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Current issues
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<h1 style= "color#ffffff; padding:30px;"> Poverty</h1>
<p style="color: white;">
It becomes an issue because there are many people who can't eat because they don't
have a job or money to buy food. Poverty undermines economic and social rights such
the right to health, adequate housing, food, and safe water, and the right to
More than just not having enough money and productive resources to guarantee long-
living conditions. Some of its symptoms are hunger and malnutrition,
lack of access to fundamental services
like education and healthcare, and social discrimination. Poverty costs
our economy billions of dollars annually.
Despite the many definitions, one thing is certain
Poverty is a complex societal issue. Poverty affects the life of a poor family.
An impoverished family experiences the effects of poverty. Poor people struggle
to consume healthy food and nutrition, which affects their ability to work.

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