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PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk.

Hari Ibu Warna Warni Kasih Bunda

Alchemy Kreative Communications

March 2010

Project Report, PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk. (Warna Warni Kasih Bunda) March 2010 Page 2 of 195

Executive Summary 1 2 3 4 5 Introduction Objectives Key Messages Activities Undertaken Results

ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A: Attachment B: Attachment C: Attachment D: Attachment E: Commercial Value Media Coverage Media Clippings Media Kit PEA

Project Report, PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk. (Warna Warni Kasih Bunda) March 2010 Page 3 of 195

Executive Summary
PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk., through its four well-known brands (Citra, Buavita, SariWangi Gold Selection and Walls Moo), and together with Rumah Belajar and Rumah Lukisku, appointed Alchemy Kreative Communications to organize a consumer event consisting of a painting exhibition, painting experience, painting competition, an auction, inspirational talkshows from each brand and interesting activities in each brand booth. In addition, we also held a media conference entitled Warna Warni Kasih Bunda to commemorate Hari Ibu or Mothers Day every December 22 as an expression of gratitude, appreciation and affection for our mothers, whose importance in our families simply cannot be overemphasized. This year was the second time that PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk. conducted this Mothers Day event. Warna Warni Kasih Bunda was conducted for 10 days (December 17-27, 2009) at Grand Indonesia. The media conference was held on December 17, 2009 and was formally opened by Dra. Setiawati MSc. the Deputy Minister for Womens Life Quality Improvement from the State Ministry for Womens Empowerment and Child Protection. The speakers at the media conference were Okty Damayanti Customer Development Director of PT. Unilever Indonesia Tbk., Nurulita Novi Arlaida Media Relations Manager of PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk., Dra. Setiawati MSc. Deputy Minister for Womens Life Quality Improvement from the State Ministry for Womens Empowerment and Child Protection, Asri Tjardiana representative from Rumah Belajar and Rumah Lukisku, and Roestien Ilyas head of the Nanda Dian Nusantara Foundation. The funds raised from the sales and auction were donated to the Nanda Dian Nusantara Foundation, which is dedicated to helping street children. The overall event was characterized by the large variety of interesting activities. Alchemy has prepared this report following the completion of the overall event.

Top-Line Results
A total of 79 items of coverage in both print and online media resulted from the media conferences and disseminated releases. The commercial value of the overall coverage reached Rp3,293,663,500 or US$$329,366 worth of free media coverage. With a media conference investment of Rp156,400,000 this is a 2,005.92% return on investment.

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1 Introduction
Starting in 2008, the Hari Ibu event has been commemorated by PT Unilever Indonesia, Tbk. to show appreciation for all Indonesian mothers. Alchemy has been given the opportunity to participate in presenting public relations, creative concepts and event recommendations for the Hari Ibu celebrations with Unilever, Grand Indonesia and Rumah Belajar & Rumah Lukisku in 2009. This event was supported by the four well-known Unilevers brands, i.e. Buavita, Citra, SariWangi Gold Selection and Walls Moo. The event featured many interesting and inspirational activities. Besides the media conference on December 17, 2009, several attractive games, activities and talkshows were conducted by the four brands.

2 Objectives
To promote the Hari Ibu celebrations in Grand Indonesia as an appealing and attractive event by presenting a painting exhibition and experience To strengthen the awareness that Unilever is a company closely associated with women and celebrates Hari Ibu to show its appreciation for Indonesian mothers To emphasize the painting auction, the funds from which will be donated to needy children

3 Key Messages
1. For Unilever Indonesia, women are a very powerful and significant source of inspiration. They are the agents of change not only for themselves and their families, but also their surrounding environment. Through its corporate activities and messages delivered by the brands, Unilever Indonesia continuously promotes women, especially mothers in the communities, through various forms of appreciation and facilities. One of which is the "Warna-Warni Kasih Bunda", which is presented to appreciate all mothers on Mother's Day, which is celebrated on 22 December. Through the "Warna-Warni Kasih Bunda", Unilever Indonesia is delivering a message to the mothers which is represented by the four brands that are very close to Indonesians daily lives. These brands are Sariwangi Gold Selection, Wall's Moo, Citra and Buavita. Each of them has a different point of view and ways of showing their appreciation of the roles of mothers: SariWangi Gold Selection understands the importance of the roles of mothers who tend to think ahead in dynamic and modern ways. SariWangi Gold Selection offers the best alternative solutions for mothers through its products and the value of teatime

Project Report, PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk. (Warna Warni Kasih Bunda) March 2010 Page 5 of 195

Walls Moo understands the dilemma faced by mothers in raising children. Walls Moo offers the best alternative solutions for mothers with products that children love, to encourage friendships among mothers and their children Citra invites Indonesian women, including all mothers, to be able to appreciate themselves more by realizing that the results of their efforts not only can support their families lives, but also the nations economy Buavita, as the product that supports healthy lifestyles, invites mothers to provide the best solutions for their families by drinking juice as the alternative to fruit, considering that todays Indonesian environmental conditions and lifestyles are quite unhealthy The Warna-Warni Kasih Bunda theme is inspired by the fact that in this modern era, mothers roles not only continue to serve their families but have also developed further. Mothers have become a source of inspiration for their environment. Their numerous contributions spread the color of love that give beauty to their families, their environment and the nation

2. In organizing this event, Unilever Indonesia has received the full support of the Ministry of Womens Empowerment and Child Protection, Rumah Belajar and Rumah Lukisku painting studio, and Grand Indonesia. A series of educational and appealing events has been prepared so that mothers and their families can grasp the full meaning of the Mothers Day celebrations through various activities that are complete with beautiful and pleasant experiences. The Mothers Day celebrations through Warna-Warni Kasih Bunda are meant to show loving appreciation for the spirit and struggle of mothers in their efforts to improve the nations qualities. To realize this mission, a set of events has been prepared from the 17th to the 27th December 2009, located on the first floor of East Mall Grand Indonesia The event was inaugurated by Mrs. Linda Amalia Sari, the Minister of Womens Empowerment and Child Protection on 17 December 2009 The main activities in this celebration are the exhibition of 100 paintings, a painting exhibition and also a painting auction from Rumah Gambar and Rumah Lukisku painters The painting exhibition is inspired by the beauty of mothers colors of love in our lives. A mothers love is like a painting that has great variety of color strokes, the radiance of sincerity and the power of prayer The painting auction was organized by Sidhartha Auctioneer. A part of the sales was donated to Yayasan Nanda Dian Nusantara, a foundation nurtured by Roostien Ilyas that devotes itself to the needs of under-privileged children by providing them with free education Unilever Indonesia, through some of its brands, presented a series of inspiring activities in their booths and conducted a useful talkshow for the mothers: Etiket Baik Tunjang Gaya Hidup Modern, conducted by SariWangi Gold Selection, presented experts to share tips and knowledge on how proper and elegant etiquette can support your lifestyle Tips Nanny 911 Bantu IbuMoo Jadi Sahabat Si Kecil, conducted by Walls Moo, presented a well-known psychologist to share the information about mother-children relationships

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Pancarkan Citra Cantikmu, conducted by Citra, showed its appreciation of mothers by sharing tips on how Indonesian women can be beautiful inside and out Hidup Sehat ala Bunda Aktif, conducted by Buavita, presented health experts to support and increase mothers awareness on the importance of healthy lifestyles

4 Activities Undertaken
4.1. General Development of the event concept and format Conducting of the media conference Liaisons, briefings and follow-ups with the Ministry of Womens Empowerment and Child Protection, the master of ceremonies, suppliers and the venue Development of the KM&QA Development of the media release Development of the talking points Development of the event rundown Development of the MC cue cards Preparation of the budget Provision of the media follow-up information regarding the event Monitoring and following up on the resulting media coverage Provision of the final project report with media coverage Event Management Handling of the reception services Management of the entire event The Event in Jakarta Format Day/Time Hour Venue Invitees 4.2.2. Event Rundown 13.30 14.00 14.00 14.15 14.15 14.45


: : : :

Media Conference Thursday, December 17, 2009 14.0016.00 1st Floor, East Mall Grand Indonesia Jl. MH. Thamrin No. 1, Jakarta : Journalists

14.45 15.00 15.00 15.10

Media Registration Opening by the MC Talkshow session (Unilever Indonesia, Rumah Belajar & Rumah Lukisku, Grand Indonesia, Yayasan Nanda Dian Nusantara Q & A session Poetry reading

Project Report, PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk. (Warna Warni Kasih Bunda) March 2010 Page 7 of 195

15.10 15.30

15.30 15.40 15.40 15.45 15.45 16.00 4.3.

Remarks by the Ministry of Womens Empowerment and Child Protection Token of appreciation Photo opportunity Ribbon-cutting Painting exhibition Closing

Media Attendance Arrangements Development of the media database Development and distribution of the media invitations Media RSVP invitations Production of the media attendance list Media Kit Preparations Development of the media release Compilation and reproduction of the media kit materials 4.4.1. Contents of the Media Kit: Media release Souvenirs



Media Follow-up Distribution of the media kits to the absent media and contact follow-ups Daily media monitoring Daily reports and summary translations of media coverage Distribution of the photo release to the media Provision of additional information as requested by the media

5 Results
5.1. Results Media Attendance Total media invited Total media attended Total Exposure Print media Newspapers Tabloids Magazines

: : : : : :

110 media 47 media 79 articles 21 articles 8 articles 9 articles

Project Report, PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk. (Warna Warni Kasih Bunda) March 2010 Page 8 of 195

Electronic media Radio TV Online media

: : :

0 coverage 0 coverage 41 pages

Total Length of Exposure Newspapers and tabloids Magazines Online media Radio coverage TV coverage Total photographs within coverage: Color B&W

: : : : :

19,970 column mm 2,5 pages 81 pages 0 coverage 0 coverage

: 48 photographs : 4 photographs

5.2. Return on Investment (with Bought-Out Expenses) As a result of the media conference, Rp3,293,663,500 or US$$329,366 of free media coverage appeared in national print and electronic media. With a public relations program investment of Rp820,605,081, this is a return on investment of 301.37%. Total Commercial Value of Coverage Actual Cost Return on Investment : Rp3,293,663,500 : Rp820,605,081 : 301.37%

5.3. Return on Investment (without Bought-Out Expenses) As a result of the media conference, Rp3,293,663,500 or US$$329,366 of free media coverage appeared in national print and electronic media. With a public relations program investment of Rp156,400,000 this is a return on investment of 2,005.92%. Total Commercial Value of Coverage Actual Cost Return on Investment : Rp3,293,663,500 : Rp156,400,000 : 2,005.92%

Project Report, PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk. (Warna Warni Kasih Bunda) March 2010 Page 9 of 195

Attachment A
Commercial Value


Prepared for Project : PT Unilever Indonesia : Hari Ibu - Warna Warni Kasih Bunda
Publication Type Online Online Online Online Online N/D/G Online Online Online Online Online N/D/G Online Online Online Online Online Online Online Online Online N/D/G Online N/D/B N/D/G Online Online Online Online Online Online Online Online Online Online Online N/D/G N/D/B N/D/G N/D/G Online Online N/D/G N/D/G N/D/G Color or B&W Color Color Color Color Color Color Color Color Color B&W Color Color Color Color Color B&W Color Color Color Color Color Color Color Color B&W Color Color Color Color Color Color Color

Periode : December 2009 - January 2010

"Rate" & "Rp. Cost Editorial Value of Size" (5x) 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 25,200,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 22,575,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 54,000,000 15,000,000 17,500,000 98,175,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 14,317,500 51,450,000 28,800,000 16,400,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 7,950,000 42,000,000 8,700,000 (3x)

No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45

Activity Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda

Media Indo Pos Berita Kota Seputar Indonesia Investor Daily Indonesia Seputar Indonesia NTTOnline The Jakarta Post Investor Daily Indonesia Indo Pos Jurnal Nasional Warta Kota Warta Kota Warta Kota

Date Published 18-Dec-09 18-Dec-09 18-Dec-09 19-Dec-09 19-Dec-09 19-Dec-09 19-Dec-09 19-Dec-09 19-Dec-09 19-Dec-09 19-Dec-09 20-Dec-09 20-Dec-09 20-Dec-09 20-Dec-09 20-Dec-09 21-Dec-09 21-Dec-09 21-Dec-09 21-Dec-09 21-Dec-09 21-Dec-09 21-Dec-09 22-Dec-09 22-Dec-09 22-Dec-09 22-Dec-09 22-Dec-09 22-Dec-09 22-Dec-09 22-Dec-09 22-Dec-09 22-Dec-09 22-Dec-09 22-Dec-09 23-Dec-09 23-Dec-09 26-Dec-09 27-Dec-09 27-Dec-09 27-Dec-09 27-Dec-09 27-Dec-09 27-Dec-09 27-Dec-09

Title Etiket Baik Tunjang Gaya Hidup Modern; Talkshow Persembahan Sariwangi Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Di Gelar Unilever Jelang Hari Ibu; Awesome....! "Warna Warni Kasih Bunda": Apresiasi Unilever untuk Bunda Peringati Hari Ibu Orangtua Harus Kerja Sama dan Konsisten Unilever gelar Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Lukisan Kolaborasi Anak-Lansia Tips Nanny 911; Bantu Ibu Moo Jadi Sahabat Si Kecil "Warna Warni Kasih Bunda": Apresiasi Unilever untuk Bunda Peringati Hari Ibu Warna Warni Kasih Bunda: Apresiasi Unilever Untuk Bunda Peringati Hari Ibu Unilever Gelar Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Menjadikan Ibu Sahabat Bagi Si Kecil Terapkan Peraturan Di Rumah; Gunakan Komunikasi Yang Mudah Dipahami Anak Bunda, Terima Kasih! Warna Warni Kasih Bunda - Apresiasi Hari Ibu Tips Nanny 911 Bantu Ibu Moo Jadi Sahabat Si Kecil Walls Moo Gelar Talkshow Menjadi Sahabat Anak Warna-Warni Kasih Bunda *Photo Caption* Belajar Etiket, Yuk! Tips Nanny 911, Bantu Ibu Moo Jadi Sahabat Si Kecil Warna Warni Kasih Bunda: Apresiasi Unilever Untuk Bunda Peringati Hari Ibu Belajar Etiket, Yuk! Ibu,Sahabat Terbaik untuk si Kecil Hari Ibu 2009; Unilever Gelar Apresiasi dan Kegiatan Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Ibu, Sahabat Terbaik untuk si Kecil Jadilah Sahabat Si Kecil Wanita Indonesia, Bersinarlah! Mari Belajar Etiket Sariwangi Gelar Talk Show 'Warna-warni Kasih Bunda' Warna Warni Kasih Bunda: Apresiasi Unilever Untuk Bunda Peringati Hari Ibu Ibu, Sahabat Terbaik untuk si Kecil Wall's Moo gelar pameran lukisan Indahnya Pancaran "Warna Warni Kasih Bunda" Semarakkan Hari Ibu Hari Ibu: Wanita Indonesia, Bersinarlah! Indahnya Pancaran "Warna Warni Kasih Bunda" Persembahan Unilever Semarakkan Ha Ibu, Sahabat Terbaik Untuk Si Kecil Painting Workshop: Children Explore Their Art Skills in Shopping Mall Bersinergi Demi Si Buah Hati Lukisan Untuk Ibunda Talkshow Untuk Para Ibu Talk Show untuk Para Ibu Apresiasi Unilever di Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Salam Ajarkan Etiket Ke Anak Nakal Diciptakan Bukan Dilahirkan Becky Tumewu: Aturan Bukan Harga Mati

Page 9 4 30 32 36 18 15 14 3 8 8 8


Readership 234,900 555,000 630,000 120,000 630,000 120,000 120,000 234,900 195,000 288,600 288,600 288,600

Photo 3 3 4 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 -

Size 840 1075 1500 500 1785 415 1470 960 410 265 1400 290

Rate 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 30,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 21,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 36,000 15,000,000 35,000 55,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 34,500 35,000 30,000 40,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 30,000 30,000 30,000

78,300 185,000 210,000 40,000 210,000 40,000 40,000 78,300 65,000 96,200 96,200 96,200

15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 126,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 112,875,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 162,000,000 15,000,000 87,500,000 294,525,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 42,952,500 154,350,000 144,000,000 82,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 23,850,000 126,000,000 26,100,000

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No. 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 Activity Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Media Warta Kota Nova Republika Seputar Indonesia Warta Kota 9months Cleopatra Rakyat Merdeka Warta Kota Mom & Kiddie Nyata Wanita Indonesia Kartini HE Neraca HE Neraca Mom & Kiddie Seputar Indonesia Nakita Eve Fitness Health Today Parents Guide Pesona Prevention Indonesia Cleopatra Berita Kota Publication Type N/D/G Online Online T/W/W Online Online N/D/G Online N/D/G N/D/G Online M/M/SI T/M/L N/D/G N/D/G T/W/W T/W/W T/W/W M/W/W N/D/B N/D/B T/W/W Online Online N/D/G T/W/W M/M/SI M/M/L M/M/G M/M/W M/M/W M/M/W T/M/L N/D/G Date Published 27-Dec-09 27-Dec-09 28-Dec-09 28-Dec-09 29-Dec-09 29-Dec-09 29-Dec-09 29-Dec-09 30-Dec-09 30-Dec-09 30-Dec-09 Jan 10 Jan 10 03-Jan-10 03-Jan-10 04-Jan-10 04-Jan-10 04-Jan-10 07-Jan-10 16-Jan-10 16-Jan-10 18-Jan-10 19-Jan-10 20-Jan-10 20-Jan-10 25-Jan-10 Feb 10 Feb 10 Feb 10 Feb 10 Feb 10 Feb 10 Feb 10 28-Feb-10 Title Presenter Bawa Rantang: Ersa Mayori Tolak Main Sinetron Presenter Bawa Rantang: Ersa Mayori Tolak Main Sinetron Lukiskan Cinta Untuk Anak Indonesia; Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Kalung Merah Ersa Mayori Orang Tua Berperan Tanamkan Perilaku Disiplin Anak Unilever Talkshow Tentang Nanny 911 Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Hasilkan Lelang Lukisan Senilai Rp30 Juta Sehat Dengan Pola Makan Tepat Sari Nila: Disiapkan Sejak Anak Lahir Sehat dengan Pola Makan Tepat Warna Warni Kasih Bunda 14 Tips Menjalani Hubungan Sahabat Antara Ibu & Anak Peduli Sesama Di Acara Puncak "Warna Warni Kasih Bunda" Ibu Harus Pandai Atur Makanan Wall's Moo: Sudahkah Moms Jadi Orangtua Konsisten? Puncak Acara Warna Warni Kasih Bunda: Lukiskan Cinta untuk Anak Indonesia Wall's Moo untuk Para Ibu Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Apresiasi Perjuangan Bagi Para Ibu Orang Tua, Bisa Jadi Sahabat Anak PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk; Rayakan Hari Ibu dengan Lukisan Ajari Anak Berpenampilan Menarik Ajari Anak Berpenampilan Menarik Ajari Anak Berpenampilan Menarik Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Berbagi Melalui Lukisan Warna Warni Kasih Bunda dari Unilever Apresiasi Unilever pada Hari Ibu Unilever Akhiri Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Kasih (untuk) Bunda Untuk Kasih Bunda Lukiskan Cinta Untuk Anak Indonesia Mengajarkan Etiket Anak Selalu Mengucapkan Salam Page 12 60 28 31 19 13 25 16 8 32 22 30 119 3 3 32 32 30 161 25 68 136 24 159 26 4 Circulation 96,200 674,350 200,000 210,000 96,200 30,000 20,000 325,100 96,200 480,176 480,176 415,500 85,000 26,000 26,000 480,176 210,000 139,750 60,000 55,000 45,000 45,000 40,000 80,000 20,000 185,000 Readership 288,600 2,023,050 600,000 630,000 288,600 90,000 60,000 975,300 288,600 1,440,528 1,440,528 1,246,500 255,000 78,000 78,000 1,440,528 630,000 419,250 180,000 165,000 135,000 135,000 120,000 240,000 60,000 555,000 Photo 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 Color or B&W Color Color Color Color Color Color Color Color B&W Color Color Color B&W Color Color Color Color Color B&W B&W Color Color Color B&W Color Color Color Color Color Color B&W Color B&W Size 615 140 160 2590 450 1/2 750 420 265 250 190 165 1/4 220 420 270 1365 115 1/4 1/4 1/2 1/8 1/4 1/4 165 510 Rate 30,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 53,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 56,000 15,000,000 55,000 22,000 15,000,000 12,000,000 18,000 25,000 30,000 20,000 24,000 26,000 19,900,000 10,000 10,000 20,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 58,800 30,000 16,000,000 18,000,000 12,000,000 16,000,000 20,000,000 15,000,000 18,000 22,000 "Rate" & "Rp. Cost Editorial Value of Size" (5x) 18,450,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 7,420,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 8,960,000 15,000,000 142,450,000 9,900,000 15,000,000 6,000,000 13,500,000 10,500,000 7,950,000 5,000,000 4,560,000 4,290,000 4,975,000 2,200,000 4,200,000 5,400,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 80,262,000 3,450,000 4,000,000 4,500,000 6,000,000 2,000,000 5,000,000 3,750,000 2,970,000 11,220,000 Total 10,000 (3x)

92,250,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 22,260,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 26,880,000 15,000,000 427,350,000 49,500,000 15,000,000 30,000,000 40,500,000 52,500,000 23,850,000 15,000,000 13,680,000 12,870,000 24,875,000 11,000,000 12,600,000 27,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 240,786,000 10,350,000 20,000,000 22,500,000 30,000,000 6,000,000 25,000,000 11,250,000 14,850,000 33,660,000 3,293,663,500 $329,366 3,293,663,500 156,400,000 664,205,081 820,605,081 301.37% 2005.92%

US$1=Rp Total Exc. Fee (PR Fee) 3rd Party Cost (BOE) Total PR Cost ROI with BOE ROI without BOE
Publication Type M Magazine N Newspaper T Tabloid


Daily Weekly Monthly


Lifestyle Children Health

F Family T Teenager

Note: the rate and cost of size are calculated based on the value of equivalent advetorial placement. The Editorial Value is obtained from the equivalent advetorial value multiplied by three (International PR Industry standard)

Project Report, PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk. (Warna Warni Kasih Bunda) March 2010 Page 12 of 195
Prepared for Project : PT Unilever Indonesia : Hari Ibu - Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Media Tier No. Activity Media Date Published Title of Articles tier 1 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Indo Pos Berita Kota Seputar Indonesia Investor Daily Indonesia Seputar Indonesia The Jakata Post Investor Daily Indonesia Indo Pos Jurnal Nasional Warta Kota Warta Kota Warta Kota 18-Dec-09 18-Dec-09 18-Dec-09 19-Dec-09 19-Dec-09 19-Dec-09 19-Dec-09 19-Dec-09 19-Dec-09 19-Dec-09 19-Dec-09 20-Dec-09 20-Dec-09 20-Dec-09 20-Dec-09 20-Dec-09 21-Dec-09 21-Dec-09 21-Dec-09 21-Dec-09 21-Dec-09 21-Dec-09 21-Dec-09 22-Dec-09 22-Dec-09 22-Dec-09 22-Dec-09 22-Dec-09 22-Dec-09 22-Dec-09 22-Dec-09 22-Dec-09 22-Dec-09 22-Dec-09 22-Dec-09 23-Dec-09 23-Dec-09 26-Dec-09 27-Dec-09 27-Dec-09 27-Dec-09 27-Dec-09 27-Dec-09 27-Dec-09 27-Dec-09 Etiket Baik Tunjang Gaya Hidup Modern; Talkshow Persembahan Sariwangi Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Di Gelar Unilever Jelang Hari Ibu; Awesome....! "Warna Warni Kasih Bunda": Apresiasi Unilever untuk Bunda Peringati Hari Ibu Orangtua Harus Kerja Sama dan Konsisten Unilever gelar Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Lukisan Kolaborasi Anak-Lansia Tips Nanny 911; Bantu Ibu Moo Jadi Sahabat Si Kecil "Warna Warni Kasih Bunda": Apresiasi Unilever untuk Bunda Peringati Hari Ibu Warna Warni Kasih Bunda: Apresiasi Unilever Untuk Bunda Peringati Hari Ibu Unilever Gelar Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Menjadikan Ibu Sahabat Bagi Si Kecil Terapkan Peraturan Di Rumah; Gunakan Komunikasi Yang Mudah Dipahami Anak Bunda, Terima Kasih! Warna Warni Kasih Bunda - Apresiasi Hari Ibu Tips Nanny 911 Bantu Ibu Moo Jadi Sahabat Si Kecil Walls Moo Gelar Talkshow Menjadi Sahabat Anak Warna-Warni Kasih Bunda *Photo Caption* Belajar Etiket, Yuk! Tips Nanny 911, Bantu Ibu Moo Jadi Sahabat Si Kecil Warna Warni Kasih Bunda: Apresiasi Unilever Untuk Bunda Peringati Hari Ibu Belajar Etiket, Yuk! Ibu, Sahabat Terbaik untuk si Kecil Hari Ibu 2009; Unilever Gelar Apresiasi dan Kegiatan Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Ibu, Sahabat Terbaik untuk si Kecil Jadilah Sahabat Si Kecil Wanita Indonesia, Bersinarlah! Mari Belajar Etiket Sariwangi Gelar Talk Show 'Warna-warni Kasih Bunda' Warna Warni Kasih Bunda: Apresiasi Unilever Untuk Bunda Peringati Hari Ibu Ibu, Sahabat Terbaik untuk si Kecil Wall's Moo gelar pameran lukisan Indahnya Pancaran "Warna Warni Kasih Bunda" Semarakkan Hari Ibu Hari Ibu: Wanita Indonesia, Bersinarlah! Indahnya Pancaran "Warna Warni Kasih Bunda" Persembahan Unilever Semarakkan Hari Ibu Ibu, Sahabat Terbaik Untuk Si Kecil Painting Workshop: Children Explore Their Art Skills in Shopping Mall Bersinergi Demi Si Buah Hati Lukisan Untuk Ibunda Talkshow Untuk Para Ibu Talkshow Untuk Para Ibu Apresiasi Unilever di Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Salam Ajarkan Etiket Ke Anak Nakal Diciptakan Bukan Dilahirkan Becky Tumewu: Aturan Bukan Harga Mati tier 2 7 7 7 7 tier 3 5 Tone Periode : December 2009 - January 2010 Brand Mention Not Ment Posit Neut Nega Ment unlist ione ive ral tive ione d d 1-4 10 5 0 10 0 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Key Message Pick Up 2 10 10 10 10 1 5 0 0 9.25 9.25 9.25 7.5 8.75 8 9.25 8.75 9.25 8.75 7.5 8 9.25 7.5 7.5 7.5 8 7.5 8 8 8 10 8.75 8 8.75 7.5 8.75 7.5 7.5 9.25 8 8.75 10 7.5 9.25 7.5 10 8 6.75 8 8 8.75 8 8 8 Total Value

5 10 7 7 5 7 5 5 7 7 5 5 5 7 5 7 7 7 10 10 7 10 5 10 5 5 7 7 10 10 5 7 5 10 7 7 7 7 5 7 7 7

5 5 5 10 10 10 10 5 5 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 0 5 5 10 5 5 5

Project Report, PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk. (Warna Warni Kasih Bunda) March 2010 Page 13 of 195
Media Tier No. Activity Media Date Published Title of Articles tier 1 10 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warta Kota Nova Republika Seputar Indonesia Warta Kota 9months Cleopatra Rakyat Merdeka Warta Kota Mom & Kiddie Nyata Wanita Indonesia Kartini HE Neraca HE Neraca Mom & Kiddie Seputar Indonesia Nakita Eve Fitness Health Today Parents Guide Pesona Prevention Indonesia Cleopatra Berita Kota 27-Dec-09 27-Dec-09 28-Dec-09 28-Dec-09 29-Dec-09 29-Dec-09 29-Dec-09 29-Dec-09 30-Dec-09 30-Dec-09 30-Dec-09 Jan 10 Jan 10 03-Jan-10 03-Jan-10 04-Jan-10 04-Jan-10 04-Jan-10 07-Jan-10 16-Jan-10 16-Jan-10 18-Jan-10 19-Jan-10 20-Jan-10 20-Jan-10 25-Jan-10 Feb 10 Feb 10 Feb 10 Feb 10 Feb 10 Feb 10 Feb 10 28-Feb-10 Presenter Bawa Rantang: Ersa Mayori Tolak Main Sinetron Presenter Bawa Rantang: Ersa Mayori Tolak Main Sinetron Lukiskan Cinta Untuk Anak Indonesia; Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Kalung Merah Ersa Mayori Orang Tua Berperan Tanamkan Perilaku Disiplin Anak Unilever Talkshow Tentang Nanny 911 Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Hasilkan Lelang Lukisan Senilai Rp30 Juta Sehat Dengan Pola Makan Tepat Sari Nila: Disiapkan Sejak Anak Lahir Sehat dengan Pola Makan Tepat Warna Warni Kasih Bunda 14 Tips Menjalani Hubungan Sahabat Antara Ibu & Anak Peduli Sesama Di Acara Puncak "Warna Warni Kasih Bunda" Ibu Harus Pandai Atur Makanan Wall's Moo: Sudahkah Moms Jadi Orangtua Konsisten? Puncak Acara Warna Warni Kasih Bunda: Lukiskan Cinta untuk Anak Indonesia Wall's Moo untuk Para Ibu Warna Warni Kasih Ibu Apresiasi Perjuangan Bagi Para Ibu Orang Tua, Bisa Jadi Sahabat Anak PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk; Rayakan Hari Ibu dengan Lukisan Ajari Anak Berpenampilan Menarik Ajari Anak Berpenampilan Menarik Ajari Anak Berpenampilan Menarik Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Berbagi Melalui Lukisan Warna Warni Kasih Bunda dari Unilever Apresiasi Unilever pada Hari Ibu Unilever Akhiri Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Kasih (untuk) Bunda Untuk Kasih Bunda Lukiskan Cinta Untuk Anak Indonesia Mengajarkan Etiket Anak Selalu Mengucapkan Salam tier 2 7 7 7 7 tier 3 5 Brand Not Ment Posit Neut Nega Ment unlist ione ive ral tive ione d d 1-4 10 5 0 10 0 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Tone Key Message 2 10 1 5 0 0 0 0 Total Value

10 5 0 5 5 10 5 0 5 10 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 10 5 10 5 5 5 10 10 10 10 10 10 5 5 5 TOTAL

10 10 5 10 5 10 7 7 7 7 7 7 10 10 10 10 7 7 10 10 7 10 7 7 7 7 10 10 7 7 7

6.75 6.75 9.25 8.75 7.5 7.5 8.75 8.75 8.75 6.75 8 9.25 8 8 8 8.75 10 8.75 8.75 9.25 8 10 8.75 8 8.75 9.25 9.25 9.25 9.25 10 10 8 8 8 8.43

Attachment B
Media Coverage

Media Monitoring
Hari Ibu: Warna Warni Kasih Bunda
Period: December 2009 February 2010

Date Dec 18

Publication Kabarindo. com

Page -

Headline Good Etiquette To Support Modern Lifestyle; Sariwangi Talkshow

Dec 18

Kabarindo. com

Unilever Runs Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Ahead Of Mothers Day Celebration. Awesome....! For Indonesian Women

Summary PT. Unilever holds a program themed Warna-Warni Kasih Bunda which runs until December 27 at the East Mall Grand Indonesia. On the second day, Sariwangi holds a talk show themed "Etiket Baik Tunjang Gaya Hidup Modern" (Good etiquette to support modern lifestyle) with keynote speaker Cynthia Ningrum, etiquette consultant from John Robert Power school. There are several basic principles in etiquette, namely, giving attention to other people, tolerance, positive thinking and willingness to help. At the occasion, she also explains several rules that we have to pay attention to while drinking tea. A mother could be an agent of change for a better life. Mothers love protects and nurtures the future of a family. Having a great concern on women, PT Unilever Indonesia - in collaboration with Rumah Belajar, Rumah Lukisku and Grand Indonesia - launches a program themed Warna Warni Kasih Bunda (Colors of Mothers Love) to celebrate the Mothers Day from December 17 to 27. Endorsed by the State Ministry for Women Empowerment and Child Protection, this program offers various activities including an exhibition displaying 100 paintings from 37 painters. The fund raised from this program will be donated to the Nanda Dian Nusantara Foundation which provides free education for street children. Various Unilevers brands also participate in this program offering a series of inspiring activities and

Tone Positive


Project Report, PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk. (Warna Warni Kasih Bunda) March 2010 Page 16 of 195





Dec 18

Okezone. com

"Warna Warni Kasih Bunda": Unilevers Appreciation For Moms To Celebrate Mothers Day

Dec 19 m

Parents Should Work Together and Consistent

Dec 19

Unilever Holds Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Program

Summary talk shows for women in each booth. PT. Unilever Indonesia Customer Development Director Okty Damayanti says mothers could be the source of inspiration and they have a great concern and potential to bring the family to a better life. The Warna Warni Kasih Bunda program with SariWangi Gold Selection, Walls Moo, Citra and Buavita is an expression of gratitude and love for Indonesian mothers. Prompted by its great concern on women, PT Unilever Indonesia, in cooperation with Rumah Belajar, Rumah Lukisku and Grand Indonesia launches a program themed Warna Warni Kasih Bunda (Colors of Mothers Love) to celebrate the Mothers Day from December 17 to 27. Endorsed by the State Ministry for Women Empowerment and Child Protection, this program offers various activities including painting exhibition. The Fund raised from this program will be donated to the Nanda Dian Nusantara Foundation which provides free education for street children. Various Unilevers brands also participate in this program, namely Buavita, Citra, SariWangi Gold Selection and Walls Moo, offering a series of inspiring activities and talk shows discussing various interesting topics for women in each booth. Parents should be able to work as a team and remain consistent in implementing rules at home. The keys of successful parenting is discussed in the Nanny 911 book was discussed in a talk show themed Tips Nanny 911, Bantu Ibu Moo Jadi Sahabat si Kecil (Nanny 911s Tips To Help Moos Mom To Become Childrens Friend) held in Jakarta on Saturday. PT Unilever Indonesia runs a program dubbed WarnaWarni Kasih Bunda (Colors of Mothers Love) to celebrate Mothers Day. This program aims to show appreciation for women who play the role of agents of





Project Report, PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk. (Warna Warni Kasih Bunda) March 2010 Page 17 of 195





Dec 19

Indo Pos

9, 15

Painting Collaboration Children-Elderly

Dec 19

Kabarindo. com

Nanny 911s Tips To Help Moos Mom To Become Childrens Friend A Smart Way To Deal With Childrens Problems

Dec 19 m

Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Unilevers Appreciation To Observe Mothers Day

Summary change for a better life. This program is endorsed by the State Ministry for Women Empowerment and Child Protection. Four Unilevers brands participate in this program which aims at improving womens life quality, namely Citra, SariWangi, Walls and Buavita. Not less than 37 painters displayed their paintings at the Grand Indonesia yesterday. Some of the painters are children below 12 years-old. All the paintings are the result of collaboration between children from 5 years and adult. This painting exhibition which is part of the Warna-Warni Kasih Bunda program will run from December 17 to 27. Walls Moo supports the Warna Warni Kasih Bunda program to mark the celebration of Mothers Day with a talk show themed Tips Nanny 911, Bantu Ibu Moo Jadi Sahabat si Kecil (Nanny 911s Tips To Help Moos Mom To Become Childrens Friend. The talk show, featuring mother and children psychology expert, discusses 11 Nanny 911s rules in parenting it also discusses several tips to help mothers facing problems in implementing the rules and to communicate with children and become their friend. Mothers play an important role for their family and environment. They could be agents of change for a better life. To celebrate Mothers Day, Unilever Indonesia runs a program themed Warna Warni Kasih Bunda (Colors of Mothers Love) from December 17 to 27. Endorsed by the State Ministry for Women Empowerment and Child Protection, this program offers various activities including an exhibition initiated by Revalita Tantri Tantular from Rumah Belajar and Asri Tjardiana from Rumah Lukisku. Four Unilevers brands Citra, SariWangi Gold Selection, Walls Moo, and Buavita also participate in this program offering a





Project Report, PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk. (Warna Warni Kasih Bunda) March 2010 Page 18 of 195





Dec 19

Warna Warni Kasih Bunda: Unilevers Appreciation To Celebrate Mothers Day

Dec 19

Standarberita .com

Unilever Holds Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Program

Summary series of inspiring activities and talk shows for women. The Warna Warni Kasih Bunda program with SariWangi Gold Selection, Walls Moo, Citra and Buavita is an expression of gratitude and love for Indonesian mothers A mother could be an agent of change for a better life. Mothers love protects and nurtures the future of a family. Having a great concern on women, PT Unilever Indonesia - in collaboration with Rumah Belajar, Rumah Lukisku and Grand Indonesia - launches a program themed Warna Warni Kasih Bunda (Colors of Mothers Love) to celebrate the Mothers Day from December 17 to 27. Endorsed by the State Ministry for Women Empowerment and Child Protection, this program offers various activities including an exhibition displaying 100 paintings from 37 painters. The fund raised from this program will be donated to the Nanda Dian Nusantara Foundation which provides free education for street children. Various Unilevers brands also participate in this program. Buavita, Citra, SariWangi Gold Selection and Walls Moo offer a series of activities and various talk shows for women on etiquette, parenting, beauty and healthy lifestyle. Unilever Indonesia Customer Development Director Okty Damayanti says mothers could be the source of inspiration and they have a great concern and potential to bring the family to a better life. The Warna Warni Kasih Bunda program is an expression of gratitude and love for Indonesian mothers. Mothers love protects and nurtures the future of a family. Having a great concern on women, PT Unilever Indonesia - in collaboration with Rumah Belajar, Rumah Lukisku and Grand Indonesia - launches a program themed Warna Warni Kasih Bunda (Colors of Mothers




Project Report, PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk. (Warna Warni Kasih Bunda) March 2010 Page 19 of 195





Dec 19

WartaJakarta .com

Making Mothers Childrens Brest Friend

Dec 20

Berita Kota

Set Out Rules At Home Implement Comprehensible Communication

Summary Love) to celebrate the Mothers Day from December 17 to 27. Endorsed by the State Ministry for Women Empowerment and Child Protection, this program offers various activities including a painting exhibition. The fund raised from this program will be donated to the Nanda Dian Nusantara Foundation which provides free education for street children. Various Unilevers brands also participate in this program. Buavita, Citra, SariWangi Gold Selection and Walls Moo offer a series of activities and talk shows for women on etiquette, parenting, beauty and healthy lifestyle. Parenting is not easy. It needs hard work, because more than just being parents; mothers also have to become their childrens best friends. In a talk show themed Tips Nanny 911, Bantu Ibu Moo Jadi Sahabat si Kecil (Nanny 911s tips to help Moos Mom become childrens friend) held in Grand Indonesia, Psychologist Dra. Diennayarti Tjokrosuprihartono and Walls Moo Senior Brand Meila Putri Handayani discussed 11 rules from Nanny 911 in raising children. The talk show also shared come tips to help mothers dealing with dilemmas in implementing the rules and maintaining communication with their children. Walls Moo Senior Brand Meila Putri Handayani said Walls Moo understand mothers desire to provide nutritious snacks for their children as a means of communication. Parenting needs special techniques. To ensure that children follow the rules, parents should avoid acting as a bad cop. Speaking in a talk show in Jakarta recently, Psychologist Dra Diennayarti Tjokrosuprihartono, says parents should be able to work as a team and remain consistent in respecting the rules at home. Parents also have to make sure that their children understand about the rules at home therefore, they have to use easy-to-




Project Report, PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk. (Warna Warni Kasih Bunda) March 2010 Page 20 of 195

Date Dec 20

Publication Hidup

Page -

Headline Thanks Mom!

Dec 20

Kapanlagi. com

Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Appreciation Of Mothers Day

Summary understand language. Having a great concern on women, PT Unilever Indonesia - in collaboration with Rumah Belajar, Rumah Lukisku and Grand Indonesia - launches the Warna Warni Kasih Bunda (Colors of Mothers Love) program to celebrate the Mothers Day from December 17 to 27. Endorsed by the State Ministry for Women Empowerment and Child Protection, this program offers various activities including a painting exhibition. The fund raised from this activity will be donated to the Nanda Dian Nusantara Foundation which provides free education for street children. Various Unilevers brands also participate in this program offering a series of inspiring activities and talk shows for women in each booth. PT. Unilever Indonesia Customer Development Director Okty Damayanti says mothers could be the source of inspiration and they have a great concern and potential to bring the family to a better life. The Warna Warni Kasih Bunda program with SariWangi Gold Selection, Walls Moo, Citra and Buavita is an expression of gratitude and love for Indonesian mothers. Mothers play an important role for their family and environment. They could be agents of change for a better life. To celebrate mothers day, Unilever Indonesia runs a program themed Warna Warni Kasih Bunda (Colors of Mothers Love) from December 17 to 27. Endorsed by the State Ministry for Women Empowerment and Child Protection, this program offers various activities including an exhibition displaying 100 paintings from 37 painters. The fund raised from this program will be donated to the Nanda Dian Nusantara Foundation which provides free education for street children. Four Unilevers brands Citra, SariWangi

Tone Positive


Project Report, PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk. (Warna Warni Kasih Bunda) March 2010 Page 21 of 195





Dec 20 m

Nanny 911s Tips Help Mothers Becoming Childrens Friends

Dec 20

Standarberita .com

Walls Moo Holds a Talk Show To Become Childrens Best Friend

Summary Gold Selection, Walls Moo, and Buavita also participate in this program offering a series of inspiring activities and talk shows for women in each booth. To celebrate Mothers Day which falls on December 22nd, Walls Moo supports the Warna Warni Kasih Bunda program with a talk show themed Tips Nanny 911, Bantu Ibu Moo Jadi Sahabat si Kecil (Nanny 911s Tips To Help Moos Mom To Become Childrens Friend.) At the talk show, psychology experts discussed 11 Nanny 911s rules in parenting. They also discussed several tips to help mothers facing problems in implementing the rules and to communicate with children and become their friend. To ensure that children follow the rules, parents should avoid acting as a mean cop. Parents should be able to work as a team and remain consistent in respecting the rules at home. Parents also have to make sure that their children understand about the rules at home therefore, they have to use easy-to-understand language. Walls Moo is one of the solutions for mothers to provide nutritious snacks for their children. To observe the celebration of Mothers Day which falls on December 22nd, Walls Moo supports the Warna Warni Kasih Bunda program with a talk show themed Tips Nanny 911, Bantu Ibu Moo Jadi Sahabat si Kecil Psychology experts said that parents should be able to work as a team and remain consistent in respecting the rules at home. Parents also have to act as childrens best friend. Walls Moo Senior Brand Manager Meila Putri Handayani said Walls Moo understand mothers desire to provide nutritious snack for their children as the solution in communication with their children. Walls Moo is enriched with all the necessary nutrients for child growth.




Project Report, PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk. (Warna Warni Kasih Bunda) March 2010 Page 22 of 195

Date Dec 21

Publication Healthyguide

Page -

Headline Warna-Warni Kasih Bunda

Dec 21

Mahasiswa.c om

Photo Caption

Dec 21

Okezone. com

Lets Learn About Etiquette

Dec 21

Perempuan. com

Nanny 911s Tips To Help Mothers Becoming Childrens Friends

Summary To celebrate Mothers Day on December 22nd, Unilever holds the Warna-Warni Kasih Bunda at the Grand Indonesia. Endorsed by the State Ministry for Women Empowerment and Child Protection, this program offers various activities including painting exhibition and talk shows offered by Unilever brands, Buavita, Citra, SariWangi Gold selection and Walls Moo. To celebrate Mothers Day on December 22nd, PT Unilever Indonesia, which has a great concern on women, is working together with Rumah Belajar, Rumah Lukisan and Grand Indonesia to run the "Warna-Warni Kasih Bunda (Colors of Mothers Love) program. This program was inaugurated by Dra Setiawati, MSc, accompanied by PT Unilever Indonesia Customer Development Director, Okty Damayanti, on Dec 17at the East Mall Grand Indonesia. We need to learn about etiquette in our social life. Etiquette will help us determine what to do and what not to do. Etiquette consultant from John Robert Power School, Cynthia Ningrum, explains there are three main principles of etiquette namely, respect, empathy and honesty. She was speaking in a talk show themed Etiket Baik Tunjang Gaya Hidup Modern (Good Etiquette To Support Modern Lifestyle) held by PT.Unilever at the East Mall of Grand Indonesia on Friday. To celebrate Mothers Day which falls on December 22nd, Walls Moo supports the Warna Warni Kasih Bunda program with a talk show themed Tips Nanny 911, Bantu Ibu Moo Jadi Sahabat si Kecil (Nanny 911s Tips To Help Moos Mom To Become Childrens Friend.) At the talk show, psychology experts discussed 11 Nanny 911s rules in parenting. They also discussed several tips to help mothers facing problems in

Tone Positive




Project Report, PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk. (Warna Warni Kasih Bunda) March 2010 Page 23 of 195





Dec 21

Perempuan. com

Warna Warni Kasih Bunda: Apresiasi Unilever Untuk Bunda Peringati Hari Ibu

Dec 21

Seputar Indonesia


Lets Learn About Etiquette

Summary implementing the rules and to communicate with children and become their friend. To ensure that children follow the rules, parents should avoid acting as a bad cop. Parents should be able to work as a team and remain consistent in respecting the rules at home. Parents also have to make sure that their children understand about the rules at home therefore, they have to use easy-to-understand language. Walls Moo is one of the solutions for mothers to provide nutritious snacks for their children. A mother could be an agent of change for a better life. Mothers love protects and nurtures the future of a family. Having a great concern on women, PT Unilever Indonesia - in collaboration with Rumah Belajar, Rumah Lukisku and Grand Indonesia - launches a program themed Warna Warni Kasih Bunda (Colors of Mothers Love) to celebrate the Mothers Day from December 17 to 27. Endorsed by the State Ministry for Women Empowerment and Child Protection, this program offers various activities including an exhibition displaying 100 paintings from 37 painters. The fund raised from this program will be donated to the Nanda Dian Nusantara Foundation which provides free education for street children. Various Unilevers brands also participate in this program offering a series of inspiring activities and talk shows for women in each booth. The Warna Warni Kasih Bunda program with SariWangi Gold Selection, Walls Moo, Citra and Buavita is an expression of gratitude and love for Indonesian mothers. We need to learn about etiquette in our social life. Etiquette will help us determine what to do and what not to do. Etiquette consultant from John Robert Power School, Cynthia Ningrum, explains there are three main principles of etiquette namely, respect, empathy and




Project Report, PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk. (Warna Warni Kasih Bunda) March 2010 Page 24 of 195





Dec 21 m

Moms, Childrens Best Friends

Dec 22

Investor Daily Indonesia


Unilever Runs Appreciation and Activities Warna-Warni Kasih Bunda

Dec 22

Harian Seputar Indonesia


Moms, Childrens Best Friends

Summary honesty. She was speaking in a talk show themed Etiket Baik Tunjang Gaya Hidup Modern (Good Etiquette To Support Modern Lifestyle) held by PT.Unilever at the East Mall of Grand Indonesia on Friday. Mothers play an important role in children development. As children grow older, mothers are facing more challenges in maintaining close ties with their children due to generation gap and miscommunication. Speaking in a talk show themed Tips Nanny 911, Bantu Ibu Moo Jadi Sahabat si Kecil (Nanny 911s Tips To Help Moos Mom to Become Childrens Friend) during the Warna-Warni Kasih Bunda program, experts said that mothers should be able to understand their childrens behavior. They should be able to become childrens friend without undermining their authority. To celebrate Mothers Day, which falls on Dec 22nd, PT Unilever Indonesia runs Warna Warni Kasih Bunda (Colors of Mothers Love) from Dec 17 to 27 at the East Mall, Grand Indonesia. This program aims at showing appreciation for all mothers in Indonesia. This program was inaugurated by Deputy for Womens Life Quality Improvement at the State Ministry for Women Empowerment and Child Protection. This program offers a series of activities, including painting exhibition to sharpen childrens creativity. Mothers play an important role in children development. As children grow older, mothers are facing more challenges in maintaining close ties with their children due to generation gap and miscommunication. Speaking in a talk show themed Tips Nanny 911, Bantu Ibu Moo Jadi Sahabat si Kecil (Nanny 911s Tips To Help Moos Mom to Become Childrens Friend) during the Warna-Warni Kasih Bunda program, experts said





Project Report, PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk. (Warna Warni Kasih Bunda) March 2010 Page 25 of 195





Dec 22

Be Your Childs Best Friend

Dec 22

Indonesian Women, Shine!

Dec 22

Lets Learn About Etiquette

Dec 22

Mahasiswa.c om

SariWangi Holds 'WarnaWarni Kasih Bunda' Talkshow

Summary that mothers should be able to understand their childrens behavior. They should be able to become childrens friend without undermining their authority. Dont get upset so easily if your childrens behaviour disturbs you. They might only need your attention. If you are upset, you only distance yourself. A talkshow held by Wall's Moo themed Tips Nanny 911, Bantu Ibu Moo Jadi Sahabat si Kecil (Nanny 911s tips to help Moos Mom become childrens friend) held in Grand Indonesia, discusses various tips for parents to improve relationship with their children Women plays an important role for her family and the community. To deliver the message of the celebration of Mothers Day, Unilever runs a program themed Warna Warni Kasih Bunda at the Grand Indonesia Shopping Town from Dec 17 to 27. To express appreciation for Mothers, Unilever holds a painting exhibition. The fund raised from this activity will be donated to the the Dian Nusantara foundation to help street children. We need to learn about etiquette in our social life. Etiquette will help us determine what to do and not to do. Etiquette consultant from John Robert Power School, Cynthia Ningrum, explained there are three main principles of etiquette namely, respect, empathy and honesty. She was speaking in a talk show themed Etiket Baik Tunjang Gaya Hidup Modern (Good Etiquette To Support Modern Lifestyle) held by PT.Unilever at the East Mall of Grand Indonesia recently. Marking the celebration of Mothers Day SariWangi holds a program themed Warna-Warni Kasih Bunda which will run until December 27. SariWangi also holds a talk show on "Etiquette to support modern lifestyle". At the occasion etiquette consultant from John Robert






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Dec 22

Warna Warni Kasih Bunda: Unilever Appreciation For Mothers Marking Mothers Day

Dec 22 m

Moms, Childrens Best Friends

Summary Power School, Cynthia Ningrum, explains that there is etiquette in everything we do including in drinking tea. A mother could be an agent of change for a better life. Mothers love protects and nurtures the future of a family. Having a great concern on women, PT Unilever Indonesia - in collaboration with Rumah Belajar, Rumah Lukisku and Grand Indonesia - launches a program themed Warna Warni Kasih Bunda (Colors of Mothers Love) to celebrate the Mothers Day from December 17 to 27. Endorsed by the State Ministry for Women Empowerment and Child Protection, this program offers various activities including a painting exhibition. The fund raised from this program will be donated to the Nanda Dian Nusantara Foundation which provides free education for street children. Various Unilevers brands also participate in this program. Buavita, Citra, SariWangi Gold Selection and Walls Moo offer a series of activities and talk shows for women on etiquette, parenting, beauty and healthy lifestyle. Unilever Indonesia Customer Development Director Okty Damayanti says mothers could be the source of inspiration and they have a great concern and potential to bring the family to a better life. The Warna Warni Kasih Bunda program is an expression of gratitude and love for Indonesian mothers. Mothers play an important role in children development. As children grow older, mothers are facing more challenges in maintaining close ties with their children. Speaking in a talk show themed Tips Nanny 911, Bantu Ibu Moo Jadi Sahabat si Kecil (Nanny 911s Tips To Help Moos Mom Become Childrens Friend) during the Warna-Warni Kasih Bunda program, experts said mothers should be able to understand their childrens behaviour. They should be able to become childrens




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Date Dec 22


Page -

Headline Wall's Moo Held Painting Exhibition

Dec 22

HanyaWanita .com

"Warna Warni Kasih Bunda" Enlivens Mothers Day

Dec 22

NTT Online

Mothers Day: Indonesian Women, Shine!

Dec 22

The Beauty Of The Shine Of "Warna Warni Kasih Bunda" Offered By Unilever To Celebrate

Summary friend without undermining their authority. To celebrate Mothers Day, Walls Moo produced by PT Unilever Indonesia, holds a painting exhibition, titled "Warna-Warni Kasih Bunda" (Colors of Mothers Love) until December 27. Wall's Moo Senior Brand manager, Meila Putri Handayani, said this painting exhibition is part of childrens appreciation to their mothers. Walls Moo also holds a talk show discussing Nanny 911s tips to help Moos Mum becoming childrens best Friend. Marking the celebration of Mothers Day, Unilever - in collaboration with Rumah Belajar and Rumah Lukisku launches a program themed Warna Warni Kasih Bunda from December 17 to 27. Endorsed by the State Ministry for Women Empowerment and Child Protection, this program offers various activities including a painting exhibition. This program also offers a series of interactive talk shows as well as various interesting activities. The fund raised from this program will be donated to Nanda Dian Nusantara Foundation which provides free education for street children. Various programs have been carried out to mark the celebration of Mothers Day on December 22. Unilever runs the Warna Warni Kasih Ibu program at the Grand Indonesia Shopping Town. This program delivers a message about different roles and colors of mothers in life and to be an agent of change. Unilever Customer Development Director Okty Damayanti said if we want a change to take place in the society, we should begin from women who play a big role in the entire familys life. Having a great concern on women, PT Unilever Indonesia - in collaboration with Rumah Belajar and Rumah Lukisku - launched a program themed Warna Warni Kasih Bunda to celebrate the Mothers Day from

Tone Positive




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Headline Mothers Day

Dec 23

SuaraMedia. com

Mother, Childrens Best Friend

Dec 23

The Jakarta Post


Painting Workshop Children Explore Their Art Skills in Shopping Mall

Dec 26

Investor Daily


Synergizing For Your Kids

Summary December 17 to 27. Endorsed by the State Ministry for Women Empowerment and Child Protection, this program offers various activities including a painting exhibition. The fund raised from this program will be donated to the Nanda Dian Nusantara Foundation which provides free education for street children. Various Unilevers brands, SariWangi Gold Selection, Walls Moo, Citra and Buavita also offer various interesting programs and activities. As children grow older, mothers also have to adapt their roles and they should be able to become childrens best friend. Parents also have to avoid acting as a bad cop in applying rules at home. Speaking in a talk show at the Warna-Warni Kasih Bunda program discussing Nanny 911 Tips Helping Moos Mum becoming Childrens Best Friend, Psychologist Diennayarti Tjokrosuprihartono emphasized that good communication will strengthen the relationship between mother and children. Many children join a painting workshop sponsored by PT Unilever Indonesia at Grand Indonesia shopping mall in Central Jakarta. The workshop ending this Sunday teaches basic painting techniques such as brush strokes and how to create patterns on canvas. Painting is not very popular among children and the price of painting equipment is relatively high. However, Alianto, a senior painting instructor at the Rumah Lukisku and Rumah Belajar, said he was sure that the popularity of painting could increase when more and more parents realized its potential economic value. Parents have to synergize in raising their children. Imbalanced role and bad communication between fathers and mothers will be counter productive for their children, according to Diennaryati Tjokrosuprihartono in





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Dec 27

Indo Pos


Painting For Mums

Dec 27

Jurnal Nasional

Talkshow For Mums

Dec 27


Talkshow For Mums

Summary a talk show Warna-Warni Kasih Bunda held by Walls in Jakarta last week. The talk show also discussed parenting tips in Nanny 911 book. Walls Moo Senior Brand Meila Putri Handayani said Walls Moo understand mothers desire to provide nutritious snacks for their children as a means of communication. Picture of Ersa Mayori observing a painting at the Warna-Warni Kasih Bunda program at the Grand Indonesia. To celebrate Mothers Day which falls on December 22, Walls Moo participates to support the Warna-Warni Kasih Bunda Program with a talk show themed Nanny 911 Tips, Helping Moos Mums Becoming Childrens Best Friend. 11 rules of Nanny 911 were discussed in the talk show. It also offers some parenting tips to help mothers in facing with the problems in applying rules and communicating with their children. Walls Moo Senior Brand Meila Putri Handayani said Walls Moo understand mothers desire to provide nutritious snacks for their children as a means of communication. Walls Moo contains all the essential nutrients for childrens growth. To celebrate Mothers Day which falls on December 22, Walls Moo participates to support the Warna-Warni Kasih Bunda Program with a talk show themed Nanny 911 Tips, Helping Moos Mums Becoming Childrens Best Friend. 11 rules of Nanny 911 were discussed in the talk show. It also offers some parenting tips to help mothers in facing with the problems in applying rules and communicating with their children. Walls Moo Senior Brand Meila Putri Handayani said Walls Moo understand mothers desire to provide nutritious snacks for their children as a means of communication. Walls Moo contains all the essential nutrients for childrens





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Date Dec 27

Publication m

Page -

Headline Unilevers Appreciation In Warna Warni Kasih Bunda

Dec 27

Warta Kota

Naughty Is Made, Not Born

Dec 27

Warta Kota

Highlights Children Positive Aspects

Dec 27

Warta Kota

Greetings Teaching Etiquette To Children

Dec 27

Warta Kota

Becky Tumewu Rules Is Not Nonnegotiable

Summary growth. Buavita holds a talk show on healthy diet as part of Unilevers Warna Warni Kasih Bunda program on December 26. At the occasion, Nutritionist Dr. Fiastuti Witjaksono explained about healthy eating pattern consisting of the right amount, the right schedule and the right varieties, or 3J. She also explains that fruits offer a lot of benefit for our healthy, especially our digestive system. Parents should not hastily label their children naughty because naughtiness is created by parents themselves. Speaking in a talk show titled Nanny 911 Tips, Helping Moos Mums Becoming Childrens Best Friend, psychologist Diennaryati emphasized that parents should make sure that their children understand when they introduced certain rules. Communication, Respect and togetherness will help children understand and respect the rules. Psycologist Diennaryati said parents, especially mums could be childrens best friend if they respects each other and parents know how to highlight their childrens positive aspects. Parents have to be consistent if they want their children to be polite. Greetings are the first step for children to learn about etiquette. Speaking in a talk show entitles God Etiquette to support Modern Lifestyle at the Grand Indonesia last week, Cintya Ningrum from John Robert Power School said parents play an important role in introducing etiquette to their children. Like other parents, Becky Tumewu imposes rules for her children. Speaking in a talk show about Nanny 911 tips, Becky said that she give her children freedom to express their opinion and the rues at home is not always nonnegotiable.

Tone Positive





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Date Dec 27

Publication .id

Page -

Headline Presenter Carrying Lunch Box

Dec 28 m

Paint Of Love For Indonesian Children; Colors Of Mothers Love

Dec 28 Jan 3



Warna Warni Kasih Bunda

Dec 29 Dec 29

Ersa Mayoris Red Necklace Parents Play Important Roles In Teaching Discipline

Summary Speaking on the sidelines of the Warna-Warni Kasih Bunda Seminar in Grand Indonesia last week, presenter Ersa Mayori says she always carry a lunch box because she pays attention to her healthy diet. She said that she is initiating a healthy eating pattern in her family. Ersa also works out regularly to stay in shape. The Warna Warni Kasih Bunda program held by Unilever Indonesia to show appreciation to Indonesian moms is closed with a performance by street children and an auction by Rumah Belajar and Rumah Lukisku, announcement of the result of painting competition and donation to Yayasan Nanda Dian Nusantara. The Warna Warni Kasih Bunda program has presented various interesting activities, including a series of interactive talk shows by Unilever brands: SariWangi Gold Selection, Walls Moo, Citra and Buavita. Marking the celebration of Mothers Day, PT Unilever Indonesia launches a program themed Warna Warni Kasih Bunda to recognize mothers important role in building the future for their children. In the program which was inaugurated by Deputy Minister for Women Empowerment and Child Protection Dra Setiawati, 100 Mother-Children paintings from Rumah Belajar and Rumah Lukisku were also displayed. There are a series of talk shows on parenting and mother-children relationship. Pictures of Ersa Mayori wearing her red necklace while she appeared in Buavita talkshow. Parents have to synergize and to create favorable environment in raising their children. Father and mother should be able to work as a team. Communication problem would have a negative impact on children development. Speaking in a talk show themed Warna Warni Kasih Bunda held by Walls in Jakarta,

Tone Positive



Positive Positive

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Dec 29



Unilever Talk Show About Nanny 911

Dec 29

WartaJakarta .com

Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Auction Raised Rp30 Million

Dec 30

Harian Seputar Indonesia


Healthy With The Right Eating Pattern

Summary Psychologist Diennayarti Tjokrosuprihartono explains that mothers are facing a loot of dilemma in their daily lives, as they want to give the best for their children without being a mean guardian. Mothers should be able to communicate with easy-to-understand language and be their childrens best friends. PT Unilever Indonesia, through its Walls Moo products, held a talk show entitled Nanny 911 Tips Helping Moo Moms Becoming Children Best Friends. The talk show discussed 11 rules introduced by Nanny 911 on parenting and communication with children. Psychologist Diennayarti Tjokrosuprihartono emphasized that parents should be able to work as a team and remain consistent in applying rules at home. Good communication is the key to make sure that children understand and accept the rules. Mother could communicate the rules while playing together or having snacked together. The Warna Warni Kasih Bunda program held by Unilever Indonesia to show appreciation to Indonesian mothers contribution was closed on Sunday with a performance by street children and an auction by Rumah Belajar and Rumah Lukisku. Winners of painting competition were also announced at the occasion. Rp30 million, which has been raised in the painting exhibition, was handed to the Nanda Dian Nusantara Foundation. The Warna Warni Kasih Bunda program has presented various interesting activities, including a series of interactive talk shows by Unilever brands: SariWangi Gold Selection, Walls Moo, Citra and Buavita. Many diseases are caused by unhealthy eating pattern. Health Consultant Dr Fiastuti Witjaksono said healthy eating pattern may prevent various diseases. We have to pay attention to 3J which stands for the amount, the





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Dec 30

Warta Kota


Sari Nila Preparing Since The Birth Healthy With The Right Eating Pattern

Dec 30 m


9 Months


Warna Warni Kasih Bunda




14 Tips To Build Friendship Between Mothers And Children

Summary schedule and the variety of our intakes. Speaking in a talk show themed Hidup Sehat Ala Bunda Aktif held by Buavita at the Warna- Warni Kasih Bunda program, Fiastuti emphasizes that mothers should control their childrens intakes. Speaking after a SariWangi talk show recently, Sari Nila said that she has prepared education saving for her five-year old child since the baby was born. Many diseases are caused by unhealthy eating pattern. Health Consultant Dr Fiastuti Witjaksono said healthy eating pattern may prevent various diseases. We have to pay attention to 3J which stands for the amount, the schedule and the variety of our intakes. Speaking in a talk show themed Hidup Sehat Ala Bunda Aktif held by Buavita at the Warna- Warni Kasih Bunda program, Fiastuti emphasizes that mothers should control their childrens intakes. To show appreciation for mothers at the celebration of Mothers Day, Walls Moo supports the Warna Warni Kasih Bunda (Colors of Mothers Love) program from December 17 to 27 at the Grand Indonesia. Walls Moo offers a talk show themed Nanny 911s Tips to help Moos Mum Becoming Childrens Best Friend with Psychologist Diennayanti Tjokrosuprihartono. During the event, children could join various interesting and constructive activities including painting and handicraft. This program is supported by PT Unilever, Walls Moo, SariWangi Gold Selection, Citra, Buavita, Ramah Belajar, Rumah Lukisku, Sidharta Auctioneer and Grand Indonesia. Becoming childrens friend is not easy. Usually there is a wide gap between parents and their children, especially those living in big cities where parents have not enough time to spare with their children. In the






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Jan 3

Rakyat Merdeka


Care For Other Human Beings At The Finale Of Warna-Warni Kasih Bunda

Jan 3

Warta Kota

Mothers Should Be Smart In Preparing Menu

Jan 4-17

Mom & Kiddie


Walls Moo Have Moms Been Consistent Parents?

Summary Warna-Warni Kasih Bunda Program, Walls Moo offers 14 tips to build friendship between mothers and children. The Warna-Warni Kasih Bunda program which has been held by Unilever since December 17 to show appreciation for Indonesian mothers was closed on December 27 with the performance of street children, an auction by Rumah Belajar and Rumah Lukisku, announcement of the winners of painting competition and donation for Nanda Dian Nusantara Foundation. Unilever brands Walls Moo, SariWangi Gold Selection, Citra and Buavita also participated in the 10-day program with a series of interactive talk shows. Rp 30 million fund raised during the auction was handed to Nanda Dian Nusantara Foundation. Mothers play an important role in determining the entire familys diet. Speaking in a talk show Hidup Sehat Ala Bunda Aktif (Healthy Life According to Active Moms, held by Buavita last week, Clinical Nutrition Specialist Dr Fiastuti Witjaksono emphasizes that mothers should be able to arrange the entire family diet to prevent children from suffering malnutrition or obesity. She also advises mothers not to introduce sugar and salt too early to their children. Consuming too much sugar and salt may trigger various diseases. Its better to prepare fruits juice without sugar because sugar already contains enough fructose. We are advised to consume five portions of fruits and vegetables per day. Its not easy to impose rules at home. But the most important thing is, moms should not play a role of a mean cop. Be your childrens friends. In a program themed Nanny 911s tips to help Moos Moms becoming childrens best friends, run by Walls Moo on Dec 19, Psychologist Diennayarti Tjokrosuprihartono





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Jan Week I



Paint Love For Indonesian Children

Jan 4-10

Wanita Indonesia


Walls Moo For Moms

Jan 7-21



Warna Warni Kasih Bunda

Jan 16

HE Neraca

Appreciation For Mothers Struggle

Summary says parents should be able to work as a team and remain consistent in applying rules at home. The Warna-Warni Kasih Bunda program which has been held by Unilever since December 17 to show appreciation for Indonesian mothers was closed on December 27 with the performance of street children, an auction by Rumah Belajar and Rumah Lukisku, announcement of the winners of painting competition and donation for Nanda Dian Nusantara Foundation. Unilever brands Walls Moo, SariWangi Gold Selection, Citra and Buavita also participated in the 10-day program with a series of interactive talk shows. Rp 30 million fund raised during the auction was handed to Nanda Dian Nusantara Foundation. To show appreciation to mothers role in a family, Walls Moo supports the Warna-Warni Kasih Bunda program to celebrate the Mothers Day on December 22. Walls Moo also offers various interesting activities for children. Walls Moo also runs a talk show titled Nanny 911s tips to help Moos moms becoming Childrens Friend. To celebrate Mothers Day which fell on December 22, PT Unilever Indonesia, along with Rumah Belajar and Rumah Lukisku, held the Warna Warni Kasih Bunda (Colors of Mothers Love) at the Grand Indonesia, Jakarta. Inaugurated by Deputy Minister for Women Empowerment and Child protection for Women Life Quality improvement, Dra Setiawati, this program offers a series of interesting activities, including painting exhibition, auction, and interactive talk shows. To celebrate Mothers Day which fell on December 22, PT Unilever Indonesia held the Warna Warni Kasih Bunda (Colors of A Mothers Love). Ran from December 17 to 27, this program offered a series of activities such as seminars discussing the benefit of






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Jan 16

HE Neraca

Parents Could Be Childrens Best Friend

Jan 1831

Mom & Kiddie


PT Unilever Indonesia Celebrate Mothers Day With Paintings

Jan 19


Teach Children To Have Attractive Appearance

Jan 20 m

Teach Children To Have Attractive Appearance

Summary fruits by Buavita and Nanny 911s tips. Various Unilever brands also participated. Visitors could have massage at Rumah Cantik Citra and enjoy Ice Cream in Walls Moo booth. Parenting is not an easy task. Parents have to be able to bridge differences and become their childrens friend. Speaking at a press conference Ibuku Sahabatku (My Mom, My Best Friend) held by Walls Moo, Psychologist Diennayarti said parents have to be consistent and to work as a solid team, especially in applying rules at home. Parents, especially mothers, have to build friendship and mutual respect with their children. To celebrate Mothers Day which fell on December 22, PT Unilever Indonesia which has a great concern on women held the Warna Warni Kasih Bunda (Colors of Mothers Love). This program is carried out in cooperation with Rumah Belajar, Rumah Lukisku and Grand Indonesia. Run from December 17 to 27, this program offered a series of activities including painting exhibition and painting competition. The fund raised from painting auction was donated to Yayasan Nanda Dian Nusantara. The way people dress and their appearance may affect their social life. Therefore, mothers should help children to dress and to have an attractive appearance. Psychologist Roslina Verauli MPsi says mothers have to teach children that every woman has her own charm, and everyone has to develop their inner beauty to make them look radiant. The way people dress and their appearance may affect their social life. Therefore, mothers should help children to dress and to have an attractive appearance. Psychologist Roslina Verauli MPsi says mothers have to teach children that every woman has her own charm,






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Jan 20

Harian Seputar Indonesia


Teach Children To Have Attractive Appearance

Jan 20

Jan 2531

Harian Seputar Indonesia Nakita


Children Should Get Use To Have Chic Appearance Warna-Warni Kasih Bunda





Sharing Through Paintings




Warna Warni Kasih Bunda

Summary and everyone has to develop their inner beauty to make them look radiant. The way people dress and their appearance may affect their social life. Therefore, mothers should help children to dress and to have an attractive appearance. Psychologist Roslina Verauli MPsi says mothers have to teach children that every woman has her own charm, and everyone has to develop their inner beauty to make them look radiant. Its not hard to appear chic. The key is self confidence, cleanliness, expression and body language, physical health, and inner beauty. PT Unilever Indonesia which has a great concern on women held the Warna Warni Kasih Bunda (Colors of Mothers Love) to celebrate Mothers Day. This program was carried out in cooperation with Rumah Belajar, Rumah Lukisku and Grand Indonesia. Run from December 17 to 27, this program offered a series of activities including painting exhibition and painting competition. Unilever brands, Sari Wangi Gold Selection, Walls Moo, Citra and Buavita also participated in this program offering interesting talk shows for women. The fund raised from painting auction was donated to Yayasan Nanda Dian Nusantara which provides free education for street children. Unilever in cooperation with Rumah Belajar, Rumah Lukisku and Grand Indonesia held a program to encourage the community to share with unfortunate street children. Various interesting activities, including painting exhibition and competition were held at the East Mall of Grand Indonesia. The fund raised from the program is donated to the Dian Nusantara Foundation led by Roestien Ilyas. Four Unilever brands - SariWangi Gold Selection, Citra,







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Headline From Unilever


Health Today


Unilever Appreciation On Mothers Day


Parents Guide


Unilever Concludes Warna Warni Kasih Bunda




Love (For) Mothers




For Mothers Love

Summary Buavita and Walls Moo - hold various interesting activities at the Grand Indonesia to celebrate Mothers Day on December 22. Visitors are attracted to a series of interactive talk shows on beauty and etiquette. It also offers painting competition and street childrens performance. The fund raised from the painting auction will be donated to a charity foundation. To show its concern on women, PT Unilever Indonesia in cooperation with Rumah Belajar, Rumah Lukisku and Grand Indonesia - held the Warna Warni Kasih Bunda (Colors of Mothers Love) to celebrate Mothers Day. Run from December 17 to 27, this program offered a series of activities including painting exhibition and painting competition. At the occasion, Unilever brands, Sari Wangi, Walls Moo, Citra and Buavita offered interesting talkshows on mothers and children. PT Unilever Indonesia has officially concluded the Warna Warni Kasih Bunda program which has been running from Dec 17 to 27, 2009. Aside of painting exhibition and competition, this program also offers a series of talk shows by Walls Moo, SariWangi Gold Selection, Citra and Buavita. The closure was marked with a performance by street children and an auction and donation to the Nanda Dian Nusantara Foundation. Educating women is educating nation because mothers play an important role to prepare the future generation, To show appreciation for mothers at the celebration of Mothers Day, PT Unilever Indonesia runs the Warna Warni Kasih Bunda (Colors of Mothers Love) program from December 17 to 27 at the Grand Indonesia. This program offers various interesting activities, including painting exhibition, painting competition, auction and a series of interactive talk shows. Mothers are source of inspiration and motivation in their






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Publication Indonesia






Paint Love For Indonesian Children

Feb 28

Berita Kota

Teaching Children To Greet People

Summary families. To show its concern on womens role, PT Unilever Indonesia - in cooperation with Rumah Belajar, Rumah Lukisku and Grand Indonesia - held the Warna Warni Kasih Bunda (Colors of Mothers Love) to celebrate Mothers Day. Run from December 17 to 27, this program offered a series of activities including painting exhibition and painting competition. The fund raised from this program went to Nanda Dian Nusantara Foundation which provides education for street children. The Warna-Warni Kasih Bunda (Colors of Mothers Love) program was concluded on December 27th. Through this program, PT Unilever Indonesia wants to show appreciation to Indonesian Mothers for their contribution. The winners of painting competition were announced, and there was a painting auction held by Rumah Belajar and Rumah Lukisku. Rp30 million raised from the painting auction was handed to Nanda Dian Nusantara Foundation which provides free education for street children. Parents have to remain consistent in teaching children to be polite. Parents also have to greet children every morning before going to work and upon arriving at home. Speaking at a talkshow themed Good Etiquette Supports Modern Lifestyle, held at Grand Indonesia last week, Cynthia Ningrum from John Robert Powers said parents should teach children the magic words, such as: please, thank you, pardon and never mind. She also emphasized that parents should be a good role model for their children.




Attachment C
Media Clippings

Project Report, PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk. (Warna Warni Kasih Bunda) March 2010 Page 41 of 195

Publication Tone Positive Size Article Date December 18, 2009 Column Human Interest Size Photo Circulation Brand/Event Mention Yes Ad. Value Rp15,000,000 Tier 2 Key Messages Pick Up 2 PR Value Rp15,000,000

Friday , 18 December 2009-17:47:09

Kontributor : Teks : Reza Adi Surya/Foto2 : Wal Etiket Baik Tunjang Gaya Hidup Modern ; Talkshow Persembahan Sariwangi

Cynthia Ningrum sebagai pembicara

Pentingkah menjaga etiket dalam kehidupan sehari-hari? Dengarlah apa yang disampaikan oleh Cynthia Ningrum, seorang etiket konsultan dari John Robert Power Grand Indonesia, Jakarta, Kabarindo - PT. Unilever Tbk, menggelar sebuah acara bertajuk warna-Warni Kasih Bunda yang sudah berlangsung sejak kemarin. Acara ini akan berlangsung hingga tanggal 27 Desember 2009 di East Mall Grand Indonesia lantai 1. Hari kedua dari acara tersebut, Sariwangi menggelar sebuah talkshow mengenai etiket bertajuk "Etiket Baik TUnjang Gaya Hidup Modern". Hadir sebagai pembicara pada talkshow tersebut

Project Report, PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk. (Warna Warni Kasih Bunda) March 2010 Page 42 of 195

adalah etiket kosultan dari John Robert Power, Cynthia Ningrum. Bagi sebagain orang, mungkin etiket dianggap tidak terlalu penting. Justru sebaliknya, etiket layak untuk dilakukan demi sopan santun dan tata krama. Memiliki etiket yang baik tentu akan membuat anda disegani oleh orang lain. "Mungkin etiket adalah salah satu hal yang sudah dilupakan oleh banyak orang namun menjaga etiket itu sangatlah penting. Etiket berarti sopan santun dan tata krama. Sebagai makhluk sosial, menjaga etiket itu penting sekali," ujar Cynthia Ningrum. Ada beberapa dasar dari etiket, yakni : 1. Memberi perhatian kepada orang lain 2. Memiliki rasa toleransi yang tinggi kepada orang lain 3. Positif thinking 4. Bersikap ingin membantu Segala sesuatu hal yang kita lakukan memiliki etiket. Contoh : dalam melakukan minum saja, itu ada etiket-etiket tertentu. Jika kita minum menggunakan cangkir dan sedang berada di meja makan, kita harus mengangkat cangkir sekaligus tatakannya, baru minum. Dalam proses meminumnya pun tidak boleh mengeluarkan suara. Ada banyak pengalaman yang dibagikan oleh Cynthia Ningrum dalam acara talkshow tersebut. Bagi kita, mungkin hal tersebut sepele. Namun pada faktanya adalah dengan menjaga etiket, berarti individu tersebut memiliki nilai sopan santun dan tata krama yang luar biasa. "Hal sepele memang. Ambil contoh ketika ingin mengaduk teh. Jangan membuat suara gaduh ketika sedang mengaduk, itu tidak sopan. Aduklah teh anda tanpa

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mengeluarkan suara sedikitpun. Sepele, namun penting," tutur Cynthia. Masih banyak hal-hal tentang etiket yang dikupas tuntas dalam acara talkshow tersebut. Sebuah ilmu yang sangat berharga. Terima kasih Sariwangi...!

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Publication Tone Positive Size Article Date December 18, 2009 Column Womens Size Photo Circulation Brand/Event Mention Yes Ad. Value Rp15,000,000 Tier 2 Key Messages Pick Up 2 PR Value Rp15,000,000

Friday , 18 December 2009-17:22:24 Kontributor : Teks: Arul Arista / Foto2: Ist Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Di Gelar Unilever Jelang Hari Ibu; Awesome....! Untuk Perempuan Indonesia Seorang ibu dapat menjadi agen perubahan bagi diri dan lingkungannya untuk kehidupan yang lebih baik. Kasih sayangnya telah dengan indah mengayomi dan memengaruhi masa depan keluarga. Grand Indonesia, Jakarta, Kabarindo- Untuk itu, PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk., sebagai perusahaan yang memiliki kepedulian tinggi terhadap perempuan, berkolaborasi dengan Rumah Belajar, Rumah Lukisku dan Grand Indonesia untuk memperingati Hari Ibu dengan menggelar acara bertajuk Warna Warni Kasih Bunda, yang diselenggarakan mulai 17 27 Desember 2009 di lantai 1 East Mall Grand Indonesia. Menteri Negara Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Perlindungan Anak, Ibu Linda Amalia Sari, yang diwakili oleh Dra. Setiawati, MSc., Deputi Bidang Peningkatan Kualitas Hidup Perempuan yang secara resmi membuka acara ini mengatakan,Kami mendukung dan menyambut baik inspirasi Unilever untuk merayakan Hari Ibu karena peringatan ini memiliki makna yang begitu dalam. Sejarah Hari Ibu di Indonesia bermula pada masa perjuangan tahun 1928 di Yogyakarta. Misi diperingatinya Hari Ibu pada awalnya lebih untuk mengenang semangat dan perjuangan para perempuan dalam upaya perbaikan kualitas bangsa ini. Dari situ pula tercermin semangat kaum perempuan dari berbagai latar belakang untuk bersatu dan bekerja bersama. Bentuk apresiasi Hari Ibu melalui kegiatan Warna Warni Kasih Bunda memancarkan semangat dan kasih sayang ibu yang tak lekang oleh waktu.

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Serangkaian acara yang kental dengan apresiasi seni ini akan menampilkan berbagai kegiatan menarik seperti pameran 100 lukisan karya 37 pelukis, pengalaman melukis dan lomba melukis untuk umum; gagasan yang diprakarsai oleh dua orang bunda: Ibu Revita Tantri Yanuar dari Rumah Belajar dan Ibu Asri Tjardiana dari Rumah Lukisku, sebuah wadah yang peduli akan pengembangan talenta melukis. Selanjutnya, sebagai bentuk syukur atas tampil prestasi dan keinginan untuk membantu sesama, sebagian keuntungan dari hasil penjualan dan lelang lukisan akan diserahkan ke Yayasan Nanda Dian Nusantara, yayasan yang memberikan perhatian besar untuk anak-anak jalanan melalui pendidikan gratis, asuhan Ibu Roestien Ilyas. Okty Damayanti, Customer Development Director PT. Unilever Indonesia Tbk., menyampaikan,Perjuangan ibu adalah perjuangan tanpa pamrih di manapun mereka berada. Oleh karenanya, merupakan kebahagiaan yang tak terhingga bagi Unilever untuk dapat ikut merayakan Warna Warni Kasih Bunda bersama keluarga Indonesia melalui Buavita, Citra, SariWangi Gold Selection dan Walls Moo. Brand-brand ini senantiasa melakukan kegiatan yang ditujukan untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup perempuan Indonesia, termasuk para ibu. Disamping kegiatan seni lukis, brand Unilever tersebut menampilkan serangkaian kegiatan inspiratif di setiap booth dan menghadirkan talkshow yang mengangkat topik bermanfaat bagi para ibu. SariWangi Gold Selection yang memahami pentingnya peranan para ibu yang berpikiran maju ke depan dan dinamis akan menghadirkan talkshow Etiket Baik Tunjang Gaya Hidup Modern, dengan menghadirkan pakar untuk berbagi tips dan pengetahuan mengenai bagaimana etiket yang baik, elegan dengan citarasa tinggi yang dapat menunjang gaya hidup. Begitu juga dengan Walls Moo yang mengerti bahwa ibu seringkali dihadapkan pada dilema saat mendampingi masa tumbuh kembang si kecil, mempersembahkan Tips Nanny 911 Bantu IbuMoo Jadi Sahabat Si Kecil, talkshow yang menghadirkan psikolog handal untuk berbagi informasi seputar hubungan ibu dan si kecil. Citra, brand yang mendorong para perempuan Indonesia untuk dapat lebih mengapresiasikan dirinya menampilkan topik Pancarkan Citra Cantikmu, memberikan tips untuk menjadi perempuan yang cantik luar dalam dan Buavita menghadirkan topik Hidup Sehat ala Bunda Aktif, sebagai ungkapan terima kasih apresiasi terhadap para ibu dengan menampilkan pakar kesehatan yang handal mendukung dan meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat Indonesia, terutama ibu akan pentingnya menjalankan gaya hidup sehat. Ibu Revita Tantri Yanuar dari Rumah Belajar dan Ibu Asri Tjardiana dari Rumah Lukisku menyampaikan rasa bahagia atas kesempatan dan dukungan untuk berbagi melalui karyakarya sanggar mereka. Melukis, menurut mereka memacu untuk kreatif sekaligus relaksasi, bahkan dalam banyak hal melatih konsentrasi, kesabaran, ketekunan namun tetap menyenangkan. Melalui kegiatan Warna Warni Kasih Bunda, diharapkan semakin banyak keluarga yang dapat meluangkan

Pameran Lukisan

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waktu bersama dan mengapresiasi indahnya seni lukis. Semoga pameran lukisan ini dapat menggugah para ibu untuk dapat menggali dan mengarahkan potensi anak dan keluarga, tutur mereka kembali. Kami melihat bahwa ibu dapat menjadi sumber inspirasi, memiliki kepedulian dan potensi luar biasa yang dapat berperan sebagai penggerak ke arah yang positif dalam kehidupan keluarga. Oleh karenanya semoga kegiatan Warna Warni Kasih Bunda, bersama SariWangi Gold Selection, Walls Moo, Citra dan Buavita dapat melukiskan rasa terima kasih dan cinta kepada para bunda di Indonesia, tutup Ibu Okty.

Bravo Untuk Ibu...............

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Publication Tone Positive Size Article Date December 18, 2009 Column Berita dari Anda Size Photo Circulation Brand/Event Mention Yes Ad. Value Rp15,000,000 Tier 2 Key Messages Pick Up 2 PR Value Rp15,000,000

Jum'at, 18 Desember 2009 13:13 wib

"Warna Warni Kasih Bunda": Apresiasi Unilever untuk Bunda Peringati Hari Ibu
JAKARTA Seorang ibu dapat menjadi agen perubahan bagi diri dan lingkungannya untuk kehidupan yang lebih baik. Kasih sayangnya telah dengan indah mengayomi dan memengaruhi masa depan keluarga. Untuk itu, PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk., sebagai perusahaan yang memiliki kepedulian tinggi terhadap perempuan, berkolaborasi dengan Rumah Belajar, Rumah Lukisku dan Grand Indonesia untuk memperingati Hari Ibu dengan menggelar acara bertajuk Warna Warni Kasih Bunda, yang diselenggarakan mulai 17 27 Desember 2009 di lantai 1 East Mall Grand Indonesia. Menteri Negara Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Perlindungan Anak, Ibu Linda Amalia Sari, yang diwakili oleh Dra. Setiawati, MSc., Deputi Bidang Peningkatan Kualitas Hidup Perempuan yang secara resmi membuka acara ini mengatakan,Kami mendukung dan menyambut baik inspirasi Unilever untuk merayakan Hari Ibu karena peringatan ini memiliki makna yang begitu dalam. Sejarah Hari Ibu di Indonesia bermula pada masa perjuangan tahun 1928 di Yogyakarta. Misi diperingatinya Hari Ibu pada awalnya lebih untuk mengenang semangat dan perjuangan para perempuan dalam upaya perbaikan kualitas bangsa ini. Dari situ pula tercermin semangat kaum perempuan dari berbagai latar belakang untuk bersatu dan bekerja bersama. Bentuk apresiasi Hari Ibu melalui kegiatan Warna Warni Kasih Bunda memancarkan semangat dan kasih sayang ibu yang tak lekang oleh waktu.

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Serangkaian acara yang kental dengan apresiasi seni ini akan menampilkan berbagai kegiatan menarik seperti pameran 100 lukisan karya 37 pelukis, pengalaman melukis dan lomba melukis untuk umum; gagasan yang diprakarsai oleh dua orang bunda: Ibu Revita Tantri Yanuar dari Rumah Belajar dan Ibu Asri Tjardiana dari Rumah Lukisku, sebuah wadah yang peduli akan pengembangan talenta melukis. Selanjutnya, sebagai bentuk syukur atas tampil prestasi dan keinginan untuk membantu sesama, sebagian keuntungan dari hasil penjualan dan lelang lukisan akan diserahkan ke Yayasan Nanda Dian Nusantara, yayasan yang memberikan perhatian besar untuk anak-anak jalanan melalui pendidikan gratis, asuhan Ibu Roestien Ilyas. Okty Damayanti, Customer Development Director PT. Unilever Indonesia Tbk., menyampaikan,Perjuangan ibu adalah perjuangan tanpa pamrih di manapun mereka berada. Oleh karenanya, merupakan kebahagiaan yang tak terhingga bagi Unilever untuk dapat ikut merayakan Warna Warni Kasih Bunda bersama keluarga Indonesia melalui Buavita, Citra, SariWangi Gold Selection dan Walls Moo. Brand-brand ini senantiasa melakukan kegiatan yang ditujukan untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup perempuan Indonesia, termasuk para ibu. Disamping kegiatan seni lukis, brand Unilever tersebut menampilkan serangkaian kegiatan inspiratif di setiap booth dan menghadirkan talkshow yang mengangkat topik bermanfaat bagi para ibu. SariWangi Gold Selection yang memahami pentingnya peranan para ibu yang berpikiran maju ke depan dan dinamis akan menghadirkan talkshow Etiket Baik Tunjang Gaya Hidup Modern, dengan menghadirkan pakar untuk berbagi tips dan pengetahuan mengenai bagaimana etiket yang baik, elegan dengan citarasa tinggi yang dapat menunjang gaya hidup. Begitu juga dengan Walls Moo yang mengerti bahwa ibu seringkali dihadapkan pada dilema saat mendampingi masa tumbuh kembang si kecil, mempersembahkan Tips Nanny 911 Bantu IbuMoo Jadi Sahabat Si Kecil, talkshow yang menghadirkan psikolog handal untuk berbagi informasi seputar hubungan ibu dan si kecil. Citra, brand yang mendorong para perempuan Indonesia untuk dapat lebih mengapresiasikan dirinya menampilkan topik "Pancarkan Citra Cantikmu, memberikan tips untuk menjadi perempuan yang cantik luar dalam dan Buavita menghadirkan topik Hidup Sehat ala Bunda Aktif," sebagai ungkapan terima kasih apresiasi terhadap para ibu dengan menampilkan pakar kesehatan yang handal mendukung dan meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat Indonesia, terutama ibu akan pentingnya menjalankan gaya hidup sehat. Ibu Revita Tantri Yanuar dari Rumah Belajar dan Ibu Asri Tjardiana dari Rumah Lukisku menyampaikan rasa bahagia atas kesempatan dan dukungan untuk berbagi melalui karyakarya sanggar mereka. Melukis, menurut mereka memacu untuk kreatif sekaligus relaksasi, bahkan dalam banyak hal melatih konsentrasi, kesabaran, ketekunan namun tetap menyenangkan. Melalui kegiatan Warna Warni Kasih Bunda, diharapkan semakin banyak keluarga yang dapat meluangkan waktu bersama dan mengapresiasi indahnya seni lukis. Semoga pameran lukisan ini dapat menggugah para ibu untuk dapat menggali dan

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mengarahkan potensi anak dan keluarga, tutur mereka kembali. "Kami melihat bahwa ibu dapat menjadi sumber inspirasi, memiliki kepedulian dan potensi luar biasa yang dapat berperan sebagai penggerak ke arah yang positif dalam kehidupan keluarga. Oleh karenanya semoga kegiatan Warna Warni Kasih Bunda, bersama SariWangi Gold Selection, Walls Moo, Citra dan Buavita dapat melukiskan rasa terima kasih dan cinta kepada para bunda di Indonesia," tutup Ibu Okty.(mbs)

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Publication Tone Positive Size Article Date December 19, 2009 Column Komunikasi Bisnis Size Photo Circulation Brand/Event Mention Yes Ad. Value Rp15,000,000 Tier 3 Key Messages Pick Up 1 PR Value Rp15,000,000

Orangtua Harus Kerja Sama dan Konsisten

Mya, Aces Sabtu, 19 Desember 2009 20:15

Diennayarti Tjokrosuprihartono (kiri) dan Meila Putri Handayani (kanan)

Jakarta, - Orangtua harus bekerja sama menjadi satu tim dan bersikap konsisten dalam menerapkan peraturan-peraturan di rumah, menjadi modal penting bagi orang tua dalam membesarkan si Kecil sekaligus menghadirkan suasana harmonis dalam keluarga. Kunci keberhasilan itu terangkum dalam buku Nanny 911 yang diulas dalam talk show bertajuk Tips Nanny 911, Bantu Ibu Moo jadi Sahabat si Kecil yang digelar Wall's Moo untuk menyambut Hari Ibu setiap 22 Desember. Wakil Dekan Bidang Non-Akademis Fakultas Psikologi UI, Diennayarti Tjokrosuprihartono menjadi nara sumber bersama Senior Brand manager Walls Moo, Meila Putri Handayani di Jakarta, Sabtu (19/12).

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''Terdapat beberapa tipe orang tua yang perlu dihindari agar terciptanya kondisi yang harmonis dalam keluarga seperti orang tua yang suka marah atau frustasi, menghindari masalah, kehabisan akal, tidak teratur atau berantakan, suka mencari-cari alasan, sering bersuara keras, cerewet ataupun sering meremehkan si kecil,'' kata Diennayarti Tjokrosuprihartono. Baik Ayah maupun Ibu harus mengetahui perannya masing-masing saat menegakkan disiplin serta berkomunikasi dengan si Kecil. Dalam hal ini, peran seorang Ibu sangatlah penting. Selain harus mengemban tanggung jawab mengurus rumah tangga, mengetahui keadaan si kecil dan anggota keluarga lainnya, ditambah lagi urusan kantor jika ibu juga bekerja. ''Dilema seorang Ibu pada dasarnya disebabkan oleh keinginan memberikan yang terbaik bagi si Kecil tanpa menjadikannya seorang 'polisi jahat' karena penyampaian dengan cara yang kurang dapat dimengerti oleh si Kecil,'' ungkap Diennayati. Psikolog ini mengingatkan, banyak kesempatan yang dapat dimanfaatkan para Ibu saat ingin menyampaikan peraturan kepada si Kecil, seperti saat bermain, makan bersama ataupun saat si kecil menikmati camilan yang mereka sukai, tentunya yang mengandung gizi tinggi. Walls Moo mengerti keinginan para Ibu untuk memberikan camilan yang mengandung gizi tinggi sebagai salah satu solusi bagi dilema para Ibu dalam berkomunikasi dengan si kecil,'' kata Meila Putri Handayani. (*)

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Publication Tone Positive Size Article Date December 19, 2009 Column Senggang Kesehatan Size Photo Circulation Brand/Event Mention Yes Ad. Value Rp15,000,000 Tier 1 Key Messages Pick Up 1 PR Value Rp15,000,000

Sabtu, 19/12/2009 12:08 WIB

Unilever gelar Warna Warni Kasih Bunda

oleh : Reni Efita Hendry

JAKARTA ( PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk menggelar acara Warna Warni Kasih Bunda di lantai 1 East Mall Grand Indonesia yang berlangsung sampai 27 Desember. Acara ini diadakan sebagai tanda apresiasi peranan ibu sebagai agen perubahan bagi diri dan lingkungannya untuk kehidupan yang lebih baik. PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk menggandeng Rumah Belajar, Rumah Lukisku dan Grand Indonesia. Meneg Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Perlindungan Anak Linda Amalia Sari yang diwakili oleh Deputi Bidang Peningkatan Kualitas Hidup Perempuan Setiawati membuka acara tersebut tadi siang. "Kami mendukung dan menyambut baik inspirasi Unilever untuk merayakan Hari Ibu karena peringatan ini memiliki makna yang dalam," kata Linda. Customer Development Director PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk Okty Damayanti mengatakan perjuangan ibu adalah perjuangan tanpa pamrih di mana pun mereka berada. "Kalau ingin melihat perubahan lihatlah wanita yang jadi agen perubahan," kata Okty. Ada empat brand dari Unilever yang terlibat dalam kegiatan tersebut yang ditujukan untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup perempuan Indonesia termasuk para ibu. Brand Citra, kata Media Relation Manager PT Unilver Indonesia Tbk Nurulita Novi Arlaida, selalu mengingatkan perempuan untuk punya waktu sendiri guna menjaga keseimbangan. Adapun, teh Sariwangi melatih adanya hubungan komunikasi yang baik dalam keluarga sehingga hubungan keluarga lebih harmonis. Wall's, ibu berperanan tentang asupan nutrisi buat anaknya dan Buavita mengajarkan hidup sehat.

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Rangkaian kegiatan tersebut dapat berupa pameran 120 lukisan karya 37 pelukis yang dijual mulai Rp1,5 juta-Rp8 juta. "Dengan melukis dapat memacu kreatifitas sekaligus relaksasi bahkan dalam banyak hal melatih konsentrasi, kesabaran, ketekunan dan menyenangkan," kata Asri Tjardiana dari Rumah Lukisku.(yn)

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Publication Indo Pos (p. 9) Tone Positive Size Article 270 mmc Date December 19, 2009 Column Jakarta Raya Size Photo 570 mmc Circulation 78,300 Brand/Event Mention Yes Ad. Value Rp25,200,000 Tier 2 Key Messages Pick Up 1 PR Value Rp126,000,000

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Publication Tone Positive Size Article Date December 19, 2009 Column Economic Business Size Photo Circulation Brand/Event Mention Yes Ad. Value Rp15,000,000 Tier 2 Key Messages Pick Up 2 PR Value Rp15,000,000

Saturday , 19 December 2009-20:14:36

Kontributor : Teks: Selvianna C / Foto2: Pulse Comm Tips Nanny 911; Bantu Ibu Moo Jadi Sahabat Si Kecil

Cara Cerdas Atasi Problematika Anak

Dalam rangka menyemarakkan hari Ibu setiap 22 Desember, Walls Moo turut serta mendukung acara bertajuk Warna Warni Kasih Bunda dengan mempersembahkan talk show bertajuk Tips Nanny 911, Bantu Ibu Moo Jadi Sahabat si Kecil. Grand Indonesia, Jakarta, Kabarindo- Anda tentu tahu Walls Moo memahami pentingnya peran dan tanggung jawab para Ibu yang sering kali dihadapkan dengan dilema saat mendampingi tumbuh kembang si Kecil. Dalam talk show yang menghadirkan psikolog Ibu dan Anak ini, akan dibahas 11 aturan Nanny 911 orang tua membesarkan si Kecil dan berbagai tips bagi para Ibu dalam mengatasi dilema

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saat menerapkan berbagai peraturan sekaligus berkomunikasi dengan si Kecil sehingga menjadikan Ibu sahabat bagi si Kecil. Kesebelas aturan yang terdapat dalam buku Nanny 911 ini diharapkan dapat menjadi modal penting bagi orang tua dalam membesarkan si Kecil sekaligus menghadirkan suasana harmonis dalam keluarga. Dra. Diennayarti Tjokrosuprihartono, M.Psi Magister dan Wakil Dekan Bidang Non-Akademis Fakultas Psikologi dari Universitas Indonesia mengungkapkan, Para orang tua harus bekerja sama menjadi satu tim dan bersikap konsisten dalam menerapkan peraturanperaturan di rumah. Terdapat beberapa tipe orang tua yang perlu dihindari agar terciptanya kondisi yang harmonis dalam keluarga, seperti orang tua yang suka marah/frustasi, menghindari masalah, kehabisan akal, tidak teratur atau berantakan, suka mencari-cari alasan, sering bersuara keras, cerewet ataupun sering meremehkan si kecil. Baik Ayah maupun Ibu harus mengetahui perannya masing-masing saat menegakkan disiplin serta berkomunikasi dengan si Kecil. Dalam hal ini, peran seorang Ibu sangatlah penting karena selain harus mengemban banyak tanggung jawab seperti mengurus rumah tangga, mengetahui keadaan si kecil ataupun anggota keluarga lainnya, ditambah lagi urusan kantor jika seorang Ibu tersebut juga bekerja. Tidak jarang para Ibu harus berhadapan dengan berbagai dilema dalam keseharian. Dilema seorang Ibu pada dasarnya disebabkan oleh keinginan untuk memberikan yang terbaik bagi si Kecil tanpa menjadikannya seorang polisi jahat karena penyampaian dengan cara yang kurang dapat dimengerti oleh si Kecil. Para Ibu harus mampu mengatasi dilema yang dihadapinya dengan memberikan solusi terbaik. Melalui sarana yang positif dan menyenangkan, hubungan Ibu

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dan anak akan terjalin erat dan terwujudlah persahabatan dengan si Kecil selamanya (Best Friend Forever). Untuk menerapkan peraturan pada si Kecil, para Ibu perlu mengerti bagaimana cara penyampaian yang tepat. Berkomunikasilah dengan bahasa yang mudah dimengerti oleh si Kecil sehingga mereka mau menjalankan peraturan dengan senang hati. Banyak kesempatan yang dapat dimanfaatkan para Ibu saat ingin menyampaikan peraturan kepada si Kecil, seperti saat bermain, makan bersama ataupun saat si kecil menikmati camilan yang mereka sukai, tentunya yang mengandung gizi tinggi, lanjut Diennayarti. Senior Brand manager Walls Moo Meila Putri Handayani menyatakan, Walls Moo mengerti keinginan para Ibu untuk memberikan camilan yang mengandung gizi tinggi sebagai salah satu solusi bagi dilema para Ibu dalam berkomunikasi dengan si kecil. Walls Moo dilengkapi dengan kandungan gizi yang bermanfaat dalam mendukung pertumbuhan anak-anak, serta mendukung mereka dalam melakukan berbagai aktivitas karena Moo mengandung kalsium setara dengan kalsium dalam segelas susu dan Moo Active dilengkapi Yogurt dengan Probiotik Bb12 yang baik bagi pencernaan si kecil. Walls Moo memiliki kandungan manfaat yang hebat, rasa yang lezat, warna serta bentuk yang lucu. Walls Moo hadir dalam bentuk menyerupai botol dengan totol-totol seperti sapi. Walls Moo melalui produknya, hadir sebagai salah satu solusi bagi dilema para Ibu dan merupakan camilan dengan gizi tinggi yang bermanfaat sehingga aman untuk dikonsumsi si Kecil. Melalui kekompakan yang tercipta, maka para Ibu menjadi sahabt bagi si Kecil, tutup Meila.

Anda Sepakat......?

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Publication Tone Positive Size Article Date December 19, 2009 Column Gaya Hidup Size Photo Circulation Brand/Event Mention Yes Ad. Value Rp15,000,000 Tier 3 Key Messages Pick Up 2 PR Value Rp15,000,000

Saturday : 19 th / 12 / 2009 Kategori : gaya hidup

"Warna-warni Kasih Bunda" : Apresiasi Unilever untuk Bunda Peringati Hari Ibu
Suatu kegiatan yang ditujukan untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup perempuan Indonesia, termasuk para ibu, Jakarta - Seorang ibu dapat menjadi agen perubahan bagi diri dan lingkungannya untuk kehidupan yang lebih baik. Kasih sayangnya telah dengan indah mengayomi dan mempengaruhi masa depan keluarga. Untuk itu, PT. Unilever Indonesia Tbk sebagai perusahaan yang memiliki kepedulian tinggi terhadap perempuan, berkolaborasi dengan Rumah Belajar, Rumah Lukisku dan Grand Indonesia untuk memperingati Hari Ibu dengan menggelar acara bertajuk Warna Warni Kasih Bunda, yang diselenggarakan mulai 17 hingga 27 Desember 2009 di lantai 1 East Mall Grand Indonesia. Menteri Negara Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Perlindungan Anak yang diwakiliki oleh Dra. Setiawati, Msc, Deputi Bidang Peningkatan Kualitas Hidup Perempuan yang secara resmi membuka acara ini mengatakan, "Kami mendukung dan menyambut baik inspirasi Unilever untuk merayakan Hari Ibu karena peringatan ini memiliki makna yang begitu dalam. Sejarah Hari Ibu di Indonesia bermula pada masa perjuangan tahun 1928 di Yogyakarta. Misi diperingatinya Hari Ibu pada awalnya lebih untuk mengenang semangat dan perjuangan para perempuan dalam upaya perbaikan kualitas bangsa ini. Dari situ pula tercermin semangat kaum perempuan dari berbagai latar belakang untuk bersatu dan bekerja bersama. Bentuk apresiasi Hari Ibu melalui kegiatan Warna Warni Kasih Bunda memancarkan semangat dan kasih sayang ibu yang tak lekang oleh waktu". Serangkaian acara yang yang diprakarsai oleh dua orang bunda, Revalita Tantri Tantular dari RUmah Belajar dan Asri Tjardiana dari Rumah Lukisku, ini sangat kental dengan apresiasi seni dengan menampilkan berbagai kegiatan menarik seperti pameran 100 lukisan karya 37 pelukis, dan lomba melukis untuk umum, Rumah Belajar dan Rumah Lukisku adalah sebuah wadah yang peduli akan pengembangan talenta melukis. Selanjutnya sebagai bentuk syukur atas tampil prestasi dan keinginan

Project Report, PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk. (Warna Warni Kasih Bunda) March 2010 Page 60 of 195 untuk membantu sesama, sebagian keuntungan dari hasil penjualan dan lelang lukisan akan diserahkan ke Yayasan Nanda Dian Nusantara, Yayasan yang memberikan perhatian besar untuk anak-anak jalanan melalui pendidikan gratis asuhan Roestien Ilyas. Okty Damayanti, Customer Development Director PT. Unilever Indonesia Tbk menyampaikan, "Perjuangan ibu adalah perjuangan tanpa pamrih di manapun mereka berada. Oleh karenanya, merupakana kebahagiaan yang tak terhingga bagi Unilever untuk dapat ikut merayakan Warna Warni Kasih Bunda bersama keluarga Indonesia melalui Buavita, Citra, Sariwangi Gold Selection dan Wall's Moo. yang senantiasa melakukan kegiatan untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup perempuan Indonesia, termasuk para ibu". Disamping kegiatan seni lukis, brand Unilever tersebut menampilkan serangkaian kegiatan inspiratif di setiap booth dan menghadirkan talkshow yang mengangkat topik bermanfaat bagi para ibu seperi Sariwangi Gold Selection yang memahami pentingnya peranan para ibu sebagai contoh dan panutan dalam beretiket di dalam keluarga menghadirkan talkshow "Etiket Baik Tunjang Gaya Hidup modern", dengan menghadirkan pakar untuk berbagi tips dan pengetahuan mengenai bagaimana etiket yang baik, elegan dengan cita rasa tinggi yang dapat menunjang gaya hidup. Begitu pula dengan Wall's Moo yang mengerti bahwa ibu seringkali dihadapkan pada dilema saat mendampingi masa tumbuh kembang si kecil, mempersembahkan "Tips Nanny 911 Bantu Ibu Moo jadi Sahabat Si Kecil". Talkshow yang menghadirkan psikolog handal untuk berbagi informasi seputar hubungan ibu dan si kecil. Citra, Brand yang mendorong para perempuan Indonesia untuk dapat lebih mengapresiasikan dirinya menampilkan topik "Pancarkan Citra Cantikmu", memberikan tips untuk menjadi perempuan yang cantik luar dalam dan Buavita menghadirkan topik "Hidup Sehat ala Bunda Aktif", sebagai ungkapan terima kasih apresiasi terhadap para ibu dengan menampilkan pakar kesehatan yang handal mendukung dan meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat Indonesia, terutama ibu akan pentingnya menjalankan gaya hidup sehat. Revita Tantri Yanuar dan Asri Tjardiana menyampaikan rasa bahagia atas kesempatan dan dukungan untuk berbagi melalui karya-karya sanggar mereka. Melukis, menurut mereka memacu untuk kreatif sekaligus relaksasi, bahkan dalam banyak hal melatih konsentrasi, kesabaran, ketekunan namun tetap menyenangkan. Melalui kegiatan Warna Warni Kasih Bunda, diharapkan semakin banyak keluarga yang dapat meluangkan waktu bersama dan mengapresiasikan indahnya seni lukis, "Semoga pameran lukisan ini dapat menggugah para ibu untuk dapat menggali dan mengarahkan potensi anak dan keluarga", tutur mereka kembali. "Kami melihat bahwa ibu dapat menjadi sumber inspirasi, memiliki kepedulian dan potensi luar biasa yang dapat berperan sebagi penggerak ke arah yang positif dalam kehidupan keluarga. Oleh karenanya semoga kegiatan Warna Warni Kasih Bunda, bersama sariWangi Gold Selection, Wall's Moo, Citra dan Buavita dapat melukiskan rasa terima kasih dan cinta kepada para bunda di Indonesia", tutup Okty. (Fathul Jamil)

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Publication Berita Kota (p. 4) Tone Positive Size Article 510 mmc Date February 28, 2010 Column Keluarga Size Photo Circulation 185,000 Brand/Event Mention Yes Ad. Value Rp11,220,000 Tier 2 Key Messages Pick Up 1 PR Value Rp33,660,000

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Attachment D
Media Kit: Media release of Warna Warni Kasih Bunda: Apresiasi Unilever untuk Bunda Peringati Hari Ibu Photo release of Warna Warni Kasih Bunda: Apresiasi Unilever untuk Bunda Peringati Hari Ibu

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Siaran Pers

Siaran Pers

Siaran Pers

Siaran Pers

Siaran Pers

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Warna Warni Kasih Bunda: Apresiasi Unilever Untuk Bunda Peringati Hari Ibu
Jakarta, 17 Desember 2009 Seorang ibu dapat menjadi agen perubahan bagi diri dan lingkungannya untuk kehidupan yang lebih baik. Kasih sayangnya telah dengan indah mengayomi dan memengaruhi masa depan keluarga. Untuk itu, PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk., sebagai perusahaan yang memiliki kepedulian tinggi terhadap perempuan, berkolaborasi dengan Rumah Belajar, Rumah Lukisku dan Grand Indonesia untuk memperingati Hari Ibu dengan menggelar acara bertajuk Warna Warni Kasih Bunda, yang diselenggarakan mulai 17 27 Desember 2009 di lantai 1 East Mall Grand Indonesia. Menteri Negara Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Perlindungan Anak, Ibu Linda Amalia Sari, yang diwakili oleh Dra. Setiawati, MSc., Deputi Bidang Peningkatan Kualitas Hidup Perempuan yang secara resmi membuka acara ini mengatakan,Kami mendukung dan menyambut baik inspirasi Unilever untuk merayakan Hari Ibu karena peringatan ini memiliki makna yang begitu dalam. Sejarah Hari Ibu di Indonesia bermula pada masa perjuangan tahun 1928 di Yogyakarta. Misi diperingatinya Hari Ibu pada awalnya lebih untuk mengenang semangat dan perjuangan para perempuan dalam upaya perbaikan kualitas bangsa ini. Dari situ pula tercermin semangat kaum perempuan dari berbagai latar belakang untuk bersatu dan bekerja bersama. Bentuk apresiasi Hari Ibu melalui kegiatan Warna Warni Kasih Bunda memancarkan semangat dan kasih sayang ibu yang tak lekang oleh waktu. Serangkaian acara yang kental dengan apresiasi seni ini akan menampilkan berbagai kegiatan menarik seperti pameran 100 lukisan karya 37 pelukis, pengalaman melukis dan lomba melukis untuk umum; gagasan yang diprakarsai oleh dua orang bunda: Ibu Revita Tantri Yanuar dari Rumah Belajar dan Ibu Asri Tjardiana dari Rumah Lukisku, sebuah wadah yang peduli akan pengembangan talenta melukis. Selanjutnya, sebagai bentuk syukur atas tampil prestasi dan keinginan untuk membantu sesama, sebagian keuntungan dari hasil penjualan dan lelang lukisan akan diserahkan ke Yayasan Nanda Dian Nusantara, yayasan yang memberikan perhatian besar untuk anak-anak jalanan melalui pendidikan gratis, asuhan Ibu Roestien Ilyas. Okty Damayanti, Customer Development Director PT. Unilever Indonesia Tbk., menyampaikan,Perjuangan ibu adalah perjuangan tanpa pamrih di manapun mereka berada. Oleh karenanya, merupakan kebahagiaan yang tak terhingga bagi Unilever untuk dapat ikut merayakan Warna Warni Kasih Bunda bersama keluarga Indonesia melalui Buavita, Citra,

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SariWangi Gold Selection dan Walls Moo. Brand-brand ini senantiasa melakukan kegiatan yang ditujukan untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup perempuan Indonesia, termasuk para ibu. Disamping kegiatan seni lukis, brand Unilever tersebut menampilkan serangkaian kegiatan inspiratif di setiap booth dan menghadirkan talkshow yang mengangkat topik bermanfaat bagi para ibu. SariWangi Gold Selection yang memahami pentingnya peranan para ibu yang berpikiran maju ke depan dan dinamis akan menghadirkan talkshow Etiket Baik Tunjang Gaya Hidup Modern, dengan menghadirkan pakar untuk berbagi tips dan pengetahuan mengenai bagaimana etiket yang baik, elegan dengan citarasa tinggi yang dapat menunjang gaya hidup. Begitu juga dengan Walls Moo yang mengerti bahwa ibu seringkali dihadapkan pada dilema saat mendampingi masa tumbuh kembang si kecil, mempersembahkan Tips Nanny 911 Bantu IbuMoo Jadi Sahabat Si Kecil, talkshow yang menghadirkan psikolog handal untuk berbagi informasi seputar hubungan ibu dan si kecil. Citra, brand yang mendorong para perempuan Indonesia untuk dapat lebih mengapresiasikan dirinya menampilkan topik Pancarkan Citra Cantikmu, memberikan tips untuk menjadi perempuan yang cantik luar dalam dan Buavita menghadirkan topik Hidup Sehat ala Bunda Aktif, sebagai ungkapan terima kasih apresiasi terhadap para ibu dengan menampilkan pakar kesehatan yang handal mendukung dan meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat Indonesia, terutama ibu akan pentingnya menjalankan gaya hidup sehat. Ibu Revita Tantri Yanuar dari Rumah Belajar dan Ibu Asri Tjardiana dari Rumah Lukisku menyampaikan rasa bahagia atas kesempatan dan dukungan untuk berbagi melalui karyakarya sanggar mereka. Melukis, menurut mereka memacu untuk kreatif sekaligus relaksasi, bahkan dalam banyak hal melatih konsentrasi, kesabaran, ketekunan namun tetap menyenangkan. Melalui kegiatan Warna Warni Kasih Bunda, diharapkan semakin banyak keluarga yang dapat meluangkan waktu bersama dan mengapresiasi indahnya seni lukis. Semoga pameran lukisan ini dapat menggugah para ibu untuk dapat menggali dan mengarahkan potensi anak dan keluarga, tutur mereka kembali. Kami melihat bahwa ibu dapat menjadi sumber inspirasi, memiliki kepedulian dan potensi luar biasa yang dapat berperan sebagai penggerak ke arah yang positif dalam kehidupan keluarga. Oleh karenanya semoga kegiatan Warna Warni Kasih Bunda, bersama SariWangi Gold Selection, Walls Moo, Citra dan Buavita dapat melukiskan rasa terima kasih dan cinta kepada para bunda di Indonesia, tutup Ibu Okty.
---selesai--Tentang PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk yang beroperasi di Indonesia sejak tahun 1933, telah tumbuh dan berkembang bersama masyarakat Indonesia selama 75 tahun. Sebagai perusahaan penyedia produk konsumen yang mempunyai peran penting di Indonesia, Unilever adalah produsen merek-merek yang sudah sangat dikenal masyarakat, antara lain Pepsodent, Lifebuoy, Lux, Dove, Sunsilk, Clear, Rexona, Rinso, Molto, Ponds, Citra, Blue Band, Sariwangi, Royco, Bango, Walls dan masih banyak lagi. Sebagai perusahaan yang telah go public pada akhir tahun 1981 dan sahamnya tercatat dan diperdagangkan di Bursa Efek Indonesia, Unilever memiliki komitmen kuat untuk terus maju bersama Indonesia. Di tahun 2008 PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk berhasil meraih pertumbuhan laba bersih 22,5% dan mencapai Rp 2,4 trilyun, dengan pertumbuhan penjualan 24% dan mencapai Rp 15,6 trilyun. Sebagai perusahaan yang mempunyai tanggung jawab yang tinggi terhadap masyarakat, secara berkelanjutan Unilever menjalankan program tanggung jawab perusahaan (Corporate Social Responsibility/CSR) tidak hanya pada program korporasi, tetapi juga pada brand-brandnya. Beberapa Program sosial masyarakat yang dilakukan Unilever adalah: Kampanye Cuci Tangan dengan Sabun (Lifebuoy), Program Edukasi Kesehatan Gigi dan Mulut (Pepsodent),

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Program Pelestarian Makanan Tradisional (Bango), Program memerangi kelaparan dan membantu anak Indonesia yang kekurangan gizi (Blue Band) dan masih banyak lagi. Dalam bidang korporasi, di bawah payung Yayasan Unilever Indonesia, Unilever menjalankan tanggung jawab perusahaannya dalam bidang: program pemberdayaan masyarakat/UKM (Program Pemberdayaan Petani Kedelai Hitam), program edukasi kesehatan masyarakat (Pola Hidup Bersih dan Sehat / PHBS), Program Lingkungan (Green and Clean), dan lain-lain. Posisi Unilever Indonesia yang kuat sebagai pemimpin pasar telah diakui melalui berbagai penghargaan nasional dan internasional yang diterima oleh perusahaan. Pada tahun 2008, Unilever Indonesia telah menerima 66 penghargaan lokal dan regional, antara lain: Asias 200 Most Admired Companies oleh Wall Street Journal Asia, PROPER Award oleh Kementrian Lingkungan Hidup,4 penghargaan International Asias Best Brand Poll (Best Managed Company, Best Corporate Governance, Best Investor Relations & Most Committed to a Strong Dividend Policy), Energy Globe Award (Environment IDE program), Asian MAKE Award 2008, Indonesias Best Brand Award oleh SWA, Most Admired Company dari Majalah Warta Ekonomi, nominasi untuk MDG Award kategori pemberdayaan perempuan, oleh PBB dan Metro TV dan lain-lain.

Untuk keterangan lebih lanjut hubungi: PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk. Nurulita Novi Arlaida Media Relations Manager Tel : (62-21) 526 2112 Fax: (62-21) 526 2046 E-mail: Alchemy Kreative Communications Mitra Vinda PR Director Tel: (62-21) 739 9922 Fax: (62-21) 739 9111 E-mail:

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Press Release

Press Release

Press Release

Press Release
For Immediate Release

Warna Warni Kasih Bunda: Unilever Shows its Appreciation of Mothers To Celebrate Mothers Day
Jakarta, December 17, 2009 A mother is the key agent of change for her family for a better life. A mothers love nurtures her familys fortunes. As a company that is greatly concerned about women, PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk., in cooperation with Rumah Belajar, Rumah Lukisku and Grand Indonesia, celebrated Mothers Day with a program entitled Warna Warni Kasih Bunda (Colors of Mothers Love) from December 17 to 27, 2009 on the first floor of Grand Indonesias East Mall. The State Minister for Womens Empowerment and Child Protection, Linda Amalia Sari, represented by Dr. Setiawati, MSc., Deputy for Womens Life Quality Improvement, who inaugurated the program says, We welcome and support Unilevers initiative to celebrate Mothers Day because the commemoration is highly significant. The celebration of Mothers Day in Indonesia dates back to the beginning of the struggle for independence in 1928 in Yogyakarta. In the beginning, Mothers Day celebrations were aimed at observing the spirit and efforts of women to improve the nations quality of life. This reflected the spirit of women from different backgrounds who united to work together. The appreciation of Mothers Day through the Warna Warni Kasih Bunda program also reflects that spirit, together with mothers everlasting love. This program is marked with a series of activities of artistic appreciation, including an exhibition displaying 100 paintings by 37 artists, a painting workshop and a painting competition for the public, which was initiated by two mothers: Ms. Revita Tantri Yanuar from Rumah Belajar and Ms. Asri Tjardiana from Rumah Lukisku. These are organizations whose main concern is developing artistic talent. Finally, to express their appreciation for the achievements and to show concern for other people, parts of the funds raised from the sale and auction will be donated to the Nanda Dian Nusantara Foundation, which focuses a great deal of attention on improving the welfare of street children by providing free education, led by Ms. Roestien Ilyas. Okty Damayanti, Customer Development Director PT. Unilever Indonesia Tbk., says, A mothers love is unconditional no matter where she is. Therefore, its a great pleasure for Unilever to participate in the celebration of Warna Warni Kasih Bunda with Indonesian families through Buavita, Citra, SariWangi Gold Selection and Walls Moo. These brands are always

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involved in activities aimed at improving the quality of life of Indonesian women, including mothers. Besides the arts, Unilever brands also offer a series of inspiring activities in each booth, with talkshows discussing useful topics for women. SariWangi Gold Selection, which understands the roles of mothers with progressive and dynamic ways of thinking, offers a talkshow entitled Etiket Baik Tunjang Gaya Hidup Modern (Good etiquette to support modern lifestyles). It features experts who share tips and knowledge of good etiquette and elegance with classy taste to support lifestyles. Realizing that mothers often face dilemmas in parenting, Walls Moo is sponsoring a talkshow called Tips Nanny 911 Bantu Ibu Moo Jadi Sahabat Si Kecil (Nannys 911 Tips to Help Moos Moms Become their Childrens Friends), which features psychology experts who share various tips on mother-children relationships. Citra, a brand which encourages Indonesian women to appreciate themselves, offers the discussion topic Pancarkan Citra Cantikmu (Make Your Beautiful Image Glow), which shares tips for women to enhance both their outer and inner beauty. Buavita offers the topic Hidup Sehat ala Bunda Aktif (Active Mothers Healthy Lifestyles) to show its appreciation of mothers in a discussion with health experts to increase peoples awareness of the importance of living a healthy life. Ms Revita Tantri Yanuar from Rumah Belajar and Ms Asri Tjardiana from Rumah Lukisku expressed their happiness with having the opportunity to share through the paintings from their workshops. According to them, painting sharpens creativity and it is also relaxing. In certain ways, it also helps train concentration, patience and persistence while at the same time being enjoyable. Through the Warna Warni Kasih Bunda program, it is expected that more families will spend time together to appreciate paintings. Hopefully, this painting exhibition will increase mothers awareness and enable them to sharpen and direct the potential of their children and family, they reiterated. We know that mothers are a special source of inspiration; they have great potential to drive the family in positive directions. Therefore, we hope that the Warna Warni Kasih Bunda program with SariWangi Gold Selection, Walls Moo, Citra and Buavita will be able to express gratitude and love for Indonesian mothers, Okty concluded.


About PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk.

Unilever, which has been operating in Indonesia since 1933, has grown up together with the Indonesian people for 75 years. As a consumer products producer with an important role in Indonesia, Unilever is the owner of famous brands that are popular across the globe, as well as well known regional and local brands. The portfolio includes such household names as Pepsodent, Lifebuoy, Lux, Dove, Sunsilk, Clear, Rexona, Rinso, Molto, Ponds, Citra, Blue Band, Sariwangi, Royco, Bango, Walls and many others. As a publicly listed company since early 1981 in the Indonesian Stock Exchange, Unilever has a strong commitment to growth in Indonesia. In 2008, Unilever Indonesia manages to generate net profit growth of 22.5% and reached Rp 2,4 trillion, with sale growing 24% reaching Rp 15,6 trillion As a company with high social responsibility to the community, In a sustainable way Unilever run Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs, not only in the corporate levels, but it is also carried out buy its brands. Several CSR programs carried out by Unilever includes: Hand-Washing campaign with Soap (Lifebuoy), Oral and Dental Care

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Education Program (Pepsodent), Traditional Food Promotion Program (Bango), Fight against Hunger and Help Malnourished Children in Indonesia (Blue Band) and many others. In the corporate levels, under the Unilever Indonesia Foundation, Unilever runs CSR programs in community empowerment programs /SME (Black Soybean farmers Empowerment Program), Public health education program (Pola Hidup Bersih dan Sehat / PHBS), Environment Program (Green and Clean), and many others. Unilevers strong position as a market leader is recognized through the various national and regional awards and recognition the Company received. In 2008, Unilever Indonesia received a total of 66 national and international awards and recognitions, including: Asias 200 Most Admired Companies by Wall Street Journal Asia, PROPER Award by The Ministry of Environment, 4 awards of the International Asias Best Brand Poll (Best Managed Company, Best Corporate Governance, Best Investor Relations & Most Committed to a Strong Dividend Policy), Energy Globe Award (Environment IDE program), Asian MAKE Award 2008, Indonesias Best Brand Award by SWA, Most Admired Company from Warta Ekonomi magazine, nominee for MDG Award in the women empowerment category by the United Nations and Metro TV and many others.

For further information, contact:

PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk. Nurulita Novi Arlaida Media Relations Manager Tel : (62-21) 526 2112 Fax: (62-21) 526 2046 E-mail:

Alchemy Kreative Communications Mitra Vinda PR Director Tel: (62-21) 739 9922 Fax: (62-21) 739 9111 E-mail:

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Berita Foto

Berita Foto

Berita Foto

Berita Foto

Berita Foto

Dapat disiarkan segera

Indahnya Pancaran Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Persembahan Unilever Semarakkan Hari Ibu
Jakarta, 21 Desember 2009 PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk. sebagai perusahaan yang memiliki kepedulian tinggi terhadap perempuan, baru-baru ini mempersembahkan acara Warna Warni Kasih Bunda dalam rangka memperingati Hari Ibu hasil kolaborasi dengan Rumah Belajar dan Rumah Lukisku, sejak 17 27 Desember 2009 di lantai 1, East Mall, Grand Indonesia. Acara ini diresmikan oleh Dra. Setiawati, MSc., Deputi Bidang Peningkatan Kualitas Hidup Perempuan, dari Kementrian Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Perlindungan Anak. Serangkaian acara yang kental dengan apresiasi seni ini menampilkan berbagai kegiatan menarik seperti pameran 100 lukisan karya 37 pelukis, lelang lukisan, pengalaman melukis bagi siapapun yang ingin mencoba dan juga lomba melukis untuk kategori anak usia dibawah 15 tahun. Selain itu juga dihadirkan pula serangkaian talkshow interaktif, kesempatan memanjakan tubuh, sketsa wajah dan fortune teller bagi Bunda dan permainan seru mulai dari art & craft sampai dengan glitter tatoo yang ditujukan bagi anak-anak, persembahan dari brand-brand Unilever, yaitu: SariWangi Gold Selection, Walls Moo, Citra dan Buavita. Selanjutnya, sebagai bentuk syukur atas tampil prestasi dan keinginan untuk membantu sesama, sebagian keuntungan dari hasil penjualan dan lelang lukisan akan diserahkan ke Yayasan Nanda Dian Nusantara, yayasan yang memberikan perhatian besar untuk anak-anak jalanan melalui pendidikan gratis, asuhan Ibu Roestien Ilyas. Ibu Okty Damayanti, Customer Development Director PT. Unilever Indonesia Tbk., menyampaikan, Perjuangan ibu adalah perjuangan tanpa pamrih di manapun mereka berada. Oleh karenanya, merupakan kebahagiaan yang tak terhingga bagi Unilever untuk dapat ikut merayakan Warna Warni Kasih Bunda bersama keluarga Indonesia melalui SariWangi Gold Selection, Walls Moo, Citra dan Buavita. Brand-brand ini senantiasa melakukan kegiatan yang ditujukan untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup perempuan Indonesia, termasuk para ibu. Ibu Revita Tantri Yanuar dari Rumah Belajar dan Ibu Asri Tjardiana dari Rumah Lukisku menyampaikan rasa bahagia atas kesempatan dan dukungan untuk berbagi melalui karyakarya sanggar mereka. Melukis, menurut mereka memacu kita untuk kreatif sekaligus relaksasi, bahkan dalam banyak hal melatih konsentrasi, kesabaran, ketekunan namun tetap menyenangkan. Melalui kegiatan Warna Warni Kasih Bunda, diharapkan semakin banyak

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keluarga yang dapat meluangkan waktu bersama dan mengapresiasi indahnya seni lukis. Semoga pameran lukisan ini dapat menggugah para ibu untuk dapat menggali dan mengarahkan potensi anak dan keluarga, harap mereka.

Gambar 1 (Ki-ka): Peresmian pameran lukisan Warna Warni Kasih Bunda, dilakukan oleh Dra. Setiawati, MSc., Deputi Bidang Peningkatan Kualitas Hidup Perempuan, didampingi oleh Ibu Okty Damayanti, Customer Development Director PT. Unilever Indonesia Tbk., pada hari Kamis, 17 Desember 2009 di lantai 1, East Mall, Grand Indonesia.

Gambar 2 (Ki-ka): Sari Nila sebagai MC mendampingi Ibu Cynthia Ningrum dari John Robert Powers pada acara talkshow persembahan dari SariWangi Gold Selection Etiket Baik Tunjang Gaya Hidup Modern pada 18 Desember 2009 yang membahas mengenai kehidupan kaum perempuan berkaitan dengan etiket dan hubungannya dengan gaya hidup.

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Gambar 3 (Ki-ka): Dra. Diennaryati Tjokrosuprihatono M.Psi., Meila Putri Handayani - Brand Manager Walls Moo bersama dengan Becky Tumewu berfoto bersama pada acara talkshow bertajuk Tips Nanny 911, Bantu Ibu Moo Jadi Sahabat si Kecil, hari Sabtu, 19 Desember 2009.

Gambar 4 (Ki-ka): MC, Mitha Hapsari membawa acara talkshow Pancarkan Citra Cantikmu bersama dengan Ibu Roslina Verauli persembahan dari Citra pada 20 Desember 2009, yang mengetengahkan mengenai potensi diri perempuan Indonesia, bahwa cantik itu tidak hanya luarnya saja, tapi juga yang ada di dalam dirinya perlu di gali, karena nantinya tidak hanya untuk diri kita sendiri, tapi juga buat keluarga dan lingkungan sekitar.


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Tentang PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk yang beroperasi di Indonesia sejak tahun 1933, telah tumbuh dan berkembang bersama masyarakat Indonesia selama 75 tahun. Sebagai perusahaan penyedia produk konsumen yang mempunyai peran penting di Indonesia, Unilever adalah produsen merek-merek yang sudah sangat dikenal masyarakat, antara lain Pepsodent, Lifebuoy, Lux, Dove, Sunsilk, Clear, Rexona, Rinso, Molto, Ponds, Citra, Blue Band, Sariwangi, Royco, Bango, Walls dan masih banyak lagi. Sebagai perusahaan yang telah go public pada akhir tahun 1981 dan sahamnya tercatat dan diperdagangkan di Bursa Efek Indonesia, Unilever memiliki komitmen kuat untuk terus maju bersama Indonesia. Di tahun 2008 PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk berhasil meraih pertumbuhan laba bersih 22,5% dan mencapai Rp 2,4 trilyun, dengan pertumbuhan penjualan 24% dan mencapai Rp 15,6 trilyun. Sebagai perusahaan yang mempunyai tanggung jawab yang tinggi terhadap masyarakat, secara berkelanjutan Unilever menjalankan program tanggung jawab perusahaan (Corporate Social Responsibility/CSR) tidak hanya pada program korporasi, tetapi juga pada brand-brandnya. Beberapa Program sosial masyarakat yang dilakukan Unilever adalah: Kampanye Cuci Tangan dengan Sabun (Lifebuoy), Program Edukasi Kesehatan Gigi dan Mulut (Pepsodent), Program Pelestarian Makanan Tradisional (Bango), Program memerangi kelaparan dan membantu anak Indonesia yang kekurangan gizi (Blue Band) dan masih banyak lagi. Dalam bidang korporasi, di bawah payung Yayasan Unilever Indonesia, Unilever menjalankan tanggung jawab perusahaannya dalam bidang: program pemberdayaan masyarakat/UKM (Program Pemberdayaan Petani Kedelai Hitam), program edukasi kesehatan masyarakat (Pola Hidup Bersih dan Sehat / PHBS), Program Lingkungan (Green and Clean), dan lain-lain. Posisi Unilever Indonesia yang kuat sebagai pemimpin pasar telah diakui melalui berbagai penghargaan nasional dan internasional yang diterima oleh perusahaan. Pada tahun 2008, Unilever Indonesia telah menerima 66 penghargaan lokal dan regional, antara lain: Asias 200 Most Admired Companies oleh Wall Street Journal Asia, PROPER Award oleh Kementrian Lingkungan Hidup,4 penghargaan International Asias Best Brand Poll (Best Managed Company, Best Corporate Governance, Best Investor Relations & Most Committed to a Strong Dividend Policy), Energy Globe Award (Environment IDE program), Asian MAKE Award 2008, Indonesias Best Brand Award oleh SWA, Most Admired Company dari Majalah Warta Ekonomi, nominasi untuk MDG Award kategori pemberdayaan perempuan, oleh PBB dan Metro TV dan lain-lain.

Untuk keterangan lebih lanjut hubungi: PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk. Nurulita Novi Arlaida Media Relations Manager Tel : (62-21) 526 2112 Fax: (62-21) 526 2046 E-mail: Alchemy Kreative Communications Temmy Adhyatman PR Manager Tel: (62-21) 739 9922 Fax: (62-21) 739 9111 E-mail:

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Berita Foto

Berita Foto

Berita Foto

Berita Foto

Berita Foto

Dapat disiarkan segera

Puncak Acara Warna Warni Kasih Bunda: Lukiskan Cinta Untuk Anak Indonesia
Jakarta, 28 Desember 2009 Pada hari Minggu, tanggal 27 Desember 2009, acara Warna Warni Kasih Bunda yang digelar mulai tanggal 17 Desember 2009 lalu telah resmi selesai. Acara persembahan PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk. yang digelar sebagai bentuk apresiasi terhadap kontribusi para Bunda Indonesia ini ditutup dengan penampilan dari anak-anak jalanan, mini lelang oleh Rumah Belajar dan Rumah Lukisku, pengumuman lomba lukis dan penyerahan donasi kepada Yayasan Nanda Dian Nusantara, di lantai 1, East Mall, Grand Indonesia. Serangkaian acara Warna Warni Kasih Bunda ini telah menampilkan berbagai kegiatan yang seru dan menarik seperti pameran 100 lukisan karya 37 pelukis, pengalaman melukis bagi siapapun yang ingin mencoba dan juga lomba melukis untuk kategori anak usia dibawah 15 tahun serta lelang lukisan. Selain itu juga dihadirkan pula serangkaian talkshow interaktif persembahan dari brand-brand Unilever yang ikut berpastisipasi dalam perayaan hari Ibu ini, yaitu: SariWangi Gold Selection, Walls Moo, Citra dan Buavita. Selanjutnya, sebagai bentuk syukur atas tampil prestasi dan keinginan untuk membantu sesama, sebagian keuntungan dari hasil lelang lukisan senilai Rp 30.000.000,- (Tiga Puluh Juta Rupiah) diserahkan kepada Yayasan Nanda Dian Nusantara, yayasan yang memberikan perhatian besar untuk anak-anak jalanan melalui pendidikan gratis, asuhan Ibu Roostien Ilyas.

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Gambar 1 (Ki-ka): Penyerahan donasi dari sebagian hasil lelang lukisan dilakukan secara simbolis oleh Ibu Asri Tjardiana (Rumah Lukisku) dan Ibu Revita Tantri Yanuar (Rumah Belajar) kepada Ibu Roostien Ilyas, Ketua Yayasan Nanda Dian Nusantara pada hari Minggu, 27 Desember 2009 di lantai 1, East Mall, Grand Indonesia.

Gambar 2 (Ki-ka): Para pemenang lomba melukis Warna Warni Kasih Bunda diumumkan pada hari Minggu, tanggal 27 Desember 2009 dan mendapatkan penghargaan dari Rumah Belajar dan Rumah Lukisku, didukung oleh PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk dan Grand Indonesia. Lukisan pinguin dimenangkan oleh Giovani untuk kategori lukisan terfavorit, lukisan anak di sebuah desa oleh Chika untuk kategori usia dibawah 7 tahun dan lukisan komik 2 remaja perempuan hasil karya Lita untuk kategori usia 7 15 tahun.

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Gambar 3 (Ki-ka): Dr. Fiastuti Witjaksono SpGK berfoto bersama dengan Ersa Mayori sebagai pembawa acara usai acara talkshow Hidup Sehat ala Bunda Aktif persembahan dari Buavita, pada hari Sabtu, 26 Desember 2009. Buavita sangat memahami pentingnya menjaga gaya hidup sehat dengan pola konsumsi yang tepat dan seimbang, untuk itu Buavita hadir sebagai alternatif praktis dalam mendapatkan manfaat alami buah untuk kesehatan tubuh.

---selesai--Tentang PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk yang beroperasi di Indonesia sejak tahun 1933, telah tumbuh dan berkembang bersama masyarakat Indonesia selama 75 tahun. Sebagai perusahaan penyedia produk konsumen yang mempunyai peran penting di Indonesia, Unilever adalah produsen merek-merek yang sudah sangat dikenal masyarakat, antara lain Pepsodent, Lifebuoy, Lux, Dove, Sunsilk, Clear, Rexona, Rinso, Molto, Ponds, Citra, Blue Band, Sariwangi, Royco, Bango, Walls dan masih banyak lagi. Sebagai perusahaan yang telah go public pada akhir tahun 1981 dan sahamnya tercatat dan diperdagangkan di Bursa Efek Indonesia, Unilever memiliki komitmen kuat untuk terus maju bersama Indonesia. Di tahun 2008 PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk berhasil meraih pertumbuhan laba bersih 22,5% dan mencapai Rp 2,4 trilyun, dengan pertumbuhan penjualan 24% dan mencapai Rp 15,6 trilyun. Sebagai perusahaan yang mempunyai tanggung jawab yang tinggi terhadap masyarakat, secara berkelanjutan Unilever menjalankan program tanggung jawab perusahaan (Corporate Social Responsibility/CSR) tidak hanya pada program korporasi, tetapi juga pada brand-brandnya. Beberapa Program sosial masyarakat yang dilakukan Unilever adalah: Kampanye Cuci Tangan dengan Sabun (Lifebuoy), Program Edukasi Kesehatan Gigi dan Mulut (Pepsodent), Program Pelestarian Makanan Tradisional (Bango), Program memerangi kelaparan dan membantu anak Indonesia yang kekurangan gizi (Blue Band) dan masih banyak lagi. Dalam bidang korporasi, di bawah payung Yayasan Unilever Indonesia, Unilever menjalankan tanggung jawab perusahaannya dalam bidang: program pemberdayaan masyarakat/UKM (Program Pemberdayaan Petani Kedelai Hitam), program edukasi kesehatan masyarakat (Pola Hidup Bersih dan Sehat / PHBS), Program Lingkungan (Green and Clean), dan lain-lain. Posisi Unilever Indonesia yang kuat sebagai pemimpin pasar telah diakui melalui berbagai penghargaan nasional dan internasional yang diterima oleh perusahaan. Pada tahun 2008, Unilever Indonesia telah menerima 66 penghargaan lokal dan regional, antara lain: Asias 200 Most Admired Companies oleh Wall Street Journal Asia, PROPER Award oleh Kementrian Lingkungan Hidup,4 penghargaan International Asias Best Brand Poll (Best Managed Company, Best Corporate Governance, Best Investor Relations & Most Committed to a Strong Dividend Policy), Energy Globe Award (Environment IDE program), Asian MAKE Award 2008, Indonesias Best Brand Award oleh SWA, Most Admired Company dari Majalah Warta Ekonomi, nominasi untuk MDG Award kategori pemberdayaan perempuan, oleh PBB dan Metro TV dan lain-lain.

Untuk keterangan lebih lanjut hubungi: PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk. Alchemy Kreative Communications

Project Report, PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk. (Warna Warni Kasih Bunda) March 2010 Page 188 of 195 Nurulita Novi Arlaida Media Relations Manager Tel : (62-21) 526 2112 Fax: (62-21) 526 2046 E-mail: Temmy Adhyatman PR Manager Tel: (62-21) 739 9922 Fax: (62-21) 739 9111 E-mail:

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Attachment E
Post-Event Analysis

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PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk. Media Conference Warna Warni Kasih Bunda Jakarta, December 17, 2009 Grand Indonesia, 1st floor, East Mall, Jakarta Post-Event Analysis (Prepared by Alchemy Kreative Communications on January 15, 2010) Event Overview Indonesians commemorate Hari Ibu or Mothers Day every December 22 as an expression of gratitude, appreciation and affection for our mothers, whose importance in our families simply cannot be overemphasized. In conjunction with Mothers Day this year, Unilever, through its brands (SariWangi Gold Selection, Walls Moo, Citra and Buavita), and together with Rumah Belajar, Rumah Lukisku and Grand Indonesia, conducted an event entitled Warna Warni Kasih Bunda, which presented an array of attractive activities aimed at expressing appreciation for mothers. Formally opened by Dra. Setiawati MSc. the Deputy Minister for Womens Life Quality Improvement from the State Ministry for Womens Empowerment and Childrens Protection, this event also offered a painting exhibition. The funds raised from the sales and auction were donated to the Nanda Dian Nusantara Foundation, which is dedicated to helping street children. The overall event was interesting, with a large variety of activities: a painting exhibition, together with a painting experience and competition, as well as different activities in each brand booth that both adults and children could participate in.

Highlights Unilever Spokepersons & Key Opinion Formers Okty Damayanti Customer Development Director for PT. Unilever Indonesia Tbk. Nurulita Novi Arlaida Media Relations Manger for PT. Unilever Indonesia Tbk. Dra. Setiawati MSc. Deputy Minister for Womens Life Quality Improvement from the State Ministry for Womens Empowerment and Childrens Protection Asri Tjardiana representative from Rumah Lukisku Roestien Ilyas head of the Nanda Dian Nusantara Foundation Mrs. Novi was fluent and relaxed in answering the questions from both the moderator and media - proof that she is experienced in dealing with queries at media events. But, it would have been better if the volume of her voice can be more loud while speaking at the talkshow

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Dra. Setiawati conveyed most of the important key messages. It was also evident that the Ministry fully endorses and supports Unilevers programs that involve womens affairs Mrs. Asri eloquently explained the mission of running Rumah Lukisku, a haven for those who have a passion for painting, where family members are constantly encouraged to engage in painting activities as a relaxing pastime and to spend quality time together Mrs. Roestien was another inspiring speaker who not only delivered her remarks with genuine feeling, but also fluently shared touching stories about the realities of street childrens lives

MC/Moderator The MC, Arletta Moana, was graceful and eloquent. She was able to adapt when she had to be formal and serious while talking to the speakers, especially Dra. Setiawati. On the other hand, she was also able to throw in light jokes to enliven the proceedings. It was easy for Alchemy to brief her since she had already studied the documents, e.g. the event rundown and key messages, thoroughly. Setting The venue was divided into several areas: the media conference, painting exhibition, painting competition and experience and activity booths for SariWangi Gold Selected, Walls Moo, Citra and Buavita The media conference area was surrounded by these areas, making it convenient for the media to move around and visit all areas according to their interest The overall areas were decorated with the Warna Warni Kasih Bunda logo and colors, dominated by shades of blue, which had a soothing effect. The logo reflects a woman who is simultaneously receiving a flower as a token of appreciation and another hand offering her merits The theater-style seating arrangements were appropriate and effective to accommodate quite a large number of media Media 47 media turned up. They represented broadcast, print and online media as well as general news, special interest and lifestyle publications They were happy about the event; some said topics about Mothers Day were rare and the particular theme that Unilever offered was newsworthy and suitable for this occasion The media also claimed that they gained useful information regarding women in the development of family and society However, some also recommended not having a media conference in a mall because the venue was too spacious and crowded. Some also requested more KOFs as inspiring speakers and more varieties of paintings to be displayed Venue The venue was strategically located and easy to reach for the journalists.

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Lowlights and Recommendations The decorations consisted of booths and panels that were installed the night before, and they still smelled strongly of paint; we received this comment from one journalist also The event started a bit late due to a sudden performance given by the street children. If Alchemy had been informed, we would have arranged for this in the rundown accordingly The snacks were not sufficient; we had to order more towards the end of the event when some journalists were not able to get any and expressed their disappointment

Challenges In the beginning, it was quite a challenge to find the most interesting story angle for each brand. It was also difficult to get confirmations about which brand managers would attend the conference At first, we were led to believe that the Ministry for Womens Empowerment and Childrens Protection, Linda Amalia Sari herself, would be present to formally open the event, and this we had promised to the media in the invitation. However, at the last minute, she was called for a meeting with the President and was replaced by her deputy Alchemy had to deal with many different parties that involved the venue, the clients, Rumah Lukisku, Rumah Belajar, KOFs and the MC. Therefore, many coordination meetings had to be held to ensure that they were all properly and clearly briefed

Questions Raised by the Media How is Yayasan Nanda Dian able to achieve its goals while having to foster so many children?

Next Steps Send out photo releases to all invited media and media releases to the nonattending media



Business General Women Lifestyle

3 7

Weekly/ Bi-Weekly Magazine/ Tabloid 2 3

Monthly Magazine




4 4

5 2 1

1 2

Project Report, PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk. (Warna Warni Kasih Bunda) March 2010 Page 193 of 195

Special Interest

Media Attendance List No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. ALIA AMICA AREA B&B BISNIS INDONESIA BUSINESS NEWS ESPRESSO Publication Journalist Ibu Elly Muzdalipah Ibu Verawati Waloeyo Bpk. Martin Bpk. Yuri Alfred Ibu Reni Efita Hendry Ibu Patitis SR Bpk. Willy Bpk. Sapta 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. EVE FIORI MAGAZINE GOOD HOUSEKEEPING HARIAN PELITA HARIAN SEPUTAR INDONESIA Ibu Christine Evans Ibu Rahmi Hastari Ibu Budiana Ibu Donna Ibu Inggrid N Bpk. Hasiholan 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. HARIAN TERBIT HARPER'S BAZAAR HIDUPGAYA.COM I RADIO IDEONOMICS Ibu Tety Polmasari Bpk. Evan Praditya Ibu Eny Widayati Bpk. Aryo Bpk. Mahar Prastowo

Project Report, PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk. (Warna Warni Kasih Bunda) March 2010 Page 194 of 195

No 18. 19.


Journalist Bpk. Yulistyo Pratomo Ibu Liana Gracia Ibu Faradiba Panigoro

20. 21.


Ibu Happy Amanda Amalia Ibu Inayu Dwinanda Bpk. Aris

22. 23.


Bpk. Arul Bpk. Deni Mulyadi Ibu Yana Ghopar

24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29.


Ibu Ririn Indriyani Ibu Nadia Felicia Ibu Diade Riva Bpk. IP. Rangga Ibu Nurur R Bintari Ibu Dede Marlia Ibu Herviyani

30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35.


Ibu Sandra D. Sabastian Ibu Dedeh K. Ibu Laily Damayanti Bpk. Jacky K. Ibu Irene Bpk. Ronny

Project Report, PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk. (Warna Warni Kasih Bunda) March 2010 Page 195 of 195


Publication Ibu Dahlia


36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44.


Ibu Christina Ibu Astrid Ibu Disty Ibu Sari Bpk. Heru Guntoro Ibu Suryati Ibu Retta Bpk. Hayat Fakhrurozy Ibu Dewi Muchtar Ibu Nila

45. 46. 47.


Bpk. Yanto Ibu Intan Ibu Wiwie Hoedy Elliasanti

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