Filming Setup and Editing

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Handover Document

Filming setup

1. Set up lights (4300 warmth)

2. Set up cantilever
3. Set up white paper background (ensure no dust particles, this is easily picked up on
4. Use “measure” app on iphone > level > 0 degrees (this makes it parallel to table surface)
5. Use the guide on the ipad to line up on iphone camera guide lines (camera should be in
4K, NOT HD as the ratio will cause discrepancies)
6. The 4 intercepts of the guide should line up with those on the ipad guide

Ipad guide found in figma file or this image - export into Ipad and align using photos app
Premiere pro settings (for 4k video resolution)

Colour grading Temperature - cooler (depends on lighting condition)

exposure 0.3 (-3 for transition frames that indicate next
contrast 32.6 or 27.8 (depends on video)
shadows 41.3 (-30 for balck bg)
whites 5.4
black -4.3

Caption opacity 42%

Border 54
round edge 20
Size 70 (bold)
Aligns with midpoint between ipads right and right edge
Title Font size 85
Colour is #000000 (black) with 75% opacity or #ffffff
Aligns at midpoint between top edge of video and top
edge of ipad

Timeline “At this section” text

colour is 94908F
Shadow opacity 75%
Angle 135deg
Distance 4
blur 20

“Un-highlighted, to come” text

White #ffffff
30% capacity

Circle size 40x40 with 500 roundedness
Circle position (215 ,y depends on which circle +380)

Ring is 85x85 with 500 roundedness

Stroke 8
Ring position (215, corresponding height with circle it is
highlighting +380)

Line position (215, corresponding height with circle it is

When going from one point to another, crossfade

blur frame gaussian blur 70%

frame exposure -3

UI gaussian blur 23%

Red graphic highlight Stroke 10

Rounded corners (depends on UI, but usually 10 for
rectangular shaped parts)

music Just copy and paste from the tutorial videos, because
some parts (aka the intro) are edited out and the clips
are already cut so that when you copy and paste its one
seamless loop

Exponential fade in and out

Branding Augmentus horizontal white watermark on top right hand


Scale 20%, Position 3330, 185

Logo animation at the end of the video
- Create white rectangle for background
- Cross dissolve into white background
- Logo animation will start ~5 ms later
- Cross dissolve the logo at the end
- Do not do cross dissolve the white background
(box from logo animation will appear - because
- Watermark does NOT appear during logo

Timestamp Title word “timestamp” bold size 85

Actual timestamps not bold size 70

00:00 word
(between the time and the word is 4 spaces)

Timestamp to be shown for 5s

Fonr: roboto for all

Troubleshooting when editing

problems solutions

There’s dust on the white surface, how do i Gaussian blur the frame to 100% and use a
edit it out? mask. If there’s a harsh line because of
lighting, drop the blur % to maybe 70
If you drop it and the dust is still there, just
layer the number of masks with the same %

Usually does the trick but the lighting has to

be consistent in the background

I don’t have a still frame but I don’t want to Cut the frame where it looks the most still
slow the video down as there’s moving (usually 00:00:00:01 of a clip), then copy and
objects paste it multiple times and group the whole
section (so you dont have to keep selecting
all the frames)

The video should play like its just a photo

● Match Source - Adaptive High Bitrate
● H264
● Entire Source

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