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Korina Kyra C.

Canta PSY120-1/CON02
2018169926 February 17, 2023

Social Psychology
Social Skills Online Assessment

Figure 1. Snapshot Report of my Social Skills Online Assessment from Psychology Today.

What is your personality type? How sociable are you? Most people tend to ask these

questions to those whom they have just met. The majority would answer them according to Carl

Jung’s personality theory, which could also be referred to as the theory of introversion and

extraversion (Evans, 2021). Others would base their personality type and sociability according to

their results on the 16 Personalities (MBTI) assessment.

Throughout the years, I have never really considered taking a social skills assessment,

mostly because I felt satisfied with the other personality and behavioral assessments I have taken

in the past. However, answering this assessment has been such an experience. I found it rather

intriguing how this assessment was carried out. Unfortunately, I cannot read a more detailed
analysis of my results. Based on my Snapshot Report, I scored 68 out of 100 in my online social

skills assessment posted by Psychology Today. From that score, I would say that my social skills

are relatively higher than the possible average score (50 out of 100). This shows that I may have

intermediate skills in socializing with others, depending on the situation. This also means that

there are cases when I may lose confidence along the way, especially in the beginning.

Comparing the Snapshot report of the online social skills assessment, I could say that the

result resonates with how I act in front of strangers or those whom I am not overly familiar with

(e.g., classmates that I only engage with during class hours or when we “have” to communicate

due to a common class, assignment, or group tasks). I believe that I am quite sociable with those

I am comfortable with, and I can engage with them soundly. But since I am unfamiliar with

whom I may be interacting with, I tend to be more conscious about my actions. I believe that I

should try to step out of my comfort zone so that I may be able to accommodate others and

improve my social skills. I think that as a future psychologist or therapist, this is important so

that I will be able to cater to my clients better.


Evans, O.G. (2021, February 9). Introvert and Extrovert Personality Traits. Simply Psychology.

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