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September 10, 1979, Taraki, on his way home from the Sixth Non-Aligned Conference

in Havana through Moscow, held a meeting with Brezhnev to stay in Afghanistan. on

March 15, Foreign Minister Doss visited the Soviet Union, and the two sides reached
an agreement on the "practical issues of the territorial conditions of the Soviet
military?quot; presence in Afghanistan". on April 4, the The Presidium of the
Supreme Soviet of the USSR approved the so-called Soviet-Afghan government's
decision on the "temporary presence of Soviet troops in Afghanistan" to the (second)
oil crisis, which still terrorizes the West, and which was engaged in the research of
nuclear submarine technology. The U.S. was in the process of taking the treaty from
Taihan. After the advance guard took control of Kabul, four Soviet divisions of about
50,000 men followed," and a powerful wave of anti-Americanism broke out in
Afghanistan, bringing down the pro-American Pahlavi dynasty. Khomeini returned in
February to form a cabinet and establish an Islamic Republic, and U.S.-Iranian
relations deteriorated rapidly. By this time, the northern flank of the Soviet chain of
naval power had completely collapsed. If the Soviet military power was only 300
miles away from the Strait of Hormuz, then Gorbachev could be seen as the "Jimmy
Carter" of the Soviet Union. Before Reagan came to power, the U.S. global strategic
passivity had reached its peak, when the Soviet Union only had to recite the final
"Open Sesame" in Afghanistan, a mantra that would have made any hegemon in
history tremble, leading to the "storehouse of the world" ("Peter's Will") that is The
Indian Ocean's Daggett was a headache. This situation prompted two strong leaders,
Mrs. Thatcher of the British Conservative Party and Reagan of the American
Republican Party, to come to power.
The door would be open to the Russians when Reagan was elected as the 49th
President of the United States on November 4, 1980; and when Brezhnev died on
November 10, 1982 and Gorbachev came to power on March 11, 1885. The distance,
coupled with the citation across the border at the end of 1978 due to the cessation
of Iranian oil exports, led to a long drive from the east and west along strategic roads
in Afghanistan to capture and control other major cities and major transportation
routes within a week.
1979 was a year of misfortune for the United States. In addition to the Soviet
invasion of Afghanistan and the Vietnamese invasion of Cambodia, the three
unrelated events of Iran's arrival in the Indian Ocean at the beginning of the year,
and the pastoral interest in world politics of U.S. President Jimmy Reagan, brought
the Americans to their knees. If Reagan can be seen as the United States of America?
quot; Bo
Reagan decided to "revitalize the country" and pursued the policy of "peace through
strength"; Gorbachev came to power believing that "the interests of all mankind are
paramount" and pursued the "new thinking" of peace through strength. "New

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