LM-1 Tubeo, Lush Ishi E. (BSN-1D)

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TUBEO Date Accomplished: February 15, 2022

Program/Year/Section: BSN/1/D Student ID Number: 2021-01520

Post Test

A. Identification - Directions: Identify the correct answer on the statement being asked
28 to 30 inches long 1. Standard length of Arnis sticks for high school to college.
24 inches long 2. Standard length of Arnis sticks for elementary.
One inch 3. Arnis stick’s diameter.
White 4. T-shirt’s color of Arnis uniform.
Red 5. Pants’ color of Arnis uniform.

B. True or False - Directions: Below are statements about benefits of learning Arnis
including Arnis’ code of conduct. Read each of the statement below and identify which
are true and which are false. Write T if the statement is true and F if false.
_____T_____6. It promotes a sense of nationalism and pride as a Filipino.
_____F_____7. Flexibility is decreased
_____F_____8. Most of the techniques require strength or power.
_____T_____9. It complements and enhances any martial art.
_____T_____10. It is a great way to meet people.

Some words or terminologies in Arnis may be new to you, that’s why as for your last task for this
module, have some time to search for the terminologies listed below and look for their meaning. This
assignment will help you to be introduced to the next module for your better understanding of the
unfamiliar terms.

Abanico - striking techniques which consist of moving the stick in front of the body in a fanning-like
movement, hence the term “abanico” which is a Spanish word for fan.
Patama – Oncoming strike to the attacking limb
Largo – Long distance
Saludo – Salutation
Pangagaw – Referring to disarming techniques
Sangga – To block.
Pangandam – On guard or ready. Handa in Tagalog.
Sinawali – Lit. “to weave,” connoting the continuous weaving motion that one uses with two batons,
knives, or hands to couple simultaneous strikes and blocks. Also, like redonda or hubud- lubud, a drill
Panukad – Stance. Tayo in Tagalog.
Sungkiti – represents the deadly thrusting techniques that can devastate an opponent.

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