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Detailed Lesson Plan in

MAPEH/ Health for Grade 1

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the pupils will be able to:

Describe and appreciate the practices for the healthy home

II. Subject Matter

Topic : Discuss how to keep water at home clean.

References : Mapeh Teacher’s Guide, M1FH III-3
Materials : Video, PPT, and instructional materials.
Values Infusion : Carefulness in using water

III. Procedure
Teacher’s activity Learner’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities
a. Prayer
Everybody stand for the prayer. The pupils bow their heads for the
Requesting the leader to lead the prayer.
Our Father….
b. Greetings
Good Morning Class! Good morning Sir Dell!
Good morning classmates!
How are you today? We are good Sir
Wow! That’s good to know.

c. Checking of Attendance
Class, who is absent today? Nobody is absent Sir, everyone is

d. Checking of Assignments
Okay, please pass your (All learners are passing their
assignment in front. 1,2,3,4..10 assignment in front)

e. Drill
Class, I have here some flask Yes, sir
cards. I want all of you to read
each word. Are you ready?
Water Water
Clean Clean

Very good!

f. Review:
What was our lesson Our lesson yesterday was all about
yesterday? healthful.

Very good!
What are the example of Vegetables and fruits
healthy foods?


How about unhealthy foods? Burger and pizza Sir

Very good!

A. Developmental Activities

a. Motivation
Class I will show you a video. (all learners are watching the video)

What have you observed in the They are washing their hands before
video? eating and they drink water.

What kind of water do they They’re using clean water in washing
used. Is it clean or dirty? their hands.

Very good!

b. Presentation
Showing a picture

Class, what do you see in the Clean water and dirty water sir.

Very good

c. Discussion
Water is the most essential
thing in life. We get food from
plants and plants grow in the
presence of water.
We need water for drinking and
all things around us.
How about you at home. Do you
used and drink clean water? Yes, sir

That’s good class!

To avoid the stock of dirty water

at home. We need to cover all
the containers or bottle that
have water so that it’s still clean
and safe to be use.

Do you cover your bottle or Yes, sir

container at home?
That’s good!
Just like in the picture above The containers have covered sir.
what have you observed?
Yes, correct!

What about this picture? The containers are open sir.

Yes, it is open. What else? It has no cover.

Very good!
So what will happen? Mosquito will live.
If water will not be clean there
will be no life on this Earth

Benefits of water
Give us life
Give us good health
Clean water helps us.

So now, I will read a short


“Water for you and Me”

Water for you and me
Water for you and me
Water for the trees
Water for the birds
Water for the bees

Just like us, the plant and

animals are also need clean
water like
Human and etc.

Always remember
Cover the container that have
stock water so that it will remain
Is it clear, class? Yes Sir

d. Group Activity

Now, let us have a group activity

with the groups that I assigned to
you a while ago (3 groups).
Present your work in front.
Choose your leader, I will give
you 4 minutes to answer.

Before we start our activity, let us know

first some standards to follow:

1. Read and understand the directions

2. Respect each other.
3. Participate in the activity.
1. Read and understand the
Group 1 2. Respect each other.
Put a square ( ) if the picture 3. Participate in the activity.
shows that they use clean water in a
container and Circle (O) if it is not.
Pupils do their activity.





Group 2

Find out which of the two picture

are using clean water in a container.
Write the letter of the correct answer.
Pupils do their activity.






A. A.

Group 3
Put a square ( ) if the picture
shows that they use clean water for
drinking and Circle (O) if it is not.

1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.


The leader of the group will

report in front

IV. Generalization
What have you learned today?

Yes, Daisy

Very good

V. Application
Get one whole paper and write the
correct answer.

Draw a circle (O) if the statement I learned how to keep water at home
tells about using clean water. X if it clean.

_____1. Use clean water to drink.

_____2. You can get clean water in a
covered container.
_____3. it is safe to use the stocked
water in a container that has no cover.
_____4. leave container uncovered.
Are you now ready for your quiz

Okay paper and pencils up! (All learners are raising)

VI. Evaluation
1. For your quiz write this on your
paper. Put Check (✔) if the pictures
shows clean water and x if it is not.

1. 1. X

2. 2. X

3. 3. ✔

4. 4. ✔

VII. Assignment
Copy your assignment on page 4 (All learners are copying their
on your book. Read the direction assignment)
carefully and write your answer on
your health notebook.

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