Functions With MS

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functions [217 marks]

The diagram shows the graph of the quadratic function f(x) = ax2 + bx + c ,
with vertex (−2, 10).

The equation f(x) = k has two solutions. One of these solutions is x = 2.

1a. Write down the other solution of f(x) = k. [2 marks]

* This question is from an exam for a previous syllabus, and may contain
minor differences in marking or structure.
(x =) (−2)−4 OR (x =) (−2)−(2 −(−2)) (M1)

Note: Award (M1) for correct calculation of the left symmetrical point.

(x =) − 6 (A1) (C2)

[2 marks]
1b. Complete the table below placing a tick (✔) to show whether the [2 marks]
unknown parameters a and b are positive, zero or negative. The row for
c has been completed as an example.

(A1)(A1) (C2)

Note: Award (A1) for each correct row.

[2 marks]

1c. State the values of x for which f(x) is decreasing. [2 marks]

x > −2 OR x ≥ −2 (A1)(A1) (C2)

Note: Award (A1) for −2 seen as part of an inequality, (A1) for completely
correct notation. Award (A1)(A1) for correct equivalent statement in words,
for example “decreasing when x is greater than negative 2”.

[2 marks]

A(−9, − 1) M(−3, 2) C
The diagram shows the straight line L1 . Points A(−9, − 1), M(−3, 2) and C are
points on L1 .

2a. Find the gradient of L1 . [2 marks]

2− ( −1 )
−3− ( −9 )
Note: Award (M1) for correct substitution into the gradient formula.
= 2 ( 36 , 0. 5) (A1)(G2)
[2 marks]

M is the midpoint of AC.

2b. Find the coordinates of point C. [2 marks]

−9+x −1+y
−3 = 2 (−6 + 9 = x) and 2 = 2 (4 + 1 = y) (M1)
Note: Award (M1) for correct substitution into the midpoint formula for both


Note: Award (M1) for a sketch showing the horizontal displacement from M
to C is 6 and the vertical displacement is 3 and the coordinates at M.
−3 + 6 = 3 and 2 + 3 = 5 (M1)
Note: Award (M1) for correct equations seen.
(3, 5) (A1)(G1)(G1)
Note: Accept x = 3, y = 5. Award at most (M1)(A0) or (G1)(G0) if
parentheses are missing.
[2 marks]

Line L2 is perpendicular to L1 and passes through point M.

2c. Find the equation of L2 . Give your answer in the form ax + by + d = 0 [3 marks]
, where a, b, d ∈ Z.
gradient of the normal = −2 (A1)(ft)
Note: Follow through from their gradient from part (a).
y − 2 = −2(x + 3) OR 2 = −2(−3)+c (M1)
Note: Award (M1) for correct substitution of M and their gradient of normal
into straight line formula.
2x + y + 4 = 0 (accept integer multiples) (A1)(ft)(G3)
[3 marks]

The point N(k, 4) is on L2 .

2d. Find the value of k. [2 marks]

2(k)+4 + 4 = 0 (M1)
Note: Award (M1) for substitution of y = 4 into their equation of normal line
or substitution of M and (k, 4) into equation of gradient of normal.
k = −4 (A1)(ft)(G2)
Note: Follow through from part (c).
[2 marks]

2e. Find the distance between points M and N. [2 marks]

√(−4 + 3)2 + (4 − 2)2 (M1)

Note: Award (M1) for correctly substituting point M and their N into distance
√5 (2. 24, 2. 23606 …) (A1)(ft)
Note: Follow through from part (d).
[2 marks]
2f. Given that the length of AM is √45, find the area of triangle ANC. [2 marks]

2 ×(2 × √45)×√5 (M1)

Note: Award (M1) for their correct substitution into area of a triangle formula.
Award (M0) for their 12 ×(√45)×√5 without any evidence of multiplication
by 2 to find length AC. Accept any other correct method to find the area.
15 (A1)(ft)(G2)
Note: Accept 15. 02637 … from use of a 3 sf value for √5. Follow through
from part (e).
[2 marks]

The following diagram shows part of the graph of f with x-intercept (5, 0) and y-
intercept (0, 8).

3a. Find the y-intercept of the graph of f (x) + 3. [1 mark]

y-intercept is 11 (accept (0, 11) ) A1 N1
[1 mark]

(4 )
3b. Find the y-intercept of the graph of f (4x). [2 marks]

valid approach (M1)
eg f (4 × 0) = f (0), recognizing stretch of 14 in x-direction
y-intercept is 8 (accept (0, 8) ) A1 N2
[2 marks]

3c. Find the x-intercept of the graph of f (2x). [2 marks]

x-intercept is 2 (= 2.5) (accept ( 52 , 0) or (2.5, 0) ) A2 N2
[2 marks]

3d. Describe the transformation f (x + 1). [2 marks]

correct name, correct magnitude and direction A1A1 N2
eg name: translation, (horizontal) shift (do not accept move)
eg magnitude and direction: 1 unit to the left, ( ), horizontal by –1
[2 marks]

Let f (x) = 2 sin (3x) + 4 for x ∈ R.

4a. The range of f is k ≤ f (x) ≤ m. Find k and m. [3 marks]

* This question is from an exam for a previous syllabus, and may contain
minor differences in marking or structure.
valid attempt to find range (M1)

eg , max = 6 min = 2,

2 sin (3 × π6 ) + 4 and 2 sin (3 × π2 ) + 4 , 2 (1) + 4 and 2 (−1) + 4,

k = 2, m = 6 A1A1 N3
[3 marks]

Let g (x) = 5f (2x).

4b. Find the range of g . [2 marks]

10 ≤ y ≤ 30 A2 N2
[2 marks]

The function g can be written in the form g (x) = 10 sin (bx) + c.

4c. Find the value of b and of c. [3 marks]

evidence of substitution (may be seen in part (b)) (M1)
eg 5 (2 sin (3 (2x)) + 4) , 3 (2x)
b = 6, c = 20 (accept 10 sin (6x) + 20 ) A1A1 N3
Note: If no working shown, award N2 for one correct value.
[3 marks]
4d. Find the period of g . [2 marks]

correct working (A1)

2π π
(= 3
), 1.05 A1 N2
[2 marks]

4e. The equation g (x) = 12 has two solutions where π ≤ x ≤ 3
. Find both [3 marks]

valid approach (M1)

eg ,

sin−1 (− 10 ) , 6x = −0.927, − 0.154549, x = 0.678147
Note: Award M1 for any correct value for x or 6x which lies outside the
domain of f .
3.81974, 4.03424
x = 3.82, x = 4.03 (do not accept answers in degrees) A1A1 N3
[3 marks]

Professor Vinculum investigated the migration season of the Bulbul bird from their
natural wetlands to a warmer climate.
He found that during the migration season their population, P could be modelled
by P = 1350 + 400(1.25) , t ≥ 0 , where t is the number of days since the start
of the migration season.

5a. Find the population of the Bulbul birds at the start of the migration [1 mark]
1750 A1
[1 mark]

5b. Find the population of the Bulbul birds after 5 days. [2 marks]

1350 + 400(1.25)−5 (M1)
= 1480 A1
Note: Accept 1481.
[2 marks]

5c. Calculate the time taken for the population to decrease below 1400. [2 marks]

1400 = 1350 + 400(1.25)−t (M1)
9.32 (days (9.31885…) (days)) A1
[2 marks]

5d. According to this model, find the smallest possible population of Bulbul [1 mark]
birds during the migration season.

1350 A1
Note: Accept 1351 as a valid interpretation of the model as P = 1350 is an
[1 mark]
The intensity level of sound, L measured in decibels (dB), is a function of the
sound intensity, S watts per square metre (W m −2). The intensity level is given by
the following formula.
L = 10 log10 (S × 1012 ), S ≥ 0.

6a. An orchestra has a sound intensity of 6.4 × 10−3 W m −2 . Calculate the [2 marks]
intensity level, L of the orchestra.

10 log10 (6.4 × 10−3 × 1012 ) (M1)
= 98.1(dB) (98.06179…) A1
[2 marks]

6b. A rock concert has an intensity level of 112 dB. Find the sound intensity, [2 marks]

112 = 10 log10 (S × 1012 ) (M1)
0.158 (W m−2) (0.158489… (W m−2)) A1
[2 marks]

7. The rate, A, of a chemical reaction at a fixed temperature is related to [6 marks]

the concentration of two compounds, B and C, by the equation
A = kBx C y , where x, y, k ∈ R.
A scientist measures the three variables three times during the reaction and
obtains the following values.

Find x, y and k.
log A = x log B + y log C + log k (M1)
log 5.74 = x log 2.1 + y log 3.4 + log k
log 2.88 = x log 1.5 + y log 2.4 + log k
log 0.980 = x log 0.8 + y log 1.9 + log k M1A1
Note: Allow any consistent base, allow numerical equivalents.
attempting to solve their system of equations (M1)
x = 1.53, y = 0.505 A1
k = 0.997 A1
[6 marks]

The braking distance of a vehicle is defined as the distance travelled from where
the brakes are applied to the point where the vehicle comes to a complete stop.
The speed, s m s−1 , and braking distance, d m , of a truck were recorded. This
information is summarized in the following table.

This information was used to create Model A, where d is a function of s, s ≥ 0.

Model A: d (s) = ps2 + qs, where p, q ∈ Z
At a speed of 6 m s−1 , Model A can be represented by the equation 6p + q = 2.

8a. Write down a second equation to represent Model A, when the speed is [2 marks]
10 m s−1 .

p(10)2 + q (10) = 60 M1
10p + q = 6 (100p + 10q = 60) A1
[2 marks]

8b. Find the values of p and q. [2 marks]

p = 1, q = −4 A1A1
Note: If p and q are both incorrect then award M1A0 for an attempt to solve
simultaneous equations.
[2 marks]

8c. Find the coordinates of the vertex of the graph of y = d (s). [2 marks]

(2, −4) A1A1
Note: Award A1 for each correct coordinate.
Award A0A1 if parentheses are missing.
[2 marks]

8d. Using the values in the table and your answer to part (b), sketch the [3 marks]
graph of y = d (s) for 0 ≤ s ≤ 10 and −10 ≤ d ≤ 60, clearly showing the


Note: Award A1 for smooth quadratic curve on labelled axes and within
correct window.
Award A1 for the curve passing through (0, 0) and (10, 60). Award A1 for
the curve passing through their vertex. Follow through from part (b).
[3 marks]

8e. Hence, identify why Model A may not be appropriate at lower speeds. [1 mark]

the graph indicates there are negative stopping distances (for low speeds)
Note: Award R1 for identifying that a feature of their graph results in
negative stopping distances (vertex, range of stopping distances…).
[1 mark]
Additional data was used to create Model B, a revised model for the braking
distance of a truck.
Model B: d (s) = 0.95s2 − 3.92s

8f. Use Model B to calculate an estimate for the braking distance at a speed [2 marks]
of 20 m s−1 .

0.95 × 202 − 3.92 × 20 (M1)
= 302 (m) (301.6 …) A1
[2 marks]

The actual braking distance at 20 m s−1 is 320 m.

8g. Calculate the percentage error in the estimate in part (e). [2 marks]

∣∣ 301.6−320 ∣∣ × 100 M1
= 5.75 (%) A1
[2 marks]

8h. It is found that once a driver realizes the need to stop their vehicle, 1.6 [3 marks]
seconds will elapse, on average, before the brakes are engaged. During
this reaction time, the vehicle will continue to travel at its original speed.
A truck approaches an intersection with speed s m s−1 . The driver notices the
intersection’s traffic lights are red and they must stop the vehicle within a
distance of 330 m.

Using model B and taking reaction time into account, calculate the maximum
possible speed of the truck if it is to stop before the intersection.
330 = 1.6 × s + 0.95 × s2 − 3.92 × s M1A1
Note: Award M1 for an attempt to find an expression including
stopping distance (model B) and reaction distance, equated to 330. Award A1
for a completely correct equation.
19.9 (m s−1 ) (19.8988 …) A1
[3 marks]

The volume, V  cm3, of water in a vase depends on its height, h cm. The volume of
water in a particular vase can be modeled by
80 sin2 h8 ,0 ⩽ h < 12
V ={ h−12 , where a ∈ R.
ae 15 ,12 ⩽ h ⩽ 30

9a. Find the value of a . [3 marks]

Recognize need for continuity M1
80 sin2 12
= 79.6 A1

(ae0 = 79.6 ⇒) a = 79.6 A1

[3 marks]

9b. Find the maximum volume of water that can be poured into the vase. [2 marks]

79.6e 15 = 264 cm3 M1A1
[2 marks]

9c. 70 cm3 of water is poured into the empty vase at a constant rate of 10  [5 marks]
cm3 s–1.
Find the time at which the rate of change of height is least.
from part (a), 0 ⩽ h < 12 (because 70 < 79.6.) R1
dh dh dV
= dV
× dt
dh 10
= dV

sketch graph of 10
to find minimum, or sketch dV to find maximum M1

time for least value of dh = 6.28 seconds A1

[5 marks]

It is believed that two variables, m and p are related. Experimental values of m

and p are obtained. A graph of ln m against p shows a straight line passing
through (2.1, 7.3) and (5.6, 2.4).

10a. Find the equation of the straight line, giving your answer in the form [3 marks]
ln m = ap + b, where a, b ∈ R.

gradient = −1.4 A1
ln m − 7.3 = −1.4 (p − 2.1) M1
ln m = −1.4p + 10.24 A1
[3 marks]

Hence, find

10b. a formula for m in terms of p. [1 mark]

m = e−1.4p+10.24 (= 28000e−1.4p ) A1
[1 mark]

10c. the value of m when p = 0. [1 mark]

28000 A1
[1 mark]

11. It is believed that two variables, v and w are related by the equation [7 marks]
v = kw , where k, n ∈ R. Experimental values of v and w are obtained.
A graph of ln v against ln w shows a straight line passing through (−1.7, 4.3) and
(7.1, 17.5).
Find the value of k and of n.

ln v = n ln w + ln k M1A1
gradient = 7.1+1.7 (= 1.5) M1

n = 1.5 A1
y-intercept = 1.5 × 1.7 + 4.3 (= 6.85) M1
k = e6.85 = 944 M1A1
[7 marks]

Adesh wants to model the cooling of a metal rod. He heats the rod and records its
temperature as it cools.

He believes the temperature can be modeled by T (t) = aebt + 25, where

a, b ∈ R.

12a. Show that ln (T − 25) = bt + ln a. [2 marks]

ln (T − 25) = ln (aebt ) M1

ln (T − 25) = ln a + ln (ebt ) A1
ln (T − 25) = bt + ln a AG
[2 marks]

12b. Find the equation of the regression line of ln (T − 25) on t. [3 marks]

ln (T − 25) = −0.00870t + 3.89 M1A1A1
[3 marks]


12c. find the value of a and of b. [3 marks]

b = −0.00870 A1
a = e3.89... = 49.1 M1A1
[3 marks]

12d. predict the temperature of the metal rod after 3 minutes. [2 marks]

T (180) = 49.1e−0.00870(180) + 25 = 35.2 M1A1
[2 marks]
Urvashi wants to model the height of a moving object. She collects the following
data showing the height, h metres, of the object at time t seconds.

She believes the height can be modeled by a quadratic function,

h (t) = at2 + bt + c, where a, b, c ∈ R.

13a. Show that 4a + 2b + c = 34. [1 mark]

t = 2, h = 34 ⇒ 34 = a22 + 2b + c M1
⇒ 34 = 4a + 2b + c AG
[1 mark]

13b. Write down two more equations for a , b and c. [3 marks]

attempt to substitute either (5, 38) or (7, 24) M1
25a + 5b + c = 38 A1
49a + 7b + c = 24 A1
[3 marks]

13c. Solve this system of three equations to find the value of a , b and c. [4 marks]

a = − 53 , b = 13, c = 44
[3 marks]

Hence find

13d. when the height of the object is zero. [3 marks]

− 53 t2 + 13t + 44
=0 M1
t = 8.8 seconds M1A1
[3 marks]

13e. the maximum height of the object. [2 marks]

attempt to find maximum height, e.g. sketch of graph M1
h = 40.0 metres A1
[2 marks]

Beth goes for a run. She uses a fitness app to record her distance, s km, and time,
t minutes. A graph of her distance against time is shown.

Beth runs at a constant speed of 2.3 ms–1 for the first 8 minutes.

14a. Calculate her distance after 8 minutes. Give your answer in km, correct [2 marks]
to 3 decimal places.
= 1.104 M1A1
[2 marks]

Between 8 and 20 minutes, her distance can be modeled by a cubic function,

s = at3 + bt2 + ct + d. She reads the following data from her app.

14b. Find the value of a , b, c and d. [5 marks]

either using a cubic regression or solving a system of 4 equations M1
a = −0.00364, b = 0.150, c = −1.67, d = 6.72 A1A1A1A1
[5 marks]

Hence find

14c. the distance she runs in 20 minutes. [2 marks]

s (20) = 4.21 km (Note: Condone s (20) = 4.2 km obtained from using
rounded values.) M1A1
[2 marks]

14d. her maximum speed, in ms –1. [4 marks]

EITHER finding maximum of ds OR solving d s2 =0 M1
dt dt
maximum speed = 0.390… km per minute A1
maximum speed = 6.51 ms–1 M1A1
[4 marks]

This question explores methods to determine the area bounded by an unknown

The curve y = f (x) is shown in the graph, for 0 ⩽ x ⩽ 4.4.

The curve y = f (x) passes through the following points.

It is required to find the area bounded by the curve, the x-axis, the y-axis and the
line x = 4.4 .

15a. Use the trapezoidal rule to find an estimate for the area. [3 marks]

Area = 2 (2 + 2 (5 + 15 + 47) + 148) M1A1
Area = 156 units2 A1
[3 marks]
15b. With reference to the shape of the graph, explain whether your answer [2 marks]
to part (a)(i) will be an over-estimate or an underestimate of the area.

The graph is concave up, R1
so the trapezoidal rule will give an overestimate. A1
[2 marks]

One possible model for the curve y = f (x) is a cubic function.

15c. Use all the coordinates in the table to find the equation of the least [3 marks]
squares cubic regression curve.

f (x) = 3.88x3 − 12.8x2 + 14.1x + 1.54 M1A2
[3 marks]

15d. Write down the coefficient of determination. [1 mark]

R2 = 0.999 A1
[1 mark]

15e. Write down an expression for the area enclosed by the cubic function, [2 marks]
the x-axis, the y-axis and the line x = 4.4 .


Area = 0 (3.88x3 − 12.8x2 + 14.1x + 1.54) dx A1A1
[2 marks]
15f. Find the value of this area. [2 marks]

Area = 145 units2 (Condone 143–145 units2, using rounded values.) A2
[2 marks]

A second possible model for the curve y = f (x) is an exponential function,

y = peqx , where p, q ∈ R.

15g. Show that ln y = qx + ln p. [2 marks]

ln y = ln (peqx ) M1
ln y = ln p + ln (eqx ) A1
ln y = qx + ln p AG
[2 marks]

15h. Hence explain how a straight line graph could be drawn using the [1 mark]
coordinates in the table.

Plot ln y against p. R1
[1 mark]

15i. By finding the equation of a suitable regression line, show that p = 1.83 [5 marks]
and q = 0.986.
Regression line is ln y = 0.986x + 0.602 M1A1
So q = gradient = 0.986 R1
p = e0.602 = 1.83 M1A1
[5 marks]

15j. Hence find the area enclosed by the exponential function, the x-axis, the [2 marks]
y-axis and the line x = 4.4.


Area = 0 1.83e0.986x dx = 140 units2 M1A1
[2 marks]
In this question you will explore possible models for the spread of an infectious
An infectious disease has begun spreading in a country. The National Disease
Control Centre (NDCC) has compiled the following data after receiving alerts from

A graph of n against d is shown below.

The NDCC want to find a model to predict the total number of people infected, so
they can plan for medicine and hospital facilities. After looking at the data, they
think an exponential function in the form n = ab d could be used as a model.

16a. Use an exponential regression to find the value of a and of b , correct to [3 marks]
4 decimal places.

a = 9.7782, b = 1.7125 M1A1A1
[3 marks]

Use your answer to part (a) to predict

16b. the number of new people infected on day 6. [3 marks]

n (6) = 247 A1
number of new people infected = 247 – 140 = 107 M1A1
[3 marks]
16c. the day when the total number of people infected will be greater than [2 marks]

use of graph or table M1
day 9 A1
[2 marks]

The NDCC want to verify the accuracy of these predictions. They decide to
perform a χ 2 goodness of fit test.

16d. Use your answer to part (a) to show that the model predicts 16.7 people [1 mark]
will be infected on the first day.

9.7782(1.7125)1 M1
= 16.7 people AG
[1 mark]

The predictions given by the model for the first five days are shown in the table.

16e. Explain why the number of degrees of freedom is 2. [2 marks]

2 parameters (a and b) were estimated from the data. R1
υ= 5−1−2 M1
=2 AG
[2 marks]

16f. Perform a χ 2 goodness of fit test at the 5% significance level. You [5 marks]
should clearly state your hypotheses, the p-value, and your conclusion.

H0 : data is modeled by n (d) = 9.7782(1.7125)d and H1 : data is not
modeled by n (d) = 9.7782(1.7125) A1
p-value = 0.893 A2
Since 0.893 > 0.05 R1
Insufficient evidence to reject H 0 . So data is modeled by
n (d) = 9.7782(1.7125)d A1
[5 marks]

In fact, the first day when the total number of people infected is greater than 1000
is day 14, when a total of 1015 people are infected.

16g. Give two reasons why the prediction in part (b)(ii) might be lower than [2 marks]

vaccine or medicine might slow down rate of infection R1
People become more aware of disease and take precautions to avoid infection
Accept other valid reasons
[2 marks]

Based on this new data, the NDCC decide to try a logistic model in the form
n = L −kd .

Use the data from days 1–5, together with day 14, to find the value of

16h. L. [2 marks]
1060 M1A1
[2 marks]

16i. c. [1 mark]

108 A1
[1 mark]

16j. k. [1 mark]

0.560 A1
[1 mark]

16k. Hence predict the total number of people infected by this disease after [2 marks]
several months.

As d →∞ M1
n → 1060 A1
[2 marks]

16l. Use the logistic model to find the day when the rate of increase of [3 marks]
people infected is greatest.
sketch of ddn or solve n2 =0 M1
d dd
d = 8.36 A1
Day 8 A1
[3 marks]

Jean-Pierre jumps out of an airplane that is flying at constant altitude. Before

opening his parachute, he goes through a period of freefall.
Jean-Pierre’s vertical speed during the time of freefall, S, in m s−1 , is modelled by
the following function.
S(t)= K − 60(1. 2−t ), t ≥ 0
where t, is the number of seconds after he jumps out of the airplane, and K is a
constant. A sketch of Jean-Pierre’s vertical speed against time is shown below.

Jean-Pierre’s initial vertical speed is 0 m s−1 .

17a. Find the value of K. [2 marks]

* This question is from an exam for a previous syllabus, and may contain
minor differences in marking or structure.
0 = K − 60(1. 20 ) (M1)

Note: Award (M1) for correctly substituted function equated to zero.

(K =) 60 (A1) (C2)

[2 marks]
17b. In the context of the model, state what the horizontal asymptote [1 mark]

the (vertical) speed that Jean-Pierre is approaching (as t increases) (A1)
the limit of the (vertical) speed of Jean-Pierre (A1) (C1)

Note: Accept “maximum speed” or “terminal speed”.

[1 mark]

17c. Find Jean-Pierre’s vertical speed after 10 seconds. Give your answer in [3 marks]
km h−1 .

(S =) 60 − 60(1. 2−10 ) (M1)

Note: Award (M1) for correctly substituted function.

(S =) 50. 3096 … (m s−1 ) (A1)(ft)

Note: Follow through from part (a).

181 (kmh−1 ) (181. 114 … (kmh−1 )) (A1)(ft) (C3)

Note: Award the final (A1)(ft) for correct conversion of their speed to km h−1

[3 marks]
Olava’s Pizza Company supplies and delivers large cheese pizzas.
The total cost to the customer, C, in Papua New Guinean Kina ( PGK), is modelled
by the function
C(n)= 34. 50n + 8. 50 , n ≥ 2 , n ∈ Z,
where n, is the number of large cheese pizzas ordered. This total cost includes a
fixed cost for delivery.

18a. State, in the context of the question, what the value of 34. 50 represents. [1 mark]

the cost of each (large cheese) pizza / a pizza / one pizza / per pizza (A1)

Note: Award (A0) for “the cost of (large cheese) pizzas”. Do not accept “the
minimum cost of a pizza”.

[1 mark]

18b. State, in the context of the question, what the value of 8. 50 represents. [1 mark]

the (fixed) delivery cost (A1) (C1)

[1 mark]

18c. Write down the minimum number of pizzas that can be ordered. [1 mark]

2 (A1) (C1)

[1 mark]

18d. Kaelani has 450 PGK. [3 marks]

Find the maximum number of large cheese pizzas that Kaelani can order
from Olava’s Pizza Company.
450 = 34. 50n + 8. 50 (M1)
Note: Award (M1) for equating the cost equation to 450 (may be stated as an

12. 8 (12. 7971 …) (A1)

12 (A1)(ft) (C3)

Note: The final answer must be an integer.

The final (A1)(ft) is awarded for rounding their answer down to a whole
number, provided their unrounded answer is seen.

[3 marks]

Consider the graph of the function f(x)= x+ x2
,x ≠ 0.

19a. Write down the zero of f(x). [2 marks]

0 = x+ x2

Note: Award (M1) for equating the function to zero.

(x =) − 2. 29 (−2. 28942 …) (A1) (C2)

Note: Award (C1) for a correct x-value given as part of a coordinate pair or
alongside an explicitly stated y-value.

[2 marks]

19b. Write down the coordinates of the local minimum point. [2 marks]

(2. 88, 4. 33) ((2. 88449 … , 4. 32674 …)) (A1)(A1) (C2)

Note: Accept x = 2. 88, y = 4. 33.

[2 marks]

19c. Consider the function g(x)= 3 − x. [2 marks]

Solve f(x)= g(x).
3−x= x+ x2
(or equivalent) (M1)

Note: Award (M1) for equating the functions or for a sketch of the two

(x =) − 1. 43 (−1. 43080 …) (A1) (C2)

Note: Do not award the final (A1) if the answer is seen as part of a coordinate
pair or a y-value is explicitly stated, unless already penalized in part (a).

[2 marks]

Consider the function f(x)= x2 + x + x
, x ≠ 0.

20a. Find f(1). [2 marks]

* This question is from an exam for a previous syllabus, and may contain
minor differences in marking or structure.
attempt to substitute x = 1 (M1)
eg f(1), 12 + 1 + 50
52 (exact) A1 N2
[2 marks]

20b. Solve f(x)= 0. [2 marks]

−4. 04932
−4. 05 A2 N2
[2 marks]
20c. The graph off has a local minimum at point A. [2 marks]
Find the coordinates of A.

(2. 76649, 28. 4934)
A(2. 77, 28. 5) A1A1 N2
[2 marks]

Let f(x)= 4 − x3 and g(x)= ln x, for x > 0.

21a. Find (f ∘ g)(x). [2 marks]

* This question is from an exam for a previous syllabus, and may contain
minor differences in marking or structure.
attempt to form composite (in any order) (M1)
eg f(ln x) , g(4 − x3 )
(f ∘ g)(x)= 4 − (ln x)3 A1 N2
[2 marks]

21b. Solve the equation (f ∘ g)(x)= x. [2 marks]

valid approach using GDC (M1)

eg , (2. 85, 2. 85)

2. 85056
2. 85 A1 N2
[2 marks]
21c. Hence or otherwise, given that g(2a)= f −1 (2a), find the value of a. [3 marks]

METHOD 1 – (using properties of functions)
recognizing inverse relationship (M1)
eg f(g(2a))= f(f −1 (2a)) (= 2a)
equating 2a to their x from (i) (A1)
eg 2a = 2. 85056
1. 42528
a = 1. 43 A1 N2

METHOD 2 – (finding inverse)

interchanging x and y (seen anywhere) (M1)
eg x = 4 − y 3 , f −1 (x)= √
correct working (A1)
eg √
4 − 2a = ln(2a), sketch showing intersection of f −1 (2x) and g(2x)
1. 42528
a = 1. 43 A1 N2

[3 marks]
In this question, give your answers to the nearest whole number.

Criselda travelled to Kota Kinabalu in Malaysia. At the airport, she saw the
following information at the Currency Exchange counter.

This means the Currency Exchange counter would buy USD from a traveller and
in exchange return MYR at a rate of 1USD = 4. 25MYR. There is no
commission charged.
Criselda changed 460 SGD to MYR.

22a. Calculate the amount of MYR that Criselda received. [3 marks]

460 × 3. 07 (A1)(M1)
Note: Award (A1) for selecting 3. 07 as the exchange rate, (M1) for
multiplying 460 by an exchange rate from the table.
1412 (MYR) (A1) (C3)
Note: Do not award the final (A1) if the answer is to the wrong level of
[3 marks]

22b. While in Kota Kinabalu, Criselda spent 440 MYR. She returned to the [3 marks]
Currency Exchange counter and changed the remainder of her MYR
into USD.
Calculate the amount of USD she received.

Note: Award (M1) for their correct subtraction or for 972 (972. 2) or their
correct difference seen. Award (M1) for dividing by 4. 45. Follow through from
part (a).
218 (USD) (A1)(ft) (C3)
Note: Do not award the final (A1) if the answer is to the wrong level of
[3 marks]

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International Baccalaureate® - Baccalauréat International® - Bachillerato Internacional®

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