Revision Worksheet-Teeth and Microbes

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14/01/2022, 16:51 Teeth and Microbes

Teeth and Microbes
30 Questions DATE  : 

1. You have ___ kinds of teeth

A 8 B 4

C 2 D 7

2. By the time a child is three years old, he or she usually has ____ teeth

A 89 B 39

C 20 D 15

3. An adult has ___ teeth

A 23 B 43

C 32 D 12

4. What is the other name of incisors?

A (Cutting Teeth) B (Tearing Teeth)

C (Crushing Teeth D (Grinding Teeth)

5. What is the other name of canines?

A (Cutting Teeth) B (Tearing Teeth)

C (Crushing Teeth) D (Grinding Teeth)

6. What is the other name of premolars

A (Cutting Teeth) B (Tearing Teeth)

C (Crushing Teeth) D (Grinding Teeth) 1/4
14/01/2022, 16:51 Teeth and Microbes

7. What is the other name of molars

A (Cutting Teeth) B (Tearing Teeth)

C (Crushing Teeth) D (Grinding Teeth)

8. The part of the tooth that can be seen above the gum is called the _________.

A pulp B dentine

C crown D enamal

9. The outer layer of the crown is made of a substance called __________.

A dentine B water

C flour D enamel

10. Beneath the enamel is a layer of _________.

A germs B water

C gum D dentine

11. When you eat, small bits of food get stuck between your teeth.If these bits of food are not
removed, small living things called _______ starts growing on them.

A snails B ants

C germs D plants

12. Germs produce substances called ________ which harm the enamel.

A pulp B saliva

C cavities D acids

13. Wash your mouth after every meal.

A True B False

14. Don't brush your teeth twice a day

A True B False

15. Avoid eating fruits and vegetables

A True B False 2/4
14/01/2022, 16:51 Teeth and Microbes

16. Avoid fizzy drinks because they have acids in them

A True B False

17. Drink plenty of milk and eat eggs and green leafy vegetables.

A True B False

18. There are millions of big non things in the air, in water, in soil, and even inside your body

A True B False

19. Some microbes are useful to us, whereas some are harmful

A True B False

20. Disease-causing microbes are called acids.

A True B False

21. Bacteria, Fungi, Protozoa, and Viruses are the four kinds of microbes

A True B False

22. Bacteria are found everywhere.They are the most common living things on Earth.They are
of different shapes

A True B False

23. Harmful bacteria cause diseases such as typhoid and food poising.They also cause tooth

A True B False

24. Protozoa live in wet places and in the bodies of plants and animals.Some of these cause
diseases like malaria

A True B False

25. Viruses are the ________ of all.

A hugest B biggest

C tinniest D smallest 3/4
14/01/2022, 16:51 Teeth and Microbes

26. Viruses cause diseases like the ______________________.

common cold, influenza, measles, mumps rare cold, acids, bacteria, microbes and
and polio corona

C none of these D all of these

27. Fungi grow on _______ and __________ material.

A alive and smelly B dead and rotting

C juicy and poisonous D bacteria and microbes

28. Fungi cause skin problems such as ringworm and dandruff.

A True B False

29. The sharp and pointed teeth in your mouth is called __________.

A incisors B canines

C premolars D molars

30. Your teeth are located in the ___________.

A small intestine B stomach

C mouth D large intestine 4/4

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