UN (Global Governance)

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UN (global governance)

● What is global governance

A deliberate order that governs behavior for the benefit of all is known as global
governance and is created via institutions, procedures, conventions, formal agreements, and
unofficial means. Activities in the public and private sectors that cross international,
transnational, and regional boundaries are included in the concept of global governance.

● Importance of global governance

The goal of global governance, roughly defined, is to provide global public goods, particularly
peace and security, justice and mediation systems for conflict, functioning markets and unified
standards for trade and industry.

● Un (description) why and how it happened

Representatives from 26 countries at war with the Axis powers gathered in Washington
on January 1, 1942, to sign the Declaration of the United Nations adopting the Atlantic
Charter. They pledged to devote all of their resources to defeat the Axis and to forgo
making a separate peace. Following World War II in an effort to preserve global peace
and security and establish international collaboration on issues of the economy, society,
and humanitarian aid. Its predecessor was the League of Nations, a group formed in a
similar setting after World War I.

In a covert meeting in August 1941, Franklin D. Roosevelt and Winston Churchill
explored the prospect of launching a worldwide peace effort. They created a document
known as the Atlantic Charter, which set down the ideal objectives of war and prepared
the path for the creation of the U.N.

● What role does the UN play in global governance?

The primary role of the United Nations in global economic governance is as a political
forum for dialogue concerning the major issues on the global economic agenda and as
an integrator of the different perspectives on the economic, social and environmental
pillars of sustainable development.

● Contribution of un in global governance

● The 4 Cs of Global Governance Model
● Advantages and disadvantages of Global Governance
- https://getrevising.co.uk/grids/global-governanceintervention
● Issues in the UN


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