Evolutionary Code of Conduct

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The Universe is 13.75 Billion years old. Planet Earth is 4.54 Billion years old. The origin of man is lost in time and is one of mans greatest mysteries. We have been able to date our species as far back as 2.4Million years old. Somewhere between there and here, scientist suggests that we have been apes of nearly every kind throughout our evolutionary chain, as recent as the Neanderthal people of 600,000 years ago. In the 18th century, 645,000 Africans were kidnapped and forced into slavery in the United States of America. In 1913, Henry Ford opened the first assembly line in Highland Park, MI. In 1919, for the 1st time in history, women were allowed to vote and run for office thanks to Womens Suffrage. Finally equal amongst their former male suppressors, the divorce rate sky rockets from 10% to 54% over the next century. This is not to blame women's suffrage for the divorce rate; we could also blame the low life expectancy of 53 years old at the time in contrast to today's 75... Today women have taken vote in 0.05% of political decisions made since the birth of Democracy, yet women's suffrage seems to be displaced amongst many of our other great conquests towards virtue. Our past puts our present into perspective. Today, men and women are at war with one another. No love, no communication, no trust. Host to a confused, jealous, and selfish people unfit to properly cultivate the succeeding generation. Children are as essential to our evolution as our relationships are to their succession. This issue motivates the Evolutionary Code of Conduct, a new prototype for a new people in the pursuit of virtue. Within evolution lies our purpose.



Dreaming has been with us long before civilization. For ages they have been idolized and studied by the worlds leading thinkers, yet we still arent exactly sure what they are. They are believed to be our mind solving our life problems; if we pay attention to them closely enough we could find an answer within every one at least thats the belief. These euphoric adventures are unique and individual unto us, not for individual resale. Dreams and subsequent artwork have been known to inspire a great deal of men to conceive even greater deeds. Video chatting was once a fantasy feature in The Jetsons cartoon, and now we do it from our cell phones. Dreams mold our existence and help evolve our species. Recent technological conquests are considered modern mans greatest achievements. To surf in on this wave of technology, once dreams themselves, are a plethora of new means for human beings to express their dreams. Films, blogging, animation, video games, planking the possibilities are truly limitless. But as with all things created by man, even this blessing could go awry in the wrong hands. Dreams are most commonly depicted within our artwork, thus most artwork depicts images that dont necessarily exist in our real life. This justifies why we pay for them. Or maybe it was the advertisement... Advertising is a $50Billion abuse and over-saturation of dreams onto our societies. Magazines, models and Photoshopped dreams. Music, artists and auto-tuned dreams. Movies, actors and greenscreened dreams. Ads also are not only billboards and commercials these days. They are colors, sounds and deceptive imagery. Theyre the two perfect princesses Mattel sells every second to little girls all over the world. Or the kosher farm on the butter which distracts where it actually comes from. Dreams are turning into nightmares. Virtue aims at what is intermediate. -Greek philosopher, Aristotle, student to Plato, teacher to Alexander the Great. For example, bravery is not an absolute, but a balance between cowardliness (deficiency) and rashness (excess.) The same is of dreams. Dreams should be properly moderated with respect and caution for they are very powerful.



To better understand where we are, we must understand where we come from, and thats SEX! Something so important throughout our evolution, we literally would not exist without it. Sexual reproduction first appeared around 1 Billion years ago. The purpose of sex is procreation provoked by a physical activity of pleasure. The subject of sex is sometimes referred to as The Birds & the Bees when being taught to children. Let us take a closer look, shall we? 90% of birds species are monogamous in contrast to us mammals 7%. Even still, the male bird is never faithful. In return, the male bird often cares for baby birds that aren't his. Sound familiar? In a bee society, the young Queen bee mates with as many male bees as she can, only to store their sperm, which she will use, bit by bit, to found her colony and produce eggs for the rest of her life. Sound familiar? Sex is natural, not a flaw. Especially considering over 1,500 animal species display homosexual behavior. We are amongst the Earths creatures, not separate. For humans, sex is host to various sexual practices which include intercourse, oral sex, masturbation and group sex to name just a few. A persons sexual morality is unique onto them however there are laws and social customs set into motion around the world which prohibit certain sexual practices such as rape, underage, same sex, incest, etc.


Men are dogs. In some societies, the origins of marriage are believed to be an attempt to moderate mans intense, competitive nature regarding women. The majority of men ages 60 and under reportedly think about sex at least once a day. The average female: 1/4 of that time. It has been socially recognized and accepted that men have a far more increased sex drive then women though there is no scientific data to prove that a man's libido is bigger than a females. However prostitution is still a phenomenon of men paying to have sex with women. Sex today is also host to a cesspool of danger There are over 25 Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) that currently infect over 65 million people in the US. Recently referred to Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), STDs are bacterial infections that infect 1 in 4 Americans. 19 Million new infections each year, half of which are between the ages of 15-24. Sexual behavior is responsible for 30,000 deaths each year. Amongst these infections are HIV/AIDS, Chlamydia and Gonorrhea to name a few. On a greater scale, STDs are an attack on our reproductive orgasms. Over 2 Million pregnant women in the United States are infected with STDs each year. This results in stillbirth, which is responsible for 2,000 deaths every year. This is a threat to our evolution which requires a solution.


This one and only rule applies to all unmarried people. Of course this is easier said than done for men. Anyone pursuing a condom-free (raw) lifestyle should get tested with the person they intend to go raw with, and then consult with one another upon results. This rule also applies to couples in nonmonogamous relationships. Anyone who practices raw sex without getting tested risk not only their own health but the health of others. Our health is of critical importance towards our evolution. Before women's rights, before religion and marriage, there was Sex, which may be all there is to life after all (For some, it already is...)



Single people are people who are unmarried / not in a relationship. Freedom. Singles standards and appearance are highest. Emotions developed towards a single person are your responsibility, as a single person bears no obligation. There are typically two types of Singles: 1.) Singles who seek love and marriage. These singles have either witnessed a successful marriage or have been sold dreams by Mattel. 2.) Singles who seek sex. These singles either relish in their freedom or fear the restrictions and stress of marriage.These two are at the forefront of the war Being single is a time of great stress confusion for some Singles. Those who want love attempt to con those who want sex into relationships and vice versa. Whether this is due to lack of communication or deceit, it should not occur. There are many options to diffuse this tension. Singles who seek casual sex should invest in a Friend w/ Benefits. This is when two Single friends engage in a non-monogamous, sexual relationship. As for Singles who seek love and marriage, the typical next step in a modern society is to enter into a...



Prior to the early 20th century, one single man and one single woman would spend intentional time together in efforts to evaluate the other as a potential husband or wife. This was known as courtship. A courtship implies that the male is the 'Boyfriend', the female the 'Girlfriend' and together they are a couple. Courtship today is still the most casual first step towards marriage. It is sometimes referred to as dating, though dating is a term originally associated with prostitution. If the couple is underage, courtship requires parental consent/supervision. Consider it leasing a car. Scientist believe that courtship is normally triggered and controlled by women, while feminist believe that courtship is a process organized by men to subjugate women. Whatever the case, during courtships, the foundation upon which the very marriage is to stand is laid. Courtship is also a period of stress and confusion for many reasons. For one, most religions around the world do not permit pre-marital sex, this includes courtships. 76% of Americans are Christian, yet by age 20, 75% of Americans have had premarital sex. That number rises to 95% by age 44. Regardless, couples are more than likely to adopt a courtship structure which best reflects their cultures marital structure. Thus, most courtships are monogamous. The average courtship typically lasts around 2 years. If the courtship is amiss, both the male and female have the freedom to end it whenever they wish, no agreement necessary. However, if the courtship is a success, in most cultures the next step is a proposal of marriage. Upon acceptance the couple enters into an engagement, which is a promise to marry.



The man-made social institution of marriage pre-dates reliable recorded history but believed to predate Christianity by at least 5,000 years. It is considered union amongst lovers and friends. We acknowledge and celebrate marriage around the world in many various ways depending on culture. However, most marriages can be recognized as either Civil or Religious. A Civil marriage is a legal, social contract that creates kinship between people for many reasons: To have someone you trust to pull the plug and handle your posthumous deeds. Someone to pass your last name, possessions, genes and culture along to. Though free from religious restrictions, Civil marriages are bound heavily by the court. 41 US states currently define marriage as strictly between man and woman. There have also been race-based legal restrictions on marriage in the US as recent as 1967. Civil marriage is not concerned with emotions, people are. This explains the blurred line between Civil marriage and Religious marriage. Christians define marriage as sacred contractual covenant between man and woman. There are various religions around the world, each with its own marital structure of restrictions and beliefs (Polygamy, Polygyny and Polyandry to name a few.) Men and women were obviously not created to mate for life, thus we each have the freedom to decide whether to marry or not. If a couple decides to marry, they have the freedom to decide which marital institution they see best towards their familys success. No one definition of marriage applies to all people. A couple considering marriage or having trouble deciding on an institution should do research beforehand, as they will sequentially be held accountable unto one another. Now that the couple is happily married, next comes



Men:Women::Seeds:Soil. By the laws of nature, a seed penetrates the soil and together they birth new life. The same is with humans. Marriage is not a prerequisite for child birth; however in some cultures such as Judaism, a married couple is expected to fulfill the commandment to have children. Children are our future and it is the task of parents to raise them as such. This typically suggests raising a child in a fully functional household comprised of both biological parents. Yet, today 40% of children are born to unwed mothers and live in poverty. Over 13 Million families in the U.S. are headed by a single-parent, 80% of which are female. Single parents are more susceptible to poverty and bad health than coupled families. 92% of children on welfare today come from broken homes. The average child cost anywhere between $286,000 and $476,000 to raise until 18 years old. The average American income is around $46,000. The average cost of an abortion is $300... An average of over 1 Million abortions take place each year in the US alone (42 Million worldwide.) This does not include other birth contraceptives such the overnight pill and birth control. Children stand at the epicenter of this crisis between man and woman. Parents must not only ensure their childs survival, but raise their child to be an asset to humanity through example.



Together, the relatively recent liberation of women in combination with the over-saturation of dreams have struck a chord in modern relations between men and women. Especially in the male, who's once dominant position amongst society is now being put into question, perhaps threatened by the modern female. There are many common misconceptions when it comes to relations between the two. It would serve us to acknowledge that we are two different creatures. Lying is one of the most common strikes against any relationship. Lying is a form of deception that comes in many forms. When a relationship is new, guards are put up commonly in the form of an altered personality known as a Representative. Representatives commonly exude confidence through their appearance and personality in efforts to attract a mate. Representatives appear more commonly during the courtship and have no place in a marriage as this is a form of deception. Use the courtship to practice honesty with one another. Do not lie. Extramarital sex (adultery, affair, cheating) occurs when someone in a monogamous relationship, particularly a marriage) has intercourse with anyone other than their spouse. This act is frowned upon by society, religion and considered illegal in some jurisdictions. 22% of people surveyed admitted to having extramarital sex. This typically is an issue amongst men, who bore easily, crave variety and are genetically geared to reproduce. Do not cheat. Sex should not be abused as a weapon of manipulation; abundance or a lack thereof. Nor should it be used as a weapon of revenge or force. Intercourse is not fully consensual unless both parties are allowed to make an informed decision on the act and its intent. Intercourse is a fragile foundation upon which to build any relationship, no matter the attraction. Successful relationships are founded on truth, and there is no truth in manipulation. Couples value friendship and trust. Over 2 Million marriages take place in the US annually. More than half of them end in divorce. Upon marriage, a couple willingly complies with all obligations which govern their marriage, irregardless if they contest human nature. Lies and cheating are considered a breach of contract, a strike against character and grounds for divorce, thus 95% of divorces in the U.S. are uncontested. Over 1Million children are affected by divorce each year. If you are not ready for marriage, simply do not get married, it is your truth. We must also avoid incest, arranged marriages and endogamy for evolutionary purposes. Nothing positive comes from a person who acts against their will.




If you marry your best friend, youre good. -Actor, Will Smith, who has been in a seemingly successful marriage with actress Jada Pinkett-Smith going on 15 years now. I co-sign this with great emphasis. Even if a marriage is merely a contract arranging someone in specific to carry out your posthumous deeds, wouldn't you at least want to be friends with this person? We only get one life and it is short. Friends first, then talk family! Men and women, despite our many differences, are created equal. Those in relationships, be it a courtship, engagement, or marriage, are to share a common goal aimed towards their greater good and longevity. This is done through proper communication and an open dialogue of honesty. Observe the relationships around you that do work, such as those you share with your friends and family. In them you will find honesty, which typically takes years to develop. A relationship without honesty is merely an illusion, for there is no relationship without it trust. Honesty is owed to everyone, but truth is individual unto us. Only you know your truth, which will bring you much success if you are honest in it. If you can't handle the truth, get out of the relationship. You cant keep it real with others until you can keep it real with yourself. The truth shall set us free. Whatever the case may be one thing is certain: No matter what we go through as a species, we shall evolve as one.

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