Research Proposal Bevan

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Domination Enterprises 50 Riverly Road, Hillcrest , Hamilton 3216 (07) 623 7483 | 027 675 8593|


Emerging Technologies

To: From: Date: Subject:

TeAihurangiTangiora Bevan Wheeler 10 August 2011 Emerging technologies and how they can be used in business

1. Purpose The Purpose of this research is to determine how emerging technologies can be used within the IT industry to improve efficiency and productivity. Examples such as handheld devices touch screen technology and wireless devices.

2. Background New technologies have been used for commercial use to improve the way companies do business with each other. The introduction of electronic devices revolutionized companies while giving them the competitive edge they needed to attract customers and deliver decent service.Wireless cellular phonesimproved communication between employees and customers.Having new and emerging technologies is crucial to creating a competitive business.

3.1 Scope The report will include research into the viability of using wireless Android internet phones, the iPad, iPhone and touch screen tablets. The report will also cover any new software and hardware available for companies.

3.2 Limitations I will research new and emerging technologies and determine whether it will improve business efficiency and communicationand how it can increase business profit.The parts of my research involve an interview with a person who has been in













4. Method

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5. Schedule

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6. Costs

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I request your approval to start this research.

Bevan Wheeler (Date handed in) 7. Request fo app oval s e e) s ese c e $75 00 e s c e y e ese c s ec ec s ke e e e e) * e e c ec y s e s e e se ey

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