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Frequency Modulation

Prof. Dr. Ir. Muhamad Asvial, M.Eng

Slide 1

Angle Modulated signal:

Slide 2 Angle Modulation

This leads to

The first equation is fullfilled if

Then the second equation leads to

Hence, it is reasonable to define the instantaneous frequency as

Slide 3 Angle Modulation

Phase of PM-signal

Frequency of FM-signal

Consequently, we obtain

Phase deviation and frequency deviation of FM:

Slide 4 PM and FM
Phase and frequency deviation of PM signal is also defined as

• Spectrum analysis of FM-signals


 Remember AM-signal and try to find the difference.

Let us proceed with the case , which implies
, since for an FM-signal

Slide 5 FM spectrum analysis

By use of and

it follows

By use of Fourier transform leads to

Comparing with an AM-spectrum

Slide 6 FM spectrum analysis

Assume a sinusoidal test signal in order to calculate the FM-

It follows

Observe that

is periodic with period

Slide 7 FM signal
Fourier series expansion yields


Substituting and leads to

Slide 8
FM signal
where is the Bessel function of -th order with property

Slide 9 Bessel functions


2 4 6 8 10

Slide 10 Bessel functions

Slide 11 FM signal
Slide 12 FM spectrum
Slide 13 FM spectrum
Now, we find spectral lines at with amplitudes

• Demodulation of FM

Can we stop
modulation here?

Slide 14 FM demodulation
• In broadcast radios FM is the most popular analog modulation
technique. Do you agree? Discuss.

• Envelope detection is possible in AM as well as FM. Comment.

• Envelope detection shows better performance in FM than AM.

Do you agree, why?

• AM bandwidth is not adjustable as FM band width. Give two


• For better performance, FM adjusts the modulation index instead

of the transmitted power as in case of AM. Do you agree? If yes,
which trade-off could we face?

Slide 15 AM versus FM

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