- identify persons at risk and to evaluate the severity of
tion in industry. The most common of these signs and each condition. Furthermore, the recognition of sig-
symptoms have been well summarized, together with nificant neurological involvement in the syndrome re-
the expected impact on a person's social and work ac- quires a differential diagnosis of vibration-exposed
tivities, in the widely used Taylor-Pelmear stages of workers to include causes of peripheral neuropathy and
vibration-induced white finger (VWF), shown in ta- polyneuropathy (13).
ble 1 (20). This classification focuses on the episodic The purpose of this paper is to propose a classifica-
vasospasms characteristically reported by operators of tion for the sensorineural symptoms commonly report-
power tools or industrial processes in which intense vi- ed in vibration-exposed hands. The peripheral senso-
bration is transmitted to the hands. It also includes ry involvement is first established by reference to the
three preliminary stages that do not involve finger results of objective sensory tests performed on work-
blanching but, rather, involve episodic tingling and/or ers who have been carefully screened to exclude other
numbness of the digits (stages aT' ON' and 0TN)' By causes of similar symptoms. Based on this analysis,
implication, these early symptoms and much of the re-
ported interference with activities at work in severe ca-
ses, which may be associated with reduced manual dex- Table 1. Taylor-Pelmear stages of vibration-induced white fin-
ger (taken from reference 20 with permission of W Taylor and
terity (I), are caused at least in part by peripheral neu- PL Pelmear).
rological or neuromuscular dysfunction (4).
The Taylor-Pelmear classification was based on clin- Stage' Condition of digits Work and social interference

ical experience and reports from vibration-exposed o Vibration exposed but no No complaints
workers. Evidence from several sources now suggests signs or symptoms
Intermittent tingling No interference with activities
that the various components of the syndrome may de-
Intermittent numbness No interference with activities
velop independently (3, 10, 18). Thus separate classi-
Blanching of one or more No interference with activities
fications of peripheral vascular, neurological, and, per- fingertips with or without
tingling or numbness
1 Division of Physics, National Research Council of Cana- 2 Blanching of one or more Slight interference with
fingers with numbness, home and social activities;
da, Ottawa, Canada. usually confined to winter no interference at work
2 Department of Community Medicine, Universityof Dun- Extensive blanching, Definite interference at work,
dee, Dundee, Scotland. • frequent episodes summer at home and with social
J Department of Hand Surgery, University of Lund, Mal- and winter activities; restriction of
mo, Sweden. hobbies
4 Same as 3 Same as 3, but occupation
changed to avoid further
Reprint requests to: Dr AJ Brammer, Division of Physics, vibration exposure
National Research Council of Canada, Montreal Road, Ot-
tawa, Ontario KIA OR6, Canada.

four sensorineural stages are proposed. The relation- grinders, rock drills, or road breakers. As an additional
ship between these stages and a previous attempt to precaution to avoid cases involving nerve entrapment
develop a neurological classification is then examined (particularly carpal tunnel syndrome), all hands for
(5), together with their implementation in individual which sensory data from digits 5 and 3 (or 5 and 2)
cases by means of both traditional and improved ob- differed significantly were excluded from group b (2).
jective tests. Inspection of table 2 reveals that, when data are
The symptoms associated with each sensorineural available from sources a and b, the percentages of nor-
stage were discussed at a special session of the Stock- mal responses differ by less than 20 070, with the excep-
holm workshop on symptomatology and diagnostic tion of the thermal stimulus at stages 0, 0TN' and I.
methods for the hand-arm vibration syndrome, at This finding is believed to reflect the small number of
which time a separate classification of the vascular subjects in group b and the inherently insensitive meth-
signs was undertaken (8). od of measurement (response of fingertips to a sur-
face maintained at 40°C). When taken together and
compared with the results of referents, the data for
light touch, pain, and temperature all display a system-
Peripheral sensory involvement
atic reduction in normal responses with increasing
The percentages of hands found to possess normal re- stage of VWF involving finger blanching (ie, stages 1,
sponses to light touch, pain, and thermal stimuli in the 2, 3, and 4). This complete rank correlation between
most carefully controlled epidemiologic study of vi- Taylor-Pelmear stage and decreasing peripheral sen-
bration-exposed workers known to the authors are sory function, as detected by traditional neurological
shown in table 2 (identified by superscript a) (21). The tests, is somewhat less evident when data from stages
results of these traditional sensory tests have been ex- 0T' ON' and 0TN are included prior to stage 1. Never-
pressed by Taylor-Pelmear stage of VWF (table 1) af- theless, the Spearman rank correlation coefficients (r)
ter the exclusion of data from persons with evidence between symptomatic stages, as listed by the presumed
of disease unrelated to vibration exposure at work, or increase in severity in table 1, and the data in table 2
other confounding factors (as established by a ques- for light touch (r = 0.89), pain (r = 1.00), and tem-
tionnaire and two independent medical examinations). perature (r = 0.96) remain statistically significant
In view of the few advanced cases and limited range (P < 0.01), indicating a continuing though weakened
of power tools used in most population groups (in re- association between sensory symptoms and this group-
ference 21 - pneumatic chipping hammers and hand- ing of workers.
held grinders), it was considered necessary to confirm It is thus evident that with careful control of con-
these results with additional information from other founding factors a common pattern of sensory loss can
sources. Accordingly, comparable results obtained be identified in the hands of persons regularly exposed
from severe cases seeking compensation (19), and from to vibration. Futhermore, these data, from 634 hands,
symptomatic workers in a pilot study (3), are included imply that the severity of sensorineural changes in in-
in table 2 (identified by superscript b). These results, dividual hands may be better classified without refer-
though obtained separately, employed clinical proce- ence to the presence or absence of episodic vasospasms.
dures identical to those of the original study and were
available to us for further processing. The workers in
this group had operated either chain saws, pedestal
Proposed sensorineural stages
Results from several sources suggest that the various
Table 2. Percentage of hands with normal responses to light components of the hand-arm vibration syndrome may
touch, pain, and temperature according to the Taylor-Pelmear develop independently, though typically concurrent-
stage of vibration-induced white finger.
Iy. These sources include longitudinal epidemiologic
Tem- studies of vibration-exposed populations (18), individ-
Taylor-Pelmear Number Pain pera-
stage of hands touch ture
ual cases with severe sensorineural changes at the fin-
gertip but no vasospastic involvement (3), and statis-
Referents 122a 100 100 98
tical analyses of multiple tests of peripheral vascular,
0 84a 81 86 79
4b 100 100 100 neurological, and neuromuscular function (10). These
°T 36 a 89 67 72 observations, as well as the analysis of the previous
ON 36a 72 50 50
72a 44 42 44 section, imply that separate classifications of at least
°TN 0
4b 50 50 the sensorineural and vascular components are war-
64 a 72 38 16
6b 83 50 50 ranted, though the latter demonstrates the close asso-
2 62a 42 29 23 ciation, on a group basis, between the frequency of
38 b 45 18 13
11 0
sensory changes and the existing Taylor-Pelmear
3 + 4 18" 22
88b 11 0 0 stages. In addition to the neurological symptoms ex-
plicitly contained in table 1, Taylor & Pelmear drew
a Data from reference 21.
b Data from reference 3 and 19. attention to impaired touch and temperature sensation

in advanced cases, and the "loss of (manual) dexteri- Table 3. Proposed sensorineural stages of the hand-arm vi-
bration syndrome.
ty and inability to do fine work" (20).
Accordingly, three progressive, symptomatic stages Stagea Symptoms
are proposed for classifying clinically the sensorineu-
ral component of the hand-arm vibration syndrome. OSN Exposed to vibration but no symptoms
The dominant symptoms taken to define each stage 1SN Intermittent numbness, with or without tingling
are listed in table 3, together with an initial symptom- 2SN Intermittent or persistent numbness, reduced sen-
sory perception
free stage to differentiate vibration-exposed workers 3SN Intermittent or persistent numbness, reduced tac-
from other persons (stage OSN). The first symptom- tile discrimination andlor manipulative dexterity
atic stage (lSN), consisting primarily of reports of a The sensorineural stage is to be established for each hand.
numb fingers, may be difficult to verify by objective
tests. It is evident from the significant change in nor-
mal responses to light touch, pain, and temperature commonly in, and hence earlier in the development of,
between the extremes of the Taylor-Pelmear classifi- each Taylor-Pelmear stage of VWF.
cation (namely, from, typically, 91 070 normal in stage A consistent staging of symptoms in individual cases
0, to 7 % normal in stages 3 + 4 - see table 2) that can best be achieved by means of objective tests. For
sensory perception is reduced at some stage in the de- the present classification these tests will involve some
velopment of VWF. This symptom, together with epi- measure of the integrity, sensitivity, or functional ca-
sodic or persistent numbness, is taken to define stage pacity of thermoreceptors, nociceptors, or mechano-
2SN. In the most advanced stage (3SN), sensory per- receptors in the fingers. Of these possibilities, record-
ception is sufficiently degraded to influence the per- ing degraded tactile sensation by measuring esthesio-
formance of fine tasks involving tactile discrimination meter or vibrotactile perception thresholds has received
(ie, identification of surface features or texture) and/or the most attention, refined apparatus to control the
manipulative dexterity. The inclusion of fine manipu- stimulus entering the fingertip providing enhanced res-
lative tasks is considered justified by recent work in olution (3, 16). In addition, determining the vibrotac-
which the precision gripping of objects between the tips tile threshold over a broad range of frequencies will
of the fingers and thumb has been found to depend provide data on more than one mechanoreceptor type
primarily on mechanoreceptor rather than neuromus- (14, 15) and, with appropriate conditions of stimula-
cular function (12). tion, permit the sensitivity of each of the three recep-
The classification, which is applicable to individual tor populations responsible for the sense of touch to
hands, thus includes only those symptoms believed to be established (17). Substantial progress has also re-
be dominated by cutaneous afferent involvement. cently been made in quantifying the temperature sense,
Hence total hand-grip strength and the so-called neu- the magnitude of the neutral zone between warm and
rovegetative effects (palmar sweating, vertigo, etc) have cool thresholds showing promise as an indicator of
been excluded (9). vibration-induced neuropathy (7). In contrast, studies
of nerve conduction in vibration-exposed workers have
produced conflicting results, though a recent analysis
of these findings has revealed a common pattern of
Discussion and interpretation
sensory nerve degeneration almost entirely confined
There have been several classifications proposed for to the hands (4).
various combinations of signs and symptoms occur- Implicit in reliance on a single diagnostic test is its
ring in the hand-arm vibration syndrome. (See, for ability, in principle, to differentiate between each stage
example, reference 9.) However, only Brammer et al of, and hence reflect the development of most symp-
(5) have attempted to classify the vascular signs and toms included in, the classification. This ability can
neurological symptoms into separate, but parallel, only be verified by an evaluation of the performance
stages, identified by V and N, respectively. The latter of each apparatus and measurement procedure on vi-
were based entirely on degraded tactile sensation be- bration-exposed workers who have been medically ex-
cause of its close association with impaired hand func- amined to exclude unrelated disease and other con-
tion (6). The symptomatic neurological stages suggest- founding factors. Such a procedure is clearly time con-
ed by Brammer et al (5) are: stage IN (intermittent suming. Furthermore, without a measure, direct or
tingling and/or numbness); stage 2N (intermittent otherwise, of impaired hand function, it is difficult to
numbness and reduced tactile perception); and stage assess the ability of an individual to perform his man-
3N (degraded tactile resolution and numbness). The ual duties, which, although not explicitly included in
essential difference between the stages of Brammer et the sensorineural classification, may ultimately be the
al (5) and the present neurological classification is thus basis for compensation. The close connection between
the inclusion, first in stage 2SN, of functional chan- tactile afferent activity and precise manipulation of
ges in thermoreceptors and nociceptors and/or their small objects by the tips of the fingers and thumb sug-
associated nerve fibers. Changes in these somatosen- gests that quantifying some aspect of fine touch, ei-
sory subsystems can be seen from table 2 to occur more ther directly by esthesiometry or indirectly by vibro-

2 281
tactile perception, could satisfy most requirements of may be assessed against a population norm , in the pres-
a single senso ry test (12). ent discussion derived from manual workers unexposed
The inherent limitations of a sing le diagnostic test to vibration (3). This test (which is equivalent to Weber
can be overcome with two or more tests of peripheral two-point discrimination) was selected because of the
function (7, 10). The pote ntial for establish ing the stage availability of data for furt her ana lysis from indivi -
of VWF in indivi dual cases by combining the resu lts dua ls in group b, its ability to record reduc ed tactile
of traditional sensory tests has been discussed by Was- (spatial) discrimination, a requirement of stage 3SN,
serman et al (21) and may be further explored with the and its correlation with hand function as determined
use of the data in tab le 2. Despite the low percentage by the Moberg pick- up test (6).
of normal responses in stage 3 cases (see tab le 2), Was- If the results of these four tests are now assigned
serman et al fou nd that only 67 % of workers in th is a numerical score , which may also reflect the co nfi-
stage possessed abnormal responses to all three stimuli, dence in each , it is possible to classify individuals by
while the remaining 33 % responded abnormally to senso rineural stage based on the combined (total)
two stimuli. Even less consistency was found in the score. One such scheme has been applied to the data
combined results of the sensory tests for worke rs in from source b in table 4. It is based on scoring re-
earlier stages of the Taylor-Pelmear classification spon ses to the traditional neurological tests as zero
(namely , for stage 2: three normal responses - 13 %, when normal and as one when abnormal, and the gap
one abnormal response - 13 %, two abn ormal re- detection threshold being given the score of zero when
sponses - 29 %, and three abnormal responses - normal and two when abnormal. The combined score,
45 %). The limited ability of the traditional neurolo- as well as reports of finger numbness, is then used to
gical tests to separ ate individuals by stage, also no ted stage individuals as indicated in the footnote to the ta -
elsewhere (19), suggests that other diagnostic tests are ble .
required . Confirmation of improved sensitivity and It is evident from table 4 that the basic description
specifi city by combining the results of up to 25 tests of each proposed sensorineural stage is well reflected
has been reported recently by Harada & Matsumoto in these data from 136 hands , redu ced tactile spatial
(I I). discrimination occurring in 100 % of the hand s in stage
The addition of gap detection (ie, the ability of a 3SN, yet significantly reduced sensory perception but
fingertip to detect a groove of varying width in an oth- normal tactile discrimi nation occurring in a large ma-
erwise flat surface), measured by an esthe siometer, to jority of the hands in stage 2SN. A red uction in sen-
the sensory tests pro vides quantitative thresholds that so ry perception is uncommon in stage ISN , though
one -third of the hands responded abnormally to the
thermal stimulus. The reason for this somewhat unex-
Table 4. Percentage of hands with normal responses to light pected result is unclea r, though it ma y reflect more the
tOUCh , pai n. and temperature and normal gap detection by sen-
sorineural stage (data from references 3 and 19).
inadequacy of the measurement procedure than ther-
moreceptor dysfunction .
Sensori - Number
Temper - detec-
A comparison between the original Taylor-Pelmear
neural of Pain
hands touch ature tion
classification of the hands in table 4 and their senso-
rineural stages is given in table 5. While hand s in the
lSN 9 100 78 67 100 most severe stages (3 an d 4) according to the Taylor-
2SN 37 43 19 5 81 Pelmear classification are commonly reclassified as
3SN 90 10 0 0 0 stage 3SN (76/88 hands), th is numerical correspo n-
a Han ds c lassi f ied by th e results of t he sensory tes ts to be
dence between classifications is not so evident in the
scored as foll ows: (i) zero when negative and one wh en earlier stages. Close inspectio n of table 5 reveals that
positive - lig ht to uc h, pain and temperature; and (ii) zero the Taylor-Pelmear stag e considered to precede those
whe n normal and tw o when abnormal - gap detection, mea-
su red by an esthesiometer . Then stage lSN =
numbness involving vasospasms (stage 0TN) includes persons
+ neurologi cal score 0 or 1; 2SN =
numbness + neurolo- with all stages of sensorineural disturbances (ie, stages
gical score 2 or 3; and 3SN =
numbness + neurological
ISN to 3SN). This observation confirms the need for
score 4 or 5.
a sepa rate assessment of the vascular and neurologi-
cal component s of the synd rome for each hand.
Table 5. Rati ngs of the hands accordi ng to the Taylor-
Pelmear and sensori neural classifications. The sensori neural
classificatio n has been made on the basis of objec t ive tests
(see tab le 4). Conclusion s
Tayl or-Pelmea r stage Sensorineural stage A classification of the peripheral neurological symp-
2 3 4 l SN 2SN 3SN
toms dominated by sensory afferent involvement has
°TN been proposed for the hand-arm vibration synd rome.
4 1 1 2 Three symptoma tic stages ha ve been defined for vi-
6 3 2 1
38 5 22 11 bration-exposed persons without reference to periph-
82 0 12 70 eral vascular dysfunction , based on the results of ob-
6 0 0 6
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