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SF > > > > > v vvvvvvvvY ad Det a icine |.Guid to meas, seas 2. ical examinati In Final year for medicine, you need to focus on following topi imagine in your mind that « patient comes to you and you are going to treat him, how will you proceed Firstly, how to diagnose a disease, so your prior Focus is on sign and sympto ms of patient (clinical features) that are much important to diagnose and t o differentiate from other diseases in 90% of scenarios. After diagnosing by sign and symptoms, you are still confused how to confir m this disease; so now you need to have some investigations that will solve qu eries of your mind and confirm your diagnosis, Some investigations are basi cand some are specific, Basic investigations are for maximum of diseases and are not specific for m any. ‘Specific Investigations are in some sense Investigation of choice as they con Firm the diagnosis. After confirming the diagnosis, you need to manage your patient's disease, and that can be done by; Lifestyle changes, medications, radiology interven tions and surgery. ‘Some diseases need only medications to be treated and some need further t reatment as well, ‘An important thing, when you are asked about Management of disease or pa tient, you will start from history(sign and symptoms), investigations and th en treatment, Don't think its only treatment, Gastrointestinal; GIT is important as it contains 2 SEGS and almost 7 MCQS, *** Means most important topics which you can't skip at any cost. ‘** means you should read this topic but if u have less time, u can skip at that time then. ‘* means you only need to read this topic for mcs and if there is seq, ucan solve then, Clinical examination of GIT> For clinical work in wards and for some scenari os. Anatomy and physiology> Just Read for basic concepts and for 3-5% megs i nproff. Investigation of GIT > read for concepts; focus on table 21.3,21,4,21.5 GIT bleeding*** Diarrhea, constipation and malabsorption>* Table 22,4,22,5>* Gastro-esophagea! reflux disease complete*** Achalasia*** Table 21.31,Tumors of esophagus> ** Gastritis >** Peptic ulcer disease complete >*** IMedicalGl = oy i Om ) > Gastric carcinoma>** ga > Coeliac disease*** Y te ing 1 wide 's neck ap vis (rage radiation ente isd Table 21.49,21.50 >* ‘Abdominal T.B, malignant tumors of small intestine>* Acute and chronic pancreatitis*** Inflammatory bowel disease(complete)*** Irritable bowel syndrome >*** Colo-rectal cancer >*** Diverticulosis, hirshsprung’s disease> * v vVvvvvyyY Blood ;~ This unit contains 1 seq of 5 marks and 5 megs, Clinical examination in blood disease > for clinical work in wards Anatomy and physiology > for concepts Investigations > for megs Presenting problems in Blood disease >* ( tables must) Splenomegaly with table >* Venous thrombosis >* Stem cell transplantation >* Megaloblastic Anemia >*** Tron deficiency anemia >** Hereditary spherocytosis >* Aplastic anemia >*** Thalassemia >** ( u can do this from Pervez Akbar ) Autoimmune hemolytic anemia >** Pancytopenia, Polycythemia >* Chronic myeloid Leukemia >*** ( u can do this from Pervez Akbar ) Acute leukemias >** ( u can do this from Pervez Akbar ) Lymphomas; Hodgkin >** Multiple myeloma >*** Hemophilia >* Idiopathic thrombocytopenic Purpura >*** Von willebrand disease >** Disseminated intravascular disease >* vevvevy¥ YY vee This unit contains 1 seqs of 5 marks and 6 mcqs according to UHS proff, Respiratory System Medicine;~ VVVVVVYVYVYY ‘Anatomy and physiology > for concepts Investigations > for megs Clinical examination In blood disease > for clinical work in wards Rheumatoid arthritis >*** Osteoarthritis >** Ankylosing spondylitis >* Reactive arthritis >* ‘Systemic sclerosis >*** Osteoporosis, osteomalacia, rickets >* ‘Septic arthritis, viral arthritis >° Raynaud syndrome >°* ‘SLE >*** Gout >* This unit contains 1 seqs and 7 meas according to proff. You should have strong grip on clinical knowledge of common diseases as for wards and vivas, VY VY YY YY yyy Clinical examination > for clinical work in wards. Anatomy, physiology and investigations > for concepts, Table 17.8,17.9,17.10 >" Pleural effusion Respiratory failure >* Asthma >*** COPD >*** Lisette wa acquired >*** Facies em, Bronchial carcinoma >*** Sarcoidosis >** Hypersensitivity syndrome >** Venous thromboembolism >** Pneumothorax >*** Atelectasis and pulmonary hypertension > * This unit is much important as it contains 2 seqs of 5 marks and 7 megs, This unit is quite extensive but not so difficult to do, so do it smartly. This unit contains > Clinical examination > for clinical work of wards and for some sce narios. > Anatomy, physiology and investigations> for concepts (read inves tigations for further diseases) Chest pain including table 16.5 >* Cardiac arrest> complete including table and flow chart >*** Table 16.10, 16.11>** Heart Failure> complete including tables and diagrams***(Manag ement should be to the point) Atrial fibrillation*** Definitions of cardiac arrhythmias (read for mcqs) >* Coronary artery disease*** Angina pectoris*** Acute coronary syndrome*** Aortic dissection*** Hypertension*® Diseases of heart valves***(whole topic for seqs and mcqs, especi ally mitral and aortic diseases) Infective endocarditis*** > Cardiomyopathy** > Diseases of Pericardium*** vvyvy vyvyvvyyy y ‘al Nervous stem Gs ideline:= | Stroke( chap 26 oF tae 23" dition) b is dao cleded in CNS so must do it as it is much imp chap, This unit is quite extensive from Davidsons, so do it smartly, > Clinical examination > For clinical work in wards and viva, ‘Anatomy, physiology and investigations > for concepts and meas, Table 25,2, 25.4, 25.6 ,25.7> read 25,13, 25. 18, 25,20, 25.21, 25,22 Facial weakness Trigeminal neuralgia >** ‘Status epilepticus >** Coma >** vvvyvvyyyy Headache syndromes >*** Epilepsy including tables >*** ™ ™ vam IMedicalGlobe > Multiple sclerosis > > Transverse sidet a > Parkinson's disease >*** > Motor neuron disease >** > Meningitis complete>*** > Encephalitis, poliomyelitis and cerebral abscess >* > Tetanus, botulism >* > Guillain barre syndrome >*** > Myasthenia gravis >°* > Stroke complete >*** Liver ici This unit contains 6 megs and 1 seqs according to proff, You will see mostly topics from these units are important but kee pin mind GASTROENTEROLGY diseases are very common and af ter some months, u r going to deal such patients so do in good way, Clinical examination> for clinical work in wards, Anatomy and physiology > for concepts and megs, Investigations> for mcqs and concepts, Acute liver failure>** Jaundice>*read only Ascites>*** Hepatic encephalopathy>*** Cirrhosis** Portal hypertension, variceal bleeding>*** Hepatitis complete>*** Liver abscess>* Non alcoholic fatty liver disease>** Autoimmune hepatitis>* Primary biliary cholangitis>*** Primary sclerosing cholangitis>* Hepatocellular carcinoma>*** Hemochromatosis>** Wilsons disease>** Pregnancy associated liver disease>** Gall stones and acute cholecystitis>* Budd Chiari syndrome, gilberts syndrome>* Or ’ IMedicalGlobe Va? Respiratory System Medicine > This unit contains 1 seqs and 7 mcqs according to proff. > You should have strong grip on clinical knowledge of common diseases as for wards and vivas. > NOTE: Three(***) stars means; very important questions which you must need to do. > Two(**) stars means imp questions which u need to do but if u have very short time(it shouldn't be), you can skip then. » One(*) star means only to read such topics like if any of such question come in exams, u can solve then. Clinical examination > for clinical work in wards. Anatomy, physiology and investigations > for concepts. Table 17.8,17.9,17.10 >* Pleural effusion >*** © Respiratory failure >* Asthma >*** © COPD >*** Bronchiectasis >*** © Sarcoidosis >** Pneumonia; community acquired >*** Tuberculosis >*** Bronchial carcinoma >*** Hypersensitivity syndrome >** Venous thromboembolism >** Pneumothorax >*** @ Atelectasis and pulmonary hypertension > * a otter Sy Medicine 2 Chap wise Guideline Medical Psychiatry Thiam is much imp os it containg 2 sens of 5 marks and according to UHS proff. So must read the whole its not extensive) and have full grip on imp questions, > WHO classification of Psychiatric Disorders >** > Interview, examination for concepts >* > Table 28,4>° > Delirium >***(given on another mentioned page) > Delusions, hallucinations >°* > Low mood with tables >°* > Anxiety problems >* > Medically unexplained somatic symptoms, self harm >* > Dementia, Alzheimers disease, confusion >* > Alcohol misuse and dependence >°* > Shizophrenia (also neuroleptic malignant syndrome in treatment >*** > Depression >°** > Anxiety disorders >*** > Factitious disorder >* > Post traumatic stress disorder >* > Somatoform disorders complete including dissociative disorder >*** > Eating disorders >*** > Puerperal psychiatric disorders >*** Page Brack MedicalGlobe Medicine 2 Chap wise Guideline Dermatology: This unit contains 1 seq of 5 marks and 6 meas, > Clinical examination >for concepts and clinical work in wards. > Anatomy and physiology >for concepts > Investigations >For meas roblns kn deere, tables must >* > Pyoderma gangrenosum >* > SLE, erythema multiforme >* y Medicine 2 Chap wise Guideline Infectious diseases Thi unit coving 3 sagt Sparks ond Daas > Fever complete (biref) >°* Severe skin and soft tissue infections >* Acute Diarrhoea &Vomiting >* Tetanus >°* Suhilis> >*** (given in sexually transmitted infections chap) Gonorrhea >*(given in sexually transmitted infections chap) Meningitis slat (also covered in M1) Viral infections: HIV >***(given in separate chap) Measles & Chickenpox >** Shingles >*** Mumps >°* Infectious mononucleosis >** Dengue >*** Herpes simplex >°* Hepatitis >* Respiratory viral infections >** Bacterial infections: Brucellosis >** Borrelia infections >* Scarlet Fever >* Typhoid Fever >*** Leptospirosis >*** Clostridium difficile infection >* Bacillary dysentery > > VV VV VV VV VV VY VV VV VY VV VY VV VV VV Medicine 2 Chap wise Guideline Endocrine Disease Autoimmune thyroid disease >** Ovarian Syndrome >*** Hyper and hypocalcemia >** Primary Hyperparathyroidism >** pate Noah ae sp. Cushings lrome >*** Adrenal Insufficiency/addisons disease >*** Primary hyperaldosteronism >°* Gastroenteropancreatic neuro-endocrine tumours, carcinoid tumor > Hypopituitarism >°* Phaeochromocytoma >*** Hyperprolactinaemia >** Acromegaly >*** Diabetes Insipidus >* Diabetesmilletus vimp topic, do it briefly (efinteninvestiatios treatment complains) _ Diabteic ketoacidosis, Non Ketotic Hyperosmolar diabetic coma >*** > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Pape Benak, “Pe Medicine 2 Chap wise Guideline Clinical Biochemistry &Metabolism > This unit contains 2 end 10 meas. This unit includes 2 chaps; Clinical Bic t Urinary Tract Disease. ‘Anatomy VY YY YYV YY YY OU a! - 1 Pediatrics Guideline And Chap Wise Important (page 1) Reference is from Peads by Pervez Akbar Kham (ainth edition) No need to do anyother book besices this, ‘You must know Diagnosis (differential also), investigations and treatment of every disease vy im Pediatrics is easy as compared to medicine and some things are common in pends and medicine: so.if you are doing a topic/unit from medicine, then after that do it from peads and then surgery. % Topic wise guideline of each unit is given as follows. > Guideline of all imp chapters regarding soqs are mentioned first and then other minor units from which only few topics have to be done. + Guidelines of all remaining Chapters of Pervaiz Akbar are mentioned at the end, ‘Three(***) stars means; very important questions Which you must need to do > Twoi**) stars Gores in abppats wile Hee bat if whave very short time( it shouldn't be), you can skip then. > Ono(*) star means only to read such topics Uke i act ich Gest ea Mt exar,1 can solve then. Nephrology © This topic includes chap 23 of Pervaiz Akbar and also topic Wilms tumor from chap 17:Neoplaatic diseases. Evaluation of rena finton. ids And eloclytes and acid base disturbances >for concepts smeqs Hematuria >* Aciite post streptococcal glomenulonepheitis >*** Hemolytic uremic syndrome, Henoch shonlein Purpura >* Nephirotic syndrome complete (definitions in this topic are also imp)*** ‘Acute and chronie renal failure >** Urinary tract infection >*** Pediatrics Guideline And Chap Wise Important e 2 Cardiovascular Diseases > This unit contains 2 seqs($ marks each) and 4 megs according to proff. > This topic inclodes chap anid topic ‘Rheumatic fever’ from “Chap 10 lafectious diseases." ‘Congenital heart disease; definition and diseases natnes >* Teratology of faliot >*** ‘Transposition of great arteries >* ‘Ventricular septal defect >*** Congestive cardiac failure >** “J Infective endocarditis >*** ‘Cardiac myopathy, myocanlitis >* Acute Rheumatic fever >*** Neurologic Diseases: > This topic contains 4 meqs and 2'seqs of marks each, 1 seq is'95% sure from topic ‘meningitis’. > This includes 2 chapters; 1S{neurologi: iano 16{ neuromuscular Tso op pont te top fOcaleoay ices Meningitis complete >*** Encephalitis >** ‘Cerebral malaria >*** Febrile convulsions >*"* Epilepsy 9*** complete topic Brain abscess >** Hydroceplnalus >* Cerebral palsy >*** Duchesne muscular dystrophy >** ‘Guillain Barre syndrome >*** ‘Transverse muyelitis >* Poliomyelitis >** eereeereereee " Pediatrics Guideline And Chap Wise Important (page 3: Respiratory Diseases ‘This unit contains | seq and meqs. ‘This topic includes chap L1 Respiratory disorders, topic ‘Pertussis’ and ‘tuberculosis’ from chap 16 “infectious diseases’ and Foreign body inhalation, burns from chap 8 ‘acutely ill child’. © Sinusitis, seue pharyngitis>* © Acute epipiattitis >* © Croup>* © — Poeumonia >*** (it also includes classification of pneumonia from chap 4 ‘Social and Preventive pediatrics’ ‘Poeumothorax >** ‘Asthma >*** Bronchiolitis >*** Pleural effusion >" Pertussis ond T.B.>* ‘Chemical burn injuries >* © Foreign body inhalation and choking >*** Gastrointestinal and Liver Disorders » This topic contains | segs of $ marks and 5 meqs. > This topic includes chap 12 ‘Gastrointestinal disease and liver’ . topic “Acute diarrhea’ from chap 10 ‘infectious diseases" . topic “Marismus. Kwashiorkor(brief)’ from chap 6 “Pediatric nutrition and nutritional disorders’. © Cauises of voriting>* Chronic diarrhea >*** Acute diarrhea >** Lactose intolerance >** Celiac disease >*** Tnflammatory bowel disease >* Causes of hepatomegaly >* Acute hepatitis, fulminant hepatic failure, hepatic encephalopathy >* Autoimmune hepatitis >** @ Ascites >* Wilson disease >** © Marasmus, kwashiorkor >" eee eee eee SS kk. 4 Pediatrics Guideline And Chap Wise Important (page 4) Endocrinology This topic contains 1 seq of 5 marks and 2 megs according to proff. » This topic includes chap 19 “Endocrine disorders’ and topic “Turner syndrome’ of chap 22 “Human genetics’ © Short stature >** © Congenital hypothyroidism>*** © Hyperthyroidism >* © Congenital adsenal hyperplasia>* © Diabetes mellitus >** . . Diabetic ketoacidosis, Rickets»""* Immunology (Vaccinology) Thistopic contains 1 seq of 5 marks dnd 2 megs. Types and examples of vaccines >*** Table 32>*° DTaP vaccine > MME vaccine >** Hepatitis B vaccine >* Infectious Diseases Many topics of this ehapter have been covered im previous mentioned topics. © Acute diarrhea complete >***(already done in GIT) © Persistent diarrhea >* © Poliomyelitis >** (already done in neurology) © Pertussis >** (already done in respiratory diseases) a ' . . . . . . © Poliomyelitis vaccine >** . . . Measles, mumps>* Tetanus >* Tuberculosis >**(already done in respiratory diseases) Rheumatic fever >***(already done in CVS) Dengue fever >*** en Co ~ =, Pediatrics Guideline And Chap Wise Important (page 5) Oncology and Hematology This topic contains 1 seq of S marks and S meqs. * Seq can be from either hematology 6 oncology. © Anemia: definition, Classification and table 16,1 >* Iron deficiency anemia >** ‘Beta thalassemia >* Sickle cell anemia >* ‘Coagulation defects >* Idiopathic thrombocytopenic Purpura >*** Acute lymphoblastic leukemia >*** Lymphomas >** ‘Wilms tumor >*** ( covered in nephrology also) Splenomegaly. lymphadenopathy >" History Taking and Physical examination © Do this chap in a good way for your wards and have ur strong grip on history, examination and relevant topics. © You don't need to buy any book for your peaids ward if you will do this chap. © Tables of this chap are very important. © This chap is also imp for viva. Growth and development © Table 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5 are imp for viva and meqs. © Percentile charts are used in wards Social and Preventive Pediatrics Only classification of pneumonia eee Tree GCOS Behavioral and Psychiatric Disorders No need to do Pediatric Nutrition and Nutritional disorders Only malnutrition to do which is already done in GIT. Fluid and electrolyte disorders: No need to do Acutely ill Child Bums >** Forciga body inhalation and choking >*#* (already done in respiration). Neonatology ® Ist page definitions >* ‘Neonatal resuscitation >*** ‘Birth asphyxia ‘Neonatal sepsis >*** ‘Premuanurity=* Respiratory distress syndrome >* Jaundice neonatarum >** Infant of dinbetic mother >*** eee eeeee Small and large for gestational age infant >* eeu TET Cr Cle Pediatrics Guideline And Chap Wise Important (page Rheumatic Diseases © Kawasaki disease >* Human Genetics @ Down syndrome >** @ = Tumer syndrome >** © Examples of single gene defects inheritance >*_ Dermatology © Noneed todo. Pediatric surgery © Intussusception>* Poisoning and Toxicology © General management and caustic ingestion >* Bone and joint disorders © Septic arthritis >*** Immunologic diseases and metabolic diseases © Noneed todo. S— ie ——— General Surgery chap wise Guideline(page 1) Reference: Abdul Wahab Dogar, > if urnot satisfied with this book, you can do summary tables from "bailay and love" also. > Youneed to cram "Dogar" book complete, so in following guidelines, if u find almost whole ‘chap imp then its not surprising then. > General surgery’s some topics are cramming and some are conceptual but whole of this chap Is easy if you will take interest considering you a “surgeon” “Abdul wahab Dogar’s” “General surgery” book is such a short kinda book that completes your almost whole syllabus of UHS. So its need to do whole book{at least a read). Every chapter will be containing maximum of important questions and you need to cram ‘them. Remember, in House job, General surgery which includes both your general and systemic, is a major one rotation |.¢. everyone has to do either willing or not. Note: Three(***) stars means; very important questions which you must need to do. ‘Two(**) stars means imp questions which u need to do but if u have very short time(it shouldn't be), you can skip then, * One(*) star means only to read such topics like if any of such question come in exams, u can solve then, Chap 1: Radiology: © Every topic of this chap is 3 *** imp so doit complete in'a good way, “oy Pe IR Chap 2: Pre operative evaluation and management © Read whole chap briefly, Pre operative assessment >*brief @ Investigations >" © Pre op problems and management >* give 2 read and do main brief points © Cardiovascular disease,diabetes >** cree 3: Aseptic Techniques and Sterilization Sterilization >*** Disinfection>** © Surgery in high risk patients >** @ Factors contributing to Asepsis in Operation theature>*** Chap 4: Anesthesia and Analgesia © Whole chap is imp; General anesthesia phases, advantages, complications, indications >*** Local anesthesia > ‘© Cancer Pain Management >** Local anesthetci technique >** —_@ Procedure of spinal anesthesia insertion >** Spinal anesthesia complete>* Epidural anesthesia and differences between spinal and epidural >** Patient control analgesia >*** WHO Analgesic ladder >*’ ‘Types of chronic pain >** eC me General Surgery chap wise Guideline(page 2) Chap 5: Sutures and Needles @ For megs and ospe >" Chap 6: Post Operative Care © lust givea read >* Chap 7: Post operative complications: © Names of complications >** © Wound complications; wound dehiscence 2** © Past operative Fever >** © Read rest chap >* Chap 8: Surgical Audit: © No need to do, Chap 9: Advanced Trauma Life Support: © Stepsin ATLS Philosophy complete>*** © FAST Scan >** © Triage >*** Chap 10; Thoracic Trauma: This chap ‘Thoracic Trauma’ will be Included in 'Systemic Surgery’ in "Thorax" seq alongwith ‘Thoracic Surgery’ given in Systemic Surgery, Immediate life threatening Conditions (names) (Lethat six)>*** Pheumotharax complete >*** Hemothorax>*** Potential life threatening canditions{names) >** Fail Chest >*** Cardiac Temponade >** Sucking chest wound >* Chest tube intubation >*** Thoracotomy >**(als0 procedure from bailay) Chap 11: Warfare Injuries: © Blast injuries >* © Rest chap>* eC General Surgery chap wise Guideline(page 3) Chap 12: Neurosurgical Trauma: This unit ‘Neurosurgical Trauma’ will be included in ‘Systemic Surgery’ in “Nervous Systern* alongwith ‘Head injuries’ given in Systemic surgery. © Skull injury >*** Brain Injury complete >*** @ Glasgow Coma Scale >*** ‘© Indications of CT scan in head injury >** © Extradural Hematoma>*** © Sub dural Hematoma>* © Spinal cord injuries >* Chap 13: Burn Injuries: © Whole chap isimp >*** © Classification Assessment, Management, Non thermal buns >*** Chap 14: Plastic Surgery: ‘© Classification of Grafts and Flaps>** Chap 15: Acid Base Disorders: © Read whole chap >*** ‘© Metabolic alkalosis and acidosis >*** Chap 16: Flulds Therapy: Principles of Fluids therapy > ‘© Monitoring of Fluids Therapy >** © Rest chap >* Just read Chap 17; Hemorrhage and Shock: ‘© Types of Hemorrhage >** © Measurement, Treatment of Acute Blood Loss >** © Clinical effects of Shock >** Shock >*** Chap 18: Blood Transfusion: Indications of blood transfusion >** Safety measures >*** © Complications of Blood Transfusion >*** © Massive blood Transfusion >*** . ° pic >* Dengue fever >** iMedicalGlabe! <%, General Surgery chap wise Guideline(page 4) Chap 19: Surgical Nutrition: © Metabolic effects of Starvation >* © Nutritional Assessment >*** © Calculation of Nutritional Requirement >** © Enteral feeding >*** . . Parenteral Nutrition complete Nutritional consequences of Intestinal Resection >** Chap 20: Principles of Oncology: Screening, Tumour Markers >** ‘Treatment Strategy of Malignant Tumour >** Principles of Cancer Surgery >** 3 Principles of Hormonal Therapy >** Radiotherapy complet Chemotherapy compl Palliative care >** Brachytrherapy >** Chap 21: Skin Lesions; © Malignant epidermal tesions >* © Malignant Melanotic Lesion >** © Ganglion, Bursa, hemangioma >* Chap 22: Cysts, Sinus, Fistula, Wounds: Dermold Cyst >* Sinus, fistula >** Classification of Wound >* Types of Wound Healing >*** Wound exicison and Wound Debriderment >*** Factors inhibiting wound healing >*** Scars >*** Diabetic ulcer >* General treatment of Non healing wounds >** eC General Surgery chap wise Guideline(page 5) Chap 23: Surgical Infections: © Definitions of SIRS, sepsis, severe sepsis, septic shock >* Surgical Site infections complete >*** Prevention of Surgical site Infections >** Tetanus >** Hives Regimen for Prophylactic various Operations >** Abscess, Necrotizing Fascitis, Gas gangrene, Skin infections >** Ingrwoing toe nail, mycetoma >** Dog and Snake Bite > Chap 24: Arterial Disorders: Chronic lower limb ischemia >*** Acute Arterial Occlusion > Classical Features of AL! > ‘Thromboangiitis Obliterans >" Raynaud's phenomenon >** Aneurysms >* Gangrene >*** ‘Amputations >** Chap 25: Venous Disorders: © Varicose Veins >*** © oyres Chap 26: Lymphatic Disorders: Lymphoedema>*** Filariasis >°** Cystic Hygroma >** Causes of Cervical Lymphadenopathy >* Tuberculous lymphadenitis » Lymphoma >* Chap 27: minimal Access Surgery: @ Noneed todo. Chap 28: Surgical Anatomy: This whole chap is Important and It will be revised in Systemic Surgery, so revise it while doing any topic of systemic surgery. Diagram of visceral anatomy can also be asked so take a view for these also, IMedicalGlobe! OF Systemic Surgery Guideline(page 1) Orthopedics ‘This unit contains 1 seqs of 5 marks and 6 mcqs according to proff. General principles of orthopedic surgery >* read for concepts and meqs. ‘© Types of fracture >*** ‘+ Salter harris classification of growth plate injuries >** ‘+ Principles of fracture management >*#* ‘+ Complications of fracture >*** Fractures of upper limb . ‘* Supracondylar fracture of humerus >*** ‘+ Radial head, olecranon fracture >** © Colles fracture >** Fractures of Lower limb: ‘+ Femoral shaft fractures >** ‘© Tibial shaft fractures >* ‘+ Fracture of pelvis >** Pediatrics orthopedics: ‘© Developmental dysplasia of Hip >*** + Congenital club foot >* * Achondroplasia >** Bone tumours: Read imp points for megs, ‘+ Tumorname>** ‘+ Osteosarcoma >** © Ewing’s sarcoma >** eS hk "OL Systemic Surgery Guideline(page 2) Bone and joint infections: * Osteomyelitis >*** * Spinal tuberculosis >** ‘© Septic arthritis>** Sports Injuires: = Musele injuries >** # Ankle injury >" Peripheral nerve Injurle © Types of nerve injuries >** © Specific nerve injuries >* Degenerative bone diseases: © Osteoarthritis >** = Carpal tunnel syndrome >* © Compartment syndrome >** (given in "arterial disorders" of 'General Anatomy’) Upper GIT ‘This unit contains 2 seqs of 5 marks and 14 megs according to proff, The esophagus: + Gastroesophageal reflux disease complete >*** * Achalasia >*** * Esophageal perforation >*** + Boethaav’s syndrame>** © Carcinoma esophagus >*** ee ec ee CC0e Stomach and duodenum: Systemic Surgery Guideline(page 3) © Peptic Ulcer Disease Complete with complications >*** © Gastric cancer>" Liver: + Hepatacellular carcinoma >°** © Pyogenic, Amoebic abscess >** . Hyd dase of Wer >*** © Uver trauma >* + Spleen: * Splenectomy >** + Splenic abscess >** Hepatobillary system: + Investigations >* + cholelithiasis >*** * Acute Calculous Cholecystitis >** + Empyema, mucocele of gall bladder >* + Choledocholithiasis >*** * Cholangitis >* Pancreas: # Cystic Mbrosis >** + Acute Pancreatitis >*** © Pseudapancreatic Cyst>** . = Systemic Surgery Guideline(page 4) Chronic Pancreatitis >" Pancreatic adenocarcinoma >** Acute abdomen, Mesentery & Retroperitoneal Space Perttonitis >*** Mesenteric Cyst >" Lower GIT This unit contains 2 seqs of 5 marks and 12 megs according to proff. Small & Large as ee ce CO 5 intestinal tuberculosis >¢** Hirschprung’s Disease >** ‘Typhoid Perforation >* Ulcerative Colitis >*** Crohn’s disease >*** Entercutaneous Fistula >* Short Bowel Syndrome >* Mecket’s diverticulum>** Rectal Prolapse >* Colorectal Carcinoma >*** Neostomy & Colostomy >* {Intestinal Obstruction >*** Sigmold volvulus > ** Intussusceptions >*** Functional Obstruction (Paralytic ileus) >* Systemic Surgery Guideline(page 5) Vermiform Appendix: © Acute Appendicitis complete >*** + Appendectomy complete >*** ‘+ Appendicular Mass >** © Carcinold tumor >* Anal Canal: * Pilonidal Sinus >** = © Anal Fissure>*** + Haemorthoides >" © Fistula in Ano >* Hernlas, Umbilicus & Abdominal Wall: ‘© Definition and composition >* ‘= Giincal Classification >** ‘© Inguinal Hernia >* ‘+ Herniotomy & Hernioraphy brief >** ‘ Strangulated Inguinal Hernia >** ‘+ Femoral Hernia >** ‘= Umbilical Hernia >* ‘© Paraumbilical Hernia >** © Eplgastric Hernia >* ‘© Burst Abdomen >*** * Incistonal Hernia >** ee occ CCC as Systemic Surgery Guideline(page 6) Urology This unit contains 2 segs of S marks and 10 meqs according to proff. Kidney and Ureter: Adult Polycystic Kidney >* Renal Trauma >** Hydronephrosis>** Renal Stones >*** Ureteric Stone >** Wilm's tomour >** Renal cell carcinoma (Grawite's tumor) >*** Urinary Bladder: . Urinary Retention >* Bladder Stones >** Urinary bladder fistula >* Cystitis >* CA Bladder >* Urinary incantinence, neuropathic bladder >* Prostate and Seminal Vesicles: Anatomy >* Benign prostatic hyperplasia >*** Carcinoma Prostate >*** ee ecice CCCCR | SS Systemic Surgery Guldeline(page 7) Urethra and Penis: = a ‘© Injuries to Male Urethra>*** ‘+ Urethral strictures >*** © Urethral stenosis , Phimosis >* ‘© Circumeision>** a Testes and Scrotum: ‘= Cryptochidlism >** + Torsion of Testis >*** '* Varicocele >** © Hydrocele »** ‘© Epldydmo-orchitis >** © BTesticular Tumours >*** Endocrine Surgery This unit contains 1 seqs of § marks according to proff. This will be included in Head and Neck’ according to TOS. Thyroid Gland: + Anatomy of thyrold gland >* ‘+ Thyroglossal duct Cyst and fistula>** + Simple thyroid >** ‘+ Hyperthyroidism >*** «Tumours of thyrold, also benign >*** © Thyrolroldectomy >*** eC COS Systemic Surgery Guideline(page 8) Parathyroid Gland: » Hyperparathyroidism >** Adrenal Gland: * Conn Syndrome >* = Phaeochromocytoma >* Thorax and cardiac surgery yrding to proff. 1seq and 4 megs from Thorax’ and 1 seq This unit contains 2 seqs of S marks ac and 2 megs from cardiac surgery’ ‘This unit also includes “Thoracic Trauma” of ‘general surgery” © Bronchogenic carcinoma >*** + Thoracie aortic aneurysm >** «Aortic dissection >** Spontaneous pneumothorax >"* Empyema thoracic >** Chest tube Intubation >** Cervical rib >** Carduac temponade >** *{given In general surgery Dogar book) * Pneumothorax>*** Flall chest >*** + Haemothorax>*** Immediately fe threatening injuries names>** Potentially life threatening injuries >** Trlangle of safety >** ee ocr ClCCC . ~ ‘es : Systemic Surgery Guideline(page 9) ‘Cardiac surgery: © Coronary artery disease >** + Cardiopulmonary Bypass >"*** Valvular heart diseases: * Mitral stenosis >** * Aortic stenosis >* Congenital heart disease: = Read whole chap >* . Ventrcular septal defect >*** 7 Breast: This chap contains 4 seqs of S marks and 4 megs according to proff. ‘This whole chap is vimp so must read complete, «Investigation of breast disease >** + Nipple Discharge >* + Fibroadenoma>* Breast Abscess >*** «Fat ncerosis >* Gynecomastia >*** = Mastalgla >** + Phyllodes tumour >** * Carcinoma Breast >*** = Breast reconstruction >** eee occ CoC Systemic Surgery Guideline(page 10) Neurosurgery: This unit contains 1 seqs of § marks and 2 megs according to proff. ‘This unit also includes “neurosurgical trauma” of ‘general surgery’, as you have revised many things in general surgery. = Skull injuries >*** ‘+ Glasgow coma scale >** = Brain Injury >"** + Extradural & Subdural Hematoma > + Hydrocephalus >** + Brain death>*** + spinal Cord injury >** Sciatica and Lumbar disc herniation >** Head and neck Neck region will be in ‘Head and neck’ topic containing seqs of 5 marks and 4 mcqs; athers in “Orodental’ according to TOS. Grodental contains 1 segs af § marks and 2 meqs according to proff, + Tracheostomy >***(done in general surgery) Salivary Glands: = Ranula, Plunging Ranula >** + Disorders and tumors of submandibular glands >** = Parotid tumors >** * Pleomorphic Adenoma >*** + Malignant tumor of parotid gland > + Frey’ssyndrome>** Cree CCC — a ad Systemic Surgery Guideline(page 11) ‘Tumars of oral cavity: * Malignant conditions of oral cavity >* * Oral cancer complete >*** * Metastatic cervical lymph node >** Neck swellings: * D/O of neck Lumps >* © Branchial Cyst >** * Tubercular lymphadenitis >**(covered in general surgery) Cleft lip and cleft Palate: * Complete>*** Maxillofacial injuries; © Orbital blow out fracture >** * Mandible fracture >** Neck Trauma: * Read >" Dental surgery: * Ameloblastoma>* Tam PF Gynaecology Chap Wise Imp questions (page 1 « Note: Obstetrics and gynaecology is quite easy as compared to other subjects of final year; but if you take interest then it will be. * Following guideline is according to chap wise and TOS of UHS. Must read “Key learning points” of every chapter. e Keep in mind one thing, no TOS is completely followed in final year; gynae and obs, u cant skip any chap completely instead u need to do some topics from a chapter or even to do complete chapter. * Note: Three stars(***) means very important topics which u must need todo. Two stars(**) means topics which are important and you need to do but if you have very short time (it shouldn't be), u can skip then. © One star(*) means to read such topics as if they come in exams, u can solve them. Chap 1: The Development and Anatomy of the female sexual organs and Pelvis: Development of female sexual organs >** External female genitalia >** The Vagina, uterus >*** The ureter >*** Pelvic Diaphragm >* Blood supply >*** Structural problems of Pelvic Organs >*** . Chap 2: Gynecological history, examination and investigations > read for ur clinical work in wards. * Investigations for mcqs >* eS CeiC CDS Gynaecology Chap Wise Imp questions (page 2) Chap 3: Hormonal control of menstrual cycle and hormonal disorders: © Physiology >for mcgs © Normal puberty >* * Turner syndrome >*** * 46XX DSD >* * Amenorrhea and oligomenorrhea >** © Polycystic ovary syndrome >*** * Premenstrual syndrome >** Chap 4: Disorders of Menstrual bleeding: © Full chap(HMB, Dysmenorrhea) >*** Chap 5: Implantation and early Pregnancy: * Whole chap (Miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy) >*** (Chap 6: Contraception and Abortion: * Combined hormonal contraception;indications, complications, contraindications, pills, missed pills >*** Progestogen only contraceptive methods >** Progestogen releasing intrauterine system >*** Intrauterine contraception complete>*** Barrier contraception >* Female sterilization >"** Vasectomy, Emergency contraception >** Fertility awareness based method >* Methods of abortion >* (Chap 7: Subfertility: * Whole chap is imp >*** * Table 7.1, 7.2, 7.3 2"** * Female and Male investigations, management >*** een eee CCC Gynaecology Chap Wise Imp questions (page 3. Chap 8: The menopause and Post reproductive Health: © Hormonal replacement therapy >** Rest chap > read once Chap 9: Genitourinary Problems: © infective causes of vaginal discharge >** * Candidiasis >*** * Gonorrhea >* © Pelvic inflammatory disease >*** * Genital Herpes >"** © Genital warts and syphilis >** Chap 10: Uragynaecology and Pelvic floor Problems: Stress incontinence >** © Detrusor over activity >*** ® Treatment for incontinence >* (brief) * Prolapse whole >*** Chap 11: Benign conditions of Ovary and Pelvis: © D/D of pelvic mass >* * Ovarian cysts >** * Germ cell tumor >*** * Endometriosis >* ® Chronic pelvic pain >* Chap 12: benign conditions of uterus, cervix and endometrium: * Asherman syndrome >** © Fibroids >*** * Adenomyosis >** eee CCC Gynaecology Chap Wise Imp questions e 4) Chap 13: Benign conditions of vulva and vagina: * Dyspareunia >* * Vulval diseases >* Chap 14: Malignant diseases of ovary: * Ovarian carcinoma; classification and epithelial tumors >*** Chap 15: Malignant diseases of uterus: Endometrial carcinoma >*** Chap 16: Premalignant and malignant disease of lower genital tract: © Premalignant and malignant disease of cervix >*** Malignant disease of vagina >* Chap 17: Gynaecological surgery and therapeutics: Hysteroscopy >*** Hysterectomy (briefly) >*** Dilatation and curettage (from Arshad Chohan) >*** Table 17.3 >** ee ee Laparoscopy >** eC Fr: “aS Obstetrics Guideline e1 Reference book: Ten teachers 20" edition and “Arshad hohan” ‘Arshad Chohan’ book is quite lengthy book, so don't need to do ex cept a few topics which will be mentioned in chap wise guidelin es. Note: Obstetrics and gynaecology is quite easy as compared to ot her subjects of final year; but if you take interest then it will be. Must read “Key learning points” of every chapter. Following guideline is according to chap wise and TOS of UH s. « Keep in mind one thing, no TOS is completely followed in fina I year; gynae and obs, u cant skip any chap completely inste ad u need to do some topics from « chapter or even to do co mplete chapter. Must go to your wards regularly, © Note! Three(***) stars means; very important questions which you m ust need to do. rwo(**) stars means imp questions which u need to do but if u have ve ry short time(it shouldn't be), you can skip then. ‘One(*) star means only to read such topics like if any of such quest ion come in exams, u can solve then. Chap 1: Obstetric history and examination: + Do this chap for ur clinical work in wards and viva, « Definitions and formula of EDD >* Chap 2 ; Antenatal Care: « Do this complete chap briefly. >*** 3; Normal | development an « Only amniotic fluid to do >** Me be} a Cy aE" Obstetrics Guideline page 2 Chap 4; Assessment of fetal well being: « Diagnostic ultrasound brie? >* « Cardictocograph>*** + Biophysical profile >"** « 3D and 4D ultrasound >** Chap 5: Prenatal diagnosis: + Whole chap to do >* « Classification of prenatal diagnostic tests including table>* * « Invasive tests including table >"** « Downs syndrome >*** « Minor problems of pregnancy >"** « Urinary tract infections>** » Venous thromboembolism>*** » Abdominal pain in pregnancy >* « Smoking in pregnaney>* + Oligohydramnios and polyhydromnios >** « Fetal presentation at term >"** « Post term pregnancy and vaginal bleeding in pregnancy >** « Rhesus immunization >** a : Multiple naney: « Whole chap to do. + Classification, complications, antenatal care, delivery >*** « Preterm labour, PPROM definitions, criteria, management, ¢ omplications >*** « Read rest chap >* es Obstetrics Guiadline page 3 ensive Disorders ni + Preeclampsia, eclampsia >*** + Fetal growth restriction >** Chap 10: Medical Complications of Pregnancy: + Renal Disease >** + Diabetes Mellitus (read from Arshad Chehan also) >*** + Heart Disease >*** + Thyroid Disease >” + Anemia; Iron deficiency (from Arshad Chohan) >*** + HELLP syndrome >* = Acute hepatitis >** + Read once for megs, Whole chap is v imp >*** Maternal and fetal Anatomy >** for megs. Physiology of labour >* Normal labour complete >*** Partogram >*** Abnormal labour complete >*** Pain relief in labour >*** Labour in special circumstances >*** Induction of labour >*** Chap 13: Operative Delivery: + Perineal repair >*** + Episiotomy >*** + Operative vaginal delivery >** + Caesarean section >** 7) ntacicaigiobse 030% Mech» W ) ottedicat IM IGlob Obstetrics Guideline page 4 Chap 14; Obstetric Emergencies; Collapsed patient, antepartum hemorrhage >* Placental abruption, placenta Previa >*** Post partum hemorrhage >*** Eclampsia >*** Shoulder Dystocia >** 15: iss Secondary postpartum hemorrhage >* Genital tract infections /puerperal infection >*** Puerperal psychosis >** Psychiatric disorders >* Breast disorders >" Mastitis >*** Perinatal death >* + Noneed to do, iological inP : + This chap you need to do from “Arshad Chohan” book, its not in ‘Ten Teachers’ + Whole chap to do briefly >*** = Changes in CVS, Respiratory, hematology, + Physiological changes in Genital tract >* « Changes in Urinary system >**

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