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Love. What is love? Love is the reason we live. For people, Love is
the strongest emotion in the world. And Love. It’s the reason we
live. But Love can be the most painful emotion too. Love happens
anytime. When we are born, our soulmate and destiny is already
made and it is waiting for us. How do you know you love
someone? You forget your brain and listen to your heart. And
why do always the nice people choose the wrong people to date?
The answer is because we accept the love we always deserve. We
carve for love. At some point in life, our heart begs for love it
thinks it deserves when it deserves so much more. In life, Love is
the one and only reason to live. The reason we are born in this
world is so that we can love. Love the people we care about and
get love back from them. There is no other reason. Not studies.
Not jobs. Not education or “Being a lawyer or a scientist”. It is
so that we can love and protect our love ones. So that we can
change the world with love into a better place for the good on this
planet. True love is not real unless it is returned. If we cease to
believe in love, why would we want to live? To live is to love. In
life, just imagine never feeling love or loving anyone. We would
feel empty. We would feel nothing. Just emptiness. Love can do a
lot of things. It can change evil to good. It can heal people. It can
make us smile. It makes us bond to one another. It can make a
broken person feel hope for life. Love is passion. Love is when you
love someone madly. Someone you have fallen head over heels for.
Love is our existence. If love didn’t exist, we wouldn’t be alive.
How does it feel like to love someone? It is when you care about
someone and wanting them to have everything they want, no
matter how much it destroys you. And when you love someone,
you just don’t stop. Ever. Even if people roll their eyes or call you
crazy, even then. You just don’t give up because if You could
give up, if you could just take the whole worlds advice and move
on and find someone else, that wouldn’t be love. That would be
some disposable thing that Is not worth fighting for. So, I want
you to promise me something. If you love someone, you say it to
them. And you say it out loud. And what happens next, don’t not
worry about it. Just cherish ever second of your love. Love is
Priceless. Love is not just a simple word. It is so much more. So,
in life, when you fall in love with someone, you tell them. If you
don’t, then you will never know if they love you back. And when
you are in love with each other, cherish that love. Love happens
any time. But love can perish and go away in a second. So,
cherish every lovely moment with the people you love. You never
know. The next day, they might go away for good. Then you will
regret not loving them while they were there, next to you. Love is
magical and precious. Cherish it. Love is what we live for.

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